Heroes for People (petition & political movement)




No one is attempting to malign the sentiment behind the petition

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, this is where it gets complicated, and I think part of the problem is that IC and OOC are getting really mixed up.

IC, my character War Crow does actually believe that the general populace of Paragon City aren't very deserving of such recognition. They are mostly sheep, and if they aren't sheep, they are corrupt. IC, Lilith Pendragon is looking to work out how Lord Recluse has got his claws into White Vampyr because she thinks it is a possibility and bears examination. She sees the petition as being carefully written to produce the effect it has.

OOC, I'm thinking almost like Lilith, but Ammon isn't answering me about whether this IC split was what he (?, sorry, unsure of the correct pronoun) intended or whether he really believes that there's nothing anti-hero in the petition.

As the first person to respond negatively to the petition (and what I meant by not putting in much creative effort was that it really didn't take more than a few seconds to write that; I don't call that effort) I feel a bit responsible for a sudden split developing in the community which is heading for an OOC split at this rate.

Since I'm not even roleplaying much currently, that bothers me.

Edit PS. Nice piece of writing, btw.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Thanks, Birdy.

What I meant was that I don't think anyone is maligning the in-character reason for the creation of the petition in the first place. I think that the original character (name? Can't be bothered to look it up right now) was intending this to be a good piece of PR for super-heroes, working with the non-supers to make a better Paragon. I think that, OOC, pretty much everyone thinks that was the idea. That it has obviously failed in implementation is what makes it juicy.

It's the IC responses that are the interesting bit, and that's what I'm hoping to return the focus to, rather than any OOC sniping.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



((Don't feel responsible for any perceived split mate, I would have posted as I did no matter what.))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I think that the original character (name? Can't be bothered to look it up right now) was intending this to be a good piece of PR for super-heroes, working with the non-supers to make a better Paragon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Eeek! Actually, my analysis would go with White Vampyr (that's the name) feeling enormously frustrated with having powers and not wanting them and sublimating that into a desire for the powered heroes of Paragon to have their recognition factor reduced. However, I wouldn't say that was her concious reason for starting the petition. Her massively OTT reaction to those she meets who don't like the petition is a major factor in my reaching this conclusion.

And, FFM, guilt is one of those things which does not bow before the dictates of logic.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



((for the record, as long as we stay away from the OOC split, and sniping and things, the whole business is enormous amounts of fun. Playing with the public perception of heroes is interesting))

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( Back to some ICness! ))

Ellie paused in her walk through Talos to read a flyer pasted to one of the disused bus stops. Frowning, she read the title "Open Letter to All Heroes".

After a moment, she reached out and tore the flyer from it's place, swearing under her breath, "Great... Wait till the tabloids see THIS garbage..."

Muttering under her breath, she took off into the skies, heading for City Hall in Atlas Park; this was starting to get out of hand.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well, trying not to drag this off-topic any more (should we create an OOC response thread for discussion of this?), that may be the character's unconcscious reason for creating the petition, but I can't conceive of anyone stating that as their reason for doing this. (If she has, then she gets no sympathy from either of my toons for any fallout.)

Having not dealt with White Vampyr in some time, neither Richard nor Samantha are likely to have their views changed as things stand.

But my point is that your interpretation of the character's motives may not have much, if any, bearing on the reactions of your toons. It doesn't matter why WV did this. She did, and we're hashing out the consequences, and that's what's important, I feel.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Shame we can't ask Bridger to split the IC and OOC responses somehow. I think I've said all I see worth saying until my brain becomes capable of thinking IC, or Ammon responds to my questions in this thread or another. Back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



{The Basement, Huntington Manor, 14 March 2007, 1.30pm}

Richard Huntington raced up the tunnel into his comfortable 'secret hideout', glad to be out of the lab for a while, though dreading that evening's board meeting. As usual. Cousin Liz would be somewhere upstairs right now, enjoying his hospitality, and he had the afternoon to himself, if he was careful. Maybe he'd be able to spend some time chasing down that group of Freakshow that raided Huntington Technologies last week.

"Good afternoon, Master Richard Meanie-Pants! I hope you had a pleasant morning. There is some post that was directed to Mistress Samantha, but it was addressed to 'All Heroes', so I thought you might like to see it."

Richard nodded. "Go for it."

A holographic representation of the letter appeared in front of him. He read it. Then read it again.

"A thug am I? A villain? What the hell does this guy think he's doing? This is going to send people up in flames."

He stalked around the room, muttering to himself. After about five minutes, he stopped.

"Helena? Call the papers and television channels. It's time Shadowe gave a press conference. Let's see what we can do about damage control."

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Overbrook Dam in Faultline..

Em-pulse was on partol in the area, keeping the construction site safe. He had repel most of the Lost and Arachnos plans for sabatoge for the day, and started helping the contrusction team move materials.

Floating in the air above them, he used his electromagnetic powers to shift the large amounts of steel girders close to the construction site.

"Thanks Em-pulse," one of the construction works said. "No problem Larry, its my job" he laughed. He hated being so close to water, it weaken him just on contact, or worse release his evil alter ego, but it was worth the risk if he could help speed up construct on the Dam and help the people of Overbrook get on with there lives.

Suddenly from his left he heard a cry for help. "HEY, ANYBODY, THE LOST THEY TOOK LARRY!" the man screamed. "Not again," Em-pulse muttered as he flew off in the direction of the voice. Just around the construction site, the group of Lost held the Larry, making sure his mouth was covered. They didn't seemed to be interested in the construction worker at all. No they had other plans. As Em-pulse flew towards their direction, one of the Lost took out an axe and stood by a fire hydrant. "Wait for it! Wait for it!", said the leader. "NOW!" he shouted as Em-pulse came into view. With that the Lost hit the fire hydrant with the blunt side of the axe, knocking off it lid. The water came gushing towards the electric hero. Before it landed on him, draining him of his powers, the water began to freeze. The Lost, horrified to see their plan fail, drop Larry and ran.

