Anyone for fun?
Why not have a bit of variation rather than all the same builds?
If one of you is useless against a mob you all are.
I can almost gauranteee this wont work.
We have an all-controller SG on Union, and when we take the 50s out, the only problem with AVs is that they don't last very long . Fire/kin is arguably the strongest combo for raw damage, but if you want a troller-only team I would recommend at least 1 Illusion (preferably 2) so the decoys can take the alpha strike and tank a bit.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Already play an all controller team on Defiant with a mix of powersets. PvPed and PvE....killed infernal in around 20 sec before we kill the portal actually...good fun you should try it out.
We have an all-controller SG on Union, and when we take the 50s out, the only problem with AVs is that they don't last very long . Fire/kin is arguably the strongest combo for raw damage, but if you want a troller-only team I would recommend at least 1 Illusion (preferably 2) so the decoys can take the alpha strike and tank a bit.
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fire/kin is easily the best for raw damage hands down kin is also amazing for fighting avs cos of the -regen of transfusion
fire/kin is easily the best for raw damage hands down kin is also amazing for fighting avs cos of the -regen of transfusion
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I fully agree (my fire/kin did his first AV just yesterday ). But in a team of 3 trollers against AVs, I would certainly prefer if at least one were illusion: those decoys are just too handy...
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Why not have a bit of variation rather than all the same builds?
If one of you is useless against a mob you all are.
I can almost gauranteee this wont work.
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No it will work, but a combination of different power sets will work better.
well if u know how to use the fire/rad powerset u dnt need anything to "tank" im actually going to play the idea of a CONTROLler :P anyay, 2 fire/rad 1 fire/kin
bah, i dnt av me signigture on this :P
well if u know how to use the fire/rad powerset u dnt need anything to "tank"
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Against high-level AVs like Infernal, Mother Mayhem or Psi Babbage? OK... don't say we didn't warn you
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
ok heres wht we would do, one person sends in their imps as a sacrafice n we all cast our rad debuff enchors, we then cast cinders, flashfire, blah blah etc lingeing radiation with pets going in.
we then turn on our choking cloud which pulses a heal every 6 seconds n all start pounding AV with olds, he wil hold like a kiteen whilst the imps rip him. viola
Defiants one and only flange
Proud owner of T:A:E
Lui - lvl 50 enrgy/energy blaster
AuroraPB- lvl 50...Pb
Amoeba - lvl 35 granite/fire
Zombie Ruseel - lvl 30 katana/invul
Kamigawa - lvl 25 katana/regen
Salizar - lvl 2 fire/rad (in the making )
well if u know how to use the fire/rad powerset u dnt need anything to "tank"
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Against high-level AVs like Infernal, Mother Mayhem or Psi Babbage? OK... don't say we didn't warn you
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Stacked Radiation Infection, Enervating Field and Lingering Radiation will mean that the AV will not be able to do a thing against them.
Stacked Radiation Infection, Enervating Field and Lingering Radiation will mean that the AV will not be able to do a thing against them.
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I've done AVs with 2 (not 3) rad trollers, and trust me, they still get a few shots at you. Remember, this is I6.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
well i mean with all those debuffs and dude, 3 people with an AoE heal we wil be fine :P
Defiants one and only flange
232 badges
Lui - lvl 50 energy/energy blaster
AuroraPB - lvl 50...PB
Amoeba - lvl 35 Granite/Fire
Zombie Russel - lvl 30 Katana/Invul
Kamigawa - lvl 25 Katana/Super reflexes
Salizar - Fire/Rad ( in the making )
well i mean with all those debuffs and dude, 3 people with an AoE heal we wil be fine :P
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1) you cant perma hold the AV
2)You ll horribly die
3)When you do infernal send me a tell to come watch the portal kill you
well ok infernal might be a bit hard but we can do it. and yes, e wil easy perma hold the AV, really easy.
well ok infernal might be a bit hard but we can do it. and yes, e wil easy perma hold the AV, really easy.
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I doubt any team could hope to perma hold an AV "really easy". In my experience I've never, ever seen an AV put in a hold quickly or without a serious amount of clear minding and/or healing going on, let alone a perma hold. The game just does not play like that. If I'm wrong please tell me, as I would love to put together a team that can hold AV's with the minimum of fuss, especially in the 50+ range where the majority of AV's crop up. At lower levels, with TO's and DO's I can't see how this would be possible.
To mitigate damage you need the debuffs going on left, right and centre, and to keep the team alive you need a fair amount of healing being applied as well, but that will limit the members of a team who can hold. 8 D3's or Rad/Rad's may have a chance, but it certainly won't be easy. Maybe I'm a n00b but I just don't see it.
Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire
As I said before (and I think TG did too), a team of 8 controllers can easily take on any AV, swiftly and without any risk. My point was that 3 Fire/rads (see OP) would have a very hard time with most AVs because even if the mobs are debuffed, you would still need someone to take the alpha strike (or nova later for some) and to "tank" a bit since you are still a squishy. There is no way 3 controllers (any powersets) can perma-hold a high-level AV in I6. We are over-powered, but not that over-powered. Anyone who believes this just hasn't played a troller against one. Yesterday, I tried duoing Malaise (lvl 52) with my ill/rad and a mind/kin. We were relatively safe with the debuffs, but the problem was the lack of damage. A fire/kin would certainly do more damage than either one of us, but I still think that you need 3 trollers or more, and preferably a mix of powersets to be really effective.
Edit: anyway, am thinking this discussion is going nowhere really so if you want to take on AVs with 3 fire/rads, then go ahead and enjoy
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Holding Avs can be easy depending on team composition, but Ive never seen them 'perma-held' to this date. At best, they are held like 50% of the time. Then again, I havent played high enough controllers myself. (if its controller-dominated teams were talking about)
Infernal isnt all that hard to beat, don't have to fight both him and the portal at the same time. Can pull infernal outta the room so the portal will stop spawning.
well ok infernal might be a bit hard but we can do it. and yes, e wil easy perma hold the AV, really easy.
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You will be able to keep an AV held for about half of the time, the rest of the time they have huge mez protection and you won't be able to overcome it.
I doubt any team could hope to perma hold an AV "really easy". In my experience I've never, ever seen an AV put in a hold quickly or without a serious amount of clear minding and/or healing going on
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i Approach with invis on
ii Wait for purple triangles to go down
iii Spam holds
iv Spam debuff and damage before holds break
Note this isn't "perma" holding (you used to need something ridiculous like 3 grav controllers plus pets for that, so maybe 9 now?) - just "perma" "enough" (well, it lasts until they die...)
Managed to duo (or even solo) AVs like this in the past. You need at least a kin and a rad for it to work though (and 3 Fire/Rads would be great for most things but AVs (Infernal especially?) not a chance).
EDIT - Insane? ha. Try 1 lvl 50 Fire/Kin with 20+ imps (I believe the theoretical maximum was 25 but only ever saw that once) out on their own ... that was insane (*SOBS*)
Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world
Without the purple triangles up AVs have a hold resistance of about Mag6 or so. With the purple triangles up, it goes up to about mag20 or so. You won't be able to perma-hold any AVs, Lui.
well ok infernal might be a bit hard but we can do it. and yes, e wil easy perma hold the AV, really easy.
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Dont say things that overcome the game mechanics. You cannot perma hold an AV with 3 controllers. We couldnt pull it with 8
REALLY experienced controllers perma holding AV's simply because is not possible. There is no chance you are gonna do it.
well i have had a team with 2 ice controllers that held an AV for quite a long time, i surely think that 3 controllers with 5 holds and over 9 debuffs wil be able to hold an arch-villain easyly.
Defiants one and only Flange
Proud owner of T:A:E
AuroraPB 232 badges
Lui - lvl 50 blaster
AuroraPB lvl 50 PB
Amoeba lvl 35 granite/fire
Zombie russel - lvl 30 Katana/Invul
Kamigawa - lvl 25 Katana/SR
Salizar lvl pft 2? Fire/Rad (in the making)
well i have had a team with 2 ice controllers that held an AV for quite a long time, i surely think that 3 controllers with 5 holds and over 9 debuffs wil be able to hold an arch-villain easyly.
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Yes, but not perma-holding. There's a difference.
Hold, Yes.
You can hold one solo. But you cant perma hold one due to the crazy mag thing
me, adam, n marcus (aurorapb, dark archer, n funk) r gonna work on the ultimate controller/pvp/AV bashing thing ever lol.
) we should have (hopefully)
by like err june (after GCSE's
3 lvl 50 Fire/Rad controllers. If u ask me this wil be like the best thing on earth. i mean with 6 debuff anchors. lingering radiation stacked 6 times. 3 EM pulses 3 cinders 3 flashfires etc etc it wil be really good for AV bashing. i mean with 6 debuff anchors on an arch villain with 9 imps would be insane, anyone want to join us on this "trip" u need to like play everday though
feel free, if u wanna start a fire/kin or fire/rad it would be awsome!.
Defiants one and only Flange
Proud owner of T:A:E
AuroraPB 232 badges
Lui - lvl 50 blaster
AuroraPB lvl 50 PB
Amoeba lvl 35 granite/fire
Zombie russel - lvl 30 Katana/Invul
Kamigawa - lvl 25 Katana/SR
Salizar lvl pft 2? Fire/Rad (in the making)