Heroes for People (petition & political movement)




Silence filled the park, a stark contrast to the harsh gunfire and energy blasts that had but moments ago indicated another battle of good against evil.

Lightly stepping over the piles of spent ammunition cases, Mercy Knight headed over to the statue that was clearly the target of this attack, like many in Paragon City it was of a hero who sacrificed themselves to save the world in some way but now the name plaque waws obscured by what appeared to be some form of petition.

His curiosity piqued for a moment, Mercy Knight shouldered his rifle as he peeled the petition off to read what the inconsiderate peons of Paragon city had to say this week.

".....Oh my...."
The soft english accent seemed out of place, comming from someone who had only moments before been fighting in a pitched battle, looking around he spied a cowering citizen hiding behind a bench.

"Tell my citizen, do you know about this petition?
Ah, dont bother answering of course you do....Your kind allways do. Well take this to who ever is collecting the forms, as petitions go it gets my approval."

He threw the petition at the citizen before turning to his team who had been standing silently behind him.

"Sitri, Scatter-cat finish of this statue, I have to talk to Dr Quantum.."

As his team hurried off to do his commands, Mercy Knight strode over to the bleeding form of Dr Quantum who was amasingly still trying to crawl away despite his wounds.

"Now now Doc, its me Mercy Knight. You know how this dance ends by now surely? I must admit I was suprised you lasted this long, the vomit usually finishes you capes off.

Never mind, I have plenty more"..

..Then there was screams..



April had spent the better part of the last few days in a cell to "cool off". She hadn't managed to retrieve the scotbot's list and she was fairly certain that by now all the signatures on it - including her own were in some database by now..

Damn it...

She brushed off her slightly filthy white suit and walked out of the police station with as much dignity as she could muster..

She'd have to get the petition back.. something would have to be done to try quell everything.. above all her future must not come to pass..

An older man shoved a clipboard in her face..

"Hail fair maiden! doth you wish to put thy fair name unto this document of justice?"

April smiled ruefully "I already have tincan.. "

The hero smiled a big jolly smile... he looked sickeningly like he'd be a grandfather to many hundreds of children.. "Ah but you hath blessed this fair city with such a wonderful gift!" He bowed low..

April took the oppertunity to elbow him in the back of the head sending him sprawling to the ground and making her right arm go numb. "Yeah right"

Bending over she slipped his clipboard out from under his prone figure..



<Open letter from Vigilante Storm to the people of Paragon City. Typed by Wild Child. Printed in several papers. Not the Enquirer.>

Well, it seems we started something, haven't we? Who'da thought that such a simple thing, worded a bit badly, could have led to the rift beginning to form now? It's enough to make you cry that such things can fall apart over one slip of paper. Silly me, I thought we were past all that. You've proved me wrong. I've lived in Paragon City for all my fifteen years. I've been proud of this city, I've been terrified of this city, I've laughed, cried, bled this city. I've been inspired by it and irritated by it. Now, for the first time, I'm ashamed by it. By the people who see nothing past their own intrests. And by the fact that I understand those interests.

Three years ago, skulls decided to burn us out of the tenement we called home. A hero came by. He did them in, helped put out the fire and left. We never saw him again. HE never saw that, although he had saved the building, there was nothing left of our possessions inside. We had to rebuild and no hero wanted to help us there.

Now, I'm the hero and I know that he was probably called away to deal with some other emergency. Paragon's full of them and, although I try to check back in on all of them, it's impossible.

Paragon should respect those who fall. ALL of them. Hero, heroine, Firefighter, Policeman. ALL equal in their courage and commitment to save innocent lives. Paragon CAN spend the money it budgets for 100ft statues on better things. Here's my suggestion. I didn't put it as well as I could have at the press thing yesterday but...

Memorial garden.

An large area of land in, say, Atlas or Galaxy. The main area should contain LIFE SIZE memorial statues to fallen heroes of ALL kinds. One of the walls should also contain the names of EVERYONE who fell in the Rikti invasion. Hero names & Citizen names together for, as someone said, in death we are all united.

