Ah, is that why PB's seem weak...




I think ive cracked it

playing with me blasty wasty Lui (energy blast)

then playing with my peacebringer (kheldian...stuff)

ive worked out why the human form PB blasts...wel...suck

energy blast is (i think all0 but mostly energy/SMASH)

kheldians (-incandesant strike not even a blast but o wel!)

their blasts r just energy

which is - the smash n i dont think people realised this would make the dmg...well...suck tbh

i think we either need to have smash added in


just the energy attacks much stronger tbh cos they r just so weak



All energy damage is usually better than Energy/Smash:

1) there are more mobs with smash resistance than energy resistance

2) Defense against smash or energy will defend against energy+smash, where as smash defense is useless against a pure energy attack.

Blasters just do more damage than PBs full stop. Best thing to do is for your PB to team with 7 tankers.

I really should do something about this signature.



Wouldn't 2 tanks and 5 defenders have the same effect?(without having a ton of tanks trying to out taunt each other)

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



As PB blasts are 37.5% weaker than blaster blasts, you need about 2 team mates just to get to the same level as a blaster. Plus blaster attacks tend to have a higher BI than PB blasts anyway.




2) Defense against smash or energy will defend against energy+smash, where as smash defense is useless against a pure energy attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

The percentages of damage types in a power that causes mixed damage varies greatly, though. But as a rule of thumb a pure energy attack is better than energy/smash. The Kheldians damage output is simply weaker than blasters.. and rightly so I might add.



I do think PB's are still rather weak, afterall they are meant to be epic

My biggest issue with them is at around lvl 40 when malta and the carnies appear, think i was perma stunned all the way to 50



if they r supposed to be epic then why r they week



Epic doesn't mean all powerful. The definition of epic is "Surpassing the usual or ordinary" which perfectly describes a kheld. What other AT can change form and do all the things we can? For balance sake that means we can't do anything really really brilliantly or we wouldnt even need teams.

Once you get used to them, a well played Kheld can do some impressive things. It's the getting used to them that's often the hard part.



yeh like what powers to slot for dwarf and nova and human it does get a bit complicated



Knowing how to play a blaster, then taking that onto a PB means that I think I'm kicking more backside than I would hope for than Fraz



yeh like what powers to slot for dwarf and nova and human it does get a bit complicated

[/ QUOTE ]

Picking powers is part of it. Asking on the forums will get you info about which powers are must have and which should be avoided. Then it's up to you to pick which you want and a playstyle that suits you.

The other part (especially for a tri-form) is learning what to do and when. I died soooo many times by staying in Nova form just to get one last AoE off instead of switching to Human to heal. So many deaths thinking that I could quickly drop out of dwarf to use photon seekers and then dwarf it again. Loads of deaths for being too cocky because I knew I had resists as high as the tank - only to be mezzed and swatted in short order.



well i dont always want to team at 3am! they need to be more epic!



I refer you to my earlier post on the definition of epic.



I think ive cracked it

playing with me blasty wasty Lui (energy blast)

then playing with my peacebringer (kheldian...stuff)

ive worked out why the human form PB blasts...wel...suck

energy blast is (i think all0 but mostly energy/SMASH)

kheldians (-incandesant strike not even a blast but o wel!)

their blasts r just energy

which is - the smash n i dont think people realised this would make the dmg...well...suck tbh

i think we either need to have smash added in


just the energy attacks much stronger tbh cos they r just so weak

[/ QUOTE ]

if you think the blasts are so weak pick up Nova form, Nova is designed to be the heave damage dealer in kheldians.

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Hey, im doing dmg, POW POW POW HELD DEAD!!!!



I think ive cracked it

playing with me blasty wasty Lui (energy blast)

then playing with my peacebringer (kheldian...stuff)

ive worked out why the human form PB blasts...wel...suck

energy blast is (i think all0 but mostly energy/SMASH)

kheldians (-incandesant strike not even a blast but o wel!)

their blasts r just energy

which is - the smash n i dont think people realised this would make the dmg...well...suck tbh

i think we either need to have smash added in


just the energy attacks much stronger tbh cos they r just so weak

[/ QUOTE ]

if you think the blasts are so weak pick up Nova form, Nova is designed to be the heave damage dealer in kheldians.

