Dropships. Heroes -& Villains this time. 17 & 18th




Oho, now this sounds like fun. I'll be there for both on my Kin, Sean/Sonus Casus



Oh my good gosh, the tension is killing me! :0



Oh my gosh that was freaking nuts!



28 ships down good job villians.



Villains! --Redside-- Record! 28 Total ships dropped. Goodness Gracious!

Thank you all for coming out tonight to attend the first Virtue redside Drop Ship raid. The opportunity to do something in our ebil pajamas was something we were looking forward to for a long time :P

Some assembled as early as an hour in advance and we had about 10 full teams to start. Can't thank everyone enough for taking teams when our pre-designated captains filled early. Start time was 8 pm CST; the first Invasion sent us out at 8:30 CST.

Team captains included:

Cherry Nobyl
Kurai Musha
Miss Honey Dew
Rain of Radiation
Shivan Wrath
Storm Conjurer

Zone 1 garnered the most kills. Due the size, we had teams split between 2 Targeters - Kurai Musha and Miss Honey Dew. This did maximize our kills right off the bat. Thank you for that!

Zone 2 was Grandeville. Unfortunately, GV had 2 instances and the Invasion was only occuring in Instance 1. Many were locked out in our move there. We're very sorry that many were unable to continue and hope they can meet us for the hero raid tomorrow.

Now here's the kicker.. So we had a really great gain in Zone 1 and lost half our teams to Zone 2.. but villains are a plucky lot. Screw heroes. We don't get things handed to us. We always have the hard path and the biggest obstacles.. and yet, we persist. A smaller unit remained and helped us run into Mercy and finally Port Oakes for a final count of 28 ships. Hold your heads high. A hard earn is a lasting victory. <salute>

We'd also like to congratulate our friends in Victory who dropped ships as well. Cheers.

Heads up for HEROES. ENCORE PERFORMANCE tomorrow night, Saturday, 8 pm CST. ( includes analysis of last year and last night)

6 pm Pacific / 7 pm Mountain / 8 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern .. or early by 30 minutes if you can. Talos. Hill near the Tram to assemble.

Alrights goody-two shoes. So we ran this last year and need to bump up the body count. Tonight's run in the Isles came with a greater appreciation for accepting and overcoming obstacles. Last year, in comparison, it was smooth smooth sailing. Talos was the first zone then and hit as we were already assembled inside that zone. There was no need to move. The 2nd zone, Peregrine, was called after we'd dropped the last ship in Talos. And it was a quick effortless move due to the adjoining Ferry. So where was our obstacle in the Isles tonight? 1. A few unexpected quick moves and 2. The Grandeville lockout. No worries. There's a remedy for both for us heading into Saturday night.

1. After Wave 1 was defeated in our first zone, a call for a another zone came in. Most of our units remained with us but we did receive word that a team had splintered off to the new zone. We will stress that teams must remain in the first Invaded zone until Targeters call for a move. If we are attacking Zone 1 and the system calls out, say, 2 additional zones.. we'll need to remain. In essence, Targeters and not Zone messages will select the zones we move to. Losing one team out of 10 is not bad but it could have easily been 3 or 4. It will be better to wait an addition 15 minutes for a fresh start in a fresh zone than walk into a new zone minutes after a Wave has started - they move fast so time is fairly critical. We're best situated at the start of a path than center to end.

2. The zone which was selected as the 2nd, Grandeville, filled very quickly and locked out half our teams. In hindsight, filling in Cap and moving to Zone 1 was easy because it was assembly..followed by a sparsely populated zone. Grandeville is often filled with level-oriented teams. The only zone I can see us having difficulty with heroside is Atlas. If we are waiting for a zone to call, and if that next zone is -Atlas-, we will ignore it and wait for the next zone. In our experience, Atlas is filled with agriculture workers and the gates will lock quickly. So.. no Atlas.

Additional suggestions of note:

The targeters were having a tough time relaying information due to the wwwwwwwwwwwwwww-ChatBug. Rather than confused people, many of us were just deleting it rather than sending. I'm going to look for someone who can be on a voice conference call and type out Instructions and directions while the Targeters focus on positioning.

