


I just want to say that I was playing my dark/arrow defender the other night, and I'd recently picked up Temp Invulnerability (epic power pool). I don't think it was even slotted yet, or might have had one lvl 40 resist damage in it. I was getting 30% resist on smashing/lethal from that power alone.

Anyway, I went to check was my damager resist was... all told, 72.5% vs smashing/lethal and several other types of damage. Woo! defender can tank!

(Seriously... dark defenders can tank, after a fashion...)

See... we had two fire shielders on our team. ^_^ Double fire shields + temp invul FTW!

Point is, that was not a team in need of a lot of healing...

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



What do people not get about Empathy having buffs? There's always someone raging about Empathy like it's terrible and isn't bringing anything to the table. It can turn players into gods, no other set can do it like Empathy can.

Stop whining.



It can turn players into gods, no other set can do it like Empathy can.

[/ QUOTE ]




my experience as a Heal0r consists of 46-ish levels of playing an emp/elec defender.

I really, really hated /elec for most of his career so he's heavy on his primary and pool powers. Thunderous Blast rules, I like Tesla Cage, the rest of the stuff I'm not that into. Short Circuit is kinda fun.

so, as a primary-heavy emp I've done a lot of healing. Also a lot of Recovery Aura-ing, a lot of Regen Aura-ing, Clear Minding, Adrenaline Boosting and Fortituding.

At the lower levels I did a ton of healing. in the mid levels, not as much. At the higher levels, very little.

But his buffs are always welcome, and I don't think anyone missed those /elec powers I passed on.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



You'll get along famously with the folks in the Defender forums, I can tell.

[/ QUOTE ]

Defender forum is the angriest forum of them all. All the bitter people like to hang out there so they can [censored].



Who needs heals? Green inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long as you leave a spot open.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who needs sonic buffs? Orange inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sic] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs Stamina? Blue inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sic] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs mez protection? Break Free inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sic] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs damage buffs? Red inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sick of siccing] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs accuracy enhancements? Yellow inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [EFFIN SICK of SICCING... OI!] as you leave a spot open.

Man! Lets just allow the inspirations to play the game for us. Nevermind that silly thing known as common bloody sense that may or may not be telling us that keeping green insps stocked reduces your supply of other insps; ergo, someone with a heal power may just be slightly beneficial.




This is really doom.



I just want to say that I was playing my dark/arrow defender the other night, and I'd recently picked up Temp Invulnerability (epic power pool). I don't think it was even slotted yet, or might have had one lvl 40 resist damage in it. I was getting 30% resist on smashing/lethal from that power alone.

Anyway, I went to check was my damager resist was... all told, 72.5% vs smashing/lethal and several other types of damage. Woo! defender can tank!

(Seriously... dark defenders can tank, after a fashion...)

See... we had two fire shielders on our team. ^_^ Double fire shields + temp invul FTW!

Point is, that was not a team in need of a lot of healing...

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, to be perfectly blunt, you could've done the same thing with two Emps. Combined, they could alternate regen auras to boost a team into 1000% +regen territory for--random guess here--about 70/80% of the time if they work at it. On top of being able to supply the whole team--including each other--with Fortitude. And even if they were totally lazy, I'd be willing to bet they could keep the team reasonably healthy without even dipping into their buffs. Particularly if they're reasonably skilled.

Two of any support class means you're not likely to need any more, and if they're able to synchronise their efforts (like the two emps or two shielders) then it's not likely the team will desire another effect (I.E. a team with two sonic defenders likely won't need a bubbler or emp and two emps likely won't need a sonic or FF).



This is really doom.



It can turn players into gods, no other set can do it like Empathy can.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And you have numerous other buff/debuff sets that reduce incoming damage by so much that nobody needs to be a god in the first place.



It can turn players into gods, no other set can do it like Empathy can.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And you have numerous other buff/debuff sets that reduce incoming damage by so much that nobody needs to be a god in the first place.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're holding up two apples and trying to tell me they're different.

Having an excess of defenders on any team makes everything easy. Doesn't even matter what set they are. That doesn't change a thing.

All this nerd rage over Empathy is so stupid. I have to wonder if most of you even play the game because I sure as hell don't run into these silly statements in game.



After reading all the replies, all I can say is...

I'm thankful I solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

We are too.


Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



After reading all the replies, all I can say is...

I'm thankful I solo.

[/ QUOTE ]

We are too.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't know my playstyle to really have an opinion on whether you would be thankful I solo or not

Me being thankful I solo so I can stay out of the middle of some argument that seems pointless has no bearing on whether you should be thankful I choose to solo or not.

