Radiation Blast / Dark Miasma




So, I was looking into Rad Blast as I realized that I never have made one before! Originally, I was looking to pair it with Cold, but then I decided to save it for a Controller for Issue 16.

Thats when I came across /Dark. I figured it would work well with Rad, and when i16 hits, I could make /Dark Green and it would make for a pretty beastly looking radiation combo.

So for my question! Does Rad/Dark work well together? Some Pros and Cons? AV, Hero, Solo, Team Potential? Thanks for the help!



Rad/Dark does work very well together. It's a solid performer both solo and on teams. You can probably solo AVs/Heroes with it, though I've never tried on mine, strangely enough.

The single-target damage starts out kind of weak, but that's fixed by putting procs in Neutrino Bolt and just plain having Cosmic Burst.

But still, the AoE debuffing of /Dark + the AoE damage of Rad/ = Good times



I've been trying to figure out just 'what' makes these two so good together (beyond cosmic burst + howling twilight). Is it irradiate+tar patch (with maybe throwing in electron haze afterward)?

The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?



That's what I was thinking, but sometimes what I think, and what the facts are ... can be completely different.

I'm pretty familiar with /Dark, but what are some things that I should avoid in Rad/?



I typically skip the proton volley and x-ray beam. You either like snipes or you don't. If you solo mostly then a snipe may be your thing. On teams they are only good for pulling (but that's what the brute is for). X-ray is also optional because neutrino bolt recharges so fast. I just finished my rad/dark and he is a blast. It is a solid combo. Plus, the dark and glowy green make pretty colors (but i16 is will allow customization).



Well, you'll want to have both Neutrino Bolt and X-ray beam to start out. A chain involving both powers is far more effective than a chain with just one until you start getting some recharge bonuses and putting procs in Neutrino Bolt.

X-ray beam is something to spec out of later (it still adds to your DPS in high levels, but its effect is reduced), but I'd definitely take it for the ride up.

Also, not just Irradiate but Irradiate, Electron Haze and Neutron Bomb. Rad Blast has 3 AoEs, and that's where its primary strength lies.

On my Rad/Dark Corruptor, I took every power in the set. There's really none that warrant avoiding. The Snipe's a good snipe. The nuke's a good nuke. All that really needs saying is that Cosmic Burst is easily the best blast power ever.



I don't know about a Corruptor, but I've been using a Dark/Rad Defender lately, basically the same thing barring Inherant and damage.

I don't knwo what it is that makes the combo so awesome, but it is. I think it's the sheer debuffing power you weild: Acc/Dam from several Dark powers, Def from Rad, and Res if you use Tar Patch. Add in a ST Hold and cone Fear, and you're just a crippling machine. One advantage I've found is using Rad to set up for Twilight's Grasp, which IMO is one of the more powerful heals out there.

The way I see it, Dark is probably the best set for sheer debuffing. Rad has the wonderful power of "If I hit you, I'll keep hitting you" by killing their Defense.

And besides...Rad has the best SFX period.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



That's what I was thinking, for some reason, I have never seen a Rad/Dark, and yet they seem like they'd be a swift kick to any fight.

This is the most exicited I've been for an alt, I think! And Issue 16 and the thought of Green Dark Miasma (aka, neat-looking radiation) has gotten me even more excited!



Rad/Dark is pretty awesome. It gives you a little bit of everything. While it doesn't excel in anything except AoE, it's got a whole pool of tricks so you can keep doing any one thing decently enough for quite some time.

Debuffs? Sure, I can handle that. Darkest Night, Tar Patch, Fearsome Stare.
Off-Tanking? Well, if you insist. Lots of -ToHit from Darkest Night and Fearsome Stare, and I combined Shark Skin, Shadow Fall, and Tough together--and if I get into trouble, I can just Hibernate.
Mezzing? Sure, okay. Dark Servant provides some great mezzes of his own, but I've also got a hold, stuns, and a fear.
Off-Blasting? Now you're talking.



Anyone have any build ideas for the combo? I have no idea what direction to take a toon like this, IO-wise. Should I focus on damage and recharge or should I concentrate on my resists/defenses?



