Dropships. Heroes -& Villains this time. 17 & 18th




Our giant team taking down a ship in Talos:

Drop ship dropping

It was great fun.



Judicator Hirotoma: i knew we could net 60 GJ all



Amazing event, 60 was just absurd though also, considering the turnout and excellent coordination, inevitable. Going to come back and edit in some screenshots nabbed over both nights later.




Don't know her but she just happened to fly behind me right in time to block the shot:
You're in the way!

People in the AE don't know what they're missing

Breaking apart


This was good for a laugh: when the first call went out for Skyway, nearly the entire raid crammed into a single monorail car
All aboard!

By the hospital

This is about as far into the zone as the first wave got.
That far

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators





Argh, I missed the whole shooting match. I was there for the wait before hand, popped offline for a minute to answer the phone and came back to discover ye olde internet had gone belly up on me. Congrats and kudos to everyone. 60 Dropships is insane!



Unbelievable job you guys did!! Grats to all!! GGR..now just aggravated RL interfered with me not attending

But 60 dropships!! WOW!! That'll teach them Riktis!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Had a blast taking down dropships the last two nights, using DH in Sharkhead and then Skjor in Skyway, Talos, and Atlas. Thanks to all the team leaders and organizers who made it all happen.

And a special thanks to my teammates throughout the evening Saturday: Infatum, Princess Lee, Jinni Kindle, Homonid, 3 Mile Isle, Neon Apocalypse, Moe Metal, Corinda, Frozen Blayze, Xanthica, Ice-Cream Headache, Source Current, Psintorallikaro, MX-2000, and American Sun. It was a pleasure working with you all.

Here's a few screenshots of Skjor and everyone else in action over Skyway and Talos.

Skyway 01
Skyway 02
Skyway 03
Skyway 04
Skyway 05
Skyway 06
Skyway 07
Skyway 08
Skyway 09
Skyway 10
Skyway 11

Talos 01
Talos 02
Talos 03
Talos 04

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



I'm just tickled I was able to get in on the last of it before the end of the night! The Angry Angels rock! Next year, we'll get it again!



What's this? Looks like I managed to take down a dropship all by my lonesome!

((Are you kidding? Silver Streak taking down a dropship would be like Glass Joe KO'ing Donkey Kong! ))

All that actually happened there was people were moving so fast to get to the next one, while I hung behind for a few seconds. I was trying to find out if you took damage for being in the middle of that explosion - the answer to that is no, in case anyone else didn't know. Personally, I think it'd be cool if it were an extreme self-destruct - an auto-kill within a rather large AoE. It'd be a lot of fun to see a dozen or so heroes drop outta the sky, and to hear the cries of, "Oh no!! I'm too close!!"

In any case, I'm sure this is what those aliens INSIDE the dropships were feeling like!

Like a Runaway Train!
SS's Crey Profile
SS's Virtue Handbook Page
Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!



It was great fun and I'll go through and see if I have any nice screenshots (Pretty sure I do)!
I just wanted to come here quickly and thank everyone for stirring up a different kind of fun for the night/weekend! (And to see the official tally)
Great job!
More importantly... immeasurable fun!

Thank you all!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Way to go, Virtue!

This was an amazing amount of fun, and certainly felt epic coming together to take down those dropships. To top it all off, we managed to beat our record from last year.

Those Rikti had better think twice before they invade our city again!

The call sounds: To Skyway!

Heroes assemble to attack a Talos dropship's thrusters!
The Talos dropship responds by beaming Rikti crew to the earth.

A dropship attacks in Atlas Park!
But heroes open fire in defense of their comrades..
And they don't let up!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue





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1. <jawdrop> Seeing how many posted gorgeous screenshots, I can't see anyone else saying, "Invasion sucks because of lag." That's some damn beautiful lag.

This was good for a laugh: when the first call went out for Skyway, nearly the entire raid crammed into a single monorail car
All aboard!

[/ QUOTE ]
2. -This- was the best. I did freeze for a moment when I stared at the mass of bodies using the tram. Skyway was the first call so Ouros was not the best option, the SG base portal was there but I thought public transportation would be more adventurous.. My "little blue hand" must have passed a dozen behinds before I could get a firm handle on the door.

3. All the personalities, known and discovered, that evening and the evening before made it perma grin-worthy. You just can't beat the charm of Virtue residents.

4. Someone asked when we're doing this next. I personally like once a year for any given event. Keeps it special. Right now, all I want to plan for is double XP weekend, i16, and GR. And the Holidays. And dinner.

Thank you all for setting aside a slice of your summer weekend to join us. I'll see you all soon for the 2XP teams. <3



I didn't get any pictures of the dropships going down, sadly, but I did get a screenie of the globe party after!
Relaxation after a furious battle!

[/ QUOTE ]

<wakes up, carefully cuts out piccie with child safety scissors for her keepsake album, and scrutinizes one of the figures with amused disbelief before laughing at self>

I'm the oblivious set of wings dancing in the wrong direction far left. Didn't know the last of the remaining sqaudron was all faced a different direction. Next time, someone should really pop me on the side of my head so I at least turn a little. =p

That's a great costume. The girl in the hot pink, black, and white.. centered and flying. Looks like one of Kegan's signature uniforms.


I see a Paladin! =)


Edit: On second thought. Maybe I wasn't dancing.. Maybe.. I was praising you all -while standing- for maximum praise coverage... Yeah, that's it. =P



I'm the girl floating off to the right next to the guy with the Nemesis staff. The one in the platforms. Yay for trippy Psi blasters with cool names!



Nothing beats a good pair of bootie stompin' platforms!



I see the American Sun! Front and Center, and Hot as always!

(Hint: He's the one on fire.......)



Here is the youtube from Champions Drop Ship Challenge on saturday... Champions Drop Ship Challenge

BIG PROPS for angel being there for me when i needed her!

Grats to you guys !



Grats Cherry 2000!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



<wakes up, carefully cuts out piccie with child safety scissors for her keepsake album, and scrutinizes one of the figures with amused disbelief before laughing at self>

I'm the oblivious set of wings dancing in the wrong direction far left. Didn't know the last of the remaining sqaudron was all faced a different direction. Next time, someone should really pop me on the side of my head so I at least turn a little. =p

[/ QUOTE ]

*snerk* Hey, don't complain. I got mapserved at the afterglow, and didn't make it back on in time to be in the picture.