Bringin' Down The AE Farms
Welcome to the /invite gang.
(This actually brings up a fair point... if farm crews have laid claim to a zone, why can't the regular teamers? We could declare another zone AE as the "regular teaming" location. Talos is one convenient "hub" for mid-range players, as is Sharkhead... all it takes is repetition and word of mouth.)
Anyway, enough of the digression. /signed. Thanks for standing up and taking the Leader Lollipop.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Wow.... someone taking initiative to form "normal" teams.
Good for you, Trashman, and thank you for not starting a "ZOMG! AE is ruining the game!" thread.
Currently on noob buster a level 8 fire/dark scrapper. Loves to do the missions where its nonstop action.
Faultline > magic man > RWZ > hollows > im your man!
I've been doing this for a while now anyway, but yeah anyone feel free to add me: @my name is joe
I've been playing my level 32 scrapper, plus I have a multitude of other toons that need some play time.
@ Squirrelly Wrath and @Dolphin Wrath
I normally play on one of my 50s but that's what they make exemplar for.
I believe this is what others have been doing on here although in the form of TF's & SF's. I am always looking for regular teams and help with my Arcs. Joe- I believe I was you on the Freedom Channel a few days ago running some. I monitor that channel looking for teams as well.
Ive got a toon in atlas (sewer team)and one in kings(radio)with Xp turned off ,
and have been snagging noobs out of Ae for 2 weeks now.
great fun
@1st. Son
@1st. Son
Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.
I'm down for anything, any time, any place.
@Obsidian Light

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
@Dirk Divac
Sign me up and look for me if you are making a freedom/hero team. I have all level ranges available.
If you want a high level team, TF, or help on anything non-AE related, feel free to hit me up. My main is a 50 Scrapper on Freedom, and I play him almost exclusively. Amadaeis is his name, and my global is @X-cutioner1.
I try to do the Ouro TF's a lot (and the flashback arcs), and anyone is free to join me!
AE has it plus...but right now it has sux the life out of the game. It is hard to fine a team, everyone is doin AE farms. I cann't remember last time I did a mission. AE needs to change. It should be in one zone and only lvl 50's can use it. Once you hit 50 and you have done all the missions what is left to do. That is where AE will come in at. It's time to pull the buildeing out of every zone and let everyone play the game the way it should be
AE has it plus...but right now it has sux the life out of the game. It is hard to fine a team, everyone is doin AE farms. I cann't remember last time I did a mission. AE needs to change. It should be in one zone and only lvl 50's can use it. Once you hit 50 and you have done all the missions what is left to do. That is where AE will come in at. It's time to pull the buildeing out of every zone and let everyone play the game the way it should be
[/ QUOTE ]
Your first post is a troll post on the AE?
Dude, join a Freedom Grouping channel and leave the negative swag in the trash.
Comeon guys this isnt a bash AE thread its make regular content more open to casual players. Dont turn this into a flame thread.
Sign me up. I'm down for any type of team anytime. @Firetalker
Comeon guys this isnt a bash AE thread its make regular content more open to casual players. Dont turn this into a flame thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
I won't bash the AE then.
However, Farmdumb has become the worst server for this kind behavior.
As I all my character slots filled on all the servers, I'll just avoid Farmdumb until the unmentionable-situation has been resolved.
Good luck straitening it out.
Don't worry, I'm not going onto Virtue either. This plague has hit the two "busiest" servers the hardest.
As I don't want to be involved, the easiest way is to avoid it.
If you really want to help resolve the issue, there always seem to be lowbies looking for sewer teams. Helping them out might be the way to straiten things back out a bit.
Comeon guys this isnt a bash AE thread its make regular content more open to casual players. Dont turn this into a flame thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
I won't bash the AE then.
