34 -
was thinking about making one. looking for some feedback
Once upon a Positron there was a bug. It's purple Mankey liked saving walruses deaths. Until a green shoe fell off a pretty cloud of root beer fluff cleaving off seven little toes while chewing Bubblegum. After seeing the drunk Pinnacle-ite puke chunky bits of magnets, it stumbled into a garbage carafe. Feeling pretty depressed, it died a Lonely death.
Elsewhere, there were some hungry hippos dancing on me for every time one slurps from the fountain of Wayne. In the early dawn, sirens wailed under a pale little moon made of nothing. People thought they saw Ghost Widow munching on Doritos with Valerie. But it wasn't Doritos, it was a magical corncob that sexy Jay designed with care.
This time, she wanted 12 umpa-loompas and 5 slimy Pterodactyls with Listerine. Suddenly the wizard Spanksalot grumbled with great big annoyance. Dirty scoundrels sacked small vermin left by evil midgets wearing pink Fedoras and speedos. However, Elvis wasn't having cheesecake; he stopped to adjust Stacy's corset that had melted rubber down its frog but sadly, he died.
Cheney shot the lawyer in the buttocks with spitballs made of recycled garbage with asparagus. After blowing the mayor, he loaded up 12 hundred bucks obtained illegally so he licked garbage which Statesman tossed overseas. I then drank sour kiwi Rum. Drunken Avenger then sang Imagine. Afterward, Lily Tomlin beheaded the Tele-tubby while it sat eating pickled beets.
Next, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi took Aeris Gainsborough out cold.
Considering everything that transpired, little foot sat on his behind waiting for apples. Eskimo kisses tickled my tootsies unmercifully. Eventually, they screamed bloody Sunday until one benevolent little prince started rubbing knobs fiercely.
More midgets climbed Numina and pruned quietly. Taking advantage of nimble and skilled gastrointestinal parasites wasn't such a hard chore, except flying ones drove crazy trains.
Then, He-man decided to lick post-its and stuff because chimichangas just weren't enough. Orko screaming meemies blubered aimlessly South. The dog chewed Positron. He farmed ancient Rikti chimichangas. Then, Captain Swatkowski dribbled on his bib. This caused Swatkowski to run slower; the ice cream chimichanga tripped. Sensing imminent disaster, Pablo summoned blue fire buttfungus, unleashing unspeakable horrors. After the Furby stimulated mister Chimichanga, he stole 8000 blue chimichangas.
Ravenously belching Jingle Bombs, popsicles, Lava-lamps, and edible thongs, he swore revenge on -
Ive had that problem with me WP/EM tank Ill be on a team of 7 and a stone of Inv comes on the team and Just takes all the Hits. So they blamed me for not taking any damage and kicked me from the team. I was Furious. So yea i agree there are rivalry's
No Fire/Energy is still Very good if you build it right. And PvP is fine The fixed most of the problems. But I still Hate Travel Suppression
Well For I16 with the Team size thing and the color customization and all that..... I was wondering to go Fire/Ele for a full out farm build for tank. It sounds Great because it is good Redside now... Just wondering if its a good idea
I recently made a Electric/Fire Armor Brute and wanted to know if it was a good choice for Farming and Stuff like that. IF you happen to have mids builds that would be great. I was debating to Switch with a Fire/Fire brute. Please if you have and Comments say them
Im sorry i feel stupid. When is Demon Summoning coming to the game?
It seems we have reached a point where noobs are everywhere at every level and people just don't want to help anymore. When I started 18 months ago, I had a lot of help. By the time I got my first toon to 30, on protector, I knew what to do, and how to respec it, and look so forwarded to doing high lvl TF's and raids. There was a time people would "/b Anyone want to start a raid?" in PI, TI, or Grand and boom, you had enough or came close to having enough. Now it seems the raids are dying out - be it hami or RWZ. It seems like ALL HAIL AE! Seriously, is it me or is this what the games seems to have become in the past few months?
*About 20 people /b something like that and no one could or would explain it, and even a few replied "it's a bubble farm."
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree By Far. I have teamed with LvL 50's that didnt know how to get to PI. That is Stupidity and AE at its best. -
I would Try Spine/Ele or even Spine/Energy Very good self buffs
When You Join a team and everyone know you as the drunk guy from last night's ITF run
You know you're on Pinnacle when...
