Double XP! o_O and AE? o.@




I always make sure to tell them that the forums and paragonwiki are very important because there really is too much to the game to convey in chat.

Patrons are an excellent example of that. I remember a 10 minute conversation with someone last year trying to give them some market basics and explain how I really wasn't level 10 (I was doing an Ouros arc and had hit the market).

I really think there just needs to be some way to let the new AE people know there is a big world out there. Yes, the leveling will be slower in general but there's a lot of cool things to see and stories to experience.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I always make sure to tell them that the forums and paragonwiki are very important because there really is too much to the game to convey in chat.

Patrons are an excellent example of that. I remember a 10 minute conversation with someone last year trying to give them some market basics and explain how I really wasn't level 10 (I was doing an Ouros arc and had hit the market).

I really think there just needs to be some way to let the new AE people know there is a big world out there. Yes, the leveling will be slower in general but there's a lot of cool things to see and stories to experience.

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They know..they choose not to do it. so pfft in their general direction.

The majority will be gone in a month, some will find the content and stay some will find pvp and stay..some will make friends and stay...



No one here is stupid and I can imagine the madness that will be double XP + AE, but what kind of message will be sent?

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If they don't allow 2xp in the AE, the message will be that it is another feature that is restricted during the event. Just like patrol xp, drops, etc are restricted.

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What is this!? Patrol xp doesn't work in AE? HOG POSH! saves peoples silly arses from getting debt. . . well. . . depending on how they are doing things, but using patrol XP to not get debt is the exact same, if not better than using patrol xp any other way.

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Way to misread the post.

I was talking about things that don't count as doubled in the 2xp event.

You don't earn double patrol xp during the 2xp event.

Drops are not doubled.

I don't think merits are doubled either.



No one here is stupid and I can imagine the madness that will be double XP + AE, but what kind of message will be sent?

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If they don't allow 2xp in the AE, the message will be that it is another feature that is restricted during the event. Just like patrol xp, drops, etc are restricted.

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What is this!? Patrol xp doesn't work in AE? HOG POSH! saves peoples silly arses from getting debt. . . well. . . depending on how they are doing things, but using patrol XP to not get debt is the exact same, if not better than using patrol xp any other way.

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Way to misread the post.

I was talking about things that don't count as doubled in the 2xp event.

You don't earn double patrol xp during the 2xp event.

Drops are not doubled.

I don't think merits are doubled either.

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Just infamy/influence, prestige and experience.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I always make sure to tell them that the forums and paragonwiki are very important because there really is too much to the game to convey in chat.

Patrons are an excellent example of that. I remember a 10 minute conversation with someone last year trying to give them some market basics and explain how I really wasn't level 10 (I was doing an Ouros arc and had hit the market).

I really think there just needs to be some way to let the new AE people know there is a big world out there. Yes, the leveling will be slower in general but there's a lot of cool things to see and stories to experience.

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They know..they choose not to do it. so pfft in their general direction.

The majority will be gone in a month, some will find the content and stay some will find pvp and stay..some will make friends and stay...

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DER! That's why we want them to experience the rest of the game.

If they realize there's more here than just Atlas and the AE they might keep their subs active.

More active subs means more money for the devs, which means more new features for us.

Or to put it in terms you might understand

More customers Goooooood.

Fewer customers Baaaaaaad.



Eh, B_Witched is pretty spot-on. If they actually cared about story content and exploration and all that fluffy stuff, they wouldn't stick in one building and level to 50 in the first place. They would either quit EVEN EARLIER or actually get out. To them, with or without AE, getting to 50 is all the game has to offer. The only difference is that now they'll cancel their subscriptions after one month, not two.

Pretend all you like, but these people aren't playing the same game we are. Show them the rest of the game, and all they see is boxes of text they will just click away without reading them and the same maps they saw in AE already.



You have no idea what these players would do if you showed them there was life outside AP AE.



They me I get pst's all the time the second I log on a kin or a dom. You can lead a horse to water...

There are rampant mmo'ers who just sub a game ask how to pl to see what they get at the max level - futz around with their toon for a month then leave. Trial accounts limit levels to what 14? so they have no idea so for 15 bucks they can find out (granted a villian means they do have to do a patron arc but you don't even have to finish that....)

Look at it this way - those leveling junkies, they are paying to play too. Maybe 1 month, maybe 2. No way in heck this game is going to get any 5 year vets who started in the past 6 months...not with the flood of new mmos coming (even competition from nc soft and aion) any short term money they put in this game gets you development...and say they are like me ...and try another mmo - hate it and go "hmm coh I leveled fast and the powers were cool...etc...." they come back.