To the side of Em-pulse, a heroine stood beside him, maybe a few years older."Thanks fellow hero!" he said in his best comicbook voice,"Just in the knick of time!"

"No problem..umm.. fellow hero," she said,"Glad I could help!" "Well thanks anyways I better get back to the dam.." he said awkardly. "UMM wait, I have this petition here, I was wondering if you would sign it?" Em-pulse took the form and read it. "Sure its about time people like my buddy Crimson Archer got some credit!" The heroine looked puzzled. "Crimson Archer? No this petiton is for normal people, you know the people that risk there lives everyday for the city,without powers.." before she could finish, he interupted,"Yeah! Like my buddy Crimson Archer! He doesn't have any powers! He just gots a bow and arrow! He risks his life everyday, just to help people, even thought he could get shot, or injured. Hey atleast the police got guns and get paid right!" he joked. "Umm I think you misunderstood. This is for the people of paragon city that go unreckonised, the ones that go out on a limb everyday to help the city despite the lack of "super-powers" like us! The true role models of the city."

Em-pulse looked at her puzzled, "Yeah like My buddy Crimson Archer! Or my brother Twilight Shinobi, he doesn't even have a bow and arrow, he just knows karate or something. He goes out there everyday risking his life, he's regular person, who fights without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work. They don't have abilities to rely on and still make a difference. To me those are the types of role models I want my kids to see, they teach ya that you don't need super powers to be a hero, just like the doctors, teachers and police force.", he said quoting the petition. "I don't see much credit for guys like him, or any stautes for that matter. Can you name one hero without powers other than Manitcore, or Back Alley?"He paused, waiting for answer that never came, "Yep niether can I. Teachers, Doctors and the Police get paid to do what they do,Doctors quite a bit, and if you go out by the doughnut shop they don't alway risk their necks," he joked." Crimson ,and all the other regular joes, they goes out there, runnning around doing things we do with powers, just for the love of the human spirit and to better the city. If anything ,I think guys like that deserve more credit thatn us! I think they deserve to be reckonised too, especially if we are given out credit to those without powers." he said, posing in true comic book style. "I'll sign it, but only if you guys included the 'Regular heroes' like Crimson Archer, and my bro in that definition."

"Like I said its for the regular people of paragon.." Em-pulse sighed. "Well sorry then can't do that, can't reckonise only half the people, while the others get ignored.." he said as he flew off.



Anastasia Kade sat in the back of a yellow can heading for her apartment in Founders' Falls. Out the window, Skyway's grey architecture was in no way improved by the overcast weather. Anna had been out of the city for a couple of weeks, on a shoot in Thailand, and the drop in temperature between there and north eastern America had the model dressed in significantly more clothing than she would otherwise have worn. Her phone rang.

Caller ID said the call was from Talos Island High School. She flipped the phone open, recalling that Velvet Vengence was due to open a new sports wing or something tomorrow. "Hello, Velvet speaking."

The nasal voice on the other end of the phone belonged to the headmistress. "Mrs Kade? This is Marylee Hope, from Talos High? I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"No, of course not. Is this about the opening tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so." 'Afraid?' Anna remained quiet as the woman hurried on. "Someone, a hero I believe, started somekind of petition to have the heroism of the ordinary man recognised by the city..."

"That sounds very noble," Velvet interjected.

There was a small pause from the headmistress. "Um, yes, unfortunately the wording of this petition has resulted in a degree of... friction. I'm afraid that several of the parents here have requested that we get someone else to do the opening tomorrow. Someone... um, normal."

"You did explain that I'm not actually superpowered or anything, right?"

"I tried to, but it seems that they think anyone in a costume is, hang on, let me read this one to you: 'these costumed freaks are nothing but gloryhounds taking taxpayers money for their own sel-gratification and corrupting our youth.' I'm sorry, but I've had to back down."

Anna considered this for a second before speaking. "Thanks for being honest with me Mrs Hope, and I'm really sorry that I won't be able to attend tomorrow. Be assured that this won't affect any of those donations coming to the school, it really isn't your fault."

Anna closed the connection as the cab turned toward the Founders' tunnel. This would need looking into. Who did she know that had been in the city over the past week or two...

(( Some slightly more creative effort for you. Be warned, I may have to unleash the power of Anna's Pathos! ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Striker flew across Atlas Park, not looking for villains, or muggings, or anything of that nature. Rather, he was on a direct course for the city hall. And it wasn't long before he found it. The huge statue of Atlas was hard to miss..

Powering down his boosters, Striker landed and pushed open the door, striding inside. There were a couple of low security clearance heroes hanging around the supergroup registrar, but the person who'se attention he wanted stood in the middle of the room. Squaring his shoulders, the armoured hero walked purposfully up to the city representative.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I've got something I would like you to look at, and for the city to consider" He opened one of his belt ampules and withdrew an altered version of the Heroes for People! petition. "Now, I'm sure you've heard all about this little petition, but if you could, I'd like you to read over this copy. I'm working with a couple of the organisers, and I think it's far more neutral in it's information."

The city rep sighed once and scanned over the document. It read:

"The city of paragon pays fine homage to it's super-powered heroes and heroines, and this is greatly appreciated. However, we, the super-powered of Paragon feel that the unpowered public servants who make our work possable deserve something to call their own.

