Heroes for People (petition & political movement)




((Since you ask, I'll suggest that perhaps because that's how you have played her? She (Grav) actively patronises the young hero in the post above, practically patting him on the head like a troublesome puppy, and saying "there there, poor silly boy, I'm so much smarter than you"

That is what Powerstone reacted to, having overheard only the last parts of her little lecture, and seen the crushed look she put on the face of the young and idealistic hero, rather than positive encouragement. She agrandised herself, happily making the young hero feel lesser and stupid to make herself feel all glorious and self-important.

Powerstone probably has all of the same qualifications of heroism as Grav, (perhaps more, perhaps not) but unlike her, he believes a hero's duty is to inspire and support people.

Powerstone absolutely hated her attitude. That's simply how he would react to the scene you described. He's rather old-school about 'noblesse oblige' - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noblesse_oblige

Suzi meanwhile responded to Grav more generically, having heard the complaints and accusations of dozens of people that day. She too noted a complete lack of ability to make constructive criticism or be encouraging to the least degree (only a very few, such as Crimson Archer, were offering anything but attacks upon her and her motives). Suzi is an idealist, and is having trouble believing that most supers can't see that 'super' and 'hero' are not synonyms.

Her petition and cause is about the fact that some can only see heroism if it comes in a super-powered package. Grav became a prime case of just that symptom, seeming to think that 'super' and 'hero' are synonyms. (See post above and chat logs if you have them).

Of course, several accused Suzi of being a 'glory w*ore', and probably believe it. Character interpretations are part of the fun of playing a role after all.

Whether truly heroic supers should be smarter than to leap to prejudiced conclusions is a whole different player discussion, and for each player to decide for their own character(s). That help explain the roles? ))




Winter snatched the pad and got out her pen. "Sure, girlfriend. Enough of useless heroes with useless statues around. A few I know are good, the rest can go behind a dumpster to be indecent with goats for all I care."

Signed: Winter Heart (|)



Jessica Kade, the third person to bear the hero name Zortel, smiled brightly as she was stopped in the street, a bag of shopping in one hand. "Oh, you would like me to sign your autograph?" she asked the young man holding a pad out towards her.

"Oh, no Miss Kade, it's a petition." He replied.

"Please, call me Jess! And oooh, what are you petitioning for?" she asked with a curious look.

"Well, it's a petition saying that there would be a better way to homage heroes than statues, and that we should also make sure we praise the other heroes, the ones without super-powers."

"Oh! Like Nevermore? And The Moral? And Velvet Vengence?"

"Oh, no, I mean like... policemen, and nurses, and doctors-"

"And vets! Because they keep our pets healthy and good!" Jess said brightly, nodding eagerly.

"Umm, yeah... vets too." The young hero said with a bit of an odd look at the exuberently excitable and eccentric twenty something woman in front of him.

"Well, in that case, I will gladly sign!" Jess smiled, taking a pen and putting her signature on the paper, before blinking. "Ooooh! There is a new flower store! I will go and get some for Kiyarii, because she likes flowers with their prettyness and colorfulness and the nice smell and there are sometimes bees in flowers which are bad if they buzz out and sting you because that would be like 'Ow!' but the bees use the nectar to make honey and transfer pollen to other plants to make more flowers which are cute and nice and lovely and generally good all round!"

The young hero, slightly wide-eyed at her breathless explaination of the aesthetic points of flowers, backed off a little. "Yeah, you do that... uhh... have a nice day, Jess."



((All OOC

[All OOC as noted]I have to admit that I've put almost no creative energy in there.

[/ QUOTE ]
Then there's really no point in discussing it with you. I'll save my replying efforts for the ones interested in the storyline opportunities.

For anyone interested enough to put in any creative effort, then according to the TIMELINE from the actual game, The Citizen's Crime Fighting Act was passed by a pro-hero city council and mayor back in 1937. Just 5 years of exposure to heroes, (since according to the same official timeline, superpowers had not been seen since the time of the ancient greeks until Statesman showed up 5 years previously).

