The 3rd RL GG Meetup...?




You know that there's this imaginary line from the Wash to mouth of the river Severn that is used to define North and South? Yes? Good...

How about the next meet up takes place north of that line? An even better line for it to take place north of is the line between the Solway Firth and Berwick-upon-Tweed, but I think that's me being far too optimistic.

Come on! We need to stand up for meetings in the North!



Agreed, that two votes more cause i count for stoof too



Good luck guys, I'm all marooned down here in Cornwall.

Makes me wish I had RC's fancy anti-gravity boots.



Manchester in August? :-)



Sounds like a plan

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Ooo Manchester sounds good, Work permitting I'd venture out for that.



Manchester in August? :-)

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds great, let's hammer out details.



Manchester + August sounds good to me.



I'm a Larping in August. *shrugs*

Sorry Chums. did warn you :P



There's always one isn't there?

Still, I'm one to talk... I'll be in the Isle of Wight in August...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Manchaster in August?
hmmm, I'll see what I can do...

So... August...
Reb is LARPing all of August and FFM will be marooned on an island the entire month...
And me? I'll hopefully have a job by then, but that shouldn't stop me from being able to take a vacation (would increase my chance for affording it, actually )

(Without Lorne to 'cling' to, I'll need to find a new 'victim'... hmmm....)

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Well, if it is held in Manchester, there's Niall and me, and Paul and Jen. Also, there is Inny and plenty of others. No problems there then. :-)

Shame some won't be able to make it, but the problem is, with such a wide-spread (goegraphically) variety of people, it'll always be difficult to set a date when everyone can attend.



Well... It all depends WHEN in August! I'm away from the 4th to the 11th, but not sure if I'll have the cash for a 2nd trip away in the same month...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



... which is also my concern.

Birthday and The Gathering both at the very end of August, and its the cash that worries me, mostly.

That and i suck at travelling.



I'll be unable to attend anything south of the border for a long while yet.. especially august - Got to pay my own tuition fees for the next two years (because i've already done two years of college so I can get a loan but not my tuition fees paid)

I'll keep an open mind (although I won't be able to contribute to the discussion anymore after june) and an eye on the proceedings. However it'll be doubtful I can attend another meeting.




I'll keep an open mind (although I won't be able to contribute to the discussion anymore after june) and an eye on the proceedings. However it'll be doubtful I can attend another meeting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hang on... Does this mean you're... you're... LEAVING us in June?

NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

I was saving my 4000th post for something special... But this is more important!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Why not a little further North?

Leeds, or York maybe? York certainly has the architecture for brooding hero types



I was saving my 4000th post for something special... But this is more important!

[/ QUOTE ]

yay i'm important!

and yes, leaving you guys. my renewal date was supposed to be 28th of july or something like that but not anymore. also got to pick a date for two weeks in Houston with work.. prolly July so i can then come back and sneak away to college hopefully.

but it means I'll now be wrapping up storylines pertaining to Pink and TK.




just had a look, york/leeds is a painful 339 miles away.
I think I could make Newcastle (stoof would go ^_^ family and all) but that would be my limit this year



Newcastle is a good "middle ground"



Hmm... Newcastle is also do-able. It's not far from my parents caravan at Hartlepoole, looks like I might have to steal the keys for a few days , *much evil chuckling and rubbing together of hands*



What about Durham? So much nicer than Newcastle, it has a pretty castle and everything.

plus everywhere is walking distance in Durham, even if it does have too many hills and cobblestones.



Durham could be possible. depends on the ability of my boyfriend and myself to stretch to the extra expense of the train to durham and back