The fine officers of the PPD, who'se tireless work and information allows us heroes to bring the empowered vaillains to justice. The medical staff of the city's hospitals who, without the aid of power nor artefact, ensure that we heroes are always fit and ready to defend the innocent of the city. The firefighters who, with nothing but grit, determination, and water, prevent our fair city from being engulfed in an inferno.

It is to these people that we, the heroes of Paragon City, wish to honour. Not just because they help us in our efforts to keep everyone safe, but also because it proves that you don't need to be empowered to make a difference."

Below it was a single signature, that of Striker himself.

"I know it's short, but I tried to keep it to the point. Did my best to capture the meaning of the original. Anyway, please consider it. I'm sure the original heroine who came up with the thaught would appreciate it." With that, Striker turned and storde back out the doors.

The City Rep watched him go. Looking down at the 're-draght', she read it through once more, sighed, and filed it away in her folder

((OOC: Open ending there - didn't want to seem like I was god-modding or anything 8P))




Lance felt an inner turmoil boiling as he read the letter published in the Paragon Times. It wouldn't help, it would just make things worse and worse. He'd already had things thrown at him five times now by people in the street, shouting abuse at heroes. Such a post denouncing heroes would only add coal to the fire.

Sighing, he turned over to look at the sleeping woman next to him, brushing some of the hair back from her face. This place was his sanctuary, the bedroom. The only room he could safely take his suit off and not risk the chance of catching alight. He read through the article a few more times, then over the slightly crumpled petition form he had.

If he was smarter, more lingustic, more eloquent, he might have been able to word a reply to this, something to try and calm things down. But he couldn't. Lance spoke from his heart, and it tended to beat fast enough that he'd muddle and confuse words, or say the wrong thing or something that can be taken the wrong way. Heroing was the only thing he was good at, and even that was under threat now.

With a sigh, he folded the paper up and put it on the bedside cabinet, before drawing the covers back up over his chest and spooning up to Lyn, eyes closed as he rested his face against her hair.

Storm Sapphire

Officer Preston sighed as another person came up to her on the street. Again she waved the person off, saying the same thing she had said already. She wasn't a hero. She was an officer of the law, it wasn't her place to get involved in such matters.

The matter was a little more clouded for her. She was both a PPD officer and a Peacebringer, being a member of the Awakened Division. To all extents and purposes she saw herself the same as the beat cops and desk jockeys she worked with, but would the public.

Ameterasu, her Kheldian, had mostly been avoiding the debate. Emily probably should too, and just concentrate on her work. The last thing she needed was another worry at the back of her mind.



Originally posted by Bridger

Ammon, Raven may not have put a great deal of creative energy into the RP side of things, but that doesn't necessarily make his concerns about the wording of the original post any less valid. The use of language is extremely important in nearly all roleplaying, and in text-based RP like this, it becomes critical.

I think perhaps the concerns expressed might be clarified by rephrasing the sentence in question to remove the colon, like this:

"For too long, the city has idolized its super-powered citizens and ignored the real heroes in the city, those being the regular people who fight without the benefit of any super-powers, relying solely on human spirit and heart, to make the city work."

Does that make the concerns (and their validity) any clearer?

[/ QUOTE ]
Point taken Bridger.

However, the nature of the misunderstandings of words, especially in writing, where facial or body-language clues are absent is an active part of this storyline.

If a player can't tell what the intention of the wording of a piece of writing is, then surely their character can only do so if they have superior empathic powers, and can apply them. The roleplay is in how the character's deal with it.

Are they the kind to just respond as is, or have their experiences as a hero in Paragon tought them to investigate rather than leap to an immediate decision on appearances? If the character thinks the petition is badly worded, do they attack it, or offer their support to make it better?

There are situations in text-based roleplay where clarifications are not appropriate.

The character White Vampyr produced a petition worded as it is. Other characters need to react to that as is, and decide what their heroic (or anti-heroic) character reaction will be, and what their response tells us about their own character.




Bastinado had been crouching for three hours on the fire escape. Hidden by shadow, drenched by rain, chilled by the wind, he waited. That’s what he did best.

Finally, one of the Outcasts he had been observing broke from the pack. Ambled behind a dumpster to answer a call of nature.

Suddenly, Bastinado’s rigid frame sprang into life. He fell from the night onto the unsuspecting mutant thug. But this goon was fast, he rolled away from Bastinado, grinning as his hand glowed orange and then erupted into flame. Bastinado kicked him hard beneath the ribs; feeling the reassuring sensation of muscle and flesh turn to bloody pulp before the thug collapsed to the ground.

“Frostfire. Where?” he said in a growl forged by years of silence.

The thug couldn’t answer quick enough, only his pain and shortness of breath caused him to pause between words.

Bastinado grabbed the Outcast’s wrist, lighting a cigarette from his still glowing hand.

As he lent back on the dumpster, noticing a pile of sodden flyers on the top of the trash.

“Heroes for People”

He read the petition, right down to the name White Vampyr.

“Foolish, little girl, “ he said to himself. “Since when have any of us ever been heroes; it’s not as if nobility and selflessness were inherent parts of the powers we obtained twelve months ago.”

He crumpled the flyer into his fist and punched the wall.

Glanced at the Outcast. “Please try to escape.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



The skylight creaked slightly as it was lifted outward, exposing the spacious but untidy apartment to a shaft of unfiltered sunlight. Quietly, the Crimson Archer dropped into his apartment, landing in a crouch on the wooden floor. One hand steadied his pose as his eyes checked the apartment for anything out of place. Satisfied it was as he’d left it, he stood, stretched and yawned. Flipping back his hood with one red gloved hand, his other reached and pressed the flashing red button on his answer phone.