I'm sure I'll hear your responses to this.

After all, if a 15 year old can see we gotta strike a balance, why can't you lot?

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Feuer Frau stopped in front of Talos Island station and asked the newsie for a paper. He smiled, recognising her, scribbled quickly in a notebook, and spread the paper out on the floor a few feet behind him.

She was standing over it, trying to read the headlines before it burnt away, when a young heroine walked up to her.

"Excuse me ma'am?"

Feuer sighed at the interruption, and then swore softly in German as her breath blew the last page away in a drift of ashes.

She straightened up, and looked down.


The young woman smiled nervously as sweat broke out on her forehead. She started talking very quickly.

"Speaking as one hero to another, I know you value the contribution of our non-powered friends, the police officers, doctors and nurses, and contacts, who assist us daily in our fight against injustice. I have a petition here, it's a campaign to recognise those people instead of erecting statues... of.. heroes..."

She slowed down as she reached the end of her rehearsed preamble, suddenly registering the glazed expression on the giant redhead's face. They stood looking at each other for a moment.

"Sprechen sie Deutsch?" asked Feuer Frau.


Morgana Fiolett was walking, for a change, through Galaxy City when she was stopped by a reporter.

"Hey, excuse me, you're a hero ain't you?"

She smiled, and nodded. "Aye, I'm a registered hero. Can I help you?"

The reporter grinned and handed her a piece of paper, "I assume you've heard about the "Heroes for People" campaign? Well, this is an open letter written by Vigilante Storm in response to the whole furore. I'm just looking for responses from some heroes for mah article, could ya oblige?"

Morgana nodded slowly as she read the letter.

"Well, it's interesting. But they've not really thought about this one either, 'ave they? I mean, "life size statues to fallen heroes of ALL kinds", it says here. How many statues? I mean, how many people, super-powered or otherwise, died in the Rikti War? How many people die every day? Every week? We can't have a statue for everybody, that'd be daft. So as soon as somebody gets turned down for a statue, there's going to be another petition, and it'll all go on and on and on. So, we have statues to the best known, the symbols, like Atlas. Thinking about it, he's got the whole world in his statue, so everybody's up there already! Or like the sculpture in Faultline, that's dedicated to everybody who died there. And that's the most recent statue in the city isn't it? Not a giant hero, just a simple sculpture.

"You know what I'd rather see? Something useful. There's enough wasted land in this world already, why don't we just concentrate on making this city, this entire city, a monument to all the brave people who make it work. By making it work. That's the monument, in and of itself."

She was about to go on when a beep from her belt interrupted her. She checked her phone quickly.

"Sorry, got to go. Good luck with the article."

She smiled and waved as she flew away.

((Edited- just added a wee bit))

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



The petition 'Heroes for People' had reached the Ministry of City Security in Founders Falls and the public outcry could no longer be overlooked.

"For too long, the city has idolized its super-powered citizens and ignored the real heroes in the city, those being the regular people who fight without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work" the minister read. He looked questioningly at his advisors.

"Well, its a valid point of view I guess" one said, "however, super-powered or not a hero is a hero, right?"

"The city puts up statue after statue of the super-powered" the minister read on, "sending the message to the kids out there that if you can't be super-powered, you can't be anyone." The minister slammed the document hard onto his desk. "And the public are actually following this garbage? What kind of twisted individual wrote this?"

"Err" uttered another advisor, flicking through a file in his hands. "She is a registered heroine, sir. Relatively new to the title. Records here suggest she's a reluctant volunteer to the job sir, she came about her abilities unintentionally. Its fair to conclude that she isn't particularly proud of her 'superpowers' and naturally, the superpowered"

Another advisor spoke, "thats a good enough motive to shame the superpowered in this way. The irony of the matter sir, is that she is romanticaly involved with Eric Mitchell, of all people"

The minister read on, "it is time the city recognized the true heroes of Paragon. Those who don't have super-powers to rely on and still make a difference. Those who keep the city running without the glory, status, or influence given to the cape-wearing few." The minister sighed.

