Put enemy locations on mission maps




I've been too busy posting on the forums instead of playing.

[/ QUOTE ]I know the feeling.



I love this suggestion, but frankly I still believe kill all missions need to be phased out all together, they make no sense in general.

let me explain:

Seek clues at %th Column Base:

Come on, it should be a glowie mission, not a kill all, what you trying to tell me, that 750 minions in there is carrying one letter of a message, and thus you have to kill them all to get all the letters of the message? or we have such perfect bad luck at it always happen that the 750th is always the one who had the clue? Come on, give me a break!

I can see exterminate or clear a place of certain pests, such as clockwork dismantling the republican party headquarters, mmm, do I want to prevent that? But I would see it difficult to see exterminate after exterminate missions, these should be the exception, not the norm, and it better have an intelligent story line to back it up, such as a deadly virus has infected the workers at FuChu's Dely, we can't afford to let any escape and spread the plague, kill them all" that makes snese for a kill all.

Getting back to original topic, the radar screen is good, because many missions are bugged with mobs stuck inside a wall with a toe or pinky sticking out of the wall, the radar would greatly assist with this.





I'm bumping this thread because I still think it's a good idea.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



I think the idea goes a bit too far, though as it can be turned off I could live with it.

Maybe it could have different settings though rather than a simple on/off

  • Show all Mobs
  • Show Mobs when 90% cleared
  • Show Mobs when 95% cleared
  • Don't show mobs
To be honest though to get around the "find the last mob" problem only "Show Mobs when 95% cleared" is probably needed.



Just to add my two cents, I suggested something like this awhile back after spending far too much time in a "Defeat All" mission. The problem is, showing their locations would sort of take some of the fun away. And even if the Fog of War hides them, some folks are toting around a map revealer to clear that up in an instant.

My personal suggestion was to have a sort of "radar ping" trigger every so often during a "Defeat All". Let's say once every 3 minutes or so after your last kill, or after the last ping. This way, it will automatically flash the locations to you if you run out of targets and are searching fruitlessly. However, said locations would be a general area which cannot be set as a waypoint, and dissapear after a few seconds. Just enough to point you the right way.

In any case, my two cents, take it or leave it.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



But Vanden, oh you adressed that one.

But Vanden, hmmm ok you are covered here.


Bah, I am all out of buts. I like this idea. Make it so.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
This is the perfect solution to the "hunt the last missing enemy in the cargo ship" dilemma. It's so simple, really. Just put the locations of enemies in a mission on the mission map.
A good idea, but I'd rather see it as an inventable temporary power with a reasonable total duration (say, ten minutes or so.)

Another option would be to provide a limited-range version of this as a set-bonus from a +ToHit Buff set.



The devs already informally confirmed that something like this is coming. Mandu chatted with Positron and Hero 1 at PAX and reported:

Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
The best news (in my opinion) came not from the panel but just from discussion with Matt and Joe. I'm not sure when it's going to happen (likely I16) but soon at any rate. We are going to get a missing glowie/hunt indicator. When the remaining amount of glowies or needed enemies is 10% then they will show up on the map.
Obviously the guess at the feature being in i16 was off, though.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.




After last night's mission, I would be very happy to request that. (It was a "Defeat all Enemies" mission on a MASSIVE caves map. You know, the kind where the pathways look like walls and your camera randomly zooms in and the last two enemies you need to kill are randomly hiding off in some corner some where? Yeah, those...)



"Just get rid of the stupid defeat-all condition" is superior, but failing that, this would certainly work.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
"Just get rid of the stupid defeat-all condition" is superior, but failing that, this would certainly work.
Once in a blue moon would be okay, but they are way over used. Did come across an AE mission were you had to Defeat ALL, turned out "ALL" was a Boss



I can't really disagree with this, or something like it. It does seem that looking for the last minion in the cargo ship is almost an obligatory part of the mission (so much so I'm usually a bit shocked when I beat the boss in the final room and actually get the Mission Complete message right away.)

Plus it would take the pain out of that horrible horrible mission where you have to hunt down 12 (?) captive mages being guarded by Malta in Oranbega. On a timer...



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Plus it would take the pain out of that horrible horrible mission where you have to hunt down 12 (?) captive mages being guarded by Malta in Oranbega. On a timer...
One does wish they'd take the timer off that, so it could just be dropped, as with most of the game's other catastrophically misdesigned missions.



I once had an idea that something like this could cue off of powers like Heightened Senses in both SR and WP. Maybe to an "inherent" from psychic sets, too. Or just anything with a +perception component. Maybe it's not the most fair thing you could do, but at least it would make sense.

Also, I would completely /sign a motion that proposes the devs go through and improve a lot of the old hero side missions to make them fun. Huge defeat alls, missions with thousands of glowies... I get bored just thinking of them.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
Huge defeat alls, missions with thousands of glowies...
Unsoloable missions that aren't part of a task force or trial...



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
A good idea, but I'd rather see it as an inventable temporary power with a reasonable total duration (say, ten minutes or so.)
This. It kills several birds with one stone. It helps you find those final few elusive mobs, those who prefer such near-wild goose chases happy, also gives Tech heroes (or a character likely to make use of such tech regardless of origin) a new in-character toy to roleplay with (I know my AR/Dev blaster would approve!), and adds some much-needed expansion to the roster of Temp recipes.

I think ten minutes might be pushing it, though. Go for two?

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
"But Vanden," you repeat, "enemies don't actually appear in a mission until you get near them!" But that's not an issue, since you never actually SEE them spawn, and the black fog of war covering the map would obscure their absence until you uncovered that part of the map.

Not that I don't like the idea, mind you.