No cons, all pros!!

Take Recall Ally for dogpile resurrections.
Also good if you get a stealth IO, it will allow you to ghost missions.
Note that implies your taking the toggle aura.

Tar Pit is a staple, for all that AOE goodness!! Nothing says mob-dyin like -30 res and with some slow enhancement you keep them there long enough for all that AOE goodness.

Global bonuses I went mostly for +RECH, +RECOVERY, +DAM. Want all that carnage up as fast as possible and my endurance regenerating fast to keep up with me.



Hey everyone, I have this rad/dark and I don't mean to steal this guys post, but it was mostly dont anyway . I was just wondering if I would be okay with only the two ST blasts - cosmic burst and neutron? And do I need to take the pet from leviathan mastery? If I don't, I can take recall friend which will be good with howling twilight.



Mechanically speaking, I'll tell you why it works.

*/Dark relies on ToHit checks for some of its buffs and defuffs.

Rad Blast/* Lowers the defense of your foes, making them easier to hit.

So basically, if you open up with your blasts, you're pretty much garuanteed to hit with your buffs/debuffs, which makes the battles easier =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



But nobody opens up with their blasts. That's a silly thing to do. You open up with Fearsome Stare.

Originally Posted by Deekz_4 View Post
Hey everyone, I have this rad/dark and I don't mean to steal this guys post, but it was mostly dont anyway . I was just wondering if I would be okay with only the two ST blasts - cosmic burst and neutron? And do I need to take the pet from leviathan mastery? If I don't, I can take recall friend which will be good with howling twilight.

You'll find the set to be underwhelming if you don't take the AoEs, especially Electron Haze. The single-target damage is rather lackluster until you've slotted 3 damage procs into Neutrino Bolt. For most of the game, it's the AoEs that make it worthwhile, and Electron Haze is the best AoE in the set.



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
Well, you'll want to have both Neutrino Bolt and X-ray beam to start out. A chain involving both powers is far more effective than a chain with just one until you start getting some recharge bonuses and putting procs in Neutrino Bolt.

X-ray beam is something to spec out of later (it still adds to your DPS in high levels, but its effect is reduced), but I'd definitely take it for the ride up.

Also, not just Irradiate but Irradiate, Electron Haze and Neutron Bomb. Rad Blast has 3 AoEs, and that's where its primary strength lies.

On my Rad/Dark Corruptor, I took every power in the set. There's really none that warrant avoiding. The Snipe's a good snipe. The nuke's a good nuke. All that really needs saying is that Cosmic Burst is easily the best blast power ever.

I could not have put it any better... MrQuizzles is on the money. Beside look at his avatar... how could you refuse sound advise from a hotdog on an old style phone. I know I would not.

Indigo, leader of the City of Gaymers

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Originally Posted by kybarsfang View Post
Anyone have any build ideas for the combo? I have no idea what direction to take a toon like this, IO-wise. Should I focus on damage and recharge or should I concentrate on my resists/defenses?
I've an AR/Dark who went defense. Originally I'd planned for ranged defense but along with that I ended up with some decent smash/lethal/energy to which I added Scorpion's Shield, Shadow Fall, Maneuvers, and Combat Jump. Isn't soft-capped but is effectively so vs. most enemies once Fearsome Stare is thrown out there. The rest are handled by stacking on Darkest Night and, if it looks bad, Dark Servant. With this kind of setup you can be very aggressive and not worry too much about all the AoE aggro you're generating or, heck, just taking an alpha strike because you *can*. Anything that gets through tends to be handled by that ginormous heal (or one from your pal, Fluffy) and of course the other nice thing about defense is that it's kind of a ghetto mez-protection. If it doesn't hit you, it doesn't mez you.

Now I don't know how much fun a really tricked-out-for-damage IO build would be but I suppose one of these days I'll just spend the cash for a second build and find out.