Do you seriously think new players to the game who use AE would stick around anyway? If they get bored from getting a 50 and not learning how to use it or even trying ( let's be honest - cox does not have the biggest learning curve compared to other mmos)...

Then they are not staying. Find me one person who says "oh I tried that it was too easy to level so I left" The reason they do it is because they don't want to do the content...they dont' care about it's not going to keep them. Nothing will..

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You're mistaken. Your entire premise is based on players CHOOSING to play one way or another. The problem is that many new players find AE because it's right there in Atlas and on broadcast and they never see other parts of the game. They don't even know most of the game exists. If they don't like AE, they leave because they think AE is the game.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



They me I get pst's all the time the second I log on a kin or a dom.

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No. They don't know. Plenty of us here on the forums have had to lead new players to other zones because they had no idea they could leave Atlas Park. Some even think they have to buy expansions in order to get other zones.

And if your really that deluded to think we won't continue to get long term players in this game then maybe you should consider cancelling your sub because this probably isn't the game for you.

We're interested in building a community not driving people away with apathy like you are.


Posted expect me to believe that someone cannot figure how to get out of atlas park? That a player cannot click the map and see the train or the tunnel out? Come on your being overly delusional as to your importance. I'm deluded in thinking a 5 year old mmo is going to make it to 10? So the game is not for me because I am not commited to leading new players into pve content and getting long term players?




yea a new retail box in stores that you can't use the advertised feature to take advantage of double xp? that'll happen

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Nothing would be stopping them from taking advantage of double XP if it didn't apply to the AE missions. Nothing is stopping them from using the AE. They could very easily take a walk outside to another zone and play out in the non-AE world and get double XP. They can easily just keep playing AE missions for their normal reward (which is already considered by many to be extremely high).

Nothing is stopping anyone from doing that except themselves. They advertised patrol XP but turned off patrol XP during the last double XP weekend as well as during AE missions. Who knows, maybe double XP weekend will do that and lure the people out of the AE for a weekend and make them realize there's a whole other game out there to play in.



[ QUOTE ] expect me to believe that someone cannot figure how to get out of atlas park? That a player cannot click the map and see the train or the tunnel out?

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I don't care what you believe. It's a fact that has been testified to by myself and other members of the forums in several threads discussing the merits of removing the AE buildings from the starter zones. We've met new players that don't know there is more to the game than Atlas and the AE building.

Come on your being overly delusional as to your importance.

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Please quote the post where I claimed that I was important to this game.

I'm deluded in thinking a 5 year old mmo is going to make it to 10?

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I never implied that you thought the game was going to last ten years.

So the game is not for me because I am not commited to leading new players into pve content and getting long term players?

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Yes. In my opinion your apathetic attitude towards new players is detrimental to the community and you may find that you are happier in a game where you don't have to deal with other players.


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If you disagree with the opinions I have formed about you, maybe you should reconsider how you presented yourself.



If double xp applies to AE the <exploit du jour> farming is going to be obscene. The screaming after the fact when the Dev Banhammer comes down later and accounts are locked and characters PL'd 1-50 are deleted will be heard from space.

If it doesn't apply to AE the question is going to be "Why the double standard?" And it's a fair question. Not all AE missions are farms. Not all AE teams are PL teams.

I wouldn't want to be in the Devs' shoes right now. They can't be very comfortable.

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[ QUOTE ] expect me to believe that someone cannot figure how to get out of atlas park? That a player cannot click the map and see the train or the tunnel out? Come on your being overly delusional as to your importance. I'm deluded in thinking a 5 year old mmo is going to make it to 10? So the game is not for me because I am not commited to leading new players into pve content and getting long term players?


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You would apparently be amazed at the general laziness and blindness the "average" person who plays MMOs displays.

Just to make my point using WoW as an example (only using because of their huge playerbase, which makes my point easier), nearly every quest in that game explains exactly where to go to finish it. The ones that don't tell you exactly where to go will instead give you a general direction/area to go. Very few actually leave the location ambiguous, the most notable being the "Mastery" quests in Stranglethorn (and I assumed they're supposed to be that way, since you're told to hunt specific creatures to prove your skills as a tracker).

And in this game, the vast majority of the players have no idea where to go. Ever. If they don't have their Quest Helper mod, they're completely lost. They just plain refuse to read their quests because, as so many say, "if I wanted to read, I'd open a book".

