Dumb Moments...
I remember going back and doing the Posi TF for that accolade. Pick up group, eight member, a couple true newbies... EIGHT HOURS LATER!!! I had my badge and swore not to swerve if I was driving a train and saw Pos on the tracks.
Then again, I got my monkey badge back before the change... so many monkeys... so many monkeys...
I remember going back and doing the Posi TF for that accolade. Pick up group, eight member, a couple true newbies... EIGHT HOURS LATER!!! I had my badge and swore not to swerve if I was driving a train and saw Pos on the tracks.
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Ouch. Much better method is to solo it. Get two other people (it needs 3 to start), one of whom is willing to leave their character on the TF (they can log out, but not quit it).
Then solo it, spawning for two, at your own pace. I've done this on a scrapper, controller and tanker. I'm sure I could do it with a blaster or defender - I just haven't.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Since the title is "dumb moments", I have one, but it is not related to accolades or anything.
Actually, I think all of us has possibly done this.
I was a very green player way back when, I started back at the end of the very first Winter Lord event. I joined a pretty awesome SG, and I was always being invited to run with them in whatever they were doing.
I was always late, and the last one to show up. It got so bad, that one of my friends I had made asked me whey I was always dragging my butt so slow. I told her:
"These freaking trains are always broke down."
(This went on for about three months prior to her asking) She proceeded to tell me that was impossible. Then pointed out that I was always trying to enter the exit.
Boy did I feel like an idiot!
Since the title is "dumb moments", I have one, but it is not related to accolades or anything.
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That's why I named the thread the way I did, to see what other things people might post about. Otherwise it's just a post about me being stupid, and everyone reads it once and says, "Huh," and moves on.
And you're right... I've done that. A long time ago, but it was very frustrating clicking on the train over and over and wondering why it wasn't working like it used to... I still see people broadcast about that every once in a while.
Another one is resting and then something breaks the animation, so you appear to stand up... but you can't move. Having done that once, and been embarrassed when a teammate solved the problem for me, it's always the first thing I think about when someone on a team says, "Help! I'm stuck! I can't move!" At least 3/4ths of the time that's the problem.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
"These freaking trains are always broke down."
(This went on for about three months prior to her asking) She proceeded to tell me that was impossible. Then pointed out that I was always trying to enter the exit.
Boy did I feel like an idiot!
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL been there done that and i felt the same way and i had two 50s at that time, never played heros always villains at that point.
I ran into a tree once, with my head... running at full speed from a girl that was trying to kiss me, when I was like 10. True story. It knocked me out for an hour and I woke up in the Nurse's office.
That was a dumb moment, and all my other dumb moments came after that one. Hmmm.....
I ran into a tree once, with my head... running at full speed from a girl that was trying to kiss me, when I was like 10. True story. It knocked me out for an hour and I woke up in the Nurse's office.
That was a dumb moment, and all my other dumb moments came after that one. Hmmm.....
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This story explains so much.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
My biggest Dumb Moment in the game was when I started using the market.
Been playing for months and ignored it. I was content just buying SOs from stores and selling all my stuff to them (save from origin-specific enhancements). It wasn't until the guy that I introduced to the game and who hadn't been playing for more than two weeks started to use the market intensively, and in a moment of nonsensical pride I decided not to be outdone by my mentee.
A friend of mine helped me whip up an IO build in Mids, so I just had to gather all the recipes and salvage. I bought ten salvage of one kind, then later on went to buy one, for what my standards where back then, somewhat expensive recipe. Only after clicking buy did I notice I bought a whopping ten of that stupid recipe, and naturally I'm the only one who wants those, too, so no selling them back.
I became broke in a single moment. That was very much a "noooooo!" moment for me. In the end, I decided to use the merits I had been hording for no reason to buy arcane salvage and sell it on the market, and actually got the amount of inf I used to have back. Didn't change the shock of seeing all my inf disappear, though.
Then again, I got my monkey badge back before the change... so many monkeys... so many monkeys...
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To be fair, this was also the period when they a) didn't have their psi blast, and b) could be herded up and defeated 50 or more at a time by an SS/Inv Tanker.
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
The 2 (two) times I went in to AS somebody with my Stalker and my friend said "Dude, your not hidden!" You would think that would be a 1 time mistake, but no. It's the second one that made me feel dumb!
Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1

The 2 (two) times I went in to AS somebody with my Stalker and my friend said "Dude, your not hidden!" You would think that would be a 1 time mistake, but no. It's the second one that made me feel dumb!
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Reminds me of the time I figured strolling into a large group of rikti while invisible, then hitting buildup and aim before dropping invis and going nova would be a great idea.
Rikti drones can see through invis, of course. It went something like: buildup... aim... faceplant.
...Tonight I was hunting fake nemesis in PI. Ran into a team doing the same thing, so I joined them. I got my badge first and said so... team leader says, "You don't have to stay if you've already got your badge." I said I didn't mind, that they were probably really close. A couple of minutes later, without saying anything else... he kicks me from the team.
You know, a "Sorry we don't want help," would have been just fine...

