Bringin' Down The AE Farms
Patchy is usally down for anything, as a side note I generally pop my LFG flag on too. Noticed not a lot of people do this but I do. I got a lot of toons that I play with so I wont post em all but @patchwork_knight is my global.
We just coded it on a simple X-currentDate formula, so it nerfs itself automatically. -Babs on Accuracy Nerfs
Over 3 years, 1 - 50, whole lotta alt's, still having fun.
AE didn't ruin the game, but it also didn't give me access to the "unlimited quality content" either.
The content is unlimited, but most of the time the actual story arcs don't make a ******* sense, are full of tedious mobs that look like crap or alternatively are full of "defeat all" missions.
I still find myself favoring the original content over AE.
Yeah Freedom TF and Freedom TFs are propably the best.
Figured this be a good thread to ask this in. So, coming back from a long break and seeing the whole AE stuff for the first time. Tried the 54 Boss farms, was fun 1st go around and decided that's enough.
So here's my question - Whats the channel(s) Freedom players use for missions and SF and such? I play red side only at the moment and would like to find others that enjoy non-farm content. Thanks @Zy |
I also play red side exclusively.
I have noticed however that the SF announcements are the vast minority on that channel.
Unless you like running ITF and LGTF over and over again.
I try to throw together ITF, LGTF and RSF everytime I'm online, also there's a fellow named Sin - Eater who does the same thing on that channel.
I usually add SF prone people to my global list, so if you happen to team with Roderik or Gaspard, give them a call.
Cool, thanks for the info/tips. I'll look up the channels tonight when i get off work.
I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!
Freedom Badges
Freedom Events
Freedom TF
Freedom TFs
Unfortunately, some of these are full so you may have to keep trying occasionally to get in.
RF2009 & Freedom Events are currently not full.
I should also make mention of these forums...
Luna & MB run Freedom Horde Events (heroside) every Monday Night.
Currently, I am running upper level Villain Events on Wednesday Night & I also run something else on the weekend (Friday or Saturday night depending on my schedule).
Whitefox also runs events (usually Tuesday night).
Look for the sign-up posts. :smirk:
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd