Put enemy locations on mission maps




This is the perfect solution to the "hunt the last missing enemy in the cargo ship" dilemma. It's so simple, really. Just put the locations of enemies in a mission on the mission map.

"But Vanden," you say, "won't putting the enemy's locations on the map take some of the challenge out of missions?" No, of course not! Enemies are usually very easy to find and get past, and nearly always come to you once you engage them anyway. You'd still have to defeat them, and it's not like what specific enemy is there would be conveyed by a small red dot on the map.

"But Vanden," you repeat, "enemies don't actually appear in a mission until you get near them!" But that's not an issue, since you never actually SEE them spawn, and the black fog of war covering the map would obscure their absence until you uncovered that part of the map.

"But Vanden," you keep saying, "what if I don't want enemy locations appearing on the map?" Well that's simple isn't it? There's already a drop-down menu with a list of markers in it in the map window, and each of these markers can be turned on or off. Enemies would simply be another entry on this menu.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Now this is an idea I like. I cannot count the times I have run all over the map trying to find that one mob to finish a kill all mish.



I like this better then the idea that after 95% of the population is destroyed the rest of the spawns seek you out. I forget who had that idea.



This is a very good idea. It would definitely make things easier in some of the defeat all missions.



"But Vanden," you say, "won't putting the enemy's locations on the map take some of the challenge out of missions?" No, of course not!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, of course it will. Enemy spawns are not 100% static, and some map tiles are designed to allow enemies to get the drop on the player. It would take some of the challenge out.

And besides, this seems like an extreme step to take just to make kill-alls a little more friendly. (Also why are all my characters psychic now?)

Never surrender! Never give up!
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Years of field experience has helped you sort out ambush points and likely hiding spots.



"But Vanden," you say, "won't putting the enemy's locations on the map take some of the challenge out of missions?" No, of course not!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, of course it will. Enemy spawns are not 100% static, and some map tiles are designed to allow enemies to get the drop on the player. It would take some of the challenge out.

And besides, this seems like an extreme step to take just to make kill-alls a little more friendly. (Also why are all my characters psychic now?)

[/ QUOTE ]
How does your character perfectly remember the layout of rooms? How does your character know exactly where his/her teammates are at all times?

Besides, by the time you've revealed the area of the map where the enemies are hiding, you're probably already on top of them/they've already gotten the drop on you.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



And for those guy above you you heard em walking about.

If you still don't like it you could turn off the markers.



"But Vanden," you say, "won't putting the enemy's locations on the map take some of the challenge out of missions?" No, of course not!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, of course it will. Enemy spawns are not 100% static, and some map tiles are designed to allow enemies to get the drop on the player. It would take some of the challenge out.

And besides, this seems like an extreme step to take just to make kill-alls a little more friendly. (Also why are all my characters psychic now?)

[/ QUOTE ]

Apparently you missed the part of the suggestion where you could turn the enemy markers off. And apparently you've never spent 20 minutes searching for that last enemy that ran off into the depths of the enormous cave map.

This would be a huge QoL improvement.



It would be a great QoL improvement. But it doesn't make any sense.



If I'm already on top of the enemies, why do I need to know where they are?

If I'm understanding this a bit more clearly now, I don't even see how this would be particularly useful for finding entire missing groups.

[/ QUOTE ]It's to find leftovers. You've been all over the map 164 times, but there's still a dude standing behind a crate in the corner of that one room off on the side.

Map dots showing up when the fog of war is explored away makes it easier to find the wanderers and sneaky chits.

As for the suggestion itself, I like it, but I would not be unduly bothered if it didn't make it in game.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



In keeping with the map staying revealed after it's been explored, and having the locations of your team-mates displayed, I would not at all oppose having the locations of enemies displayed while they are attacking someone on the team, and for a short time afterward. If they are not engaged it wouldn't make as much sense.



If I'm already on top of the enemies, why do I need to know where they are?

If I'm understanding this a bit more clearly now, I don't even see how this would be particularly useful for finding entire missing groups.

[/ QUOTE ]It's to find leftovers. You've been all over the map 164 times, but there's still a dude standing behind a crate in the corner of that one room off on the side.