[/ QUOTE ]
When the phrase "hold my beer" is usually followed by "watch this" then a team wipe
[/ QUOTE ]
When this actually happens! It's crazy -
Ill be willing to join a team with a slot. Just give me a tell ingame @Wakernon
I'd Say Fire/Kin/Fire controller or a Fire/Psi Dom
Once upon a Positron there was a bug. It's purple Mankey liked saving walruses deaths. Until a green shoe fell off a pretty cloud of root beer fluff cleaving off seven little toes while chewing Bubblegum. After seeing the drunk Pinnacle-ite puke chunky bits of magnets, it stumbled into a garbage carafe. Feeling pretty depressed, it died a Lonely death.
Elsewhere, there were some hungry hippos dancing on me for every time one slurps from the fountain of Wayne. In the early dawn, sirens wailed under a pale little moon made of nothing. People thought they saw Ghost Widow munching on Doritos with Valerie. But it wasn't Doritos, it was a magical corncob that sexy Jay designed with care.
This time, she wanted 12 umpa-loompas and 5 slimy Pterodactyls with Listerine. Suddenly the wizard Spanksalot grumbled with great big annoyance. Dirty scoundrels sacked small vermin left by evil midgets wearing pink Fedoras and speedos. However, Elvis wasn't having cheesecake; he stopped to adjust Stacy's corset that had melted rubber down its frog but sadly, he died.
Cheney shot the lawyer in the buttocks with spitballs made of recycled garbage with asparagus. After blowing the mayor, he loaded up 12 hundred bucks obtained illegally so he licked garbage which Statesman tossed overseas. I then drank sour kiwi Rum. Drunken Avenger then sang Imagine. Afterward, Lily Tomlin beheaded the Tele-tubby while it sat eating pickled beets.
Next, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi took Aeris Gainsborough out cold.
Considering everything that transpired, little foot sat on his behind waiting for apples. Eskimo kisses tickled my tootsies unmercifully. Eventually, they screamed bloody Sunday until one benevolent little prince started rubbing knobs fiercely.
More midgets climbed Numina and pruned quietly. Taking advantage of nimble and skilled gastrointestinal parasites wasn't such a hard chore, except flying ones drove crazy trains.
Then, He-man decided to -
It get me mad enough when the run in general. With a travel power Doubt anybody will go for that
if you choose a elite boss in the options he wont be an elite boss until you have a team of 5 or more
Once upon a Positron there was a bug. It's purple Mankey liked saving walruses deaths. Until a green shoe fell off a pretty cloud of root beer fluff cleaving off seven little toes while chewing Bubblegum. After seeing the drunk Pinnacle-ite puke chunky bits of magnets, it stumbled into a garbage carafe. Feeling pretty depressed, it died a Lonely death.
Elsewhere, there were some hungry hippos dancing on me for every time one slurps from the fountain of Wayne. In the early dawn, sirens wailed under a pale little moon made of nothing. People thought they saw Ghost Widow munching on Doritos with Valerie. But it wasn't Doritos, it was a magical corncob that sexy Jay designed with care.
This time, she wanted 12 umpa-loompas and 5 slimy Pterodactyls with Listerine. Suddenly the wizard Spanksalot grumbled with great big annoyance. Dirty scoundrels sacked small vermin left by evil midgets wearing pink Fedoras and speedos. However, Elvis wasn't having cheesecake; he stopped to adjust Stacy's corset that had melted rubber down its frog but sadly, he died.
Cheney shot the lawyer in the buttocks with spitballs made of recycled garbage with asparagus. After blowing the mayor, he loaded up 12 hundred bucks obtained illegally so he licked garbage which Statesman tossed overseas. I then drank sour kiwi Rum. Drunken Avenger then sang Imagine. Afterward, Lily Tomlin beheaded the Tele-tubby while it sat eating pickled beets.
Next, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi took Aeris Gainsborough out cold.
Considering everything that transpired, little foot sat on his behind waiting for apples. Eskimo kisses tickled my tootsies unmercifully. Eventually, they screamed bloody Sunday until one benevolent little prince started rubbing knobs fiercely.
More midgets climbed Numina and pruned quietly. Taking advantage of nimble and skilled gastrointestinal parasites wasn't such a hard chore, except flying ones drove crazy trains.
Then he -
Well we set it up as Debuff and Damage, I got the Debuff and some damage. and he has the blowout damage. only us 2 will be playing with no team bigger then us 2.
I have alot of favorites and these are the rankings.
1) My Fire/Kin Controller I love him so much and never stop playing him.
2) Oddley Enough My Fire/Bubbles Controller. If you a team player thats the build.
3) my Spines/Fire Scrapper
4) the last one is my Stone/Ice Tank he just never dies! tanked Romulus at lvl 43 with no sk. lvl 51 Rom.