For Hamidon, I think we will set up an invite only global channel, Then we can use that to get important stuff across, and kick anyone who causes problems.
Just then we need everyone to ignore them on the other chat channels
if its the person who i think your talking about, i curse the people who got him there....
and again, if its the person your talking about who tried to attack hamidon while we were in the holding phase then everyone will know who your talking about
I'm absolutely sure that everyone will know who I'm talking about, so I would urge you to remove the name from your post *edit -thx
I'm not asking everyone to ignore him. Only the ones who argue with him on public channels. I'm sure others are just as bad, so it's a general 'use /ignore and don't spam with arguments' suggestion more than anything else.
I'm absolutely sure that everyone will know who I'm talking about, so I would urge you to remove the name from your post
I'm not asking everyone to ignore him. Only the ones who argue with him on public channels. I'm sure others are just as bad, so it's a general 'use /ignore and don't spam with arguments' suggestion more than anything else.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ypur absoloutely right. Like I said on a thread on the similar theme. "Shame on he/she who lashes out in anger. Greater shame on those who strike back."
I haven't /ignored him, but I do ignore whatever he says. I just hate seeing one side of a conversation.
I haven't /ignored him, but I do ignore whatever he says. I just hate seeing one side of a conversation.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, this is kinda the point really. But last night he proved that he isn't worthy of a chance, not in my book, so I don't want to hear his side of the conversation ever again. Absolutely not the only one to blame, but absolutely the only one who has annoyed me enough to end up on /ignore and I really don't want to use that feature on anyone else
This isn't to say that you should all go out of your way to not be ignored by me of course, it's just that there are new people playing the game and I'd hate for them to think that that's what the community is all about.
i am really starting to get on the other side of this after i have reached my limits. For the same reasons as Empath i have not set ignore but if the support doesnt do something about this soon things are getting hectic. Aggro with loads of obscene language lots of abuse and things that this community never had. So if Rockjaw is reading this please talk to support cause they seem to ignore any kind of petition lately regarding many people that show continuous disregard to the RoC regarding language used.
I couldnt help but not think on this post when I had to read some over the top abuse on arena chat once again. I have come to the end of my tether at times but managed to contain myself and not disable that channel. Tonight I felt I had to. And as I announced I was doing so with appologies to others who were not instigating the childish name calling, I got the abuse aimed at me just as I switched off.
Wasnt like it was late night either but still no excuse. Like Pyra is quite right in saying its not just one person its the retaliations that are just as bad and I saw plenty of that. More of the ego bumping at others expense which is the height of sadness in any situation. But note I used the word instigators. Not neccessarily abusers because there are a fair few people who think its funny to encourage it without direct remarks and sit back "saying it wasnt me."
This whole thing is getting out of hand now and its been the same people each night. So clearly its on ongoing problem from people who dont want to listen and dont think its anything they did wrong. But although it takes a turn for the worse I disagree its never been an issue. Just that its been isolated and not so public.
Just to say there were people who were out and away from this and I hope you know Im not pointing fingers at you.
I agree and the language is getting a lot worse.Its just a game after all
I hate it when games get like this. I love my games and I play them like a sport. I have the odd sarcastic word with people sometimes but I always let them know its a joke. 90% of the time its with regular teaming friends or sg members who know what I'm like anyway, so they know I jest. But I have to admit if this is the 'famous one' I understand frustrations with him, however lets not fan the fires and [censored] back in the game. I want this to stay an enjoyable game.
i agree with 2 points here
1) i hate that even though i have finally used ignore, i have to put up with everyone else telling hm to shut up/argue with him, i think we are beyond the point where asking him to be quiet and not spam isnt going to work, accept the ignore thing, if u want to see both sides of the convo, dont get drawn into it as it just means ppl who are ur friends but want to ignore said persons presence are irritated.
2) support dont ban people, lokk back to the days of crowned killer, he's left now afaik, we got on ok once i made the efort to be nice, but he told me he had hundresds of ppl say they petitioned him for griefing etc, now regardless of whether i got on wit hhim, if some1 petitioned me 100 times for conduct i would expect to be at elast suspended. my mate was suspended twice for far less by the US support, EU really dont seem interested and i hate to say that, maybe ifthey had to speak to some of these ppl in real time they would get it. Bridger and Rockjaw, maybe u could have a look at some of the petitions or how they are dealth with in terms oft he NCSoft standards/board opinions/ur own opinions as experienced gamers etc. tbh seein ppl older than myself get dragged into arguments with 12-18 year old morons is pretty wrong, u wouldnt do it in the street would u, and if those ppl persisted in spitting at u or whatever it is they get up to now, they would be spoken to be police/parents(if they cared), whereas here ppl just leave it to brew and the almighty petition is worthless it seems .
my 2 inf
i agree with 2 points here
1) i hate that even though i have finally used ignore, i have to put up with everyone else telling hm to shut up/argue with him, i think we are beyond the point where asking him to be quiet and not spam isnt going to work, accept the ignore thing, if u want to see both sides of the convo, dont get drawn into it as it just means ppl who are ur friends but want to ignore said persons presence are irritated.