And finally. Less clothes. It's summer. Offices get a little warm. You get thirsty and bam.. you missed a ship walking to get ice from your fridge. Please wear just your underroos. Thanks all! See you tomorrow night!



Almost forgot the screenies!!! =) I didn't get many.. too busy typing "Pew pew pew!"

An overhead of the early formation of teams. That's me, center dot five rows from the second parking space...

From my perch, I noticed drums in the distance. We pretty much occupied the whole darn street.. =P Scuttled over and got a shot of the Drums of War!

A good clean shot of one of our first ships.

As opposed to a messy, fuzzy, awkward shot of a different ship!

We had our targeters on a conference call with one another so they were able to count up the tallies between them per zone. At some point, I sent an email from my villain self to my hero self. 28! Take that! <grins> I look forward to tomorrow night and seeing heroes match that. Let's put it this way, if our heroes hit 29 with or without challenges, as a server we will beat our last years run of 41 total ships. Never forget, unity in all things. <salute>

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



Please wear just your underroos.

[/ QUOTE ]

Kittens give Morbo gas.



It went real smooth at first indeed!
And yep, then Grandville came along... half the people got locked out and the rest got slaughtered >.>
I am SO blaming Recluse for this!
I'm heading out to a late lunch / early dinner and will bring back noms. If you are in central Texas now, please head to my house in 1 hour!!! We have iced tea.

PS. You're so cute, KS!

[/ QUOTE ]
*grins* T'is true!
And i'd never have made it on time for the ice tea and noms! *eyes GMT +1 timezone* >.>

Like Underworld? Then take a look at! http://moonid.net/account/recruitmen.../monstersgame/
And don't forget to join the fight for our City! http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html



Between RL keeping me out of the game and then joining some friends on an Invincible Dr. Quaterfield TF i was only able to help take down one dropship in Sharkhead. Still, it was awesome watching it break apart over the Arachnos fortress.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I (on Mad-Doth) joined 30 min in advance, was leading a team of 8 all from VG. For the first round everything went well, we had 2 speedy with fly tracking Miss Honey Dew for us the slow's with jet packs. When grouped we had a kin boosting our speed (until he Dc'ed).

From coalition ive seen another team was forming and leaded by Rhea Flame.

Once in the bombers path it was easy to know where to go, and target the next. seems we were moving faster then what I remember from last year event.

And then... GV ... half my team was not able to zone to GV1, some were stuck in ouro, some in GV2, and some in cap. At that moment rikti were invading cap and those in cap were trying to shoot at the bombers in cap w/out result (there were like 2 agains 1 bomber). Someone suggested we move to cap, but I told them the event leaders were in still in GV. Was tempted to pass the suggestion to you guys/gals but i knew you were already struglling with many issues, and that suggesting a move might not be welcome at that moment.

I was not able to catch up with Miss Honey Dew Fly speed with my slow jet pack, i knew were she was, cause 1 of my guys was tracking her the whole time. I was happy to rez some here and there when i had the opportunity, well at least i was doing something to help.

And in the middle of that choas I did a search... 74 ppl not on hide showing in GV1 and GV2 ... O.o!!!!! So here a question...
Is GV max capacity lower then other zone ? Maybe its locked at 50 ppl ?!?! That would explain a lot ot me.

Anyways, we moved to Mercy island, since my team was reduced to a few I recrtuited some more here and there. In Mercy I Saw my trackng guy moving/crossing the whole map a few times, lol. not able to catch up I was just waiting for something to append. Then we moved to PO, we finnaly be able to shoot a few more, before it was it.

Thanks @Ara and your crew for leading this again. Much appreciated.

I will try to be there tonight for hero version, but you know RL...

Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide



I'll be there tonight I think. I can fly and I have group fly if needed.

I'll be there with Doplar.



Judicator Hirotoma will be there to help



Username: Angry_Angel [Tab]
PW: ************ [Enter]

Greetings, Angry Angel. You may: Archive - Report Spam - Delete - Move Messages to [V] - Label [V] - Refresh

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Thank you for selecting: Inbox. You have 8 -New- Messages. Your Spam filter is -On-.