Map dots showing up when the fog of war is explored away makes it easier to find the wanderers and sneaky chits.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had that problem, honestly. Usually if there's a runner or something they'll default back to their original starting position, at which point a simple backwards run through the map will find them.

When I can't find the last enemy it's usually in places I hadn't actually looked yet or annoying, fragmented spawn points (cave maps, especially).

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I'm all for more options, even though I wouldn't use this one.



If I'm already on top of the enemies, why do I need to know where they are?

If I'm understanding this a bit more clearly now, I don't even see how this would be particularly useful for finding entire missing groups.

[/ QUOTE ]It's to find leftovers. You've been all over the map 164 times, but there's still a dude standing behind a crate in the corner of that one room off on the side.

Map dots showing up when the fog of war is explored away makes it easier to find the wanderers and sneaky chits.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never had that problem, honestly. Usually if there's a runner or something they'll default back to their original starting position, at which point a simple backwards run through the map will find them.

When I can't find the last enemy it's usually in places I hadn't actually looked yet or annoying, fragmented spawn points (cave maps, especially).

[/ QUOTE ]

This is not about runners. It is moreso about finding mobs that spawned in stupid places like say the ceiling. Plenty of players have had this very issue whether you believe it or not.

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It is moreso about finding mobs that spawned in stupid places

[/ QUOTE ]

And like I said, as I understand the suggestion, it wouldn't really help with that at all.

like say the ceiling.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you now know the mob spawned in the ceiling. How do you plan to kill them?

Plenty of players have had this very issue whether you believe it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not trying to trivialize anyone's experience. Plus, it's a little hard to strain out legitimate problems from the usual "KILL ALL MISSIONS RAN OVER MY DOG" hatred.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



It is moreso about finding mobs that spawned in stupid places

[/ QUOTE ]

And like I said, as I understand the suggestion, it wouldn't really help with that at all.

[/ QUOTE ]
Continuing to say things like this suggest you don't understand it at all.

like say the ceiling.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you now know the mob spawned in the ceiling. How do you plan to kill them?

[/ QUOTE ]
Then saying something like this makes me wonder if you spend most of your time in and forums instead of playing the game?

1. TP Foe
2. Pets
3. Location AOE powers
4. Using a PBAOE taunt and moving out of their attack range often gets them to 'break free' of their confinement.

Even if the foe can't be defeated, at least it can be discovered early rather than running all over the place trying to find that last damn mob. That aside, I was actually talking about when the spawns end up standing on the ceiling girders in some warehouses.

.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *



I hate the mobs who stand on those girders and just watch you run past.



I'd rather a teleport to spwan temp power, much like the mission tp with similar recharge. And probably end up with having to use the /stuck a lot after using it ...

Or temp power to high light foes on mini map.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I think having the foes marked on the uncovered portions of the map makes as much sense as having the map in the first place RP wise.



I'm not commenting on RP wise.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



You'd really rather it be so limited? One of the most frustrating moments in CoH (for me) I can remember is when I6 was coming and we were promised bases which could let us teleport to any zone from one hub zone, our base. But then it went live and it turned out you had to spend forever building up the prestige to afford the rooms and power and control, and then you had to collect the needed salvage with a lame drop rate to make the telepads, and then each telepad could only hold two beacons, and then there were only teleporters to hazard and trial zones, and then the telepads dropped you in the most remote, useless spots of the map imaginable. In short, a feature with the potential to be incredibly convenient, ruined by pointless limitations.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Then saying something like this makes me wonder if you spend most of your time in and forums instead of playing the game?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, you caught me, I pay $15 a month to troll the forums. My plan has been unraveled.

That aside, I was actually talking about when the spawns end up standing on the ceiling girders in some warehouses.

[/ QUOTE ]

And so once I again I question the usefulness of the original suggestion.

What I've been trying to say is that on the rare occasions that I have trouble with kill alls, this wouldn't actually help me. And there are far too many edge cases that also wouldn't be improved. When enemies don't spawn on the map at all (or on a vertical axis) this would do zilch.

Really, if you have such a huge problem with bugged spawns, why not suggest they...fix bugged spawns? I myself haven't seen any girder lurkers in ages, but then maybe I've been too busy posting on the forums instead of playing...

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