From the official COH Timeline:

The city council and mayoral elections of 1936 swept a platform of pro-hero candidates that resulted in the passage of the Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937.

[/ QUOTE ]





VX-R stared at the young signature-collecting hero. (This is quite a disconcerting feeling when you consider that the Scotbot has no eyes or any other facial features...)

"Say whit?" asked the small white robot.

"It's a petition, for heroes to sign."

"Ye want signatures o' heroes?"

"Yes, to show their sup..."

"Ah kin dae that..." interrupted the 'bot. VX-R's chest plate opened, a ream of paper was thrust out into the young hero's hands. "Ivvry signature o' ivvry hero oan the city's books, taken direct frae the registration depairtment, perfect fascimilies. Yir autograiph collection'll be the envy o' a' the collectors. Ye sellin them oan thon eBay? Share and Enjoy!"

The young hero looked rather confused. "But..."

VX-R glared at him. "Noo if ye'll jist git ootae mah way, Ah hiv tae go provide fuid tae people that cannae affoard nane. Barf."



April raises an eyebrow and walks up to the latest scotbot..

"every hero eh? They won't like that too much.." She pauses "Wait a minute... did you put my signature on there too?!"

April goes running after the young hero with the list..



((I signed earlier but wanted to embelish))

Missy Winters looked out on to the sidewalk. Although she had spent the last three hours signing copies of the new official

Miss Teen DVD and book, several dozen people were crowded around the store entrance. Their cell phones pointed at her, various pieces of merchandise and body parts thrust out for her to sign.

“So much for retirement,” she thought to herself, aiming a scowl at her agent, Randy Newbar, who was to busy talking into his cell to notice.

She put on her best Miss Teen fake smile, trying not to think of the unfinished university coursework in her backpack, and started to sign.

“Hey, Flyboy,” she called out; realising that she’d just signed what looked like an official document in the hands of a young hero. “What is that? I hope you realise that nothing I sign is legally binding unless it’s countersigned by my mom or my agent.” She shuddered at the thought of the three-month legal wrangling it took to get her out of that three-picture deal with Mink Movies.

“Uh…it’s a petition to, like, recognise the real heroes of Paragon City.”

“Let me see,” said Missy, taking the petition. “Oh man, that’s a lot of words; does this thing have study notes at all?”

She read the petition, stopping to sign a few more autographs and pose for pictures.

“Ok,” she told the young hero. “I’m not to sure about the no more statues thing, that would be kind of neat, but I’m all for education and recognising the hard work of the police and medical services.” She handed the petition back to the hero. “But it’s a once only deal - my spokesgirl diary is closed.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



In a conversation with High Burn (a radiant girl whom he really wants as a girlfriend) GoodGuy is being informed of the movement. It's a good idea.
Every hero have to admit that they would be chasing street rabble if it wasn't for the "normal" guys tipping them of.
And about that "we have to save them all the time" routine. We only have to save them from other supers!

Normal people are the real heroes, daring to live in this crazy city!

GoodGuy signs the petition with a flourish!



Mr Torch examined the document one of his agents had delivered. A petition. How... mundane. If you are super-powered and you want to change things, you just go out and change them. No need to ask the ants for permission.

Its not like the snot-nosed masses wouldn't do the same if they only had the same opportunities. Heck, it was the refusal of the masses to accept their inferior abilities, and pay decent respect to those with greater power that had caused the massive rise in villains anyway. Damn morons had brought it on themselves.

Torch recalled with perfect clarity what the text books had said on the subject:
Many of the super villains that arose during the late forties and early fifties were actually veteran heroes who had fallen on hard times. While lauded across the land as heroes, for some the pride of patriotism was not reward enough. They had come to see themselves not as protectors of the common man, but as superior beings. And as superior beings these greedy souls felt the world owed them more than anyone else. ((source: official Timeline))

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite right too. The whole basis of capitalism is to reap reward according to the results produced. The super-powered were capable of far greater labour, better ideas, superior invention, and indeed, of being all that supported the weak mewling masses of Paragon, or anywhere else for that matter.

