Ah, is that why PB's seem weak...




ah yes

those 8 man teams r so easily to pick up at 4am in the morning



ah yes

those 8 man teams r so easily to pick up at 4am in the morning

[/ QUOTE ] yep i have no trouble getting a 8 man team on my heroes at that time theres lots of people play at that time



err dude

usally at like 4.30 theres 40 people on the entire server

lvls 1-50



I'm confused. If you can't get big teams you are only facing small spawns and PBs have no problems against small groups.



but i only solo on invince because otherwhys its low xp n like not much point



err dude

usally at like 4.30 theres 40 people on the entire server

lvls 1-50

[/ QUOTE ]

ROfl I'm Probabbly 1 of them i got a Coh/Cov Addiction big Style
If you on & need help try /t @flush I will be on probabbly as i have trouble sleeping in this hot wheather becase i suffer with bad Asthma, so if im on i will allways help you, well any 1 who needs it it's al Fun !!



but i only solo on invince because otherwhys its low xp n like not much point

[/ QUOTE ]

Well aside from the fact that your 50 and don't get XP, maybe you need to lower the difficulty a notch or two. The added bonus xp from higher level mishes isn't worth it if it takes you twice as long and you die a couple of times. Apart from having to be carefull with bosses and anything that stuns, I don't have any real problems with solo missions on invincible.



thats because ur a tanker!

Zombie Russel had no problems against +3 rularuu

but im talkin aboot Pb's!

onless u spend the whole time in dwarf/LF



I WAS talking about PBs. Only need dwarf or LF for bosses and then only really if they stun or hold and I don't have a breakfree.



I WAS talking about PBs. Only need dwarf or LF for bosses and then only really if they stun or hold and I don't have a breakfree.

[/ QUOTE ]

He has said.. and I quote hom now:

"I play for XP"

he has said this ingame to me.. anything other than high-XP to him moot point, it seems.



I'm confused. If you can't get big teams you are only facing small spawns and PBs have no problems against small groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless they're hydra in the abandoned sewer network. Those things are *such* a pain. Every attack suppresses fly so you can't use nova form, at all, ever. And to make it worse, they come in huge groups and boy are they tough to put down.

I'll need to get a team together for my pain in the neck abandoned sewer mission just to get past the hydra. Actually a team of two will do, just need someone who can actually cope with those blobs. I'll have no problem at all with the rikti that I'm supposed to be going after - just can't reach them.

Can't even sneak past the things, I created a stealthless build



Can't even sneak past the things, I created a stealthless build

[/ QUOTE ]
Try Lobster-porting past them instead then? You'll have resistance against their attacks and a way of regaining Health.

Or just turn on Sprint (or even Nova, you'll still have flight speed while grounded) and eat a bunch of Lucks/Respites while running past, if you don't attack then the only thing that bothers to chase beyond a certain distance (50-60m or so) is an ambush.



if the missons are 2 hard for u why not turn it down as ur lv50 so xp dont matter unless u playing with lower level team mates and my pb is only lv26 and it doesnt have problem with his mishes can solo them all the only problem i have is voids



no i was talkin about the whole trip up to lvl 50



Peacebringers in thoery would be good for teams

Warshades r good for mobs




(Don't you get mobs on team missions anyway....?)

PBs abilities are generally geared towards staying in one form, as a result they are great Blappers and Backup tankers with a bit of soft control thrown in.

Warshades are exceptionally good at AOE damage if they use the Eclipse/double-mire/Nova form combo, but they need to shift forms a lot to get the most out of their powers.

Both do well in teams... just slightly different roles.

Generally WSs tend to do much more damage against large 8-man mobs but PBs are better at tanking in Dwarf form and are a lot stronger in situations where you have smaller groups of enemies (eg. AV fights, smaller team missions or PVP).



Warshades need loooaaddss of slots though for the dam aoe's



Warshades need loooaaddss of slots though for the dam aoe's

[/ QUOTE ]

It used to be quite tight, but since I7 and the change to form slotting, it's relatively easy to slot a WS in a variety of ways.



What change to form slotting?

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



well i made a lvl 40 WS on the test server event and there wasnt enough slots to properly do his 5 or so AoE's



You only really need the Nova form's Cone and AoE Powers fully slotted if you're double mire + eclipsing, and even then you can probably do without acc SOs in them because of all the tohit buffs from double mire.

There's a nice guide complete with i6 build here



admit u know pressing nova form is suicide



Hence the button marked "Eclipse".



What change to form slotting?

[/ QUOTE ]

Uuuuuum THIS one.

And i find i can survive just fine in Nova, bit of kiting, lovely KB, then SC once im done.With mires, it only takes bowt 3 shots to clear an entire mob of 16 anyway. Or a well placed Unchain
I guess the 50 levels of NrgĀ² blasting helped me out in that respect



I read about that on the US forums a while ago but was under the impression it had been like that for a long time - well before I7. A 'feature' that's never been changed.