2) support dont ban people, lokk back to the days of crowned killer, he's left now afaik, we got on ok once i made the efort to be nice, but he told me he had hundresds of ppl say they petitioned him for griefing etc, now regardless of whether i got on wit hhim, if some1 petitioned me 100 times for conduct i would expect to be at elast suspended. my mate was suspended twice for far less by the US support, EU really dont seem interested and i hate to say that, maybe ifthey had to speak to some of these ppl in real time they would get it. Bridger and Rockjaw, maybe u could have a look at some of the petitions or how they are dealth with in terms oft he NCSoft standards/board opinions/ur own opinions as experienced gamers etc. tbh seein ppl older than myself get dragged into arguments with 12-18 year old morons is pretty wrong, u wouldnt do it in the street would u, and if those ppl persisted in spitting at u or whatever it is they get up to now, they would be spoken to be police/parents(if they cared), whereas here ppl just leave it to brew and the almighty petition is worthless it seems .
my 2 inf
I have had Arena chat switched off for over 2 months now because of the constant abuse of the channel for general broadcast chats and the regular baiting and swearing sessions. Its not a decision I took lightly given the fact I enjoy the Arena side of things and took part in the S4.
Now we have Global chat I was considering putting Arena chat back on as I want to PvP some more. But I dont want to miss something important to me because of other players trivial chat just because they want to be "seen" or to listen to abuse.
Though one person may be the object of this post the fact that they are baited and/or egged on by other members of the community is unacceptable.
Personally will not put this person on ignore and will treat them with the same courtesy they show me on the day. I had polite tell asking for help on a respec from this individual which I had to decline as I had already arranged to switch alts to team with my SG.
For the most part if there is baiting or swearing going on a public channel I will ask for it to either stop or carry on in private if they must, if it continues I will petition all concerned. We do need some GM support though, all too often I and others have petitioned these incidents and they still carry on.
Whatever they have done in the past we need to remember that its not up to us to decide how others play the game, as long as it doesnt detract from our own enjoyment at the time. Im not suggesting more chances but continuing this is not helping the community. So /ignore if you want but dont start old battles over.
Arena chat has gone to pot nower days, Plight would have to spam "No bad language, this is a public channel"
The thing that really gets me, is that i got a ban from talking for 5 mins for way less that what was said on arena last night (as Alan_P will tell you )
glad i wasn't there for that. Would just like to add one comment though. Be a bigger person and walk away...
Turned off Arena chat after seeing the stuff by "someone" last night.
Oh and people are right support really don't care, reported someone who teams up with people in the hollows and then tp's them in to a big group of lvl 15 trolls, seen them doing it for the past 2-3 days now.
OK.. i think most of the people that play CoH/CoV and have the arena chat on their tab will argee with me when i say that We are getting sick of the way Arena Chat us being use for personal slagging off matches over the last few days. Last night was the worse i have ever seen and it makes me feel sick that people use the aena for this kind of stuff.
Nearly everynight its become a slagging off match with someone that i dont need to say the name of and ppl that hate his guts,(like ive said before.. use /ignore)but most of them dont because they want to use arena to get to him... But last night was the worse.. i dont see why ppl should take [censored] from someone who finds it funny to bring Giant Monsters from Monster Island to the Portal Corps and let it kill people for the fun of it, and to think that makes him feel big.
My Main point is this... yes i know most of us use to to chat to each other.. but can we get the slaggin matches off the arena PLEASE!!
Just to add my annoyance over the way arena chat has gone, I also have turned it off as the language and abuse was spoilng my game and I was sending petitions more than playing. As I do feel nothing is done about them (see the "other" thread) I wanted to save myself some grief.
I wont use ignore as I want to know if anything is turned on myself or my friends, but this has got to stop. I am totally impartial with my petitioning as I report all that are involved, not just one particular person, but enough is enough.
It is really starting to affect my game enjoyment as not being able to participate in PvP arena because of a group of morons is frustrating. I am missing a part of the game I want to develop now and that is not fair.
As I have said before if we just ignore the flaming and baiting that goes on, then no fire will be fueled.
Jackie Sparrow Defiant Goonie!
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
- Green Day
As I have said before if we just ignore the flaming and baiting that goes on, then no fire will be fueled.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmmm i agree with Jackie unfortunately there is a problem. The whole thing has 2 sides one is the same single person delivering the abuse first and then is the other person who recieves the abuse but also delivers it. Every night uppon log on they get it rolling. And its not possible to let all this go by without saying a word seeing a bunch of people like this ruining the fun and the spirit of everyone. I have sent a ton of petitions and unfortunately it seems that saying openly you will peitition is being mocked at. Me personally i cannot hold myself since i am quite vocal in good and bad situations and apologies for the use "noob" last night however the person that i referred deserved it depsite the fact i refrain from using that word.