So far all I see this being is a flamefest about archetype prejudices, what should and shouldn't be done and who should and shouldn't be allowed in group to play as they wish. So with these mentalities abound I'm glad I've been solo.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



Let's compare buffs vs single target heals. In empathy, heal other will give back about 600 health - your average tank will have about 2000 health. Sonic's shields however will give you 40% damage resistance. So, if something hits you for 1000 damage, 400 of that bites the dust passively - every time it hits you.

An empath is capable of healing 900 (we'll say 900 assuming they are following you using their AOE heal and single target) every 6 seconds (activation time + recharge). So, if you're fighting one person, who wins? The empath.

However, since sonic buffs protect passively, if you're fighting a group which does 4000 damage per attack wave, 1600 of that is mitigated.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand that this is a rant post, and not necessarily well thought out. However, you may want to consider that 4000-1600=2400 health lost is 400 more than the aforementioned average tank has and you're screwed either way?

In practice, of course, if you're dealing with seriously hard-hitting stuff (say, a, tower-buffed Lord Recluse), then you want to generally have both buffs AND heals. Buffs to make the tide of damage manageable, and heals to patch up what goes past the mitigation.



You'll get along famously with the folks in the Defender forums, I can tell.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which why it's better to stay in the Corruptor forums, where people actually know to use their entire powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd think...

*thinks of the Rad/Rad who had only the healing aura, AM, and rez at 36....*

[/ QUOTE ]

I have seen an ungodly number of /Thermal Corruptors who have skipped basically any skippable power in the set.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Who needs heals? Green inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long as you leave a spot open.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who needs sonic buffs? Orange inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sic] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs Stamina? Blue inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sic] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs mez protection? Break Free inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sic] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs damage buffs? Red inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [sick of siccing] as you leave a spot open.

Who needs accuracy enhancements? Yellow inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long [EFFIN SICK of SICCING... OI!] as you leave a spot open.

Man! Lets just allow the inspirations to play the game for us. Nevermind that silly thing known as common bloody sense that may or may not be telling us that keeping green insps stocked reduces your supply of other insps; ergo, someone with a heal power may just be slightly beneficial.


[/ QUOTE ]




My emp defender is really good fun to play.

That's enough for me.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



My emp defender is really good fun to play.

That's enough for me.


[/ QUOTE ]Well played Emps are awesome. i wish they were a larger percentage of Empathy players, especially in the later game where using heals alone becomes less viable, Medicine pool or not.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



You'll get along famously with the folks in the Defender forums, I can tell.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which why it's better to stay in the Corruptor forums, where people actually know to use their entire powersets.

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd think...

*thinks of the Rad/Rad who had only the healing aura, AM, and rez at 36....*

[/ QUOTE ]

I have seen an ungodly number of /Thermal Corruptors who have skipped basically any skippable power in the set.

[/ QUOTE ]

Therefore all Corruptors are morons?

The people who skip all the shields and play Thermals as healbots are the same people who play Empaths who don't buff either. Fortunately they don't live as long on the villainside unless they have an SG to carry their gimp character as most PuGs won't put up with them.



My emp defender is really good fun to play.

That's enough for me.


[/ QUOTE ]Well played Emps are awesome. i wish they were a larger percentage of Empathy players, especially in the later game where using heals alone becomes less viable, Medicine pool or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

My empath was fun. That being said, past level 12, a good empath is a buffer, not a healer.



My emp defender is really good fun to play.

That's enough for me.


[/ QUOTE ]Well played Emps are awesome. i wish they were a larger percentage of Empathy players, especially in the later game where using heals alone becomes less viable, Medicine pool or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

My empath was fun. That being said, past level 12, a good empath is a buffer, not a healer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that to imply healing is unnecessary with buffs, that buffs take precedence, or that buffs soak up more of your time than healing?



This is really doom.



I only object to the word "healer" if someone is using it as a synonym for "Defender". It's unclear at best, smacks of laziness. That's pretty rare these days, over level 10 or so very rare indeed.

Otherwise I assume they want an actual aura-rockin' Empath, and their reasons are their own. If I see someone in the 20s or more Broadcasting for a Healer, certainly none of my Defenders (all non-Empaths) will volunteer, no matter how good their heals are. That's a team that will be either a boredom-fest or consist of wipe after wipe.