“Jay, if you haven’t already then I suggest you check the Inquirer,” said the voice on the machine. The voice was Nathan Manson, his cousin who had practised law in Skyway City long enough to have lost his native Tennessee accent. “I heard a rumour you were involved setting this thing up. Now if that’s true then give me a call, and we can talk about maybe an official response. Anyhow, catch you later, Cus.” The machine gave a beep and then went silent.

Jay frowned. He’d met Suzi White, the hero known as White Vampyr, only a few nights before and they’d had an impassioned conversation about not needing to be “Super” to be a hero. Jay was an unpowered hero and felt strongly about people not needing tp rely on the Capes in the city, especially in those circumstances when they could be helping themselves. He had always wanted to inspire people as a hero and remind them of the “invisible heroes”; the every day heroes people seemed to forget about in the hospitals, the schools, Police department or even the local crossing-guard.

He’d been given a copy of Suzi’s petition of course, but hadn’t really read it. Jay had smiled and just signed it, confident that he knew what it said, based on the conversation they’d had. But that was before the previous evening's argument in Pocket D. He’d been shocked by other heroes reactions, and listening to their grievances he could understand why. He’d looked over a copy there & then and admitted it was badly worded, but even as he tried to calm things down, the argument had descended into spite and he’d been forced to leave. He hadn’t seen or heard from Suzi in the few days since, and things had been too busy to allow him time to check on her.

Ah’d better get on t’Brit, an’ make sure Suzi’s okay, He thought to himself, as he hunted for a copy of the tabloid his cousin had referred to. Finding a copy under the white leather sofa, he quickly read through the short article, shaking his head. The sickness he’d felt in the pit of his stomach as he’d watched Speedie setting fire to that talk show was back, and this time it was for his own actions.

The sofa yielded with a hiss, as he fell onto it, crumpling the newspaper and throwing it at the wall. “Dammit,” he said to no-one in particular, pushing the palms of his hands into his eyes as his head started to pound. ”Wha’the hell have we started…?”

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Huzzah sprinted round a corner, dove over a low wall, and threw himself behind a small bush. Gunshots and shouts continued to ring out from the area he'd just vacated. "That," he muttered to himself, "was bloody stupid."

Looking round, he found himself to be in a small walled garden crouching behind a bush that was looking a lot smaller now he was behind it than it had a moment before. "This," he continued, glancing down at his distinctive bright red-and-yellow costume, "is still bloody stupid. I think they might notice me." He glared up at the rapidly receding caped figure of a hero. "This is totally your fault. Next time I'll let them shoot you."

He looked around again. "Right. No way out. Three options. Fight, apologise, or make bird noises and hope they mistake me for a Northern Cardinal. I just hit one of them with everything I've got and all I managed to do was distract them so that jackass," he glared up at the dot in the sky, "could get away. So it's apologising or bird noises."

Over the bush, he could see a figure clad in the distinctive costume of the Nemesis Army coming round the corner.

"Well, here goes nothing," Huzzah murmured, and took a deep breath...

"Ow. Ow. Ow." Huzzah groaned as he staggered out of the hospital medibay. "Damn them," he continued as he made his way to the exit, rubbing his head, "I thought that was a bloody good impersonation of a Northern Cardinal too."

Continuing to mutter dire imprecations against Nemesis, his army, and all those without an appreciation of North American wildlife, Huzzah exited the hospital.

"Excuse me sir! Can I just take a moment of your time for a good cause?" Huzzah paused and glanced at the speaker. Young, male, smartly dressed, clutching a clipboard and with a look of innocent earnestness he'd obviously been practicing.

"Well... sure," replied Huzzah. "Beats being shot by Nemesis, eh?" he grinned.

The young man laughed politely. "It certainly does! And let me just say I for one truly appreciate everything you, and other heroes, do for our city. But that said, I was wondering if you'd heard about the petition we're currently trying to gather support for?"

Huzzah shook his head. "Nope, haven't heard..." he paused as a faint memory echoed in his still ringing head. "Oh wait, petition? My wife mentioned something about one last night, said I should take a look at it, something about, umm... something about heroes was it?"

"Indirectly sir, yes," replied the campaigner, handing the clipboard over to Huzzah. "We feel that the everyday heroics of the normal citizens of Paragon, those without super powers, go unacknowledged in the natural urge we all have to recognize the heroics of those such as yourself. We're campaigning for the city council to redirect the funds we use for statues, and such, towards more worthy causes, like clinics for the homeless and scholarships for underprivileged children."

"Right... right..." Huzzah murmured as he read the petition. "A good cause, but... I can't sign this. I mean," he continued hurriedly as the campaigner began to speak, "It's not that I don't support it in principle, I do, I've even spoken out on this issue before myself, sort of. Did you read an interview I did a couple of years back, A Day in the Double Life it was called?" Looking up into the blank, yet still earnest, expression of the campaigner, he continued, "Well, no, never mind.

"The thing is, right, if you were collecting money for a charity for scholarships, clinics, whatever, I'd support that, I'd donate what I could. And, y'know, recognising the heroics of everyone, super-powered or not, sure, I'm right there with you. But stopping the statues? I don't agree with that."

"But sir," began the campaigner, "surely you recognise that the expenditure on the statues could be bett-"

"No," Huzzah said firmly. "Look, they're not statues of just any heroes. There's no statues of me, and there probably never will be. These are statues of people who gave everything they had for us. They, and anyone like them in the future, should be remembered. And sure, there's plenty of other people who give everything too, but just because you can't put up statues for everyone doesn't mean you shouldn't put up statues to the few. They're symbols for us all, super-powered or not."