People are lazy. If they can level from 1-50 without ever leaving the starter zone, then why should they leave? Why should they learn the rest of the game when "it can all be seen" in Atlas? What use is learning how to navigate the rest of the city when everything you "need" is in the AE building in Atlas?

Do you see where I'm going with this?

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Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
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If it doesn't apply to AE the question is going to be "Why the double standard?" And it's a fair question. Not all AE missions are farms. Not all AE teams are PL teams.

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I'm sure some people will come in whining and crying about some kind of double standard, but the devs have set a precedent for not giving AE missions the same rewards as regular missions already.

Patrol XP (both not applying to AE, and not during double XP weekend),
Kill Badges,
Some critters in AE having less XP than in regular missions (Rikti Communication Officers is the first one that comes to mind),
Only tickets, no salvage or recipe drops.

It wouldn't be a double standard. It would be the standard of the game that they don't like.

Note: Before someone tries to brand me as an AE hater or something, I don't care much either way if double XP is included with the AE or not. I enjoy playing the AE missions and the main game as well. I play for fun with my friends and other players, not for rewards. Sometimes I like going through a story, sometimes I like trying to plow through 20+ mobs of bosses on a big team just to see if we can. Just my thoughts on what to expect for it. I'll be playing the game either way.



i would love double influence in the AE missions at least. lord knows some of those IO's are way expensive.



[ QUOTE ] expect me to believe that someone cannot figure how to get out of atlas park? That a player cannot click the map and see the train or the tunnel out?

[/ QUOTE ]
Because there's such a helpful manual? Because we haven't seen people post in these very forums that they only discovered their mini map BY ACCIDENT?

Get a clue.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Double XP really can't compare to AE Farms anyway. It'll be the same weekend AE crowd.



yea a new retail box in stores that you can't use the advertised feature to take advantage of double xp? that'll happen

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Hey, the fearture advertised only says you can make your own content, and people aren't saying they should shut down AE all together during 2XPWKND, just that they won't get double XP by using it.

Also, IIRC, it says in the EULA that they reserve the right to make changes to the game in any way, shape, or form they want at any time they want, so they're actually within their rights to not allow 2XP in AE.



[ QUOTE ] expect me to believe that someone cannot figure how to get out of atlas park? That a player cannot click the map and see the train or the tunnel out?

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Sad to say, yes, it is really that bad. Take a peek at the first few pages of this thread. Some of the experience with AE babies people posted there is just so stupid you really can't make it up...



Regardless of AE, I don't really understand the craze over double XP weekend. A double Xp weekend is just that... double Xp for 3 days. In other words, anything you're doing during the double Xp weekend, you could do the same in a regular week (or in two weekends if you play less during the week).



Do you really want to encourage the AE babies to branch out? Wouldn't it be better to keep them in the starting zones. That way if you wanna avoid the constant farming requests you can simply move to a zone with a lower population.

Honestly someone who can't reason out how to click on the word map to access the map isn't the type of person I want to team with anyway. You can say we all started somewhere but when I started back in I4 I learned most of those things on my own or I actually read the manual they can do the same.



Do you really want to encourage the AE babies to branch out? Wouldn't it be better to keep them in the starting zones. That way if you wanna avoid the constant farming requests you can simply move to a zone with a lower population.

Honestly someone who can't reason out how to click on the word map to access the map isn't the type of person I want to team with anyway. You can say we all started somewhere but when I started back in I4 I learned most of those things on my own or I actually read the manual they can do the same.

[/ QUOTE ]You probably look down on people who can't find their keys when they (the keys) are hanging on the key rack, don't you?

Sometimes people get blind spots, especially when they've never been shown something before.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I thought I read that they tried DXP+AE on test and it was decided it would never happen on live? I might have confused DXP tested with AE with PXP though, idk. And yes as for the *bleep* farms that are insane in AE im guessing they won't make it past monday's maintenance if posi sees it before his morning coffee and has another temper tantrum.

Sure I've seen the hellspawn that are AE babies, but the AE farms are great for people like me who were around for 15+months with altitis that kept them from getting past the low20s game. I finally can experience the lv32 and 38 powers that 'make' the build, whereas I was considering cancelling coh pre-i14.

and not all AE Babies get there by themselves. I saw a vet explain flying to a lv4 with 0 badges and promptly tell him he could get there in a few minutes in the AE. He promptly received a /e smack and an explanation tell; "wth are you thinking? you don't send noobs to the AE, they won't leave until they're 50".

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