Took a fortunata with 95% ranged def to RV lol
I feel your pain. My bane is lolzy in RV. Granted, I built him for +HP and +damage, and have very little defense.
I can at least stay hidden most of the time, but that is little help when a blaster comes knocking. Although, Survilenceing a troller or Defender usually sends em running back to base.
I'd rip everything outta my PvP build, but I go to RV with friends sometimes, so it helps to show up prepared.
*sigh* I remember when SoA first came out and they were a force to be reckon with. Now...
yea its BS. my fortunat is over the soft cap on postional defense and it means crap in PVP. : (
RED CAP DAGGERS: if you want them red side on infinity, send a pm i have the mission to get them for dual blades.
The softcap is the number that drops an enemy's chance to hit to 5%. Mobs have a base 50% chance to hit, so the softcap is 45%. Players have a base 75% chance to hit, so the softcap, when a player is attacking you, is 70%. And thanks to diminishing returns, good luck getting your defense that high in a PVP zone.
The softcap is the number that drops an enemy's chance to hit to 5%. Mobs have a base 50% chance to hit, so the softcap is 45%. Players have a base 75% chance to hit, so the softcap, when a player is attacking you, is 70%. And thanks to diminishing returns, good luck getting your defense that high in a PVP zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
In PvP, players have a 50% base chance to hit other players.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
PvP has been nerf batted so hard that it's almost one big LOL-fest. Granted we had a lot of FotM AT's and powersets, but the devs could have did a couple of simple things to keep it all fun before the massive nerfing.
I'm under the impression that they could have reduced some damage for certain ATs/powers and perhaps even buffed damage and whatnot for certain ATs/powers. Also, maybe tossed in a a "totally random" modifier while PvPing so that each party involved has at least a 50/50% chance statically to win or eat dirt.
Also all of the compression... to an extent it would work... but now for zones... it's just one huge joke... and of course for a SS/whatever brute to get owned by a rad/rad defender 10 out of 10 times?.. yeah.. totally fukT.
Forts/Widows were pretty damn good in I13 when Elusivity was at 30%, but when they dropped that to 10% in I14, defense went right back to being mostly lol. Combine that with the PvP damage nerf VEATs got in I14 (something like 10-15%) and they're a shadow of what they were in I12 and I13. A well-supported Fort or Widow is still good but in the majority of situations like that a Corruptor or Blaster would be preferred.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I had a PvP Bane once, but he don't move no more!
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I have no such issues, in fact my Widow is easily my best PVP toon. You cant just rely on your defence anymore, I have about 45% to ranged, 55% to melee, and 42% to AOE, my typed im not sure on but I have almost capped HP, and regen at about 32HP a second which helps alot. Also sitting at about 145% global rech and somthing like 60% global dmg buff.
I honestly think in current PVP +HP and +Regen are just as important as anything else. That and you cant play like a beatstick.
I usually hit run, hit run, hit run, constantly ducking behind walls, tress, buildings etc, DONT LET THEM USE RANGE. Make them come to you, and if they wont come to you, then punish them with stuff like Spirit Shark etc.
Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk
I have no such issues, in fact my Widow is easily my best PVP toon. You cant just rely on your defence anymore, I have about 45% to ranged, 55% to melee, and 42% to AOE, my typed im not sure on but I have almost capped HP, and regen at about 32HP a second which helps alot. Also sitting at about 145% global rech and somthing like 60% global dmg buff.
I honestly think in current PVP +HP and +Regen are just as important as anything else. That and you cant play like a beatstick.
I usually hit run, hit run, hit run, constantly ducking behind walls, tress, buildings etc, DONT LET THEM USE RANGE. Make them come to you, and if they wont come to you, then punish them with stuff like Spirit Shark etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
You must get kills. And don't lie and say you get alot...because "hit, run, hit, run" tactics simply DO NOT work in pvp anymore. You must stick around and deal "sustained damage" if you plan on actually making kills.
So unless you're on a team of 8 other people who are playing the exact same way, and you're all "hitting" the same target and then running after it dies, that tactic is just not going to work.
Use Invis and stealth IO, run away, come back and kill player at 35% hp, run away, if they tough you use phase and invis and run away, come back and kill those that have 35% hp.
You don't have 55% melee def after DR, that's for sure. I don't know what your DR numbers are, but you didn't post them.