"But don't you think they create unrealistic goals for the youth of P-"

"No! How is sacrifice an unrealistic goal? How is helping in any way you can an unrealistic goal? I was inspired by those people long before I was a hero! If kids are looking at them and thinking, 'I need super-powers', then they're getting the wrong message, but taking away the message won't help!"

Huzzah paused for breath, and noticed the campaigner had taken a step back. A few bystanders had gathered while he'd been speaking and Huzzah suddenly became very aware of the eyes on him. "Look, I'm sorry, I can't sign it. But I'll help if you want to raise support for clinics, scholarships, OK? I'm Huzzah, you can contact me through City Hall. OK? Sorry again. And look, I've really got to go, I haven't been beaten up for like ten minutes now, and that's just not right."

Without waiting for a response, Huzzah leapt forward and hurtled down the street. Time to stop arguing about statues, find some fellow heroes, and see what could be done about those damned bird-hating Nemesis soldiers...



The man some knew as Jayhawk and fewer still referred to as Lamb, sat at the bar of the Red Hand pub. The Red Hand was one of the only Irish pubs in the city and subsequently business fared well, despite the Kings Row location. He downed a whisky before ordering another, his eighth since he’d grown bored of the house beer. He sat hunched forward on his stool, spinning the Militia issue transmitter and receiver in his rough fingered hand. He tumbled it through the thick callused fingers mimicking the gesture of a cards player and grunted as it toppled onto the bartop.

“Sure you want another there, chief?”

“Few things I’m sure of these days, boss. Wanting another drink is one of those things.”

He feigned a smile and switched the device off with a degree of distaste.

The pub’s doors swung open as a boy came striding in carrying a clipboard and a pen. He made a beeline for a group of rough looking guys that sat drinking in the corner. Guys, Lamb had noted, that wore badly concealed Skulls regalia.

The kid looked happy as a lark, beaming as he approached the group.

“Hey guys! Want to sign this? It’s that heroes for people petition you might’ve heard about?” Innocently he pushed the paper onto their table.

The largest of the group stood then, grabbing the kid by the shirt.

“Do we look like heroes to you, Kid? Buzz off and go bother someone else before you get hurt!” At that he roughly shoved the kid backwards, his friends tripping him as he stumbled back. Happy that he now sat on the floor a third Skull threw the clipboard across the bar.

“Fetch, ya little maggot!”

Lamb took his eighth whisky. Drank the glass dry. Turned with an objectionable sigh. And threw it at the big guy’s head, knocking him out cold as it shattered on his forehead.

“One down. Any of you fools want to keep dancing?”

He stood, groggy from the alcohol, and clenched his fists.

The group, outraged by his attack, rushed him.

A clumsy fist snaked out, striking empty air where his head had been. He reappeared in the space as the fist withdrew, cracking the fist’s owner across the shoulders with his barstool.

“Two. You Skulls aren’t bred smart, are ya?” His words were cut short by a blow to his back. A third moved to swing his bat again. But found himself suddenly unarmed and pinned to the floor, a small throwing knife pressing into his Adam’s apple, just enough to draw blood.

Lamb growled at the fourth.

“Think it over son. Come any closer and your friend gets it. And then I’ll start on you.”

The Skull grinned cockily then hesitated. Then his eyes went wide, face paled as he saw the truth in Lamb’s eyes. He mouthed something then bolted for the door.

Lamb smiled darkly at his prey, nicking his neck with the knife before dragging him to the door.

“Run. Before I change my mind.”

The Skull didn’t wait.

The barman started shouting, falling silent as a wad of notes thudded on the bar.

“Oughta cover the damages and one for the road,” Lamb up ended a chair and sat.

The kid, dusting himself off, walked over to him.

“Gee Mister, you sure showed them! You’re a hero aren’t ya? Say, will you sign this?” He offered the petition.

“Nope. Not interested.”

“No?” The kid’s face fell. “But...you...Call yourself a hero?”

Lamb looked up, downing his ninth.

“Son. I don’t call myself anything of the sort.”



{14/03/07, Mid Morning, The conference room, Sentinel Tower, Founders Falls.}

Britanic was preparing himself for the news conference he called about the Heroes for People petition. With him was Rachel aka Vigilante Storm of the Militia. In what must of been a comical scene, the scruffy street girl was helping Britanic smarten himself up by straightening his tie and brushing bits of lint off his tailored suit.

When Suzi and some of the others first started to discuss the petition, Britanic had to admit the idea had a lot of merit. The way Britanic understood the sentiment behind the petition was...”You people recognise and appreciate what we in the hero community do for you and we can see that in the glorious monuments you erect in our honour, how about now you recognise and reward those everyday heroes among you. Instead of building those statues of heroes build some for Doctors, Fire Fighters, Teachers, etc. Treating the sick, fighting fires, educating our children can have as much merit and be as inspiring as fighting crime on the streets.

As far as Britanic was concerned it was all good, it was nice...it well just didn’t really interest him that much. Britanic had convinced himself that Suzi and the others would get all this thing organised and then get one of the better profiled heroes among them to spearhead the movement. Suzi had been a virtual recluse for the last year it didn’t even dawn on him that she might get noticed. Perhaps if Britanic had taken a little more interest what was going on he could of intervened before any of the conflict blew up.

