Round 3 - Defiant
Hmm, any indication of an ETA on the Union draw Cap?
Need to see my opposition and team mates ASAP so we can discuss tactics and get some practice in.
I'm not gonna be there, as I have to work.
Also, team 8 is 3 scrappers.
Thanks and good job!
As for team 8, it doesnt look that bad, I wouldnt mind going against them. They have Fury, after all .
I can confirm that I'll be there.
Ok Mesmer, I'll arrange a replacement. Thanks for confirming.
I'll take a look at the team 8 draw in a bit. The union draw should be up soon - Xanthus was just finishing a mission then he was going to do it.
i think cap morgan h8 me he put my team again against 2 controler and again archelon. should we be fighting new opponets in each round.
i think cap morgan h8 me he put my team again against 2 controler and again archelon. should we be fighting new opponets in each round.
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It's a random draw each round. By the very fact it's random, that means there's a chance you can fight against or with the same person.
As for coming up against trollers, that's pretty much guaranteed given the amount of them in the tournament. I 'd actually offer good odds on every mathsup featuring either a regen scrapper or a troller!
It's a random draw I believe. Random is as random does
I'm teamed with someone called Anata who's not listed on the sign-up thread. Anyone know their AT / powersets?
I'm teamed with someone called Anata who's not listed on the sign-up thread. Anyone know their AT / powersets?
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Anata was a x/invul brute if I recall correctly from my match last week. Can't remember the primary.
Energy/Invul I believe
Due to my shortsightedness and not thinking thru how the randomness could pit myself versus Psy (as eat static) im going to have to pull out of this match and request a sub.
Hmm maybe morgan could switch you around to some other team?
On the other hand I apologize to Psy in advance the beatings Im gonna hand out.
I'm sure people won't mind if I do a spot of random tweakings to prevent relationship discord
Leave it with me, I'll see what the magic 8-ball has to say on the subject, and post some amended fixtures
And it is entirely random - I put a pile of numbers on the floor and allowed my cat to pick them - whichever she stood on, got picked.
o_O are we going against 2 regen and a fire/empath troller?? Oh well, i'll bring some popcorn
Energy/Invul I believe
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Thanks folks. Hmmm. A regen & a SR scrapper facing us. And Coin too. Fun, fun, fun
Energy/Invul I believe
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Thanks folks. Hmmm. A regen & a SR scrapper facing us. And Coin too. Fun, fun, fun
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At least you'll get some kills on the last one :P
hehehe /me runs off cheeky quick!
i think cap morgan h8 me he put my team again against 2 controler and again archelon. should we be fighting new opponets in each round.
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How can you say that? The first round you oblitorated us, and then on the second round my team only won against you by one point. If anything, going up against me again (and with another controller) should be seen as giving you the advantage, as you've already proven yourself as an Archelon Killer. Probably need a badge for it xP
I'm going to need a sub, for Dax Ferdas, as I won't be able to log in to CoH on Thursday evening - prior engagement.
Good luck to you all.
Mainly found on the Defiant server
50's: Dax Furnice, Demberax, Dax Elfling, and a few others
Others: Dax Toxophilite, Acute Elfling
Honourable United
Just to let you guys know, i wont be able to make at the download festival apologies to all and have fun
I'm going to need a sub, for Dax Ferdas, as I won't be able to log in to CoH on Thursday evening - prior engagement.
Good luck to you all.
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Energy/Invul I believe
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Thanks folks. Hmmm. A regen & a SR scrapper facing us. And Coin too. Fun, fun, fun
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At least you'll get some kills on the last one :P
hehehe /me runs off cheeky quick!
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Damn right
Good thing too, I need knocking out of this sharpish, with I7 toggle drop nerf, I'm even more useless in the Arena now
Come one, come all, get your free kills here! least I got chicken!
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

I entered as a sub because I got asked to not to permanently take over someones place.
I didn't enter the tournament from the start since I didn't know if I was gonna be able to make the fights so please remove me from the roster again Captain Morgan.
Oh...I'm Arch Sector btw
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
Sadly looks like i have to go to some sort of awards dinner so Omega MCX wont be able to make it, so what happens now? (didnt pay much attention to what happens to those who cant make it since i didnt plan on missing anything)
Actually has anyone checked that the Arena has no new bugs introduced with i7? It's one of the forgotten corners of the game and it'd be nice to know about any surprises pending...
Actually has anyone checked that the Arena has no new bugs introduced with i7? It's one of the forgotten corners of the game and it'd be nice to know about any surprises pending...
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This a joke yes? Arena without bugs?
Ok then pop pickers - here we go.
Any comments, questions - either PM me, or post here.
If you know you can't make it, let me know as soon as possible so I can sort out substitutes.