And this is not baiting what goes on is simply some people taking their complex and their anger on a public channel which is improper.
I feel bad for the sheer volume of petitions I'm logging at the moment. I'm guessing result, or no result, someone has to go through them all... well I hope someone does.
To Mr Petition-Logging dude, I'm really sorry ...
...but... with the situation currently where it is with arena channel abuse, harrassment & offensive language, I don't feel I have a choice but to keep filing them.
Every night, same old characters, same old abuse, and when anyone politely asks them to desist, a whole load of flack comes their way, with a bunch of moronic bandwagoning idiots joining in.
The dumbest thing I've seen on arena, or anywhere ever, was when someone says they pay for use of the channel in the game, so they can say whatever the hell they want... Almost as dumb as being told not everyone has the arena channel open so it's ok to harrass, swear or grief all you want, and if you don't like it, tough, take the channel off...
The absolute idiots that I have no respect for at all are those who spam it all night with griefing, retarded swearing, & harrasment, then cave in & lick boots when well known or respected players ask them to stop & say "Oh... I'm just having a laugh I'm really sorry...", and sure enough back to it before very long at all. Jeez, if people insist on acting like [censored], can they have the backbone to stick by their convictions & don't try some crappy sob story as if it's all some mistake. These people prove nothing more than the fact they are liars, as well as idiots.
Can one of these idiots please go make "Liars and morons" global channel & take it in there. Go swear & lie to your hearts content away from everyone else.
/ignore /ignore /ignore... more space for my ever growing list please .
Sorry about the rantyness of this
Ummm, yeah that was a bit ranty.
Well, I just think we have a pretty good community & it's a shame the minority have enough of a platform to impact it.
Yes Pretty much as I said earlier. shame on those who strike out and greater shame on those who strike back. Im pleased to see that is the general feeling.
Me and Sag spoke last night about this and about certain individuals though as a rule I avoid speaking about people behind their backs its not my way. And as he says there are some egotistical fartknockers who live in a bubble and think they are blameless. Ill see your liars and morons channel and raise you a Liars, Morons and hippocrites.
Our community has been of a high standard because the certain combinatuions were not together enough. Sad to say I have seen in my months here I have seen the capacity and the ingredients for this kind of thing. I saw it coming.
I think we have to accept that the petitons end no where and if they do they are badly prioritised (Lady Ds instance). Petitions without real punishments are a major problem. But if respected people tell others to chill it only for the same to happen agin from the same people then its a lost cause.
As for people sticking by their convictions well Sag your wrong. They do have a very frim conviction to their ego and sucking up to the head honchos boosts this looking bad reverses this. As indeed does appearing or even the possiblity that they are in the wrong. The idea there are not perfect tarnishes this image of themselves. Of course such small mindedness requires knocking others.
TG is right when he says that telling you that a petition is on the way or simply asking for the abuse to cease is subject for amusement. Like last night when I said I was disabling arena as it had gone too far. But again to stand shoulder to shoulder with the cactus dude Im sick of petitioning. Im not a professional complainer and this is annoying me the amount I have sent.
Best advice is take the venom away by taking the attention away. And that includes laughing at comments made by either party.
I must agree- Everyone online flaming him over the chat channel is totally unfair, however annoying he may be- He does not deserve half the server on his back- Please, as has already been said, just /ignore or you cant take it- Not use the global channel and imbaress him and yourself by being stupid and childish.
And also, if they are annoying you- Yes, you know who im talking to-, /ignore them. Then, they are talking to themselves...
I agree - it got to the point the other day when I had to try and divert the chat because he had actually done nothing wrong. Thats not to say that he doesnt stir it (and he uses your name Tainted Greek and the fact you have quite rightly asked for a cessation on baiting him to stir it even more so be aware - one of the reasons for the other nights contretemp).
As Lodestar and others have said - dont respond in a nasty way and ignore him when hes stirring - its pretty obvious when he is. I have been given abuse from him for just trying to help - so what? I value opinions from people I know and trust, i'm not going to listen to someone who clearly still needs to mature. He's young and to be honest probably gets a kick out of seeing the fallout.
Everyone just talk about chocolate biscuits and whatever Tylantia blathers on about on arena and we'll all be ok :P
I'm trying to be as tactful as I can. There's a certain person that, despite everyone being willing to give a chance, seems insitent on winding people up.
I have this person on /ignore as of last night after the Sirens Call fun descended into the usual name calling etc. But obviously not content with that, this person then had to start winding people up on arena chat aswell.
Now /ignore works really well, but I don't want to ignore people who are arguing with him - so this is a plea for people to use your /ignore feature wisely and make the player events (hamidon etc) a much more enjoyable experience for everyone.
I'm not being nasty and I certainly don't want to start a flame war, but previous posts on this forum have suggested that we give him a chance and I'm always willing to do that, but I've just had enough of it and it ALWAYS ruins what would otherwise be a right good laugh.