I have a Rad/Dark defender I am considering re-rolling redside. Just can't get into Defenders after having played Corruptors.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Originally Posted by Burst_Eagle View Post
This is the most exicited I've been for an alt, I think! And Issue 16 and the thought of Green Dark Miasma (aka, neat-looking radiation) has gotten me even more excited!
I'm curious though if this carries over to Dark Servant and its powers as well or if it remains black (or if it ends up green but shoots out black powers). Hmmm.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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I'm planning on going /soul ppp for the rad/dark I recently started.

Based on my experience with rad emission I have a feeling I'll end up not using darkest night very often (and maybe even drop it altogether), but I foresee powerboosted fearsome stare setting up nicely for tarpatch+souldrain+aoe goodness.

I'm at level 6 now, but I imagine once I hit lvl 12 or so I'll wander over to AE and start advertising myself as a healer and I'll be 50 in a few days haha.



So does anyone have a 50 build they would like to share? I know on mine i'm going with leviathan for hibernate mostly. what is a good thing to work for? defense? recharge? damage?



my rad/dark corrupter Nyarlahotep is great! I tried dark/rad first but switched and never looked back



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I'm planning on going /soul ppp for the rad/dark I recently started.

Based on my experience with rad emission I have a feeling I'll end up not using darkest night very often (and maybe even drop it altogether), but I foresee powerboosted fearsome stare setting up nicely for tarpatch+souldrain+aoe goodness.

I'm at level 6 now, but I imagine once I hit lvl 12 or so I'll wander over to AE and start advertising myself as a healer and I'll be 50 in a few days haha.
Powerboosted fearsome stare should really rock
But you'd be mad to go without DN. And if -by your own comparison- you didn't use RI/EF a lot on your /rad cor, you seriously handicapped yourself and your teams I'm afraid... (And yeah I know about your anchors often being killed, but pick the target for the toggles smart and maybe make a bind to notify the team and you will find they are absolutely very usefull. Also makes good for pulling bundles in your tarpatch)

P.S dark/rad is absolute awesome too!



Originally Posted by Blue_Note View Post
Powerboosted fearsome stare should really rock
But you'd be mad to go without DN. And if -by your own comparison- you didn't use RI/EF a lot on your /rad cor, you seriously handicapped yourself and your teams I'm afraid... (And yeah I know about your anchors often being killed, but pick the target for the toggles smart and maybe make a bind to notify the team and you will find they are absolutely very usefull. Also makes good for pulling bundles in your tarpatch)

P.S dark/rad is absolute awesome too!
It's more about using ~4 seconds to cast it at the beginning of the fight than missing out on the benefits RI or DN offer. I also didn't say anything about not using EF.

I can't speak for DN as I haven't leveled this toon yet, but I know for my various rads I tend to not use RI very often not because it isn't awesome, but because by the time it is cast I could have helped kill the spawn faster. Vs tougher targets and tougher spawns it is great... just so few of those encounters in vanilla pve.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I can't speak for DN as I haven't leveled this toon yet, but I know for my various rads I tend to not use RI very often not because it isn't awesome, but because by the time it is cast I could have helped kill the spawn faster.
If things are dying that fast then you won't need DN either. Fearsome Stare, Blast, and maybe Twilight Grasp the last enemy to top everyone's health off before they speed to the next spawn.

Sounds boring.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Originally Posted by Zem__ View Post
If things are dying that fast then you won't need DN either. Fearsome Stare, Blast, and maybe Twilight Grasp the last enemy to top everyone's health off before they speed to the next spawn.

Sounds boring.
Sounds like 90% of pugs post 30, let alone any kind of organized team I don't see it as the players' fault that the pve game is so easy. I mean it was really easy before IO's and now that you can have HO-like performance on every power by lvl 25 for barely more than 2 full sets of SO's... well.

I have it in my final spec as I like toggle pulling and I think DN +pb'd fearsome stare should still make a sizable dent in the tohit chance of 52+ bosses as my hope is to only build for about 30% ranged def.

But ya, if it ends up being like RI has been for my various rads (and it appears it will be) then I doubt it will be seeing much action time in most play scenarios. I'd like it if it was needed more, but at the same time if that was the case even with powerboost then things would probably be too hard without it.