"I'll respect the pitiful masses when the people of Paragon can stand on their own two feet without sinking into the mud", Mr Torch muttered to himself, "There are too many fools who blame us so-called 'villains' for their own failure to make Paragon the silly idealistic utopia they think they deserve. Like it is our duty to help them to the detriment of ourselves? What a load of trash!"

I've spent the majority of my life, using my powers for the good of myself and society, employing hundreds of lackeys, paying my taxes (minus the deductions and dodges) and all manner of things. All they've done in return is try to label me as some kind of enemy of the people, just because they envy and despise my superior powers.

Mr. Torch despised these hypocritical do-gooder types, lashing themselves to some strange martydom 'for the people' and looking down on those smarter and wiser than to do anything so self-destructive.

Mr. Torch incinerated the paper in his hands with a thought. Thankfully there were few of the selfless martyrs in any community, super-powered or otherwise. Most shared his rational and enlightened self-interest. Some would even practically quote his own thoughts.

Mr. Torch did not sign the petition.




Then there's really no point in discussing it with you. I'll save my replying efforts for the ones interested in the storyline opportunities.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, thank you for that cursory dismissal. And with that, I shall be happy to treat your roleplay opportunities as they deserve to be treated.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




Well, thank you for that cursory dismissal.

[/ QUOTE ]
You're most welcome.))




((OOC: I can see a Marvel Civil War type thing happening here. Fun fun fun! ))

An eager you hero tapped rapidly at the wooden door. It was mid-day, but the apartment door in Founder's Fall creaked slowly open to reveal a tired looking Volt Master.

"Mister Master! I was wondering if--" The eager young hero was cut short by the door slamming shut in his face. From behind the barrier, he heard muffled words of the knackered hero.

"Bite me."



((Funny you should say that Junior... because I am channeling this post from our very own _Max_ himself! *Channel channel channel*))

Max's Response.

A quiet canal-side café in Founder's Falls. Maximillian is on his lunch-break, after spending the morning taking down a Council base, still working for his employers The Masquerade Department. He sipped on the cup of coffee in his hand, before setting it down on the metal table to his side, before reaching into his inside jacket pocket, and producing a packet of cigarettes. Taking one out, he placed it between his lips, and reached around for a lighter.

“Here you go” a man's voice said, as a lit match was held in front of Max, who used it to light his cigarette, before eyeing the man suspiciously. “You want something,so get it over and done with.” The man fanned out the match, and threw it into the canal, yelping in surprise as he found his face being forced to the table surface. “Don't litter, it's bad for you.” The man felt the grip on his shoulder loosen, and stood up straight, sorting out his collar and tie.

“Umm...I was wondering if you'd sign this sir? It's for..for...the ..er..real heroes.” Max snatched the petition from the man's shaking hand, and began to read it, taking long drags of his cigarette as he did so. After what seemed like a small eternity, Max placed the petition on the table. “You ever read any comics?” The man looked at Max nervously. “N-No...sir. Why do you...ask?” Max took another drag, and replied;

“One of the big companies just had a large-scale civil war, didn't turn out so good for some people. Sure, these circumstances are different, but if you [censored] off the wrong people, start making it seem like you don't appreciate the work these spandexed do-gooders do, then you're going to have yourself a rather bad situation. Maybe it'll just be a city-wide strike on part of the 'heroes', maybe you'll have 'heroes' forgetting to save you when you're mugged, because they saw you doing this petition. Maybe you'll say they can't do that, and so will the powers-that-be, and maybe they'll decide to try and stop the heroes, try making their work compulsory. Maybe the people who risk their lives for you every day will be rather unhappy and rebel slightly, maybe we'll have our very own mini civil war on our hands, all because you're an ungrateful sod.”

