Question about MA and farming/bannings
No, that won't get you banned. Neither will running a mission over and over.
You're not going to get banned for enjoying an arc with a Radiation Emission ally in it. You'd get banned for going from 1-50 in 3 hours.
I don't think you are doing anything wrong.
If you purposefully created a mission that exploits the best reward for the lowest risk, and cared nothing about the story aspect of the system, and/or took advantage of such a mission repeatedly on large teams and did nothing else until you were lvl 50 in a very short time..
..well that's your own business and up to the discretion of the Devs.
I've played a mission like this. Sounds like a Rikti Guardian was the ally.
However, I have yet to experience anything IN_GAME that would tell me whether I am doing something wrong or not when it comes to AE content and farming. Most players never touch the forums, so I am wondering what the criteria is for farming/banning??
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Well, I'm sure many people will scream at me for this reply, but they can be safely ignored. Basically, you can't get anywhere near banning territory without knowing exactly what you're doing. You need to know the game system really well to effectively exploit it. Trust me, you can *NOT* do it by accident.
Please note, however, if a new player gets on a team with a serious exploiter, that is not "by accident". That is someone being led astray by one of the 'bad guys'. So, yes, you can end up exploiting without realizing it if you hook up with an exploiter. But exploiting that is extreme enough for banning absolutely can't happen by accident. If you're solo, don't worry. If you're a team of inexperienced players, don't worry. If someone you don't know invites you to a team with a promise of "fast levels", then it's time to worry.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ok, so I am a long time follower of the game but have had to cancel subscription a few times for numerous reasons. Recently I returned after a long absence and have experienced the new Mission Architect stuff, which I beleive is revolutionary and certainly innovative to MMO's.
Luckily for me, I am one of those players that likes to be superinformed about stuff, so I read threads about AT's/builds before I start one, etc. I like to be knowledgeable about what I am doing.
However, I have yet to experience anything IN_GAME that would tell me whether I am doing something wrong or not when it comes to AE content and farming. Most players never touch the forums, so I am wondering what the criteria is for farming/banning??
FOr example, I'd been leveling a scrapper and had gotten a bit bored of the usual mission/questing so I decided to try out some of the lowbie AE content. I found an arc that once you rescue an ally, they cast Accelerate Metanolism on you. For a low level character, this is a huge benefit, especially for a scrapper that has longer recharge times like mine does ( BS/SD ). This arc, while semi-boring, definitely upped the pace of lowbie leveling. by having an ally that buffs and helps a bit.
So, i enjoyed this arc because it's helping me tolerate some of those painful dull early levels where half of your time is spent smacking someone with a single slotted brawl... I enjoyed it so much that I played it several times.
Now I finally get to my question: is this farming? Is it any worse than farming a sewer mission over and over? And is this the sort of thing that will get you banned?
I didn't find anything blatantly wrong with the arc, there was always the risk of me dying if I pulled to many, etc. ( low risk, but still a risk). It was just much more convenient that lowbie leveling normally is. Is that wrong?
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Unless it's obvious to you that the mission is giving incredibly huge rewards for easy kills leveling you 10 times faster than you'd ever would in any other normal situation or 10 times the rewards any reasonable person would think they would be getting compared to the rest of the game; then you're not going to be in trouble. Even if you play that mission over and over again.
The person who made that mission may find the mission getting flagged and yanked if there was no story to it, and the contact said, "wuh?" and the mission description said "oink oink here" and you get a Rikti Guardian ally for no reason to kill a map of nothing but easy-to-kill custom bosses inexplicably guarding exploding cars. It's obvious, then, the mission was made for farming and not to create a real mission or tell a real story. And if such a player continued to create such missions after being warned, then that player would be trouble.
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You're not going to get banned for enjoying an arc with a Radiation Emission ally in it. You'd get banned for going from 1-50 in 3 hours.
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That's a good idea.
Enjoy your day please.
However, I have yet to experience anything IN_GAME that would tell me whether I am doing something wrong or not when it comes to AE content and farming. Most players never touch the forums, so I am wondering what the criteria is for farming/banning??
