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  1. So how many GL clones will there be at launch?
  2. The point is to add some randomness to the gameplay. Presently the same contact gives the same mishs always there no variety. I would like to see a seemingly routine hero/villain activity turn into a full blown arc. Also you don't start out with all your contacts for a zone you have to run radio/papers to unlock them. This would serve as a great way to make those 3 or more mishs ALOT more fun. This in no way shape or form is to replace contacts.

    Just because something is created as filler does not mean it has to remain that way. I just think so much more could be done with radio/papers than what the devs have put into the game.

    I would love to run AE mishs but currently AE is a mess there are very few people willing to run AE mishs that aren't farms.
  3. I love the current radio/paper mish system but I would like to see some actual story arcs that you would randomly stumble upon. In the comics most great arcs start by the the hero doing their normal routine patroling but that everyday crime turns into a huge plot line. So what I am proposing is that the devs create a few radio arcs that everytime you complete a radio/paper mish you have a chance of activating.

    The reason why this change is needed is the lack of immersion experienced by the player completing meaningless mishs in order to get a new contact. This could also be used as an excellent vehicle for the implementation of a nemesis system that has been suggested numerous times before.
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    We haven't seen a single valid reason why it should be allowed.

    The AE buildings aren't going to be locked so no one can enter during the event. No one is preventing them from experiencing player created content.

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    By your logic than their is no reason why any mish should reward 2xp.

    All features should be equally encouraged throughout the game. Whether it be TF/SF's, street sweeping, normal mishs, radios/papers, or AE. I personally have done the same normal arcs over and over and find some of the AE content refreshing why should I be "restricted" to normal xp and still suffer the horrid lag of this event?

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    No, by my logic since we now have the AE they should do away with 2xp weekends altogether.

    As to the reason why you should be restricted to normal xp, is beacuse the devs all took a vote and it was unanimously decided that they don't like you.

    Oh and if you think that just because you use the AE there won't be horrid lag during a 2xp event you are delusional.

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    Wow way to add nothing to the discussion. When did I say AE wouldn't be affected by lag? Of course there will be lag the devs love lag since its the only thing 2xp does well. Personally I would much rather do away with 2xp altogether. It causes nothing but problems for long standing loyal customers.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    We haven't seen a single valid reason why it should be allowed.

    The AE buildings aren't going to be locked so no one can enter during the event. No one is preventing them from experiencing player created content.

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    By your logic than their is no reason why any mish should reward 2xp.

    All features should be equally encouraged throughout the game. Whether it be TF/SF's, street sweeping, normal mishs, radios/papers, or AE. I personally have done the same normal arcs over and over and find some of the AE content refreshing why should I be "restricted" to normal xp and still suffer the horrid lag of this event?
  6. Do you really want to encourage the AE babies to branch out? Wouldn't it be better to keep them in the starting zones. That way if you wanna avoid the constant farming requests you can simply move to a zone with a lower population.

    Honestly someone who can't reason out how to click on the word map to access the map isn't the type of person I want to team with anyway. You can say we all started somewhere but when I started back in I4 I learned most of those things on my own or I actually read the manual they can do the same.
  7. I don't see a single valid reason not to grant 2x xp on AE arcs. The entire point of AE was for players who have done the same arcs over and over to have some new content to grind. Taking away the 2x would mean now that 2x xp doesn't apply to you just everyone else. Maybe I am the only one but I actually play AE arcs (not farms).
  8. Not this again! These are nothing more than lagfests. I am still waiting for an option to toggle these off so that those that want to participate can and those who don't aren't forced to endure the lag and constant interruptions. It doesn't even make any thematic sense the rikiti are like well the first thousand times we attacked this way we got our butts whooped but you know what we are going to do it the same way again anyway!
  9. Im loving my db/wp brute tons of fun great dps and potent aoe as well.
  10. I can't get on either even though it says servers are up.
  11. What notice there was no notice I just logged on and then was forcibly booted. So what exactly do I pay subscriptions for? They rushed a lack laster bug infested Issue. The game was far more enjoyable pre I15 sure it had some bugs but you could atleast play the game.
  12. Given the new changes I am taking my first stab at a Dom. Went with a homage toon to Magneto (looks nothing like him cept for the color scheme, powers, and helmet)

    I can't seem to find a single guide for this build. Any help would be appreciated.
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    The problem with proliferation is that in order to avoid the "waah waah" crew, you have to proliferate something to every AT out there. Last round Master Minds would not stop complaining that they didn't get a new primary. They sort of missed the point that proliferation was not making new stuff, but they didn't mind.

    So until they find the time/theme to come up with the missing gaps, it would be wise to not do it.

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    Whining will happen regardless. I believe it was Castle that said a while back that there isn't a lot more to proliferate so some AT's may not get a lot and the next round wouldn't be as big as the first. They really need something, I15 is a huge disappointment to a lot, and some proliferation would go a long way to placate people.

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    Yep give us claws for brutes and ALOT of people would be happy lol
  14. I always thought that a tanker's inherrent should buff the tank based on the amount of team aggro he/she is soaking. Something like 0.5 end rec per mob with a max of 5. It would make playing a low lvl tank alot more fun without overpowering the AT.
  15. I despise the invasions and I did my happy dance today since its over for the time being. I have no problem with others doing them but they tend to interfere with alot of the hunt mishs. IMHO the devs should either kill all hunt mishs or limit the invasions to segments of zones instead of the entirety of a zone.
  16. heck id go so far as to say if a server is greyed out it should start bumping trial accounts to make room for paying customers

    the least they could do is allow us to transfer our toons to another server. But since its greyed out we can't even do that. So i guess they don't want all those server transfer fees after all. I mean how many people do you think would get frustrated to the point of spending 10 or 20 bucks to be able to play their toons this weekend?
  17. Is there any reason why the powers that be have not decided to do anything to help us ATI users. I just don't really understand why they only support nividia im seriously contemplating buying a cheap sub 100 buck nvidia card just so i can play