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Then again, I got my monkey badge back before the change... so many monkeys... so many monkeys...
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To be fair, this was also the period when they a) didn't have their psi blast, and b) could be herded up and defeated 50 or more at a time by an SS/Inv Tanker.
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So many monkeys...
Rikti drones can see through invis, of course. It went something like: buildup... aim... faceplant.
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I think I have that attack chain on one of my blasters, too!
Dumb moment shortly after starting playing this game:
I'm like a lot of other tech-savvy folks, and rarely read the instructions until things go wrong. So the tutorial I ran on my first character....well, I doubt I read all of any of that.
So I'm in a mission on a team, and we get the thing cleared, and the "we won" music plays, and people say "Exiting". Well, I started running back through the mission, wondering how everyone else had gotten back out of the door before I could get there. I think I saw the Exit button on the next mission.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

I ran into a tree once, with my head... running at full speed from a girl that was trying to kiss me, when I was like 10. True story. It knocked me out for an hour and I woke up in the Nurse's office.
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And from that moment on you became catastrophically attracted to the idea of ramming other people headlong into objects. Now everything makes sense.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
"These freaking trains are always broke down."
(This went on for about three months prior to her asking) She proceeded to tell me that was impossible. Then pointed out that I was always trying to enter the exit.
Boy did I feel like an idiot!
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LOL been there done that and i felt the same way and i had two 50s at that time, never played heros always villains at that point.
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I struggled with that for about 30 minutes the first time I played a hero. I, too, usually play villains and was used to the "run up into the ferry, and go" routine. I was standing there, trying to run in, click on the doors... some players would pop out of the doors and while the doors were open, I'd try to dash in.
Sure enough after about a half hour I suddenly realize there's another whole SIDE to the station...
So I'm in PI hunting fake nemesis with my 47 tank. I get a tell asking me to come help kill Lusca. What the heck, it's not every day people even want to bother with Lusca, and it's a fun if tough fight. I say yes.
My team wants to 8-man it -- no other team involved. The leader assures me that's possible, and it is -- with the right kind of team. Unfortunately my team includes a lot of mid-level players, including two rads that can't seem to stay within healing range of the melee guys without getting without getting slapped down into the water, hard. We manage to get through four tentacles with many deaths and a couple of team wipes or "pull back, let's regroup and try again" moments.
At one point someone leaves, at another point someone logs in their higher level stone/rad troller. Thing go a bit better then, but what really seemed to turn things for us was when we added a level 21 bubbler who was in PI looking for a team. In particular I noticed with him around I not only had my usual 90% resistance to lethal damage and other resistances (invunerability), but upwards of 60% defense across the board (at least, for smashing/lethal and a couple of other defense types that I monitor). I don't know what everyone else's defense numbers were (I do have tough/weave in my build), but my tank was in good shape at that point. ^_^ We finished the rest in good time with maybe one or two deaths, if any.
Annnywaayyy... after that I head back to PI, where sooner or later someone is advertising that they are a "level 45 healer lft". I pay it no attention, but then someone else replies "A rad should never be called a healer," and they get into an argument about it, with the second person trying to point out how powerful rad debuffs are, and the first person insisting that rads have a really good heal. And then the first person adds that having a heal makes her, "better than any non-healer, like a bubbler or a useless stormy."
/em headdesk.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
That story makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad PK.
"These freaking trains are always broke down."
(This went on for about three months prior to her asking) She proceeded to tell me that was impossible. Then pointed out that I was always trying to enter the exit.
Boy did I feel like an idiot!
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL been there done that and i felt the same way and i had two 50s at that time, never played heros always villains at that point.
[/ QUOTE ]
I struggled with that for about 30 minutes the first time I played a hero. I, too, usually play villains and was used to the "run up into the ferry, and go" routine. I was standing there, trying to run in, click on the doors... some players would pop out of the doors and while the doors were open, I'd try to dash in.
Sure enough after about a half hour I suddenly realize there's another whole SIDE to the station...
[/ QUOTE ]
Of course I tried to enter the Train through the exit and did the obligatory facepalm a bit later. But the Train station got me a second time.
The first computer I played CoH on had a video card that rendered night as pretty much pitch black. This enabled me to do all sorts of things, like discover Grendel's Gulch by falling into it, etc.
But when I levelled on my first hero to ever get to Talos, I asked the team where the trainer was, and was told, "In front of the Train." So I went over to the Train, but it was nighttime, so I could not see very far.
The trainer told me that he could not help me.
Well, there was the green arrow in my meter, but No Soup For Me. "He told me he could not help me," I said. A torrent of disbelief and/or snide remarks ensued. I had to be joking. Did I know where the Train was? and the like. Well, yes, I did and there I was and still could not train with the Trainer. More rude remarks followed.
Of course, at the time I was talking to Bastion (later Citadel.) I never saw Luminary in the dark.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
When I first started this game, I went almost a year running aaaaaall the way back to the entrance to exit a mission. *facepalm*
I've also done the "try to enter the exit train" thing.
And, of course, I was recently embarrassed by my best friend in RL, who I introduced CoX to two years ago. I usually avoid the market, as I am a dull person who is easily confused, and it seems a little complicated to me.
Anyway, he made a whopping ONE BILLION on the market recently! To add insult to injury, he looked at my current highest level character, my 39 AR/Fire Blaster, Blargenwargen, and LAUGHED at his build! Needless to say, I was peeved. So I. CHallenged him to "fix" my character, if you will.
So he gave me an alternate build, allowed me to sputter with anger at his changing it so much, then gave me an unholy ammount of influence to get some good IOs. Then, on top of that, he spent over an hour fully slotting my character with enhancements.
And when he was finally done, my jaw literally DROPPED at the WALL of set bonuses I was looking at.
And all this from my friend who probably embarrasses more than anything else on earth, in and out of the game.