[X] From:GLAM ORO.Con!!! - Poor for living? 1:08 AM

Poor for living?! Can't afford the latezt techno-gizmohh?!! Your lair water not on...Again!!? We get monies 4 Poor She-roes! You call us! Best Best Best stuff. GLAM ORO.Con 2 day!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
Are you certain you wish to select - Spam -?

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[X] From:Lord Xad - Ahahaha... 3:19 AM

This Message has not been -Read-. Are you certain you wish to select - Spam -?

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[X] From:Studly McHero- Did you hear??!! 4:27 AM

It's all over the news. Idiots! Pre-empted my interview with the Cape Radio. Frakkin' ET's swept over the Isles last night. Must have been close to a hundred ships. Bombs and bodies everywhere. Supposedly, those Recluse lemmings dropped over two dozen of the smaller cargo ships with their "bare hands". Idiots! No one's got hands like old McStudly! But don't you worry, sweet pea. I got the whole City covered. Just bought me a new Blastic-powered Raygun 8800. Got a good deal from GLAM ORO. Yeah, who's the man, baby? That's right. I'm the man. And maybe one day, I'll even make time and we can hook up for some drinks at the D. Oh yeah. But, say, about those ships that they didn't drop.. I hear they may be headed our way. But, we have the walls, right? I mean. We're on the right side of the walls. We'll be ok, right? Do you still have all those smokin' chicks working for you?

[/ QUOTE ]

You have selected -Label- *Idiot*. Do you wish to -Archive-?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Enter]

[ ] From:Kegan- They turned... 7:00 AM

They turned our water in the Angel's hanger off again. Had to charge it on your card. I sowwy. We made $10 bucks at the bake sale which we used to buy the extra extra extra fluffy pink fwosting. Paragon Waterworks won't take the leftover brownies. Meep.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have selected -Label- *Memories*. Do you wish to -Archive-?

You have selected -Archive-.

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[ ] From:L0r13 Lady L0v3 - So my mom... 1:45 PM

So my mom is totally making me write you this. First off, don't you have Tweem or Spacebook or N E thing? I'm so famous, you can totally follow me there. But like, ok, so I have to do this umm .. what's it called? Like. Intern? Uh to get me enough st00pid hue-man-it's-arian stuff on my college application for P.U. Whatever that means. I'm totally going to Champions University next year -n- they dun care so why Paragon U needz it is lame-oh. So like, whatever. So anyway. I heard that you all don't make any money doing whatever stuff you do. I totally don't get it. You never charge or stuff? And you all do all that crazy stuff without trophies 'n [censored]? You gotta be kidding. So yeah. You better take me. You're lucky my mom made me even think of you. I will totally class up your org.. oh yeah.. and need a room for the rest of the summer but NO roommates. KK? THnx.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have selected to -Slam Your Head Repeatedly- on your Desktop. Do you also wish to -Take Up Smoking-?

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[ ] From:Cajun Cutie - This doesn't make... 3:45 PM

This doesn't make any sense. I got your message but maybe I'm not understanding what you need? As per your request, I did pull up all the documented flight paths of the Rikti invasions over the years; please see the attached files.

And yes, I heard about the attack in the Isles last night but the City has reinforced our walls. Why did you want to know which of our abandoned student facilities fall under those paths in Atlas?

Just if you're planning to re-open any, we can barely afford rent on our main buildings let alone opening an off-campus dorm for... your message said, "one un-registered student we're taking as an special-opportunity intern"?

Babe, we have more than enough new hands for the Fall training classes. We've never rewarded any of the little ones with an officers-grade intern title let alone their own place...

Are you coming down with something? You better have one of those leftover brownies and take a nap, sugar.

Cajun Cutie

[/ QUOTE ]

You have selected to -Save- -Attached documents- to File. You have selected to -Delete- this -Message- from your -Inbox- and hard drive.