It's prob easier for a widow that plays more like a stalker, but a fort is a weak version of a blaster in pvp, without defense, we're done.
Maybe if they'd rework forts so we have some super snipe ability that will crit when done from hidden, then maybe we could just hope to outdamage someone, but as it is now, no.
I have no such issues, in fact my Widow is easily my best PVP toon.
[/ QUOTE ]
I feel bad for you
I recently came back after a very long break and rolled up a Fort and have him decently IOed for defense. After DR he is sitting at around 43.75% ranged, 40.94% melee and 39.98% aoe.
I spent the last couple of days pvping in RV and was checking the combat stats after every battle to see what the numbers were. Well it wasn't all that pretty. The absolute worst % chance to hit my Fort was just under 30% of all the characters who attacked. Most attacks were sitting in the 50-60% range. It was really disheartening.
EDIT: Fixed defense numbers to reflect actual numbers after logging in and checking them in RV.
I dont mean hit and RUN like completly away. I just mean you should sit in on place like an idiot, like 70% of the pvpers do. You have to remain mobile and press your advantage. Part of it is knowing the difference between how a power acts in PVE and how it acts in PVP cause its a big difference in some cases.
Your on drugs if you think I dont get alot of kills. I have funded all my toons off of PVP IO drops I get in RV. I know for a fact that I have had ATLEAST 600-700 kills since I finalized this toons build.
Dont you just love people who think that because they suck, everyone else must too? Also dont ever neglect the power of accolaides and elude. They are amazing when you regen as fast as I do.
Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk
Tooke a fortunata with 95% ranged def to RV lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Good Lord, get this man a cookie! No one should ever have to go through that! Can I get you something...?!?! Anything....?!?! Dont you die on me now!
the real killer for for Forts is defense really doesn't work well, and their damage was nerfed bad, your basically a defender w/o any nice buffs/ debuffs/ heals in the pvp zones,
I dont mean hit and RUN like completly away. I just mean you should sit in on place like an idiot, like 70% of the pvpers do. You have to remain mobile and press your advantage. Part of it is knowing the difference between how a power acts in PVE and how it acts in PVP cause its a big difference in some cases.
Your on drugs if you think I dont get alot of kills. I have funded all my toons off of PVP IO drops I get in RV. I know for a fact that I have had ATLEAST 600-700 kills since I finalized this toons build.
Dont you just love people who think that because they suck, everyone else must too? Also dont ever neglect the power of accolaides and elude. They are amazing when you regen as fast as I do.
[/ QUOTE ]
I <3 you Psynder.
And My Bane is my current lvl 50 that rocks in RV. In SC, as long as I'm with a Huntsman (Virtue PvP knows us well...) I'm great as well. SoAs don't "Suck" in PvP, they got nerfed, so what, slot them a bit better, it might cost a bit more, but I thought it was a good trade for the fun I have with him.
Of course, I think my new MM will blow my bane out of the water with how fun he's been in SC so far...
Also sitting at about 145% global rech and somthing like 60% global dmg buff.
[/ QUOTE ]
Widows must have a VASTLY higher +recharge cap before DR than Trollers do, then.
My illusion Troller has 100% global recharge before AM and Hasten, and with both running, 200%. In PvE.
In PvP? It drops to around 75% or so, and that's WITH AM and Hasten.
Seems kind of odd that a Widow would have double the recharge cap...
The Mastermind Project
Leveling every primary/secondary to 50!
50: Bot/FF, Bot/Dark, Ninja/Trap, Merc/Pain, Necro/Dark, Thug/Dark
Works in Progress: Thug/TA, Merc/Poison, Thug/Pain, Ninja/Pain, Thug/Storm
I <3 you Psynder.
And My Bane is my current lvl 50 that rocks in RV. In SC, as long as I'm with a Huntsman (Virtue PvP knows us well...) I'm great as well. SoAs don't "Suck" in PvP, they got nerfed, so what, slot them a bit better, it might cost a bit more, but I thought it was a good trade for the fun I have with him. Of course, I think my new MM will blow my bane out of the water with how fun he's been in SC so far... |
He even named a bot after me.

don't bother, of course most of you know this, most of you would have told me this had I asked anyone about it, but I was just wondering how much defense I could muster in PvP and if it would matter at all.