"Thats not true, every hero is rewarded somewhat. Be it glorified with medals, rewarded with titles and status, like yourself sir, or even honoured with statues"

"This young heroine is clearly badly imformed. I understand where she's coming from, honestly, I do... but she's got it all wrong. Kids who turn to gangs are kids who simply will. There are many more children who idolized heroes in sports, music and pop culture as well as crime-fighters and registered heroes" another advisor explained.

The minister threw down the petition, rose from his chair and faced his window. It was a beautiful afternoon in early spring, yet trouble stired among the citizens of Founders Falls. The minister was annoyed, but remained composed. "Read the rest to me, lets find out what she proposes"

"We the undersigned are petitioning the Paragon City Council" an advisor read. "To erect no more statues of super-heroes, but instead donate those funds to putti-ong more clinics for the homeless in the streets of Kings Row and Skyway. To offer scholarships to bright kids in the run-down areas such as the Hollows, giving them an alternative to 'dyne, gangs, and crime."

"Fund the homeless? Scholarships for bright kids? Thats already being done" said the minister. "And to stop erecting statues? She's asking that the City Council do more to identify heroes amongst the people, not erecting statues in their honour is the opposite of what she's asking!"

"Judging from her wording, she may be under the impression that only or mainly, heroes with supernatural abilities are honoured with statues" said one advisor. The others laughed. "Like I said, this woman is poorly informed. However her message of passion seems to have caused some discomfort amongst veteran heroes"

"And with reason" said the minister. "Something must be done. Call a meeting with the Militia for tomorrow night and have Ellen put me through to the City Hall. And do me a favour and find this Suzi White, bring her here"

"Yes sir"

"Sign this petition to show your support for the real heroes of Paragon City - its people" the minister read. "Supporting the people of this city is my job, reconsider this statement Ms White and perhaps we can come some conclusion" he said to himself. "The state of the public is unstable, thanks to you, one way or another, something has to come of this, but as long as heroes risk thier lives, from soldiers to doctors of the Rikti War to memorable politicians... statues will rise."



Joanne sat further up in her hospital bed with a copy of the petition, peering over her rose tinted glasses at the text even though that only made it look worse to her.

"two questions spring to mind.."

Her brother's shining blue eyes looks down at her "shoot.."

"one.. is that miserable old sod, eddie munt involved with this?"

Gary Stevens, younger brother and prime example of hard working heroic non-super non-hero looked blank

"I'll take that as a no then.." Jo turned the paper round to re-read the new compromise petition that had been printed on the back.

"Secondly.. is one a revision of the other? are they two differnt petitions..?"

Gary gave a shrug "i think that second one's a seperate one in responce to some of the trouble with the tabloids and things" He tapped the top of the sheet "but neither of them have much good press, something about non-supers not being asked to sign.. i heard somewhere that one of the guys asking for people to sign got beaten up by civilians for toting around secret documents for heroes only" He shrugs again "some people eh?"

Jo bit her lip and scanned the page again..

"Life sized statues eh? a bit impractical.. i like the wall though - maybe just save time and scrawl all those name on the warwalls we have. I suppose I'll sign it, i'll never have a statue of me round here so i got nothing to lose really.."

Compromise petition signed - Joanne Stevens aka Pinkiinatrix.



Dr Edward Johnson, better known among the hero coummunity as 'that nutjob Dr Mechano' was heading home from a hard days villainy, spitting on the shoes of heroes and ranting at them as and when he could though none of them clearly impressed and some downright insulting, one day he would have his paypack, make them all his slaves though he needed to work out the logistics of it all first.

He was occumpanied by his latest creation, Gizelda, named after his first robot which was destroyed in his first foray into evil by a hero while he was attempting to rob a bank (how was he suppose to know a full costumed hero was going to be in there paying a cheque). His two other robots had been dispatched home ahead of him to prepare a meal for when he arrived.

