Stone Melee and War Mace
Stone Melee SMASH ST
Stone Melee does more burst and ST damage. War Mace has cones and pbaoe.
Stone Melee also has Fault that is an AoE stun with a low recharge, basically it takes out all the minions and LT's out of the equation.
Stone Melee also has some heavy hitting ST attacks that also have a stun or hold secondary effect to them, it also has a Moderate PBAoE KnockDown Smash attack in Tremor, Also it has a Ranged attack in Hurl Boulder which causes high smash damage and -fly, KB.
Mace is more SMASH AOE, with some attacks causing KB and Stun effects.

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Fight my brute
Stone Melee's attacks have higher endurance costs so be sure to slot end redux heavily if you choose to go with Stone Melee.
Stone melee has a higher Endurance per second usage than any other set. It also has large radius aoe's, one damaging and one heavy control. Warmace is lower end cost, but still a heavy endurance usage set. The mitigation is similar on Warmace, but on a smaller radius. There is more AOE in warmace but it caps out much closer to you.
Stone Melee's AoE damage is a joke compared to war mace. And war mace gets crowd control which is an immense 180 degree attack; if you absolutely want to hit everything around you, all you need so is bunny hope into the air.
Stone Melee also has Fault that is an AoE stun with a low recharge, basically it takes out all the minions and LT's out of the equation.
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Fault is mag2, with a small chance for an additional mag 1 stun - this means that stunning leiutenants won't be at all reliable. Nice to combine with other stuns however, such as Oppressive Gloom... but good luck trying to get enough endurance to run DA with SM.
SM: Superb ST damage, Superb AoE mitigation, Decent AoE damage. horrid endurance constumption.
WM: Good ST damage, Decent AoE mitigation, Superb AoE damage, average-above average endurance consumption.
SM: Superb ST damage, Superb AoE mitigation, Decent AoE damage. horrid endurance constumption.
WM: Good ST damage, Decent AoE mitigation, Superb AoE damage, average-above average endurance consumption.
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SM - Mostly KB with some Stun, rock hammer, has a ranged attack, longer animations.
WM - Mostly Stun with some KB, different customizable maces, no ranged attack, more steady DPS.
Too many alts to list.
good luck trying to get enough endurance to run DA with SM.
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It's not that hard to pull it off. The IOs required are expensive but if you can afford them the build is a ton of fun.
I tried SM/DA... I had 4end/s or thereabout... and I still had to selectively use my powers, holding myself back and glancing at my endurance bar... I don't much care for that style of play - I want to go full-bore 100% of the time.
...that and I was always annoyed how a brute set has a non-supressing stealth. Makes no sense, but that's a topic for another thread.
My current project is a sm/wp, and I'm enjoying it. SM takes good advantage of the fury bar with some slow, bursty and LOUD attacks. It feels to me (TO ME) like a more controllery version of SS. I knew it was end-hoggish, so I really couldn't stand it without pairing the set up with WP
I tried WM(/shield and /wp) for 20 lvls each, but I couldn't get as into it. WM felt like more of a scrappery set. More end-savvy, but just hitting things with less damage and a simple "clunk". Again, to me, it feels like you could replace it with bs/wa/kat and pretty much have the same set.
Stone Melee's attacks have higher endurance costs so be sure to slot end redux heavily if you choose to go with Stone Melee.
Stone melee has a higher Endurance per second usage than any other set.
SM - Mostly KB with some Stun, rock hammer, has a ranged attack, longer animations.
SM takes good advantage of the fury bar with some slow, bursty and LOUD attacks.
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Stone Melee has the same DPE as War Mace. If it uses more endurance per second, then it's either doing a the same percentage more damage or the attacks have to be animating faster to get more in the same amount of time. Make up your minds. 1.63 seconds is not a "slow" attack - and that's the longest animation in SM's single target chain. Yes, it's much longer than the 1.13 seconds that both mallets used to be, but look at the animation times in other sets and you'll find that SM is one of the faster animating sets.
Stone Melee - if you take the best DPS chain from the set - uses a great deal more endurance than War Mace, but it's also doing quite a bit more damage. Seismic Smash is the best DPA attack that Brutes have available to them, and for the same damage scale Stone Melee has faster animations. It also has great AoE mitigation, but is competing with Energy Melee for dead last in AoE damage and only the larger radius of Tremor even makes it arguable about which is worse - Whirling Hands is more AoE DPS if they both hit the same number of targets.
War Mace is a fairly balanced set that's good at single-target damage (but not the best), good at AoE damage (but not the best), and has fair AoE mitigation using knockdowns. Weapon redraw keeps it from being higher-rated for single target DPS, since the "best" chains include Gloom, but it will be in the running until patron powers are considered.
So the question is do you want to be marginally untouchable but only kill one thing at a time, or do you want to do good damage to everything around you but get hit more often?
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Nice to combine with other stuns however, such as Oppressive Gloom... but good luck trying to get enough endurance to run DA with SM.
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Did it. And pre-IOs, no less. It's a fun balancing game, and the power you get is immense. It's all about power choice, proper slotting, and avoiding overkill.
I tried WM/EA for awhile and just didn't enjoy it. Redraw annoyed me and it just felt like a set I've played before. On the other hand, SM is a lot of fun and feels like something new to me. Just got my SM/EA to 50 and he is a complete beast. My advice, though, is to skip Tremor.
uses a great deal more endurance than War Mace
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Definitely. Although War Mace is no Claws when it comes to endurance.
I'm planning to make a brute and looking over the powersets. Can someone give me some idea of the differences between these two sets? I know war mace does more stunning while stone melee does knockup, but is this all? Is one more endurance heavy than another? Is one more damaging? All help is appreciated.