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[ ] From:GLAM ORO.Con - Sale confirmation 4:14 pm

For yoo, special broke-4zz She-ro, YES YES YES, we will deliver goods to Atlas address but you must make good on payment or we no givie the HOT HOT HOT Raygun SpeCIAL for yOO and all our fine customerz at GLAM ORO.Con!!! Order confirmed with high altitude beacon emmitorrrrr already programmeddddd and running fer U. You special beeping instructions cost XTRA. Thank U 4 dewing BIZness, broke She-ro!

[/ QUOTE ]

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[X] From: Sandolphan - Yeah, hate to say it.. 5:10 PM

Yeah, hate to say it but you're right. All intelligence points to an attack tonight. It being the weekend, a lot of the younger heroes are spending their time playing games at that new Architect Entertainment franchise - which spreads us pretty thin. Twenty two districts and we'll be lucky to have reinforcements spread over eighteen of the busiest. But yes, looking over places like Atlas.. the Rikti have always stuck to the one weak path with -no deviation-. Per your orders, I double checked... and all of buildings with potential for irrecoverable damage are previously abandoned warehouses and offices that can't afford another beating. But hey, they'll be empty so no big deal. It's why I'm allowing your recommendation to not run anyone in Atlas but the standard day to day patrols who can contain any ground troops themselves. Right now, I'm more concerned about Talos. I'll meet you there early. 8 pm CST, right? So.. I'll be there 30 minutes prior.

PS. They cut the light on our 5.0 offices. I'm going to need your Paragon Express card.. Sorry, babe.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have started your -Path- towards -Going Rogue-. Have a nice day!



((Very cool RP post and...ah I share the 'joys' of SG leadership with you. ))

I will try to be there as Ace O' Diamonds- fighting a sinus infection AND babysitting a 1-yr old maltese teacup for mom this weekend. So, if Ace is a no show, I was battling the invading RL horde. GL with the defense of the city tonight!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Field Report, 7-18-2009-AA-DS-2

Attached Documents:

Approved for Press Release - Photograph - Early teaming. Phantom Ship Decoy ignored!

Approved for Press Release - Stillshot from Tower 54 - Incoming units

Approved for Press Release - Cellphone Image - The first ships.

Pending approval for limited release - Thermal Image - Nova - environmental damage unknown.

Classified - Government Photo; War Wall Security Clearance 14 required - Last flight out of the city. and Death behind the walls.

Angry Angel's Personal Idea of a Romantic Evening - Artist's Concept - Sunrise.

Tweets intercepted - Classified tactical positions should NOT be transmitted during battle!

Honoring the brass: (heroside)

Team Leaders:

Those who signed up in advance or were calling to fill spots today for our blueside endeavor. <salute> My apologies to anyone not noted below.

Azure Jock Strap
Doplar Effect
Hailstone Archer
Kinetic Clay
Nite Light
Psycho Storm
Skjor Stormbringer
St Gabriel
Talk Show Host
Trickshot Kid

Tactics and Communications: Sandolphan
Tactics and Navigation: Kegan
Targeting and PR: Una

Funniest thing I saw all night!

07-18-2009 19:50:22 [Broadcast] Princess Lee: <color #010101>for the dropshits!



It has been confirmed that we dropped 3 entire waves in Talos so that took us to 49 then the added 11 in Atlas Park. SO that's 60 for the night. GJ all!



+ our Villains 28. Because my villain alter-ego will cry like a drunken monkey if we don't tally hers in as well. 88 this weekend!

1 weekend - 1 server - a whole can of OCD .

Nice work! It was an honor to team with you all both last year and these two nights.



Another excellent event, Virtue!

I'm very proud of everyone who pulled together to take on this challenge. The coordination between teams was top-notch, especially with that many teams running. There was a goal of 50 ships this year (beating 41 from last year in a nice round number), but we exceeded expectations and got 60! Finishing in Atlas fighting around the globe was just a bonus.

I shudder think of it, but next year we should shoot for 75. With as many people as we had tonight, we could split into two assault divisions and take on both waves simultaneously, doubling our performance. But that will be for another time...

Tonight, we can celebrate our victory!

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




I caught that last bit in Atlas, was fun, and explosive!

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM