new pvp guide




shouldnt there be a new pvp guide
after all the nerfs and the changes since
issue 14? i heard pvp is totally messed up
right now? i want to build a pvp fire/nrg
build that was built prior to issue 14 but
i am having second thoughts i might be
wasting my time



No Fire/Energy is still Very good if you build it right. And PvP is fine The fixed most of the problems. But I still Hate Travel Suppression

Lvl 50's
Girly Torch Fire/Bubbles Controller
Dave Goringer Fire/Kinetics Controller
Joe Goringer Willpower/Energy Melee Tanker

Big Spine Baby Spines/Regenration Stalker



Fire/Energy is still good, though it's something like 4th best instead of the best like it was prior to I12 (and second best after I12). As a Blaster you'll find that the mechanics of PvP are very similar to what they were before I13 - only major differences you will notice are travel suppression and diminishing returns (as well as the damage changes). It's when you start playing a buffer or debuffer that things really start to get messed up.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



=O what's the third? I still put Fire/ and Ice/ in my third place =X (maybe you're thinking archery =/)



New PVP guide for Blasters -

For zones -

XX/DEV (preferably Psi or fire - something with snipe but even Arch will do)

Take Hover and fly

Slot all your atks for acc/dgm and range

webnade, snipe, follow up dead. Rinse Repeat.

(bonus for you if you can dual box and have a buff bot in the hospital with recall friend if you get in trouble).

for Arena - pre 13 rules apply carry on.



Meh I've already tried stealthy sniper concepts =x that went pretty well but I got a warning for doing it(teamwise)... =x

So I'll have to pass that =x



=O what's the third? I still put Fire/ and Ice/ in my third place =X (maybe you're thinking archery =/)

[/ QUOTE ]
Pre I12: Fire, Ice, Sonic.
I12-I13: Psi, Fire, Ice, Sonic.
Post I13: Psi, Sonic, Arch, Fire.
Post 16: Psi, Rad, Sonic, Arch.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



=O what's the third? I still put Fire/ and Ice/ in my third place =X (maybe you're thinking archery =/)

[/ QUOTE ]
Pre I12: Fire, Ice, Sonic.
I12-I13: Psi, Fire, Ice, Sonic.
Post I13: Psi, Sonic, Arch, Fire.
Post 16: Psi, Rad, Sonic, Arch.

[/ QUOTE ]

What this says to me is fire is still gonna be good so blasters are gonna have the most primarys of any AT to go into the zone with. At least one AT still has some kinda variety and of course it's the damage king.



In my opinion, Fire should still be the damage king. I mean srsly--it's second affect is DAMAGE. That usually means it should do the most damage. That's what is weird to me.

Psy can still have it's damage, and it's range, but fire should be the lead in damage.

Just my opinion, and I wanted to rant that. Sorry =p

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.

Still playing for reasons unknown.



In my opinion, Fire should still be the damage king. I mean srsly--it's second affect is DAMAGE. That usually means it should do the most damage. That's what is weird to me.

Psy can still have it's damage, and it's range, but fire should be the lead in damage.

Just my opinion, and I wanted to rant that. Sorry =p

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel the same way.

I think anytime Fire is outdamaged by's wrong. Fire's secondary affect is, as you put it, DAMAGE. It should for all good intents and purposes deal damage THE BEST. Period. If something like "Psi" is dealing better damage, that's just plain wrong. It means that Psi gets all the "goodness" of massive damage like Fire has (and more) but ALSO get's full use of REAL secondary affects, such as -rech, stuns, KD's etc. To me, that's just plain wrong..



Just imagine if its secondary effect wasn't damage. It could be as bad as ice blast

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



What makes Archery so good? I mean, I know it's not as good as Sonic or Psy, but the general consensus seems to be that it's a pretty good PvP set. Is it the relatively long cast times and the good range on every power?



Long cast times = higher damage. They all hit pretty decently...with a low recharge on Blazing arrow and a huge range, it's a very nice set. Add into it RoA and the snipe and well yea...its no longer lolarch.



What makes Archery so good? I mean, I know it's not as good as Sonic or Psy, but the general consensus seems to be that it's a pretty good PvP set. Is it the relatively long cast times and the good range on every power?

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1. 1.15x base accuracy. Theoretically that 15% extra base accuracy should directly counter (and exceed) the bonus elusivity grants to defense-based sets.

2. Snap Shot's activation and recharge times are very fast, meaning you can fling damage quite quickly.

3. Blazing Arrow has a long animation time and is the same 80-foot range as most of the rest of the set.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I was also thinking the 1.15 base accuracy means that you can focus more on slotting for damage, range, etc. because even with the accuracy being enhanced by 66%, you still get around 1.9 accuracy. And most primaries have to devote 90% slotting for accuracy in their attacks to get 1.9 accuracy.

I have a 50 Arch/EM blaster just laying around that I haven't played for a few issues now. Guess I could spec him out for PvP?



I was also thinking the 1.15 base accuracy means that you can focus more on slotting for damage, range, etc. because even with the accuracy being enhanced by 66%, you still get around 1.9 accuracy. And most primaries have to devote 90% slotting for accuracy in their attacks to get 1.9 accuracy.

I have a 50 Arch/EM blaster just laying around that I haven't played for a few issues now. Guess I could spec him out for PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]




Boost range also does fun things to the size of the AoE in your cones for MM fighting. "The more you know."



wuts the best secondary for a psi pvp blaster?



In my opinion, Fire should still be the damage king. I mean srsly--it's second affect is DAMAGE. That usually means it should do the most damage. That's what is weird to me.

Psy can still have it's damage, and it's range, but fire should be the lead in damage.

Just my opinion, and I wanted to rant that. Sorry =p

[/ QUOTE ]

Sonic is the damage king overall, the -res in the attacks are deadly once stacked. The only downside to it is loooonng animation on its heavy hitter... But you will definately see the difference between just using Shout, and spending the extra 4 seconds doing Shriek/Scream/Shriek/Shout.

I've played pvp with Sonic/Fire/Archery/Psi in all the issues mentioned here, Macskull has it pretty much spot on with the order. Just keep in mind that the difference between them all is very slim, they all kickass and more often or not its the skill of the player which wins in a blaster vs blaster fight between those primaries.

wuts the best secondary for a psi pvp blaster?

[/ QUOTE ]
Still a topic of debate, people say EM, MM or Devs... I've tried them all, EM will get you the most kills, the other two might prove better in some circumstances... But EM will top those in 90% of the fights you have.

EDIT* Whilst Sonic has the potential to be the most damaging, it does take a bit to powerup, all depends on what your versing as to how effective it can be



All I can say is.... Psy/EM ftw! And.. Placate proc ftw! Me <3 annoying the peeps in RV with a good Psy/em. Most of the annoyance comes with the placate proc. I hear all the time.. "You only beat me because of that placate!" or "Without the placate, your build is nothing."

And all I ever say is... lol

P.S. Feugan shucks, he's never played a blaster in his life.

Jk, he's played more than i can count



i don't think that players who write guides could keep up with all the nerfs/ "fixes"



so psi/em for the best pvp blaster as of issue 15?
is this build also a kickass against villains?



psi em was right at the top pre i13, and continues to rise.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



which archetype for heroes is the best for pvp?