It doesn't. In PvP it translated to 48.8% or something like that. I was a little dissapointed having reworked my entire build and had really only gained 5% more than I had at the start. But I thought to myself, hey, that's still a good number, maybe I can be elusive to heroes. I wasn't. Obviously buildup + aim was going to make that a joke, but here was what was really aggravating to me. When a blaster attacked me without aim or buildup, they still somehow had a 55% chance to succeed at range (with LAZERBAEMS!). I can't even imagine how it worked out to that. Maybe some sort of emp buff? (sorry a little noobish on heroside stuff). Moral of the story? Give up, give up nao. Edit, edited the title to be more clear. It's not a melee char, I can't just user stalker tactics. |
so in short, DR was implemented for the lazy because they dont wana spend the TIME to make their toons good. they cried and cried to the devs to have IOs turned off in pvp and the devs returned with a 'compromise'. which to me is just stupid. just like in real life, you gotta work to get anywhere. and i hate DR.
i actually wondered WHY the hell was diminished returns implemented? well, i finally found out why. the other day i was on my hero sg and the member who was in RV with me said she wished that IOs were turned off in pvp. i was like wtf?? she further explained to me that she doesnt have the time to get all the goodies and she tought it was 'unfair' that others were IOd out... but she was on her husband's toon... so i thought to myself, well instead of going along with altitis they should have worked to together to IO out their regen scrapper (which ofcourse are the best scrappers) instead of being freaking LAZY...
so in short, DR was implemented for the lazy because they dont wana spend the TIME to make their toons good. they cried and cried to the devs to have IOs turned off in pvp and the devs returned with a 'compromise'. which to me is just stupid. just like in real life, you gotta work to get anywhere. and i hate DR. |
Those players that were now supposed to be included in the new demographic never showed up and DR just pisses on pretty much anyone that spends time actually focusing on their build. I think it is asinine at best to introduce character tweaking as pretty much the only end-game content and then effectively disable that feature for the only other end-game content: pvp.
You gotta wonder what is going on in their heads. I mean I get why they did it, but it really should have been a non-starter when brought up in the current implementation. Basically ya, setting off a nuke will demolish the building your looking to take down, but that should be the last resort, not the go to plan A.
*shrug* My PvP builds these days are usually focusing around +HP and +dam since those don't get DR'd too heavily, secondarily on +recharge, to about 40% where DR starts to really eat into it. In terms of a VEAT I'd also work ranged defense into the mix - I'm tooling around with a Stalker-hunting Bane that I might try when GR comes out, which has 65% ranged defense before DR, 55% damage bonus, 1650 HP, and will be perception-capped (enough to see a Stealth-capped Stalker at about 100 feet, versus 10 feet for other ATs). Only thing is it doesn't have Stamina but since its main goal will be to drop Stalkers out of hide so my teammates can clean up, I'm not seeing that as being a problem.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
DR is intended to even the playing field and make pvp more accessible to a wider array of players. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Those players that were now supposed to be included in the new demographic never showed up and DR just pisses on pretty much anyone that spends time actually focusing on their build. I think it is asinine at best to introduce character tweaking as pretty much the only end-game content and then effectively disable that feature for the only other end-game content: pvp. You gotta wonder what is going on in their heads. I mean I get why they did it, but it really should have been a non-starter when brought up in the current implementation. Basically ya, setting off a nuke will demolish the building your looking to take down, but that should be the last resort, not the go to plan A. |
don't bother, of course most of you know this, most of you would have told me this had I asked anyone about it, but I was just wondering how much defense I could muster in PvP and if it would matter at all.
It doesn't.
In PvP it translated to 48.8% or something like that. I was a little dissapointed having reworked my entire build and had really only gained 5% more than I had at the start.
But I thought to myself, hey, that's still a good number, maybe I can be elusive to heroes.
I wasn't.
Obviously buildup + aim was going to make that a joke, but here was what was really aggravating to me. When a blaster attacked me without aim or buildup, they still somehow had a 55% chance to succeed at range (with LAZERBAEMS!). I can't even imagine how it worked out to that. Maybe some sort of emp buff? (sorry a little noobish on heroside stuff).
Moral of the story?
Give up, give up nao.
Edit, edited the title to be more clear. It's not a melee char, I can't just user stalker tactics.