Hanging up my fairy wings
Sad to see you go Aerie, all the best and take care!
May not have actually seen you in the game, but you were always a delight on the forums. Hope you have fun wherever you go next.
All the best again , 3rd times a charm as they say
Sorry to see you go , shame we didnt team as often recently
Good luck wherever you may go and its been a pleasure knowing you
Illy aka AlexB
You take care of yourself Aerie, promise us
What's tempting you? Not the Other Game, surely?
[/ QUOTE ]
ummm don't know, what IS the 'other game' ?
It begins with a V anyway.
hmmm that'll be the game that PCZone gave 45% this month?
You'll be back
Have fun either way
All the best Aerie - have fun in V-land and RL, wherever and whatever either of those may be, and hope you make it back to Paragon one day!
What's tempting you? Not the Other Game, surely?
[/ QUOTE ]
ummm don't know, what IS the 'other game' ?
It begins with a V anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok, it's not the Other Game then
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Don't be gone too long Aerie! But whilst you are, have fun.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
Cya Aerie.....game that begins with V....having a blonde moment here :=/
The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute
Enjoy yourself, Aerie. I doubt we'll be seeing the last of you so will simply say see you for now, and hope to see you turn back up at some point in the not too distant future.
Take care Aerie
Hope you have, as many good times in any other MMO you play, as you did in CO*.
Be safe
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
What, no, please, dont go!
Oh, and have fun :-) hope to see you for I9 / I10
2nd time of leaving and think it's permanent this time. I have had a great time on COX and will always have fond memories. Leaving with a smile on my face as have a great time here, with a great game, with great friends. Have been enticed away by a new MMO.
I wish everyone who knows me all the best, keep fighting the good fight. And or, if your of that persuasion the evil fight.
Fare thee well.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey My Mentor, PLz Dont leave us, just take a good break & come back refreshed , if you do leave, I LOV Ya & Allways Will
I hope its not a good Bye, But a TTFN, My Good Friend & Memtor!
Hey, Does Vanguard. Have a Free Downlaod to try before buy??
If you have 1 plz try & post a Link PLz TY!
Aerie I hope to chatt & team again in the future .
Bye Aerie. Always enjoyed reading your posts on forums but think I never got to team with you. Sorry to hear you leaving but have fun and hope to see you back one day.
@War Man
The Goonies SG Defiant
War Man-Blaster lvl50
Odins Son-Tanker lvl50
War Rock-Troller lvl50
War The Impaler-Scrlvl50
Kleldor War Man-WS
Mind Storm
CoV-Union-War Thorn-Dom
Best of luck in V and life. We never met but I enjoyed some of your threads on here.
Ahhh... Aerie. My little fairy wifey is off to pastures new.
I won't say goodbye, since I'll be on Vanguard too, but I will miss teaming with you on CoX terribly.
Sorry to see you go, hun.
A New world Order?
Arc ID: 56881
A Dark Future
Posters by Soul Storm
Au Revoir Aerie, you will be missed by all that have ever teamed with you.
Till we meet again.
2nd time of leaving and think it's permanent this time. I have had a great time on COX and will always have fond memories. Leaving with a smile on my face as have a great time here, with a great game, with great friends. Have been enticed away by a new MMO.

I wish everyone who knows me all the best, keep fighting the good fight. And or, if your of that persuasion the evil fight.
Fare thee well.