Who is your favorite?
Hero: Valkyrie because I like Norse Mythology.
Villain: Ghost Widow cause.... she's a pretty ghost. Seriously though her and Recluse are the only villains out of the big Arachnos 5 that I don't think look lame.
Numina. Because she's cute *and* has a nifty power-set, for a ghost-babe!
Mako... because he's the only one of the patrons that just feels interesting to me. I mean, seriously... We have a merc written below his intelligence level who's basic strategy seems to be 'Hit it a lot', the token chick who's a darkity-dark-darkerson, and Captain Emopants McIwannabeahero. Out of the four, I'll take the guy that's an evil, sadistic jerk because he felt if he was gonna be treated like a monster... he's damn well gonna be one.
Hero: Valkyrie because I like Norse Mythology.
Villain: Ghost Widow cause.... she's a pretty ghost. Seriously though her and Recluse are the only villains out of the big Arachnos 5 that I don't think look lame.
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Huh, I think they all look pretty cool in their own ways.
Numina. Because she's cute *and* has a nifty power-set, for a ghost-babe!
Mako... because he's the only one of the patrons that just feels interesting to me. I mean, seriously... We have a merc written below his intelligence level who's basic strategy seems to be 'Hit it a lot', the token chick who's a darkity-dark-darkerson, and Captain Emopants McIwannabeahero. Out of the four, I'll take the guy that's an evil, sadistic jerk because he felt if he was gonna be treated like a monster... he's damn well gonna be one.
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I honestly really wanted to say Mako... not sure why I didn't. Maybe just because I knew a lot of other folks would. His look is very cool, and manages to be very sharky without having a giant fin on his back.
Hero: Valkyrie because I like Norse Mythology.
Villain: Ghost Widow cause.... she's a pretty ghost. Seriously though her and Recluse are the only villains out of the big Arachnos 5 that I don't think look lame.
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Huh, I think they all look pretty cool in their own ways.
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I don't know. I definately think Black Scorpion looks the worst though. I think the only reason I hate on Scirroco is because he got made to look like a wimp in the trailer. Cheap shots Statesman and still gets floored.
I like Back Alley Brawler and Blue Steel on the Heroside. A working class hero is something to be!
On the Redside, I'm partial to Scirocco and Barracuda. Both seem like they're somewhat out of place in a world teeming with monsters who simply want power for the sake of it. Scirocco's trying to make some good with his power (albeit in entirely the wrong way) and Barracuda seems to be largely searching for purpose in her new life.
Even when Barracuda's trying to kick the crap out of me, I can't help but feel pity for her.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
The cuddly not-quite-a-fish girl is definately up there on the list of favorites (as is Ice Mistral), but still only second candle to good ol' Mako.
It's the entire tragedy of it, really - when you stop to think about it, all he wanted was to be treated like a normal person. He kept getting treated like a monstrous freak, instead. In the end, he decided that if the world was going to label him a monster... he was going to be the biggest, baddest freakin' monster on the planet, and rip apart anyone he had to in order to make it happen.
Total surrender to what people said he was, despite all his prior dreams of becoming anything but. A rather pitiable state of affairs.
...that, and I forgot to mention the dude freakin' lobs sharks at you. That's just plain AWESOME.
Ya let's all give it up for Mako. He is the ultimate tragic story and as a villain, Recluse has got nothin on him. Mako killed a hero & his wife simply because they were trying to motivate people. Mako kills people when he sneezes. All recluse is is just a basic corrupt politician given his own island.
Hero side....uh....Blue Steel. Did you know Blue Steel has to register every part of his body as a separate lethal weapon. His spleen is considered a concealed weapon in over 50 states and a registered Security Level 50 Blaster in Paragon City.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
Sister Psyche. I always go for the mental powered heroes.
Blue Steel of the Heroes. He's got a pretty tragic background -and- he's a symbol of justice. Sure you've got all the other Heroes. But he's a -cop- with Super Powers.
Mako for Villains. For all the reasons above and because he's visually interesting. And naked. The fact that he's naked helps. :P
Don't forget, Captain Mako is a freaking PIRATE on top of everything.
If I have a favourite, it's probably Infernal. He's a total badass, and on top of that he's a demon-binding good guy.
For heroes, I liked Sefu Tendaji. May he rest in peace.
For villains, it's all about Ghost Widow. It may be cliche, but I like that cliche.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
In my case, it'd be a toss-up between Blue Steel and Marshall Brass: both natural origin heroes (at least, I presume Blue Steel is natural origin?), both understand that their high level of achievement doesn't put them above all law, both pushing themselves to the edge of human achievement levels in order to do the thankless job of enforcing the law on people and beings who think that they are above all law. In my opinion, vigilantes, especially solo vigilantes, are never heroes.