However, Farmdumb has become the worst server for this kind behavior.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you have any idea how tiringly obnoxious it is to hear variations of "Freedumb" from the lesser servers for five years now? I just need to get that off my chest. Did everyone on this server whiz in your Wheaties or something? This is our home. Quit pooping on the front mat and calling it thoughtful diatribe.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Comeon guys this isnt a bash AE thread its make regular content more open to casual players. Dont turn this into a flame thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
I won't bash the AE then.
However, Farmdumb has become the worst server for this kind behavior.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you have any idea how tiringly obnoxious it is to hear variations of "Freedumb" from the lesser servers for five years now? I just need to get that off my chest. Did everyone on this server whiz in your Wheaties or something? This is our home. Quit pooping on the front mat and calling it thoughtful diatribe.
[/ QUOTE ]
Freedumb is freedumb, same way triumph is the pantless server and virtue is the RP sailor server. . . .I for one like the nick names :P
*grumble* devs should never have renamed Prime. Now folks don't know which server was first, dag nab it.
Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.
@beyeajus, oh w8, it's in my sig too =P
currently in grandeville doing scorp. patron arc.
won't work Dogg, it's on the shelves so if that heppened ppl would buy it, install it, then learn that they can't play this "ae" thing without getting to 50 first. As funny a practical joke as it would be, it won't happen.
Comeon guys this isnt a bash AE thread its make regular content more open to casual players. Dont turn this into a flame thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
I won't bash the AE then.
However, Farmdumb has become the worst server for this kind behavior.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you have any idea how tiringly obnoxious it is to hear variations of "Freedumb" from the lesser servers for five years now? I just need to get that off my chest. Did everyone on this server whiz in your Wheaties or something? This is our home. Quit pooping on the front mat and calling it thoughtful diatribe.
[/ QUOTE ] The simple fact is people that say those things are stupid. There is no other way to say it.
Comeon guys this isnt a bash AE thread its make regular content more open to casual players. Dont turn this into a flame thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
I won't bash the AE then.
However, Farmdumb has become the worst server for this kind behavior.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you have any idea how tiringly obnoxious it is to hear variations of "Freedumb" from the lesser servers for five years now? I just need to get that off my chest. Did everyone on this server whiz in your Wheaties or something? This is our home. Quit pooping on the front mat and calling it thoughtful diatribe.
[/ QUOTE ]
Freedumb is freedumb, same way triumph is the pantless server and virtue is the RP sailor server. . . .I for one like the nick names :P
[/ QUOTE ]
First off, you're all spelling it wrong. It's FreedUmbral, not FreeDumb.
Secondly, FreedUmbral should be considered the pantsless server for no other reason than because I'm here, and I'm pantsless. I'm religiously pantsless. Also, because the server is named after me and I'm pantsless, it should be even more obvious.
I'd pretend I don't talk to you on the channels, but then I'd just be denying my own pantsless-ness.
All in favor of Freedom becoming the new pantsless server?
And yes, there will be beer, punch and pie!

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
I'm personally hoping that at some point during the Rikti Invasion event that starts today a huge Rikti ship crashes in the damn AE building bringing it tumbling down in a cloud of dust and smoke.
You know, looking at the boards, I see a bunch of complaining about the state of AE farms, but most people say that "They only do AE because there aren't any regular teams out there". Which is true. And you may say to them "Then make your own team". Well some people don't want the added stress of making a team.
Well I say no more! It is time to take steps to bring back the regular content of this fantastic game. And I am going to do my part by trying to make a list of people who are constantly making regular mission teams, whether they be contacts or radio/newspaper, to fight the AE boredom!
So if you want to help and devote some of your time to making regular AE teams so Freedom can become more regular content friendly then put your name here! That way people who want to get on your teams can friend you and send ya a tell to see if they can get on a mission team.
And for those non-leader types, go ahead and post your name up here so the people who make the mission teams can remember/friend you when they are looking for people for their team.
I am not bashing AE in anyway, I just want to bring some of the regular content that people seem to want.
So I, @Trashman, will give my services to making regular mission teams, currently as Project Firestrider, a level 50 fire/fire blasting idiot.
Do your part for the regular content in this game!