Fact of the matter is after analysing things for himself after Suzi disappeared Britanic blamed himself for the current conflict. Britanic remembered Suzi asking him to see if he could get one of his lawyers to look at the petition beforehand, he had forgot. Had he been interested enough in Suzi’s cause he would of got that lawyer to check the document and chances are the flaws would of been caught before hitting the streets. Problem was Britanic was so self absorbed with his love life, business, and events in the Row. That when Suzi really could of done with his help he wasn’t really there for her.

Even after he had found out more about the petition and started to have misgivings he allowed his happiness with Suzi distract him. The day he actually signed the petition he realised he hadn’t even read it, it was important to Suzi so he went along with it. Even when he collected some of the signatures he still hadn’t read the document. It wasn’t until Suzi actually went missing he took the time to read the petition. Britanic had various opportunities to prevent the arguments , the bad feeling, the resentment, and Suzi leaving, but due to his own selfishness he had probably caused more damage than any supervillain could.

Britanic had felt wretched, but with Rachel’s help perhaps he could gain some sort of redemption, defuse some of the anger, and get Suzi to come home.

“Ok Chesty you look great. Get out d’ere an’ make Suzi proud.”

Britanic looked down at Rachel and smiled giving no hint of his own inner turmoil over the situation. He then stepped up to the podium to address the press.

“Ladies and gentleman, I would first like to thank you all for attending here at Sentinel Tower today. As you are all aware my name is Eric Mitchell also known as Britanic a registered hero in this city. Im sure by now that you are also aware I am romantically involved with Suzi White also known as White Vampyr one of the driving figures and author of the Heroes for People petition. “

“Since the petition has hit the streets of Paragon there has been controversy over the actual wording of the document, and some feel that it is nothing more than anti-hero propaganda. My purpose here today is to try defuse some of the anger aimed at the petition and its organisers, as well as try to communicate to everyone the sentiment behind the document and show there has been a tragic misunderstanding.”

“Though I was not one of the organisers of the Heroes for People movement I was privy, through my association with Suzi, to much of the original thought process. However I am ashamed to admit that I was so self absorbed with issues of my own that I did not offer the support asked from myself that could of prevented the flawed execution of what was a good idea.”

“Suzi is a singer, a songwriter, and new to the hero community. She wrote the petition from the viewpoint of her own experience, from passion rather than her head. I know that Suzi would never intentionally set out to upset the very community that she is now a part of, and that any offense given is purely accidental.”

“However im a realistic man and I am perhaps too close to Suzi to be taken at face value and that is why I would like to introduce everybody to a very special girl. Her name is Rachel however to most she is known as the Vigilante Storm. Rachel is an orphan who grew up on the streets of Kings Row, scavenging to survive. At some point she found something meant for a young sidekick to the now deceased Kings Row war hero Vigilante Storm. Finding herself empowered she took the name Vigilante Storm to honour his memory and carry on his legacy. Since then she has fought tirelessly to protect the citizens of the Row.”

“Everybody I would like you to meet Rachel!”

Britanic gestured over to Rachel and smiled to get her to take the podium. Where Britanic was immaculate in his appearance, Rachel looked like she had just been dragged through a hedge backwards. The scruffy urchin nervously approached the podium. She hoped that Brit was going to stay with her she didn’t like the idea of facing the crowd alone. Although her heart was pounding she wanted to help her friends and help calm everything down. As she approached the podium Britanic moved over slightly so she could take centre stage. She looked straight at the gathered reporters.

“Umm, hi im Rach!....umm like I heard about all this Heroes for People thing as the guys were like brainstorming it...”

She looked about at the reporters, the room was silent and all eyes were on her. “Nooo freakin’ way! This lot is really gunna hear me out” she thought to herself. She allowed herself a little smile at this small victory.

“Anyway like I said I heard the guys talking ‘bout it... an’ I thought like wow this is pretty cool...instead of more big statues for’us how ‘bout givin’ the money back to the people who need it an’ mebbe do sumthing for dem every day heroes....you know like Cops, Teachers, Doctors an’ stuff.”

“Wow they’s still listening.” she thought. Her confidence swelled as she realised she might get through this without being booed out of the room.

“Anyway I don’t read too good...I got street smarts instead...so like when the sign up thingy got passed around I signed cos I already knew what wuz goin on...anyway I like hears that some people think its all some sort of anti-hero hate leaflet cos its worded all funny...an’ I think no way, I heard what the guys wanted. B’sides I got friends ‘an stuff who helped think it up an’ signed it...they are like heroes too why would they spread cr..uh stuff ‘bout themselves”

“Anyway I then hears that some people think the petition is dissing heroes an’ being ungrateful...So I thinks what if we try gets something to make everyone happy...an’ I thinks a garden would be cool...not many of them in the Row an’ I like flowers an’ stuff...an’ mebbe a big long wall like in that army cemetery with the names of everyone who died in the war, you know heroes an’ regular people too, that way everyone gets remembered...an’ I figures that instead of great big statues, it can have smaller statues so more people gets remembered...oh an’ its got ta have some sort of ranger or something to stop the gangs from tagging the place every five minutes.”

Rachel looked around the room proud that she managed to do her bit without messing up. “Um they are still like there listening wish Brit would take over now” she thought as her confidence started to slip again.

“Um an’ Suzi is like real nice otherwise ol’Ch...Brit here wouldn’t like her so much Too nice ta right nasty stuff an’ mean it. She probably mixed her words up like I do sometimes.

Britanic stepped in and put his hand on Rachel’s shoulder before smiling to the press.

“Any questions ladies and gentlemen?...”