I'll never forget this. When I first started playing I remember taking the ferry from Talos to PI. Nevermind the fact that I was trying to go to Striga. Nevermind the fact I took the train from IP to get to Talos in the first place. The real kicker is when I jumped into the ferry, I figured the Striga entrance was the port side of the ferry and the PI side was the opening from the water and proceeded to go back and forth between talos and PI several times thinking I did it wrong. I still hate you with the purest fiery, neck-squeezing hate, minimized map! /shakesfist
This doesn't happen anymore but I used to jump into the middle of spawns on my defender thinking I'm my tank. They share a costume and I used to confuse them all the time. There was a time where I nearly freaked out about the devs changing the animation of soul drain and making it identical to twilight grasp. Again I was on my defender.
I've tried to enter the exit train.
The first ever toon I ever made, a friend tp'd me to the top of the atlas globe for the badge. He's like you'll need this later. "Great!" I said and then proceed to run off the side of the globe and splash the water nearest city hall, and dying without receiving the badge.
One of my dumb moments was the first day I played the game. I did the tutorial, went to Ms Liberty to level up, and started grabbing missions from the first contact in City Hall. One of the first missions was a "Defeat 5 Hellions in Atlas Park". OK, easy enough. I exited the building and headed over to this little park I saw near City Hall. It had a nice little lake and a statue. I looked around for some plaque to see what the name of the that little park was, but it didn't have a name. I started looking all over the zone for all the little parks and still couldn't find Atlas Park. I thought maybe it's an industrial park, so headed towards the warehouses. I spent about an hour running around looking for Atlas Park until I noticed when I looked at the map that the whole zone was Atlas Park. Ooops!
Nowadays, my stupid moments come at various times. I'll forget I'm exemped down to some lower level and run up to a boss and hit my hold...... to find out that I don't have a hold anymore. Or the time I was on my Dark Defender and we were stealthing through a mission, and I forgot that fuzzy was with me and aggroing everything along the way. hahahaha
Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break
The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens
My dumbest moment was in beta. This was my very first MMO ever and since it was a beta there was very very few instructions (yes I actually read them when they are there) so I logged in spent forever making my first blaster showed up in Atlas park and was amazed at all the other heroes. I started doing missions and every so often someone would talk to me usually asking if I want to team up. Sadly I had no idea how to use the chat system so for the first week or two I would get all kinds of msgs and had no way to respond. I honestly don't recall exactly how I learned to chat but I almost quit the game due to being embarrased about not being able to respond to people.
"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle
Had a dumb moment this weekend. I respec'd my blaster on Freedom. Before I did, I planned out in MIDS how I wanted to do things. Then I did the respec and picked my powers. When I got to the end, I was dumbfounded -- MIDS said I could pick 24 powers but the game was only allowing me to pick 23.
I spent 5 frustrating minutes pouring over my picks in MIDS and comparing them to my picks in the respec screen, trying to figure out where I'd gone wrong, before I finally remembered, Oh, wait, I'm only level 48....

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Even though I read the forums I'm not much of a numbers person, and it wasn't until recently that I really started paying more attention to what makes a good scrapper build and using MIDS to plan things out a bit, and trying to improve my level 50 characters (it helps that I'm an altaholic and until recently I just haven't played my level 50s much).
Which I could have done... I don't know, a year ago?
I noticed builds that reference how many extra hit points you can get from accolades, and I would think, "Those are hard to get, but I should work on it some evening," and then forget about it.
So last night I decided to do this. I looked up on Paragonwiki to see what accolades I wanted to go after first, and what I needed to complete them for my main.
Hmm. Task Force Commander looks good. I only need 1 task force to get it too. Of course, that's the Posi... so, not going to do that tonight, nope.
Ah, here we go. Freedom Phalanx Reserve, +10 to max health. That's the one I want! And it looks easy to get! I probably have most of these badges already... let's see, the Fake Nemesis one is probably the one I'm missing... no wait, I have that... I have Tank Buster and Gearsmasher, don't I? Yeah I do... but I thought I already HAD all of the history and exploration badges?
Hmm... no, there are a couple of history badges missing... what did I not get?
Anyway... as it turns out... all I needed to gain an extra 133 hit points was to go to Terra Volta and touch a plaque...
(I actually gained 3 accolades I think last night just by finishing all of the exploration/history badges I hadn't done in Terra Volta and RWZ.)
my lil RWZ Challenge vid