Something blew across his path, a worn and tattered looking piece of paper, landing in the watery mud the proliferated Darwins Landing, "Gizelda..be a dear and pick that up for me would you, my back isn't what it use to be"

The robot of course complied but not without complaint, "ech..means i'm gonna rust you know,"

he smiled, "don't worry i'll get you cleaned up when we get home," and gently patted her on the head as he took it from her, "thank you dear."

Seeing it was an article in the newspaper about the petition and the responses from most heroes.

"Ha foolish heroes, they spend their time bickering amongst themselves and they call me mad...soon i see paragon city shall be in chaos and will fall just like the garden shed and like the Rakes of Doom and the Mower of Heroism, i shall teach the citzens that evil is the one true way. With these heroes too busy focusing on each other over this...petition...then they will never notice a small cadre of villains sneaking into the city."

For all his madness, the Doctor was a times more lucid and thoughtful.

"I'm pretty sure that the regular police officers will be on duty though," spoke up his faithful robot companion, who actually seemed to the smarter of the pair.

"Hmm..yes..what we need is a distraction...a big one to draw their attention away, perhaps blowing something up should do it...put first to further my goals i must sign this petition then Paragon shall be mine"

He raised his fists to the sky letting forth with his best evil laugh.

"that one was quite good Edward"

"Thank you my dear, i have been practicing...but it does hurt my throat, i shall keep the laugh for special occasions, such as Christmas and Birthdays."

He flipped up the communicator on his wrist, "Gigaflux, Gizmatron...stick dinner in the microwave...we have some evil to do."

"Ahem...you forgetting something Edward?"

"oh and bring a towel would you, need to cleans some dirt off of Gizelda."

"So let me get this straight Edward...your signing the petition because it will cause chaos and thus further you goals?"

"Exactly...but first we needed to find a hero of low security clearance to steal the petition off of...i'd rather not have to fight right now..."

There was a familiar dull thud of the crates as his two other robots unfolded themselves.

"Ah good gentlemen...quicker than normal...now..to claim the petition! Dr Mechano...AWAY" activating his jetpack and flying off into the sky.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



(( [ QUOTE ]
"Sprechen sie Deutsch?" asked Feuer Frau.

[/ QUOTE ]

I nearly choked to death laughing. Thank you. That was a good one to start the morning with. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Funeral Pyre glances at the petition and walks away shaking his head.

Corvus Corone smiles broadly as he signs and wishes best of luck to the petition.

Jorn Odurson is nowhere to be found.

Shadowplay looks at the petition reading it carefully, speaks through his rebreather.
"Good luck with this, but I doubt it will change anything."
He walks away after scribbling his hero name.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



Signed: Love Angel ((followed by a drawing of a little heart))



Missy was desperately trying to finish her essay, trying to ignore the growing roar of the crowd not more than twenty feet away.

Her agent Randy Newbar knocked as he entered the small room. “Are you decent?”

“Always, Randy,” she replied, wondering how she was going to write another 3,000 words before the 4pm deadline.

“You’re not wearing that, are you?” he asked, waving a disparaging hand at her black and gold Night Watch costume.

“I kinda thought I would, Randy,” she said. “The Teeners rated it quite highly on my website.”

“Fish in a barrel, babe,” said Randy. “There are firefighters here; I’m talking a whole new demographic. Did you know that 30 percent of the people that bought your last calendar were males aged 18 to 30? So, maybe where the little skirty number. Or the shorts and thigh-highs.”

Missy slammed her notepad onto the table. “I’m getting sick of this Randy. I shouldn’t be worried about who is buying my latest calendar or DVD. Between that and my duties with Night Watch, I have hardly any time to study. I got a D on my last test, and I’ve been a straight C student since the First Grade.”

“I’ll have a word with them, Miss. No prof’s going to flunk Miss Teen.”

“But I don’t want to succeed because of who I am,” signed Missy. “I want to show that I’m not just a near-indestructible, cute, blonde airhead.”

“But you don’t need to. Our projections for the next 12 months would make Donald Trump envious. Just keep on saving the city, getting in the papers and on TV…”

Missy glared at him. “That’s not what Miss Teen stands for. Image rights and endorsements is not what being a hero is about.”