((Rachel was upset over the whole petition thing because it was meant as something good but been taken bad. Seeing as some of her good friends were involved in different ways and Suzi had dissapeared she didnt want to see anyone else get hurt. Rachel thought if the petition gave everyone something they wanted then everybody would be happy. She then came up with the idea of a memorial garden which she thought everybody would enjoy. She then decided that Brit would be the best person to change the petition and put things right.

After Brit heard Rachels idea he came up with one of his own that would incorporate Rachels. Brit was in no position to actually get the petition scrapped or changed as he was never one of the organisers. However he thought he could make amends for not looking into it properly if perhaps he could convey Suzi's message, and clarify the original intent.He then thought perhaps having Rachel try explaining her support and compromise idea that it wouldnt invalidate the original petition but might take the edge off. He really has started to blame himself for the fiasco because had he taken the effort to read it properly and pointed out the ambigious bits it would of probably changed before being published. Basically Brit is trying some damage control in the hopes of tempting Suzi back.

The other thing playing on his mind now is he knows that his motivation for getting involved is purely to try take the heat off Suzi, and he is worried about making things worse with his meddling.))



((OOC reply::
Sorry, could I just ask if this is in or out of character?

If it's in character and it gets widely viewed, it's going to make things a lot worse.

If it's out of character, then it's really not appropriate.

I'm currently assuming it's IC.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes it's IC.
And I know it might be "gasoline on the fire", but it's what my character would do.

Personally I love the various styles you can build your hero/villain in. I've got my fair share of crazy builds myself, so I'm not criticizing anyone.

Everybody just keep on playing and enjoying this wonderful game as you please!



SuffraJester stood in a park somewhere in Skyway, it had been recommended to her by a passing hero and she'd assumed he had been very helpful.. looking around this was quite clearly not the case..

A few meters away a gang of trolls were watching her carefully, sniggering to themselves in that horrible... green way of theirs. Suffra frowned to herself and waved the big placcard around again.

"Equal rights for clowns!"

"erm.. excuse me.. miss?"

Suffra turned round quickly, startled by the sudden voice behind her, and slammed the board across the young hero's face by accident. Suffra winced..

"Oh! sorry.. it's just.. habit.. Are you ok?"

The young hero rubbed his face, certain there'd be an almighty bruise there later on.

"Erm.. SuffraJester.. I have this petition here.."

Suffra immediately brightens up "OH!! Yes.. I'll sign it... if.."

"if?" the young hero looks around uncertainly

"If you sign mine.. I'm petitioning for equal rights for clowns, we have no union y'know, we get made to hit each other and wear giant clothes and fit into tiny cars... we have a very short life expectancy from all that y'know. those red noses can be fairly toxic and all those horrible chemicles they put in hitewash and in our greasepaint and it just awful and..."

The young hero glanced sideways at the trolls, now on the ground in peels of laughter. He started to move away very slowly.. getting ready to bolt as soon as Suffra blinked..

Suffra looked around, te young hero had been very fast in getting away and she cursed herself for not holding on to him somehow.. ah well.. she hefted her board again, waving it around some more and doing her best to ignore the trolls..

"Cruelty to Clowns isn't a laughing matter!!"



(( I just have to say this: this thread has really thrown up some absolutely fantastic imagery. Quilla's character there is absolutely great. There was also a hero further up the list lighting is ciggarette off the flaming fist of a Damned he had just floored, which is just a really fantastic anti-hero image. Well done folks. Keep it up. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



King's Row, one smoggy morning.

"Would ya keep your hat on, fella? I'll get back to you in a moment." Gabbleduck looked away from the Skull he held pinned against the door with his right hand, and back down to the clipboard the idealistic and rather persistent petitioner had thrust into his left hand.

"... super-powered ... citizen pride ... change to be affected. Mmmhm... real heroes ... signed..."

"Well?" the whippersnapper of a hero asked the lobster, with a slightly nervous look towards the still struggling Skull.

"There's not a word here about hats!" Gabbleduck stated and shook his head angrily, "Would you believe that? Not a word. You'd think a proper petition would mention hats, wouldn't you? Right?" He glanced up at the Skull, "Well, wouldn't you?"

"Whatever you say, whatever you say!" the pinned Skull exclaimed, "Just let go of me!"

"See? He agrees with me."

The petitioner blinked blankly. "Hats?"

"Hats. They keep your head warm, your mind cool, they provide shade and coverage; they provide you with elan, with distinction. Do you think Abraham Lincoln would be remembered as the best president of the United States if not for his hat? Or Napoleon -- do you think he would have failed to invade Russia if he hadn't lost his hat and so suffered third degree frost bite on his ears?"


"Did you realise that there's not one statue of a hat-wearing hero in this city? Not one? Not even in Boomtown. Now that is a disgrace. Yes, I'm getting to you, okay? Stop struggling. -- Where were we? Oh, yes. Hats. Right. The petition really should mention something about hats."

"Umm, so... you're not going to sign, then?"

"Oh, I can't sign. I'm using my right hand to keep this hatless fella up against the door right now, and how do I know that you're not really part of one of Nemesis' plots and its his plan that I sign what seems to be a petition but is really some kind of intricate Prussian political ploy? Oh, and it wouldn't do you any good if I signed either, fella, but then you know that, or at least you would know that if you wore a hat instead of that silly spandex hood -- you know your ears show, right? Your left one seems a little bent. Bad guys are going to aim for that, you know. A good hook to the ear can really leave you dizzy if you don't have your footing right -- and you don't, probably because you've not got a hat to provide you with balance."

"How... err, what?"

"Well, it's obvious, right? You see it, don't you?" Gabbleduck said, once more directed to the Skull, who nodded frentically.

