Pure human build...from the ground up?




I have an insane idea that I want my PB to be pure human from the ground up. It's a concept thing. But is this remotely viable under I6 "diversification". The few levels I've got through seemed pretty end' heavy & I've spent a lot of time on one knee panting & wheezing. Other than that the attacks seem pretty, well, er...maybe they irritate the foes a bit?

Keen for advice, it's my first Kheld' & I'm feeling a bit lost. Growing cacti was waaay easier.



I am attempting this myself but I was forced into taking nova form purely because you just dont have the attack chain you need to be effective until level 18 or so.

I recommend getting nova then respeccing at level 18 or maybe wait till level 22 when you can get so's.

It's very quick to level to 22.



I tried originally to go human-only from the start with my PB but that wasnt fun and ended up not playing him.. Then I used the I5 free respec to get Nova in before I6 free respec.. I think I might now play my PB more, when I can spare the time from being a villain..



I'm doing the same with my PB. Got to level 12 so far and it's going swimmingly. No nova at all. No end problems, although i will be taking stamina. Loving being a not quite so good blaster but with shields..which are great.
I will be taking the dwarf though eventually as a couple of the human powers just don't interest me.



Mine is a 2.5 form. Its primarily built round the Nova and Dwarf forms. Firstly I made these the best they could be. The Nova form can chain attacks without the need for Hasten, Dwarf can do the same. Depending on the enemy I choose the form accordingly.

The human form is basically my travel - Super speed and Superjump, big bang - Dawn Strike, Panic button - Quantum Flight, click through powers - Build Up, Conserve Energy etc and my heal for Nova.

I don't use the Human for fighting. This reduces the need for slots and make it easier to play. IMHO

The first 20 levels were pure hell, where to stand what to do and then there is the voids, nictus and the quantum's. My first char was a scrapper so my mentality to play the PB was all wrong. Now with some flight time under my belt that has changed. I can now take on +4 or 5's ( depending on the enemy type ) , and solo groups with ease.

They do get fun honest, It just takes a bit of adjusting.

Edit : Oh and I have already teamed with a number of Human form only PB's they play just as well



I've got two PB's on the go. One is at lvl 12 and has nova, the other is at lvl 11 and is human form.

I planing on just playing the human form one. I want to make here human/dwaf form concentrating on mele attacks.

If I have the patience to get her that high, I might take lightform.

I find it a little diffiult to solo the pure human one. It is much easier to get a few blasters/scrappers along to boost your defense. But so far it is playable but with a try full of blues.



i gots me a nice lvl50 pb, i found that using morphs till about lvl40 was best, using both as much as possible and barely slotting my other things at all untill i respec'ed out of them. After lvl40 cosmic balance is definatly your best friend, but a nice big team is very handy especially with the new enhance system....



I suppose you could 'fix' the attack chain by taking one of the pool power attacks instead of Nova form. It's just a question of how much pain you're willing to put up with, if it's a concept thing then I'm guessing that you don't care how much. As a Kheldian though the Nova is your first chance to really get some arresting done. Those high damage attacks plus some team multipliers really get the job done.



I really wouldnt go all human from level 1, The damage before you get SOs is [censored] [censored], Far easier just to respec into it after 32ish.

Although that was before ED, damage will be even worse now.



I disagree. I spent a while as Human form and was holding my own in the low levels. As long as you bear in mind that you're not a Scrapper you won't be too disappointed. What you really want in this case though is the right team set up to give you a nice damage boost.



In the low levels yeah, But once you start getting proper foes and not the [censored] nerfed ones at the start, the damage will scale down quickly.

Still, I suppose its perfectly workable, I just couldnt stand the lack of damage

Same reason I deleted my all human WS at 22 I guess.



I found getting in a team with 4 defenders, two tanks and a blaster did my human for damage no end of good.



The damage boost can be very nice. PB's did seem so much easier to play in teams, simply because they fill in where needed. Not that I didn't enjoy my WS. Teamed with a PB it was a challenge but pretty much always a giggle. That was with a good PB though.
Actually, most memorable was us both volunteering to go toe to toe against Void Seekrs etc. to allow the other to blast them.



im also working thru this with a peace bringer got to lvl 24 so far and doing great can give one hell of a kickin out and take it not to bad however the first few lvls were scary as i was getting sorted

There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's

Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url="http://www.armleg.com/dlotu"]www.armleg.com/dlotu[/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50



I would be interested to see your PB build dimension.

I have a lvl 48 (almost 49) regen scrapper and will start a PB when I reach 50. (assuming being villainous allows it).

I too wondered how my scrappery playstyle would transfer to a pb, and looking at the powers i dont want a single form PB at all.

If you could post here I would be grateful.



I've got approximately 600 hours on my all human lvl 50 PB. Unfortunatley, I haven't played it much since ED so I can't really comment on the possibility of an all human build in i6.

Staying all human from lvl 1 to 50 would be fairly tricky. The hardest aspect of playing a PB is knowing which powers are good, and how to best utilize your slots. Personally, I made a couple of bad decisions early on which really made it tough (and at times very boring) to play. There are times when you'll really have to grit your teeth and slog your way to the next respec. Like a previous poster mentioned, it's important to realise that a PB is not a scrapper. It actually has some fairly decent support powers. Once I'd found a good build it was very easy for me to solo on invincible and not be too bothered by the voids and quantums. It was also a lot of fun.

The easy route is definitely to use bright nova and white dwarf in the early levels, and then respec to human sometime after lvl 34. However, if you do this your likely to know very little about the qualities of the human powers and then end up creating an awful human build.

If you want a real challenge, go for an all human build from the start. You've already got a lvl 50 character, so you should now be looking for something a bit tougher and ultimately more satisfying. There are no hard and fast rules about playing an all human PB, but unlike no other AT you can have a lot of fun experimenting trying to find the perfect build to suit your play style.

Good luck.



I also have a 50 PB. She is 2 form really as I have concentrated on squid and lobster powers almost exclusively. This does mean though that I did have to take some human form powers for the sake of it.

I slotted up all my powers for both forms and then took the invis and medicine pool....which can be handy in an emergency and make PvP scouting much easier and safer. I have found them quite handy to be honest.

@Sweet Chilli



you do know you get two self heals a heal other and a res self from the regular Keldian pools right ?



lvl 26 now on my all human PB, it's at a slow point but now i got my self heal and self endurance thingy voids are less and less of a problem. i found that's what gimped me most as a human in lower levels