The man stood there silently, biting on his lip.

“And maybe that won't happen. Question is, you want to take the chance?”

“Are..are you a hero...sir?”

“Hell no. I'm one of the people who has no powers, and goes out to help people like you every day. I'm a guy who has my wits and a couple of guns to keep me alive, and I'm paid by the government to do so. I'm a guy who knows what it's like for the costumed ones, having to deal with far worse than your average doughnut-guzzling cop. They're bigger targets for the 'bad guys', the bigger guns are used on them, and yet you say the cops have got it bad. You think every hero out there can take a bullet and not die? Think again, and get out of my sight. You obviously haven't thought this through at all.”

The man noticed the smell of smoke, and saw the petition going up in flames as Max let his cigarette rest on it, before throwing the remains into the canal. “That may have been littering, but you're spouting worse rubbish from your mouth. Now scram, my coffee's going cold.”



Ves leaned casually against the front door of his Talos beach house, a happy smile on his face as he watched little Tommy playing in the sand with a few shells he’d found earlier during their walk along the tide line. This was why he’d retired, to be a father to his son, instead of just some guy who came home when he could.

“Umm… Excuse me sir, I’m sorry to bother you but I thought I recognised you from a picture in a magazine recently. You’re Veskit right?”

Ves turned to find a young, fresh faced boy, no more than 18 years old, looking nervously up at him. Turning his attention back to the young child on the beach he gave a half-hearted shrug “Depends, who wants to know?”

“Oh I’m sorry sir, forgot my manners for a second there. I’m David Price, trainee hero of sorts. I’m not fully registered yet; don’t even have a working name yet. However, I was hoping you’d take a look at this petition, and hopefully add your name to the list of supporters?”

With another shrug Ves takes the forms from the boy and begins to read carefully, glancing up to check on Tommy from time to time. “You do realise what this is saying right? And that if I add my name to the list I’d need my head slamming off a wall for gross stupidity.”

David seemed rather shocked by the response “Whatever do you mean sir? It’s just trying to get the poor folks that work hard for the good of the city a little recognition. Is that such a bad thing?”

“The concept is all well and good, but when it’s carried across with all this anti-hero propaganda [censored] it does more harm than good. Look at this bit here The city puts up statue after statue of the super-powered, sending the message to the kids out there that if you can't be super-powered, you can't be anyone. So the kids turn to 'dyne or gangs If that’s not trying to blame every hero and heroine in this city for the failings of the city’s pathetic parents then I’m a clockwork soldier.”

Ves points to Tommy as he fixes David with a cold glare “You see that little one there on the sand? Well he’s my boy, and he’ll never go near any gang, or touch any of the messed up drugs on the streets. And do you know why? It’s because if he does, he knows his mom and dad will punish him for it, because that’s our job.”

Turning his attention back to the papers in his hand Ves points out another section “And this bit here The non-super-powered police who's vigilance and stake-outs lead heroes to foil bank raids. The skilled but not super-powered medics who save hundreds of heroes around the clock at the emergency mediport wards in hospitals around the city. The tireless lawyers who actually prosecute cases against criminals You do realise that those people get paid to do what they do, they get medical insurance, health plans, days off, and once they retire they get pensions. You know what the heroes get? We get to spend our days being shot at, stabbed, hit, kicked, and beaten round the head with a wide variety of blunt implements. And when they retire they get nothing. No reward for all the work they’ve done keeping the streets clear of the scum the cops are too afraid to deal with, no pension to fall back on to provide for their families. And what of the ones that fall trying to defend the ungrateful clowns who live in the nice safe city? You think the city does anything for their families?”