"Look, fella, you want recognition for the regular Joe kind of heroes, right, but you're only asking the non-regular Joesephus to sign. Don't you think that kinda defeats the whole point? That's like wearing a cap -- sure it covers your head, but it's not a hat, you know?"

"I don't quite follow..."

"Hat, fella. Get a hat. 's all I'm saying." Gabbleduck handed back the clipboard. There was a sudden loud crack and a flurry of woodchips, a couple of them grazing the petitioner's cheeks.

"They don't make doors like they used to, you know, fella? Huh. Not Skulls either. Used to be the Skulls could put up a bit of a fight, but these days they its all guns this and guns that and 'not in front of my girlfriend', and see the result? You knock them through one door and they're out cold."



Eloise looked up from her seat at the end of Spankey's Boardwalk, and looked back at the sound of a sudden commotion over by the shops. Narrowing her eyes, she spotted a group of Tsoo bothering what looked like a teenaged girl.

Frowning, Eloise set her fishing rod down and hopped to her feet. As she did, she heard the girl cry out in pain, and with a flash of dark energy, teleported.

A split second later she reappeared behind the tatooed form of a Yellow Ink Man and grabbed him by the shoulder, digging her fingers deep into the nerve plexus there. "Leave the girl alone!"

The man she'd grabbed shrieked in pain as her powerful fingers dug into his shoulder, and he dropped to his knees, just as the 3 other Tsoo members turned on Eloise. "You make a big mistake, girly! You should have stayed out of this!" One of them called, drawing his sword.

Eloise narrowed her eyes at the sword, and twin beams of purple energy burst forth, striking the sword and reducing it to a melted stump in a second, "No, You made the mistake pal."

Shoving the man she was holding to one side, when he collapsed onto his front, one arm holding his shoulder and moaning in pain, she stepped forward into the group of Tsoo thugs.


A short time later, Eloise turned away from the now unconcious thugs and knelt down by the girl, helping her to her feet, "You OK miss?"

The girl nodded gratefully, "Th..thanks for rescuing me miss! I... I thought I was done for!"

Eloise smiled, "Well, they won't be bothering you anymore miss, but you really shouldn't be hanging around areas like this you know; it's not exactly safe."

The girl nodded, "I know... But I was trying to get some more signa.. Oh! My clipboard with all the signatures! They grabbed it off me!"

Eloise glanced around for the clipboard, but didn't see it anywhere near, "Signatures? What for?"

"Oh, it's a petition. Some of us are trying to get more recognition for the unsung heroes in Paragon.. You know, Doctors and stuff. But... If I've lost my clipboard, all those signatures are wasted! I'll have to start all over again!"

Eloise glanced at the girl, who was obviously upset at her loss, "Hey, no need to cry... It's just some signatures right? Easy enough to get more. Anyway, they might not be lost, let's look around for a few minutes..."

The girl nodded, and stepping gingerly over the unconcious forms of her former attackers, started to look. Several minutes later, Eloise pulled something from a nearby trash bin, "Is this it?"

The girl rushed over to her, "Yes! That's it! Thank you SO much miss, you've saved me twice now!"

Eloise smiled and looked closer at the clipboard, reading the petition. "Well... It looks like a worthy cause... Not sure I like the glory seeking bit though..."

"Oh, we don't really think you heroes are like that miss, honest! We just think those that work behind the scenes should get more recognition, honest!"

"Well.. " Eloise took the pen clipped to the top of the petition, "I guess it won't really hurt, it's just a petition after all... But I'm not really a hero miss..."

"Oh you are! You beat up those thugs and saved me, so you are a hero, to me at least!"

Eloise looked up at the girl again, as she signed the petition before handing it back, "Well, thanks I guess... But I was just doing what anyone would have done in the circumstances."

The girl smiled at her as she took the clipboard back, "Thanks miss, you've been a big help!"

Eloise smiled back at her, "Really.. That's all I want to be."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Adam Bomb looked up from the clipboard and gave the woman in red and yellow spandex a long stare.


"Uhm, excuse me..." the heroine began, but she was cut short.

"You don´t seem to realise the consequences if this petition should be successful. The chances that things are actually better afterwards are quite slim. Do you think people will be thankful? No, they will say things like 'Why have they wasted so much money on heroes anyway? They should have given it to us in the first place.' Others will be disappointed because they really like heroes or were even saved by a hero once and would see this campaign as slander even if it was not meant that way.
And then there will be those who have just discovered their own super-hero-potential. What is wrong about helping other people for glory? Would you rather see a young man using his superhuman powers to rob banks or kill innocents? I don´t question a superhero´s motives as long as he does the right thing. Denying these men and women... and things... the glory they crave will not sate their hunger for it. It will only keep the glory hounds from using their powers for the protection of Paragon City. And what good would that serve?"

The young woman opened her mouth for an answer, but Adam would not even let her begin.

"Plus, I have discovered that it seems to be something like a rite of initiation for young villains to come to Paragon City, destroy some statues and wait for the appearance of a hero in order to steal his cape. Denying funds for statues means that sooner or later there will be no more statues left to destroy. And what do you think will they destroy then? A bridge? A hospital? An elementary school? I´d rather they let off steam on some statues.
Besides, it´s hard enough as it is to earn some money and the recent superhero hype goes a long way in helping with that. You can make quite a living by selling licences for action figures, stickers, appearances on tv shows and stuff like that. You should try it one day.
Talking about try: I think we should really try and continue our conversation with some more pleasant subjects. Coffee? The café over there is really good."

Ignoring her half-hearted protests Adam complimented the heroine to a table. For the next few hours not a single word was spoken about the petition.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.