If you could take Martial Arts to the Tailor...
A combo system like Dual Blades would be nice! + Maybe a cone kick like (sands of Mu)....ooooo, nasty! LOL More knockdown than knock back!
Make MA Disorient, and add MA weapons, and chops and punches.
In my set, every animation would look like this .
My set would have:
Focus Chi Changed into a power more like Rage, Drop the damage buff to around 50%, but allow for double stacking.
Make the moves work like combos as Drane said.
All powers had disorient or knockdown/back.
Cobra Strike would have more damage and actually be worth taking
Eagle Claw would have either the Eviscerate or the Shockwave Animation.
Give the Eagle Claw Animation to Crane kick.
Will come up with combos later
50's: Heroes: Ozmeth DB/WP; Black Decker DM/Regen; Shado-Strike DM/SR Scrapper (13 AV soloed); Desert-Shock Claws/Elec Scrapper; Shado-Shriek Dark/Son Def
Villains: Bokken Nin/Nin
Current project(s):
TK -> Shadow Punch (w/ MA VFX)
CaK -> Smite (w/ MA VFX) or possibly Air Superiority (w/ MA VFX) in which case I wouldn't bother with TK
Warrior's Challenge -> Confront from Katana/Dual blades, but with no sword.
That'd basically be it for superficial changes.
Infatum on Virtueverse
A combo system like Dual Blades would be nice! + Maybe a cone kick like (sands of Mu)....ooooo, nasty! LOL More knockdown than knock back!
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I can see all the Chung Li knock offs running around atlas park just because of that.
Warrior's Challenge -> Confront from Katana/Dual blades, but with no sword.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like that. *points* "Your kung fu not strong!"
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
I'd design it to not look like a bad 80's American ninja movie.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
How'd I'd do it...well, I'll base it off what I want from an unarmed combat route (basically for my concept )...
The stance would be a boxing stance.
Then have alternate punching attacks for the all the kicks.
CAK would get Eagle Claws animation (something is just off on the CAK animation to me) but sped up to fit within the same animation time.
Eagle Claws would get a new animation (if I had to keep it with exisisting, Id give it CAK's animation, but fixed to not have that extra step that bothers me).
Thunder Kick = Shadow Punch animation
Storm Kick = Barrage animation
Crane Kick = Smite animation
Cobra Strike = Kick animtion
CAK = Smite Animation and replaced with EC's animation for the kick (like mention)
Confront = /em kissit animation (all taunts should have /em kissit as the animation)
Dragon's Tail = Current Animation, and might be the only one I keep to just a kick animation, though the punch animation could equal Whirling Hands.
Eagle's Claw = New CAK animation/Total Focus Animation (for punch)
Give Storm Kick the same chance to stun as Thunder Kick (that would be 4 powers with stun).
Ditch CAK's immobilize and give it knockdown.
Martial Arts would become the Knockdown/Stun set.
Focus Chi would be really nice as a Rage clone (maybe as suggested by another at 50% dmg buff, but the ability to perma, so it equals the usual 100%), ditch the fulltime glow however.
If they did these changes, I'd personally say don't bother bringing over Super Strength. But I might be the only one to think it.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I like the rage clone idea for focus chi and making MA a knockdown/stun set.
The combos however, I'd rather leave to DB.
I would:
- cut end costs across the board
- make Focus Chi's damage boost be entirely composed of energy damage
- abolish the stun portion of Cobra Strike, change the damage to DoT, and add a -res/-def debuff
I like the animations as they are.
All I would do is change crane kick to knock up instead of knock back.
I would do something with Cobra Strike. Make it a damage attack that debuffs res/def like starflier said, but a real attack, not 2 damage. Or leave it at 2-3 damage, and increase mag to 4. I like the animation as is.
CaK....man that animation is lame. It has immob for whatever reason, make it a nerve strike, or a knee kick and give it a crunchin sound when the immob hits. The animation as it is looks like your dancing not attacking.
I would leave Storm Kick, Dragon's Tail, and Crane Kick as they are, because they're really rather basic kicks. I would, as others have suggested, pull a Clobber on Cobra Strike, but leave the unique animation. I would turn TK into a quick spinning backhand blow. I'd do -something- to EC, I'm just not sure what else would fit, animationwise, for a super burst attack.
Though, honestly, were I to completely rework the set, I'd probably make it something that looks like what the Kheld's have now. Several different martial art branches and stances that each hold their own flavor of attacks. One would have quicker, higher DPS attacks, one would have slower burst attacks, and one would be high in control, but low on damage.
I think it'd be the only way to make everyone happy, seeing as we all have a certain image of what "Martial Arts" is in our mind.
Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
I was thinking, if you could go to the tailor and redesign MA's animations and names to make it more aesthetically pleasing how would you do it? What would your MA set look like?
Power order, cast times, and secondary effects stay the same. The only thing you can change are the superficial things like the power name and look of the animation. If you choose a different animation it will be sped up or slowed down to fit in that power slot, for example if the number 8 power takes 2.6 seconds to cast the animation regardless of what it is will take just as long.
Caveat: the animations and names must exist currently in game, but they can obviously come from different sets, so if you want to change Eagle Claw's name to Ripper you can.
My new MA would mostly stay with the current MA look with a few minor changes.
Thunder Kick--> Name change to Cobra Strike uses Cobra strike animation.
Storm Kick--> same
Cobra Strike--> name change to CAK uses CAK animation
Focus Chi--> same
Crane Kick--> name change to Thunder Kick side kick animation stays the same.
Warrior's Challenge--> same name use the tarzan animation chest banging animation from??? Integration or is it Instant Healing.
CAK--> name change to Crane Kick uses Eagle Claw animation
Dragon Tail--> same
Eagles Claw--> same name but uses the Ripper/Shockwave animation.
I would have a very aerial flipping out set.