Angrily Ves snorts then spits onto the petition “That’s about the best you’ll get from me kid. I lost faith in the people of this city when they turned on me and my friends because one lunatic kicked off a rumour we were terrorists. You really think I’m gonna support them in any way? As far as I’m concerned this city owes the heroes that protect it more than it can ever hope to repay. A little respect would be a good start, but with filth like this floating about, it seems even that is too much for some. Now get the hell out of my face, I’m trying to spend time with my boy, and I really don’t want him to see me beating some sense into anyone before he’s had his lunch”



((OOC I just wanted to say, Veskit, that's one of the best RP portrayals of an embittered anti-hero so far.

I loved the bit where he says:
If that’s not trying to blame every hero and heroine in this city for the failings of the city’s pathetic parents then I’m a clockwork soldier

[/ QUOTE ]
As if he's never heard of the term orphan, and never seen kids without good parental influences. It is a perfect rendition of those weird people in society who have no concept of 'rebellious kids' and blame everything in society on bad parents.

His portrayal as a brutal thug, who's answer to everything is violence is great too, especially in the hints at child battering and his threats on an 18yr old kid who'd respected him but annoyed him unintentionally.
because if he does, he knows his mom and dad will punish him for it, because that’s our job

[/ QUOTE ]
Now get the hell out of my face, I’m trying to spend time with my boy, and I really don’t want him to see me beating some sense into anyone before he’s had his lunch

[/ QUOTE ]

And although you are not the first to portray his anti-hero as un-knowing of how society really works, and obviously envious of others, the wording of those parts was really cool in showing it:
those people get paid to do what they do, they get medical insurance, health plans, days off, and once they retire they get pensions.

[/ QUOTE ]
Its good the way you've shown the character, as a brutal scrapper, to have never heard of legal aid, and know that it is provided unpaid by lawyers. That the very term, pro-bono, meaning for the good, is what lawyers use for all the many cases so many do for free that we all know the term. That he thinks surgeons put down their tools at the end of their shift, leaving the 14 hour emergency surgery unfinished, and has never heard of the hours of unpaid overtime that all medical staff give on a regular weekly basis (in addition to the 7 years spent getting their qualifications in a country where education is not given free)
when they retire they get nothing. No reward for all the work they’ve done keeping the streets clear of the scum the cops are too afraid to deal with

[/ QUOTE ]
Even though right at that very moment, even as a 'hero' who just upped and retired, feeling no responsibility to anyone to continue, and not having to provide any reasons or notice to anyone to just quit, even now, he's the subject of magazine articles, and is apparrently idolised by young trainee heroes, and treated as some hero to this day.

You really capped it off perfectly with the line:
As far as I’m concerned this city owes the heroes that protect it more than it can ever hope to repay

[/ QUOTE ]
Which is an almost direct reworking of the official Timeline's reasons for how super-villainy first began.
Many of the super villains that arose during the late forties and early fifties were actually veteran heroes who had fallen on hard times. While lauded across the land as heroes, for some the pride of patriotism was not reward enough. They had come to see themselves not as protectors of the common man, but as superior beings. And as superior beings these greedy souls felt the world owed them more than anyone else.

[/ QUOTE ]
Bolding added for emphasis of the key phrases.

Really nice piece of work. A real anti-hero. Bravo))




(( Thanks, wasn't quite the angle I was hoping for when I started typing it up but it all seemed to fit.


His portrayal as a brutal thug, who's answer to everything is violence is great too, especially in the hints at child battering and his threats on an 18yr old kid who'd respected him but annoyed him unintentionally.

[/ QUOTE ]

In no way, shape or form did Ves suggest that his son would get beaten for straying from the straight and narrow. There are MANY ways to punish someone without resorting to physically beating them. and this counts even more when the person concerned is a mere child.

