Orf Again




What title says,will keep it brief

To teh peeps i know n get on with, was good fun teaming sg'ing, dying etc, loved it; hope you get on with the game and carry on the good debting! :P

to the peeps i don't get on with.......

all i can say is, am i bovvered?

seriously though, game was good up until issue 4, then went down the hill, rolled through some cack, hit a wall n shot through a firing range ... :P

to the peeps that stay, hope you still find the game exciting as it once was back in the i3 days and have fun :P

oh btw, if from that u aint gathered IR teh gone



Aww.. no more Tyl? Heresy I say!

Ah well, whatever you end up doing, make sure it's fun, huh? Will miss the rare teamups for mental buff insanity!

Take care!

-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)



Pfft, you know you'll be back again.

Well at least I hope you will

Have fun tyl, and hurry back.



Good Riddance! Hehe ^o^

Its always sad to see another relic such as ourselves pass away from the game.

I've had a lot of good memories teaming with your numerous alts...however i won't say goodbye, cos i know you'll be back...they always do come back!


@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



Bah! Have fun m8- despite usually not understanding a word you said I believe the phrase I am looking for would be 'Ty FTW' lol






Tyl dont leave me >.> *sniff* have fun but get back here soon ;D



seriously though, game was good up until issue 4, then went down the hill......

[/ QUOTE ]

well at least you enjoyed it those first three months.



See yers when you come back and enjoy your time of Tyl

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



You will return for the cookies. We havez teh cookies.

Don't make me get HYPNOTOAD.



Bye tyl

Been lots and lots of fun!

Heres to hoping you come back

Friends of Dorothy SG Defiant/Therapy/fireFeeder/Dark Exile/Muriel/Debt Sponge/Evil Debt Sponge/Pokeya I Out/Underwear Boy/All Good/



Bye bye Tyl Sorry to see you go.. again

Hope you come back again sometime soon , take care of yourself



Cya Tyl, Arena won't be the same with ya. (Whether that's a good thing is a matter of opinion )

Hope to see you back at some point though.



Awww.. tyl, you feesh!

Well, bye



Aww Ty , all the Orchids wave goodbye

All the best and as others have said no doubt will see you back in Paragon sometime



Bye and Dont change idea



Aww Tyl
I'm really sorry to see you go *uber hugs*
Hopefully you'll be back soon.
Take care of yourself sweetie

The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank



Cya Tyl, Arena won't be the same with ya. (Whether that's a good thing is a matter of opinion )

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and help for that matter

you will be missed Tyl, but i still believe my ambush fom the tree was ingenious.... you would have never seen it coming... if i hadn't been glowing like a christmas tree... wwas the wrong season for an ambush



Cya tyl, i shall miss your posts and spam in game always made me laugh

Come back soon.



you off to scrounge all of tainted Greeks gold offa him then. All the best, come back & see us when they have a freebie weekend ya moocher =X=X=X=

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



Bye Tyl .... I believe a typical Tyl farewell would be ...

joo iz teh H4x ...

or something.



Cya Tyl wish you all the best in the real life

Take Care
Mr. Apollo



you off to scrounge all of tainted Greeks gold offa him then. All the best, come back & see us when they have a freebie weekend ya moocher =X=X=X=

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I am poor Tyl got all my gold Enjoy in WoW Tyl and keep having fun