Best blueside dual-box combo?




I'm looking to dual-box a pair of toons on blueside (and redside). I haven't really played much blueside so I'm looking for advice on the best pair for playing two at once.

As an example, redside is pretty easy. I have to MMs with pets on aggressive, one /FF and one /Dark. I keep the FF one on follow and switch over to pop bubbles when necessary. Makes for some pretty easy duo-ing and kills things quickly.

I'd like to find something on blueside with similar utility. One guy I can put on follow with minimal supervision that will still add utility. I'm thinking maybe a tanker with no clicky defenses and a good taunt aura and then a blaster? A Kinetic or FF guy of some sort with an AOE that can be put on auto? Any ideas would be great!

The idea here is to level-pact them and hopefully level faster as a duo than either would level solo.




I doubt you'd be able to find a combo as nice as your MM combo.

If you want something on follow, grab a Kinetics defender, toss the leadership toggles on him, speed boost yourself as necessary, and go to town.

Most classes have so much utility from clicks, that you'd be switching back and forth a lot.



I'd go with a Fire/Fire Blaster and a Kinetics/whatever Defender. Swap over to apply Speed Boost (and Fulcrum Shift when you get it), leave the Kin on auto-follow with the Blaster targeted and Transfusion on auto, and go to town.

A Fire/Kin and a Fire/FF could give you a similar feeling late game to the pair of MMs. Or even better, Fire/Kin and Fire/Sonic (for Disruption Field).

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



I'd go with a Fire/Fire Blaster and a Kinetics/whatever Defender. Swap over to apply Speed Boost (and Fulcrum Shift when you get it), leave the Kin on auto-follow with the Blaster targeted and Transfusion on auto, and go to town.

A Fire/Kin and a Fire/FF could give you a similar feeling late game to the pair of MMs. Or even better, Fire/Kin and Fire/Sonic (for Disruption Field).

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Thanks for the feedback guys. Noob question here, but when you mention Fire/Kin, Fire/FF, Fire/Sonic...are those blasters? And I'm guessing the reason they'd feel like the MM is fire imp pets?






I would do what I am doing now a Scrapper with a Sonic/Sonic defender. The Sonic defender does alot to raise damage and the sonic shields protect very well, combine that with whatever secondary that your Scrapper has and your all set. Your sonic can be on follow with shields going and not even attacking (since the sonic has a aura that you can put around your Scrapper to increase dammage to everyone around it).

Toss in a heal other and your set.


Try to Emp defenders, Emp/Sonics, being able to heal and have Fortitude on each other makes the game way easy.



Green Machine is based off stacked empathy defenders... even with just 2, you'd get 24% from fort + 16% from 2x maneuvers = 40% defense iirc. Not to mention both would get all the benefits of regen/recov auras & AB. (Empathy is a buffing set!)



Two fire/kin trollers or a scrapper and a fire/kin would work. I sometimes dual box and put my fire/kin on follow. Get the imps and leadership rolling. Hit SB whenever you need it, set it and forget it.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Green Machine is based off stacked empathy defenders... even with just 2, you'd get 24% from fort + 16% from 2x maneuvers = 40% defense iirc. Not to mention both would get all the benefits of regen/recov auras & AB. (Empathy is a buffing set!)

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So two /emp defenders will have great defenses, but will they kill any faster? There's not much point in dual-boxing if it takes twice as long to kill twice as many mobs. The hope is it takes <2x as long to kill 2x the mobs so you're actually getting some synergy.

Hence the fire/kin seems like a good way to go...with just speed boost and fire imps on aggressive, you're getting a ton more dps to whichever main you want. Unfortunately, the fire/kin isn't gonna give any synergy until 20 (corrupters get SB at 20...same with trollers?) unless I can squeeze some Leadership in there beforehand. Might as well level-pact him and then leave him logged off until 6 for leadership (at least).

Are there any other options that give some synergy earlier? /rad has that good buff, but it's on an eternal cooldown so not a ton of help there.

EDIT - Oh someone suggested sonic/sonic or emp/sonic. I'll have to look over their skillsets and see what that's about. Thx!



Okay sorry for the double post, but I did some research and I have another question. I see now that defenders get speed boost at 12, not 20. That's awesome! Do controllers get it at 12 also? Is there any difference in a kin/ and a /kin (ie. defenders version has a greater magnitude or something)? Any reason to choose a defender over a controller (or vice-versa) if it's just going to be an auto-follow buff-bot?

I looked into sonic and it seems pretty nice too. I'm thinking sonic has more utility in general, but more clicky too, whereas kin gets most of its utility from one spell until 32 so it's a little less baby-sitting but a little less utility. Sound about right?

Empathy seems too clicky to use for a dual-box build...but looks pretty fun otherwise!



I do a lot of silly things. I can play two Emp/Sonic defenders well enough that an outsider probably wouldn't know I'm dual boxing. I play them Green Machine style. They both go through their attack chains and fire off all their buffs. I have two windows side by side and rapidly click between windows. However, playing two Emp/Sonics is very mentally draining. You may want to start off with other combos first.

Two Emp/Sonics probably aren't the best duo if you are "alone". Add some more players to the team and it gets quite insanely powerful. Fortitude and Regen/Recovery Aura truly shine when lots of people receive them.



I do a lot of silly things. I can play two Emp/Sonic defenders well enough that an outsider probably wouldn't know I'm dual boxing. I play them Green Machine style. They both go through their attack chains and fire off all their buffs. I have two windows side by side and rapidly click between windows. However, playing two Emp/Sonics is very mentally draining. You may want to start off with other combos first.

Two Emp/Sonics probably aren't the best duo if you are "alone". Add some more players to the team and it gets quite insanely powerful. Fortitude and Regen/Recovery Aura truly shine when lots of people receive them.

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Now that you mention it, I think I remember you explaining this a bit in another thread on the market forum. I don't know how to play them near well enough yet to do anything that advanced. Do you have any suggestions for something a little less intensive for the second box? I'll be playing with two windows, tho probably slightly overlapped, so clicking back and forth isn't a HUGE deal, but it's not the most efficient either.



Fire/Mental Blaster and Plant/Rad Controller.

At least if you want to dual-box a Posi TF.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Arch/Mental Blaster and Plant/Rad Controller.

At least if you want to dual-box a Posi TF.

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Fire/Kin and Fire/FF or Sonic are quite good. Masterminds seem to be a lot easier to pay than anything heroside.

Many of the other suggestions in this thread are very good. I suggest making lots of them and trying them.



2 Emp/Sonics will roll through everything, not only do you get Fort on each toon, +Maneuvers +Assault but your also debuffing Res on them (so you'll hit even harder).

Toss into that mix Sirens song at level 28 and you can sleep most of the minions and take out the rest with ease. Having 2x aura's also helps as you can stagger them so they are all on the time.

Seriously, this team makes the game not fair...on the bad guys.



Well, when I get home tonight, I'll have to give some of these combos a whirl. Who knows, maybe I can be uber like Smurphy and become a clickin machine. It would certainly go a long way towards alleviating some of the grinding boredom of leveling...




Fire/WP Scrapper

Cold/Ice Defender

Dooooo Eeeeeeet



Ice/Rad for awesome holds and debuffs and possibly a fire/shield scrapper for a ton of damage or shield/fire tank for awesome aoe damage.

The ice/rad could be auto follow for Arctic Air and Choking Cloud and heals on auto.



Well, I made a sonic/sonic and a fire/kin to try things out. I wanted to have the sonic on follow with bubbles and Leadership, but then I realized that the controller has no attacks. At all.

So, I ran around shooting things with the sonic while the fire/kin followed and spammed his ST hold or AOE immob (depending on whether I needed the dmg or not). Later when the fire/kin gets more attacks, I'd rather have him drive and leave the sonic on follow with the bubbles and debuff anchor going. I lose some utility from the sonic having him lead since he can't bubble himself with his two ST bubbles.

I might get out my laptop, fire up Synergy, and give two emp/ defenders a go. Emp did seem like a fun set. I also wanna try something bubbly with a melee class, like my sonic/sonic with a scrapper or tank. Or heck, even with a AOE blaster maybe since he'll be getting a nice defense buff from the defender.

Thanks for all these ideas guys.



Fire/Kin, like most Controllers, is pretty pathetic at low levels when it comes to offense. Especially in a duo, where there are more mobs. But if you can stick it out until later it's worth the trip... Fire Imps change things a lot and Fulcrum Shift is just insane. At low levels, the Sonic/Sonic will indeed clear spawns faster... though Fire/Kin can do it very safely (though slowly) by using holds and immobilizes.

I personally would team a Blaster with that Fire/Kin. Blasters rip through early game content, and by the levels where they really start to fall off the Controller will be up and running. A Speed Boosted Fire/Fire Blaster with the /Kin following him with Transfusion on auto can stomp most spawns flat, and if you hit a tough boss you can switch to spamming holds to remove him from the picture. The Sonic Defender will add more at higher levels, but Fire/Kins don't need much at high levels so...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636