As for the threats to the 18 year old petition carrier, he didn't make any. the statement he made simply says he might have to beat some sense into someone. Ves has developed the ability to seem threatening without actually making direct threats during his time in Paragon. This was just another example of that ability being put to use. If questioned (and he WOULD offer to take a telepathic scan to confirm anything he says) he would simpley say he was refering to the local Tsoo gangs, and that he didn't want his son out when they arrived in the area (yeah he's also kinda sneaky like that)

And just before I go, I'd like to point out that I'm pretty much agreed with Raven, the wording on the OP does make this come across as Anti-Hero propaganda, which is exactly how Ves saw it, hence his reaction to the overly enthusiastic petition carrier being somewhat less than cheerful. Now if it was a petition to have statues of these 'regular heroes' erected alongside those of super-powered ones, he'd sign in an instant ))



((Just so's you know, Britanic and my toon, Vigilante Storm, are planning a compromise petition. See the IC story thread for more details as they work things out.))

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



(( You know, this whole thing was looking interesting until peoples characters started getting maligned and OOC disagreements began. Ammon, this may be your plot, but you seem to be doing a good job of annoying some people that, IC wise at least, don't agree with the petition. Perhaps it'd wise for you to not make OOC comments on peoples posts and just allow it to develop naturally? Once you go OOC on plot like this, that plot is invariably ruined. ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( [ QUOTE ]
Once you go OOC on plot like this, that plot is invariably ruined.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be my fault then, I asked whether the wording of the petition was designed to promote the IC disagreements it has caused, or if it was simply poor wording. I'm not sure I've ever had an answer, but I think Ammon has essentially suggested that people are reading into it what they want to.

I think the paragraph Veskit quoted is probably the clearest bit of anti-hero propaganda in there, and having heard the kind of thing White Vampyr comes out with when defending the petition, it's clear that she has issues with heroes, even though she theoretically is one.

I actually have no problem with that, it's a nice expression of someone who is very, very bitter over gaining powers - who sees the powered as being the source of all the trouble in the world, because powers are the source of all her problems.

I'm just a bit worried, however, that you seem to be OOC trying to suggest that the petition was carefully written to avoid anti-hero comments.

Oh, and you can expect something a bit more creative later, when I'm awake enough to think myself into Velvet's character. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Sara stood silently for a moment, lips pursed, reading the petition that had been handed to her by one earnest young hero. Finally, after a short time, she handed the petition back to the young man, a genuinely sympathetic smile on her face.

"As it stands, I'm sorry, I can't put my name to it. The idea, in principle, is fine, and I'd be the first to suggest people I think are more deserving of credit than they're given." Sara changed her tone slightly, an edge of resignation creeping into her voice. "The main problem is the way this is written. You've seen the tabloids, I take it. The Inquirer is a trash-rag at the best of times, but they're having a field day with this whole business. The whole thing does read like a manifesto for anti-hero action, and painting us as glory-seekers is hardly helpful with fixing any imbalance." She gestured to the petition again. "The whole thing about statues is really a straw man argument. Did you know that I don't think there's a single statue in this city of a living hero? Think about it for a moment, they only put up statues of the dead. None of us ask for our media attention, few of us want it, and still fewer actively court it. If we werent here, I'd imagine the people would be fixating more on film stars, musicians, great people from other walks of life in much the same way. Cults of Celebrity work because the people in them want to believe in something, someone, regardless of who or what that might actually be. As to us, well, for the most part, what we'd like to be doing is getting on with what we do, with the same level of respect and thanks that anyone doing what we do should get. We don't ask to be put on pedestals, and any suggestion that we do is, frankly, insulting."

The young man looked and listened, as this veteran hero held forth on the subject. "I've lost people I care about, doing this. I've seen horrible things done to people I consider my closest family, people I love without condition or question. I've seen people die, people I couldn't save, even with my skills. One of my sisters has been through horrors you can't imagine. Another is simply gone. I've seen good friends walk away from this, because they couldn't take all the bad things that come with doing what we do, any longer. Once we take on this task, normal goes out of the window. It's a nasty, dangerous business, and frankly, I find the implication that people happily do this for glory and gold insulting."

Sara stopped, and took a couple of deep breaths. It could only be imagination that it looked like she was on the verge of tears. Strong heroes simply didn't do that. Did they? She suddenly smiled, and compared to her mood previously, she seemed almost sunny.