“You’ve been like this since you read that damn petition,” said Randy. “Just remember, image rights and endorsements paid for your mom’s apartment in Founders Falls, bought you that cute little pink VW Bug you love so much, and set you up so you don’t have to work a day in your life. “ Randy nodded to the man who’s head briefly popped into the room. “Anyway, time to jet. You’re adoring public awaits.”

Missy stuffed her work into her backpack and got to her feet. “What is this anyway.”

Randy unfolded the piece of paper in his hand and read. “The Paragon Fire Department want to present you with a medal for helping save those orphans from that bus last week.”

“But that hunky firefighter with the Magnum PI moustache was the one that climbed down to get them, I just held on to the bus to stop it falling off the bridge.”

“Yeah, well that’s is job, isn’t it?”

Among the crowd was the usual contingent of Teeners, dressed head to toe in official white, pink and yellow apparel. But as Missy walked to the stage, four people caught the attention. Three of them were young men, one dressed as a firefighter, another as a ER doctor and the third as a motorcycle cop. They officially weren’t the real deal, looking more like the Village People: The Next Generation. It was impossible to tell the age and gender of the fourth person as they were wearing a fluffy pink rabbit outfit.

Her attention was diverted as she was greeted by a burly man with steel grey hair who, due to his uniform, she assumed to be some sort of fire chief.

“Glad you could make it, Miss Teen. My grandchildren will be green with envy when I tell them I met the Pocket Powerhouse herself.”

“Gee, that’s great,” replied Missy. “Listen, if it’s all the same to you, Mr Fire Chief Guy…


“If it’s all the same to you, Bob, I’d like to give this medal you want to give me to that firefighter over there. I mean, I just did the donkey work, he’s the real hero.”

“Impossible. Look, when the city is about to budget this Fall I have to show them what we have achieved. Media coverage of how we worked hand in hand with Miss Teen could mean vital dollars. Could mean that your friend over their gets a new BA rig instead of making do with the old one.”

“Could I at least make a speech about how kids should look up to firefighters as heroes?”

“Yeah, you do that, I like it.”

Missy put on her trademarked I’m bored but have to make an effort for appearances smile as Bob made a speech. But then she heard an unfamiliar sound. Was that booing. Yep. The three young guys in fancy dress and their bunny buddy were booing. And holding up placards that read: “Dial 911 for a Real Hero”.

Missy stepped forward to the microphone.

“Hey, guys, I hear what you’re saying. If you just let me make my little speech here I think you’ll agree…

“We don’t agree with anything that comes out of the mouth of a media [censored],” said the due in the doctor scrubs.

A rustle of whispers swept through the Teeners. “He called Miss Teen a [censored].”

In about two and a half seconds the Teeners had become an angry mob intent on silencing those who dared disparage their idol.

“Oh no,” said Missy. “This doesn’t look good, they’re going to tear them limb from limb.”

“But most of them are only teenage girls,” said Bob.

“Exactly,” said Missy.

The mob swarmed around the four protesters, who were screaming for help as they realised their predicament.

Missy began to move.

“Stop,” cried Randy. “You can’t pwn your own fans, not even I can put a positive spin on that.”

“I’m not going to hurt anyone,” said Missy as she flew over the crowd.

She reached to the gold Night Watch badge on her chest, yanked it off and through it into the throng.

“Miss Teen’s Night Watch badge,” shouted one of her older male fans. “I want it.”

As several of the crowd scrambled for the badge, Missy ushered the protesters out of the hall and lead them up onto the roof.

"So , how does it feel being saved by a media [censored]?” said Missy to the fancy dress firefighter.

“Will this be in you’re TV show then?”

“My TV show was cancelled; the company‘s insurance bill was too high. Who are you guys anyway?”

“We’re Paragon University Students Supporting Inner-city Emergency Staff.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” said Missy. “But why is Flopsy over here dressed as a bunny wabbit?”

“The hire shop only had three emergency services costumes, and if he’d come in his normal clothes we’d just have looked stupid.”