All of the Praetorians. I seem to get a kick out of alternate worlds... so going rogue was a pretty big squee for me.
Statesman. I always identified with the best of the best with godlike powers.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
I like Synapse. His name's brilliant. He's a speedster with electrical powers, how cool is that?
And not everyone can identify with a rich vigilante like Manticore, or an immortal avatar like Statesman. But Steve Berry was just an average guy working an average nine-to five job. He didn't want to become a superhero.
When you get down to it, he's the sort of guy who's happiest on the couch. With a beer. He's a reluctant hero. But he is a hero.
His sidekick is Mynx, and we're told he rescued her when she was living on the streets. That shows a great deal of sympathy and compassion on his part.
On the other hand, I have fun imagining what his friends thought.
Positron: "Oh dear...Steve, you brought a catgirl home?"
Statesman: "Synapse, I hope you haven't been taking advantage of---"
Synapse: "Damnit guys, it's not like that! Really!"
On the villain side...I think the Clockwork King has a fascinating story. He was a small-time criminal, but he didn't deserve to be beaten to death - that was a monumental failure on Blue Steel's part.
The King's a tragic figure. He's incredibly powerful, but completely insane. He has one friend, but even that relationship is horribly messed up.
Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix
Heroes - Doc Delilah. Being Inv/SS doesn't hurt.
Villains - Silver Mantis. She gets the best lines.
And, of course, my archvillain nemesis, the nefarious Mold Wall!

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I like Mako, despite being a blood-drenched psychopath, is relatively straightforward and honest.
Blue Battler's story, "The Conscious(sp?) of a King" really brought the Clockwork King into the realm of tragedy.
Runner Up: Requiem. He sent me a letter of explanation/apology(!) after a particular caper that had me swearing at my CRT.
Heroes? Jim Temblor. He persisted in a belief that his father was a hero when everybody remembered him as a villain, and he's making a go of it, despite a somewhat ditzy superhero girlfriend.
Manticore, as mentioned above.
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Heroside: Citideil because he's the gentle giant of the group, you have two tankers in the FP, both are have no idea of the word humility, yet he seems to be the only one who can hug a kid so he feels safe and say "i pinky promise" (forgot which comic that was, it was the first in the arc that had to do with breakneck)
Villianside: Mako for several reasons, one in comics i prefer mauly, agile, clawing types; guess who fits that? he has a mutant back story that's interesting, i've rarely seen one. and like foxy said he has an element of human tragedy to him, trying to find acceptance and show his humanity; which promptly fails and emotionally backsteps a hundred paces.
the kicker to this is in his first patron arc he tries to indoctrinate you into this, by making you do cold empathy-less acts, keep trying to make you understand the whole Hunt -> kill -> throw entrails around like confetti process; and just to make sure, a mutagen in the end that's a temporary form of rabies, slobbering and all.
I like Synapse. Don't really know why, but probably because out of all the heroes he seems to be the most "human", like how he's really emotional when you talk to him during Percy Winkley's arc.
Hero Side I have to go with Back Alley Brawler. Mostly because of his Natural origin and the fact that he, more than most of the other heroes, seems to realize that fighting super-villains is not the only way to be a hero. His fight against Superadine ranks high in my estimation.
Villain Side it's a toss up between Scirroco and Silver Mantis. But when it all comes down to it I have to go with Mantis. The Villain-Angst only goes so far and after a while I just want the dust-devil to shut it.
As far as Mantis goes; we're talking a female villain who gets turned on the more you beat on her. I mean seriously... how freakin' cool is that?!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
I like BAB because he's hardcore.
On villains I like The Center, if nothing for the cutscenes he gets in the Conference of Evil arc, especially in the last mission.
"While we wait for this to begin, I have one question I'd like to voice, which I'm sure is on everyone's mind." - that scene is classic
Of all of the significant players in CoH/V lore, who is your favorite hero and your favorite villain, why?
For me, my favorite hero is Manticore. I think his Batman-esque origin (while less than unique) is one that would make it easy to turn to the path of villainy. Yet he persists as a hero, using his archery and trust fund inheretance to protect the lives of innocents. Also, I really like the look of the Wyvern group (which he founded in order to do what Longbow wouldn't do... that edge of villainy there is also very appealing to me). And who can't appreciate his hacking the medical teleportation network to rig up a teleportation arrow? That is just sweet.
As for villains? I know that there probably aren't many who will agree, but I really like Sciroco. He has that reluctantly evil thing going which is not something one sees too often. And I don't know what it is, but I really like his over-all look. Especially his signature scimitar and desert storm related powers. I can't wait to do his Patron Arc with my Stalker.