True story: I once started a Broadcast war on Virtue about this. I didn't precisely intend to, I was just being sarcastic. Somebody sent out the message "26 group looking for healer". I saw it several times, had time to complete a (solo) mission, saw it some more. As I was logging to change characters (neither a Defender), I said "Would you consider taking any OTHER Defenders?" When I came back, Broadcast was alive with people yelling at each other about, yeah, "healer". There was quite a bit of wondering aloud how that team would've gone, and how much quicker it could have filled, if the leader had just said "26 group in need of defense". (I saw a FF offering their services during that time, for instance.)




My empath was fun. That being said, past level 12, a good empath is a buffer, not a healer.

[/ QUOTE ]

a good empath is whatever the situation calls for.
which can be lots and lots of heals, depending on the team.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Who needs heals? Green inspirations are cheap to buy, and if you don't have any, you can make some by combining. Heck, they're dropping all the time as long as long as you leave a spot open.

[/ QUOTE ]

Welllllllll, maybe because someone is in, say, the last mission of the ITF and they don't have time to keep leaving the mission to go buy Respites? And perhaps they've used most of their Insps. by that time and can't make many/any combination Insps.?

People who skip or poorly slot powers because they're relying on Inspiration drops - or worse yet, the buffer on the team to keep them healed and/or Defended - is the very definition of "annoying, bad player" to me. Who needs heals, indeed? Build your character for optimal self-defense, in whatever form that AT allows.

But saying heals are unneccesary because you can always wait for Inspirations to drop.... man, be serious. That may work some of the time but depending on it 100% of the time is going to land [general] you in the hospital.... or more likely, the dead one lies there dead waiting for the rest of the team to get the job done. That kind of attitude goes hand in hand with poor slotting: because its other people's job to keep [general] you alive and/or make a wakie every last time you die. Right?


Was recently on a team where some Scrapper kept running off on a huge outdoor map and then saying "where's my buffs? Where's my heals, man these healz suck!"

Someone may indeed have sucked in this instance, but it was not the Empath on the team.

"Dude. Stay near the healer for buffs, you have to be within the cast-radius to get the benefit."

*Scrapper disappears across the horizon of the map, yet again* a few seconds goes by.... *FACEPLANT!*

"You guys arn't healing meeeeee......!"




I call myself "Healzor" (when playing my Therm corr or my Emp def), because I like the word and it's easier to say than "Rad/Therm corr" or "Emp/Dark def"...and it's cute

Basic mission for me? Let's see:
-kill something
-Debuff/Status effect enemy
-kill somemore
-make goofy comment
-Get ANNOYED at someone for screaming <insert buff here> because I missed them for like all of 5 seconds and I consequently STOP buffing that person for the rest of the mission.
-Debuff/Status effect enemy
-another goofy comment
-<boing!> (nuke )
-Debuff/Status effect enemy
-kill kill kill some more
-sing a song
-Yell at squishy for running a mile away, dragging aggro and getting continuisly hit untill he/she dies while out of heal/buff range
-Rez said squishy...eventually...because it's their own fault they dead anyway
-Exit mish

I see no problems with that scenario. Am I not playing right?

Me Healzor! Rawr!!!!!!!!!!
(See, how is that not cute?!)

((Yeah, I know, not exactly helpful reply...but was in the mood for a fun post ))



I don't know about you B_I, but I play as if no one else is responsible for keeping me alive but myself. That means I BUILD for self-survival, even on my squishies, and if I need to run, I run. If someone else helps to keep me alive, then it usually means that I failed to.... because I was watching TV at the same time or something.

If I'm fully aware and concentrating on what's going on and I die, it's because I was one-shot or hit with a DoT that kills me even after I've gotten out of combat. Most of your rant doesn't apply to me or my playstyle.

Inspirations flow like candy in this game, but if you are RELYING on them, you're doing something wrong. If you're RELYING on heals, you're doing something wrong.

I keep a full tray of inspirations - 1. Once it fills, I use up an "offensive" skittle (red or yellow) to make room for more. Eventually, my tray is filled with nothing but defensive skittles. then I start combining them over time to make more offensive skittles, but always making sure to wait until I'm full before I do so.

It works out well for me, and guess what? It means I almost never need outside assistance. When I run into trouble, I just use a couple of those defensive ones that seem to build up.

After playing my latest character as a Tanker for 30 levels and then remaking him as a Scrapper for 30 levels, and 5 years worth of squishy experience, I can safely say that I now see all my teammates as being nothing more than extra damage to add to my kill.

I would hope that everyone else plays the same way, but hey, we can't all be perfect, like me.