"Sorry about that, you caught me ranting, I don't do that very often." She got more serious, then. "Honestly, though. If you go and get this rewritten, to remove the, honestly, hateful rhetoric and blame apportionment, I'll be the first to put my name to it. As it stands, I'd be a hypocrite if I did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to move on, it's going to be a busy day."

Sara moved off, leaving the young hero to reread the petition he'd been espousing, from another perspective. Another point of view.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



[u]Open letter to all Heroes:[u]

It’s starting to get ugly. Heroes for People were meant to be a simple reminder of Paragons fixation on the super-powered so called “heroes”. But instead it’s tearing the hero-community apart!
Only the villains will gain something from this situation.

But come to think about it… half of the “heroes” of this city is nothing more than super-thugs!
Dressed like monsters with bat wings, billowing black smoke, spiked leather and grinning skulls. Fighting with swords and high-powered guns. Even raiding each other’s bases for mere trinkets!
Thugs and gangers the lot of them! Villains in disguise!

No wonder the “normal” people of the city is starting to resent them!

To be a hero is to be a role model. A good example.
Show the world that what really matters isn’t what you can do, but how you do it!

Being a hero isn’t about your powers! It’s about your heart!

Do you want to be a hero?
Then act like one!

// GoodGuy




Well, thank you for that cursory dismissal.

[/ QUOTE ]
You're most welcome.))

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, enough of this, please. Both of you, please try to avoid being so snippy with each other. It's not helpful or constructive.

Ammon, Raven may not have put a great deal of creative energy into the RP side of things, but that doesn't necessarily make his concerns about the wording of the original post any less valid. The use of language is extremely important in nearly all roleplaying, and in text-based RP like this, it becomes critical.

I think perhaps the concerns expressed might be clarified by rephrasing the sentence in question to remove the colon, like this:

"For too long, the city has idolized its super-powered citizens and ignored the real heroes in the city, those being the regular people who fight without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work."

Does that make the concerns (and their validity) any clearer?



{Huntington Manor, 14 March 2007, 10.15am}

A loud knocking at the door dragged Samantha Huntington out of her comfortable chair. Tucking her bookmark into the novel she was reading, she padded, bare-foot, down the hall to the front door. Not having Wintergreen around was becoming a pain this morning. So much for a quiet day off work.

As she approached the door it swung open, revealing a fresh-faced young man in blue and red spandex, looking mildly self-conscious as he gawped at the grounds to the manor. She nearly chuckled when she spotted soap behind his ears, but schooled her features into more friendly and open lines.

"Hi, there. Can I help you?" She wrapped her dressing gown around herself once more, displaying a generous amount of leg, which the young man blushed at seeing, and hastily averted his eyes.

"Umm, hello. My name is Arnold Cash. I'm training to be a hero!" His enthusiasm was clear, but damn, the kid was green. "I'm hoping to speak to, umm, Luminescence, please. I understand she can be found here."

Sam nodded. "Well, you've found her. She's me. Samantha Huntington, aka Luminescence at your service. What can I do you for?"

The joke slid straight past him, so nervous was he becoming.

"Umm, good morning, Ma'am. I'd like to ask..." Her raised hand forestalled any further words from him.

"Firstly, it's 'Miss', not 'Ma'am'. Secondly, it's damn freezing out here, so come on inside, Arnold. Would you like something to drink?"

Her invitation flustered him even more, and he mumbled agreement, asking for a root beer. She did chuckle at that, and led him to the kitchen. As she walked, she surreptitiously twisted the dial on her watch, and her clothes shifted into tight leather trousers and a soft suede jacket in the same rich brown. She heard a slight gulp from the boy behind her. Probably because she was technically naked for a tiny fraction of a second during the process. Well, he'd be seeing naked girls soon enough. If he was lucky.

She strolled to the refridgerator, pulled out a bottle of root beer, grabbed a glass and poured it for him, then put the kettle on to make herself a pot of tea.