“Well, you dodged that bullet, fellas,” said Missy. “Now if you don’t mind I need this rooftop for some serious brooding and soul-searching. “

“Y’know, it’d be cool if you flew us down, Miss Teen.” said the pink rabbit.

“And how cool would it be if I showed you how my laser beam eyes work?” asked Missy, losing her patience.

She waited for them to stumble down the fire escape before calling Randy on her cell.

“Hey, hot stuff, you need to get back here. Channel Six want to run you on the news tonight. They’d also like to interview you about this Heroes for People malarkey.”

“No thanks, Randy,” I’m going clubbing tonight.

“No, please don’t do a Lindsey Lohan on me, babe.”

“I’m not going to do anything dumb, I just need to have a chat with this gal White Vampyr. And, until you hear from me, consider me retired from showbiz.”

“Hey, don’t be…”

She hung up. Stepped off the building. Felt the chill air rushing by her as she plummeted, before opening her eyes and taking flight.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Signed - Lorrie Lonshon, A.K.A Longshot Lorrie



(( I love Max's (posted by Zortel) reply just had to say that!! ))



In the early twilight of skyway city a scout stands outside hide park, looking for people to sign the petition.
He spots a large man, over eight feet tall, smilling as he speaks in an english accent on his phone, and approaches him.

"yeah, beutiful, just grabbing something then i'll be home....love you too...alright...bye, sweatheart"

the boyscout tugs the material of the giant's combat trousers "ex...excuse me mister? ive...got this petition.."

the giant puts his phone away, and kneels down smiling "lets have a look see then..."
the giant reads over the petition quickly, chuckling at some of the names on the list. he takes the pen, attatched by string to the petition's clipboard, prints "Big Lunk" then signs "B, Campbel"
He hands back the petition as he speaks

"I remember back during the Rularuu dimension slip. a dozen of us where holed up in founders fall's hospital, holding the line after the initial hit caught us off gaurd. Some of the bravest fighters there where just beat cops who got caught up in it all"

the scout takes the petition and smiles "thanks, sir"

the giant straightens up, and walks off down the street, before he stops, and effortlessly flings a parked car into the front of a nearby jewelers...



JoveTech Corporation (Rogue Isles) HQ

"Mr. Ramguard, sir, your reports are ready for the meeting."

A large-framed man wearing a white suit, top hat and puffing on a cigar smiles crookedly at his secretary.

"Thanks Juna. This should make for interesting reading."

The report outlines all the latest goings on in Kings Row, Paragon City: Clockwork activity is low due to an influx of new heroes; The 'Thorns are also making themselves scarce - that will need to be looked into; In fact, a general decrease in crime - Kings must be on the up again.

Mr. Ramguard picks up his 'other' cellphone from his desk and makes a call to a stockbroker friend, who owes him a favour:

"I'd like to arrange a meeting with our mutual acquaintance at City Hall - it's time I invested in the future of Kings Row. Tell him to get the bulldozers ready."

Ramguard laughs, a sickly gurgle sounding in the back of his throat.


Titan Vanguard HQ

A television monitor shows a local news report about the recent petition rewrite - a faceless official is seen talking to a reporter about their hopes for a bright future and the excitement of the children at an Atlas Park school who are going to dress up as their favourite super heroes and canvass signatures.

"I thought it was just them boy scouts, or whatever, doing the beggin'?" a pointy-eared man sat glued to the screen whilst his companion for the day, a blue-skinned woman, lounged reading a magazine.

"I'm sure it'll all blow over, Prom. These things tend to."

"I wonder if I qualify to sign this petition?"

"Are you registered then?"

"Technically, yes - after I was cautioned by the police for arresting a bunch of thugs without a licence. 'Course I didn't tell them that I'd clobbered them with no intention of arresting them but... well, seemed like a good gig."

The blue-skinned woman sighs, "Well, if you think it'll make a difference..."

"I dunno why I even asked you, you're not even an Earthling!"

"So you'll do it then?"

"Yeah, why not? Might make a few young ones sit up and take notice. Yes, I will do it, I'm gonna sign the petition... after this programme's finished."