[/ QUOTE ]

Human form seems to do more damage than nova when cosmic balance is working, pity cosmic balance only works with human form.

I still am not getting any thrills because of the mind-boggling endurance consumption and lack of status protection.



Team with controllers..



An all human build can be very effective, you have so many slots that you can max out on a lot of the powers, I also think that it's a mistake to compare them to blasters, they seem to naturally lean towards scrappers. I don't know the maths behind it, but I so know that my all human can take down a foe just as quickly as a scrapper, usually in 2 or 3 hits. As for endurance hogs, it's true but a combination of hasten / conserve energy and using the right toggles means I don't run into difficulties.



I've built my human form with stamina and the concealment pool then..

Radiant_strike 1 acc 2 recharge 3 damage
Incandescent_Strike 2 acc 3 recharge 1 Damage

Never have any problems with end using shining shield and quantum shield both with 2 end reducers and 4 damage resist, the two strikes have enough power and recharge to be usueable for scrapping and getting the alpha strike in (with the gleaming attacks for fill ins whilst recharging). Use Invis to get behind the Voids (quantums will usually melee at close range) and hit them before they know whats happened (or bypass them) and Phase shift bound to the Numpad enter key for emergency hit the button and get out of there moments. playing it as Stealth, strike and dwarf will usually deal with most situations and I only use Nova for teams really.




I've built my human form with stamina and the concealment pool then..

Radiant_strike 1 acc 2 recharge 3 damage
Incandescent_Strike 2 acc 3 recharge 1 Damage

[/ QUOTE ]

You'll find Incandescent Strike serves better as a hold system, 2ACC/2Rech/2Hold or 2acc/1rec/3hold.

As Long as it hits (and it normally does) voids and whatnot aint going very far.

the DMG output from it is high anyway, and with Build up its 100% more than it originally is, as well as it's a very good hold, that's often used on Hami Raid's by PBs on the holding team (on union).



Hey, im doing dmg, POW POW POW HELD DEAD!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
That also happens for Blasters, they do lack a toggle that can see them through a mez heavy fight.

Knowing the tools you have available and selecting the right one for the current situation is how a Kheldian survives.

Unless Nova form has been lowered in damage it's still higher base than a Blaster and on top of that they get an inherent +45% damage buff. The main downfall of a Nova is a lack of variety in powers.

As for the OP, Human form base damage is slightly lower than that of a Defender.



For the last 10-12 levels on my PB I hardly shifted into Dwarf or Nova at all? Why? Because playing with that few power is damn boring. Yes, dwarfs can tank nicely, but the low damage.... smells, and novas, as Lui so eloquently put, die very quickly - too quickly to merit the extra damage.
On the other hand I consider human form PBs to be quirky and varied, and a whole heap of fun to play. Personally I think that PBs do nice damage, photon seekers and incandescent strike being my two favourites.



I have to chime in and say that at level 40 I still love my Nova and don't find myself faceplanting particularly much. Nova has better range than a blaster and two very large AoEs that do good damage, recharge quickly and are pretty cheap endurancewise. My only gripe is that changing from human to Nova takes a while so I end up wasting a bit of Build Up time. The two common complaints directed at Nova - that it's squishy and that it only has 4 attacks so it's boring - don't make much sense to me combined together. Change forms after launching the AoEs so you're both safer and less bored.



nova got reallly annoying in the end

even with 2 range SO's no matter how far away i was they could sitl hit me!

its just so grr annoying



LOL basically you need a 8 man team, i would say 2 conts 1 healer rest dmg dealers, maybe a Kinetic to, Because when you have a mix Of Atributs in a team the PB/WS get alot stronger, you need Empaths aor Kin to heal & Buff, 2 Cont's to Held, Then Drop the Villian Scumb Np At all !! My Pb is only lvl 21 and she is amazing, but i used the Khieldian Hero Planner which really helped alot, as soon as i find the link to it ill post if for YA !
GL Luck Guy's.