"So, Arnold, what did you want to ask me?" She leaned against the central work counter, and gestured for him to take a seat, which he did, back ram-rod straight, clipboard clutched tightly, glass in hand. She tried not to snicker as she watched the liquid jittering as his hand shook.

"Umm, well, I don't know if you're aware of this petition that is being presented to the city council regarding recognition for the hard-working non-super-powered heroes of the city?" She nodded. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to sign it?"

She looked at him. For a long ten seconds.

"Well, Arnold, I'd love to sign it." He smiled and started to pass the clipboard to her, but she held up her hand again. "I'm not going to, though." He sighed, and lifted her eyes to the ceiling.

"If it was just what it purports to be, then you'd have my signature on it already. But it isn't. Now, I'm not the worlds greatest brainbox, but I can see that this petition is tantamount to the superhero community admitting that they don't help the city. Well, sorry, but I happen to think that we do. My brother and I donate huge quantities of cash into the sorts of projects that are mentioned here. Huge. More than you'll see in your lifetime. Unless you end up on the take, but I doubt that, because you seem like a nice boy."

She smiled at him, and he grinned nervously back at her. As she poured the boiling water into the teapot, she accidentally knocked a spoon off the counter, and bent over to pick it up. She heard Arnold clear his throat.

"Anyway, my point is that the petition makes the claim that super-powered beings are responsible for youthful delinquency. I happen to think that's poppycock. The tabloid press have already had a field-day with this thing, and I'm not about to give them more fuel by adding my name to it. It would be like saying 'the only reason I give to charity is because I feel guilty, not because it's a good cause'. Like the building work we did in Overbrook, or the youth club in The Gish. Affordable housing in Skyway City. I don't think I caused the need for any of those, so I've nothing to feel guilty about. I did those things because they were a good idea. So, no, the super-powered people in this city aren't to blame. So I'm not going to sign something that says they are."

A faint glow could be seen about her as she spoke, and Arnold swallowed loudly as her eyes flared.

"Oh, maybe it doesn't say it in so many words, and maybe there's a good point in trying to persuade the city council to funnel more funds into those projects that are mentioned. But it goes about it the wrong way. Sorry, Arnold. Luminescence isn't going to help you shed light on this one."

Arnold nodded, slowly, and started to rise from his chair, but Sam gave him her brightest smile.

"Hey, at least finish your drink! Just because I'm not going to sign doesn't mean I have anything against you. Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to be a hero? What can you do? Have you graduated from High School? Do you have a girlfriend? What are you going..."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



((OOC Post.

"For too long, the city has idolized its super-powered citizens and ignored the real heroes in the city, those being the regular people who fight without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work."

Does that make the concerns (and their validity) any clearer?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, B.

Speaking for myself (as it's all I can do ), that would help a great deal.

However, as an RPer who has responded to the original as written twice now, I would like to add my two inf.

No one is attempting to malign the sentiment behind the petition (if I'm wrong, please tell me). However, as can clearly be seen, there is a vast gulf in the interpretation of the petition's intent. I do not know if this was intentional on Ammon's part (I hope it was, to be honest). A simple petition that every hero just signed and forgot about wouldn't be half as interesting as what has happened. We have two camps of heroes: Those who think it's great, and those who have seen it as an attempt to put the blame for the city's ills on the super-powered. This is a fantastic RP opportunity.

We've seen the free press take the ball and run with it, interpreting it to suit their own chosen bias, we've seen characters arguing about it. This is brilliant. What I am sorry to see is any OOC discussion about it.

It's happened. Let's RP the consequences. Let's not worry about what Ammon meant when he created the idea, let's just play our characters and see what happens.))

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Open letter to all Heroes:

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, could I just ask if this is in or out of character?

If it's in character and it gets widely viewed, it's going to make things a lot worse.

If it's out of character, then it's really not appropriate.

I'm currently assuming it's IC.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.