new pvp guide




In my opinion, Fire should still be the damage king. I mean srsly--it's second affect is DAMAGE. That usually means it should do the most damage. That's what is weird to me.

Psy can still have it's damage, and it's range, but fire should be the lead in damage.

Just my opinion, and I wanted to rant that. Sorry =p

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I feel the same way.

I think anytime Fire is outdamaged by's wrong. Fire's secondary affect is, as you put it, DAMAGE. It should for all good intents and purposes deal damage THE BEST. Period. If something like "Psi" is dealing better damage, that's just plain wrong. It means that Psi gets all the "goodness" of massive damage like Fire has (and more) but ALSO get's full use of REAL secondary affects, such as -rech, stuns, KD's etc. To me, that's just plain wrong..

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I find I can keep my sanity because nothing seems right with new pvp. So if Fire was the most damaging set that would seem out of place.

In the grand scheme it fits right in there with:
-Buffs that do nothing
-Heals that get people killed
-Mez that has almost no effect
-Shields that protect against 2-3 damage types normally suddenly protecting against everything
-Diminished returns
-Free resistance
-Free debuff protection
-Slows no longer doing anything
-Aoe damage powers that do less damage than brawl
-Reversal of what powers are your most damaging
-Powerpool attacks often being better than other melee attacks
-and the list goes on.

Seriously if Fire did what it was supposed to it would just be confusing.



In my opinion, Fire should still be the damage king. I mean srsly--it's second affect is DAMAGE. That usually means it should do the most damage. That's what is weird to me.

Psy can still have it's damage, and it's range, but fire should be the lead in damage.

Just my opinion, and I wanted to rant that. Sorry =p

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I feel the same way.

I think anytime Fire is outdamaged by's wrong. Fire's secondary affect is, as you put it, DAMAGE. It should for all good intents and purposes deal damage THE BEST. Period. If something like "Psi" is dealing better damage, that's just plain wrong. It means that Psi gets all the "goodness" of massive damage like Fire has (and more) but ALSO get's full use of REAL secondary affects, such as -rech, stuns, KD's etc. To me, that's just plain wrong..

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I find I can keep my sanity because nothing seems right with new pvp. So if Fire was the most damaging set that would seem out of place.

In the grand scheme it fits right in there with:
-Buffs that do nothing
-Heals that get people killed
-Mez that has almost no effect
-Shields that protect against 2-3 damage types normally suddenly protecting against everything
-Diminished returns
-Free resistance
-Free debuff protection
-Slows no longer doing anything
-Aoe damage powers that do less damage than brawl
-Reversal of what powers are your most damaging
-Powerpool attacks often being better than other melee attacks
-and the list goes on.

Seriously if Fire did what it was supposed to it would just be confusing.

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Frosticus, have my babies.

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.

Still playing for reasons unknown.



For zone fire still is way up there on the scales simply because the dot keeps stalkers out of hide longer. My stalker hates fire blasters more than anything else in zone.



auto flares ftl.



can anyone share me a pvp kick *** psi/em blaster build?
im building one right now, but have only trained up to lvl 2 yet.
my only powers right now are psionic dart, mental blast, and power thrust.
Thank you and appreciate ur inputs.