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Well, I'm sure many people will scream at me for this reply, but they can be safely ignored. Basically, you can't get anywhere near banning territory without knowing exactly what you're doing. You need to know the game system really well to effectively exploit it. Trust me, you can *NOT* do it by accident.
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Basically. The bannable exploits are those that pretty much -scream- "exploit". Leveling to 50 in only a few hours, for example... You'll -know- when you're exploiting, even if you do stumble on it by accident.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
An ally capable of Speed Boosting you, as the OP mentioned, would also be capable of attacking. NPC allies in MA take a portion of the XP equal to the percentage of damage they dealt. So the ally isn't an exploit, even if it's an extreme/extreme Fire/WP AV that kills everything for you.
If the NPC's are basically filling a "team" for you, then you're fine. The devs have taken this into account.
Positron's message wasn't worded the best way, but he had the right idea - If something happens that makes you say "Is this how it's supposed to work?" then the answer is probably no. If things are a little easier (Like after rescuing Faultline and Fusionette in the RWZ arcs) then you're fine. If your level 45 character gets 3 levels in one run of one mission, or you regularly get the "ticket cap" message, you're probably in an inappropriate mission. Finish it once then report it in the window that pops up.
Just adding an observation.
There is a huge difference between farming and exploiting. We could sit here and give you dozens of examples of legitimate farming this game has, and none of it will get you banned. The same can be said for powerleveling. The devs aren't against either of those playstyles. Never have been. The exploiters want people to think that so they can generate hysteria and hide amongst the masses.
Most of the people complaining about bannings are either Chicken Littles looking for a reason to rage against the machine, or exploiters who don't want to get their comeuppance.
If your level 45 character gets 3 levels in one run of one mission, or you regularly get the "ticket cap" message, you're probably in an inappropriate mission. Finish it once then report it in the window that pops up.
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Please don't do this. The quisling recommending this is obviously working on his hall monitor badge, and wants to grief players that don't play the way that he wants them to. If you find yourself hitting the ticket cap or gaining lots of levels , I recommend repeating the mish a few times. If there is no EXPLOIT, like the rikti comm officers, everything is OK. I've repeated such missions several times, and have never had a problem. Don't let those who don't like farming conflate teh ideas of farming and exploits. They just want to criminalize playing the game efficiently.
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This is a perfect example of the "chicken little/exploiter" mentality. This person is trying to confuse farming with exploiting.
See how he starts off using the insult "quisling" in a veiled attempt to make the person asking the GM's to check out a possible exploit as the bad guy.
Players DON'T have the ability or authority to determine if an MA mission/arc is an exploit. Only the GM's can do that.
Notice how he encourages you to run mission/arc several times rather instead of notifying the GM's and letting them do their job. He wants you to do that because the more often you run a questionable mission/arc the more likely the GM's will see you as having dirty hands and punish you as well as the mission/arc creator.
Finally notice how he is attempting to blur the lines between farming and exploits by implying that farming is seen as bad, and using exploits is playing efficiently.
If you regularly gain 3 levels from it and hit the ticket cap every time but also get your butt handed to you on a regular basis, you're probably fine.

Regardless of anything else I think it should be a concern that players "don't know it when they see it" This isn't the first question i've seen on this. I got a PM from someone asking if lvl'ing to 50 in a 2 weeks by running through all the TF's was "too fast".
edited to add it's good that he gets informed answers from the player base but what of those that don't ask, don't know to ask etc.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
After reading this thread up to Phillygirl's response, I felt there was something that needed to be said...
If you feel a mission is exploitive, report it. If a GM feels the arc is exploitive they'll pull it. IF it isn't they won't. Pretty simple.
We as players cannot ban arcs. Only the GM's/devs can do that.
Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM
Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper
After reading this thread up to Phillygirl's response, I felt there was something that needed to be said...
If you feel a mission is exploitive, report it. If a GM feels the arc is exploitive they'll pull it. IF it isn't they won't. Pretty simple.
We as players cannot ban arcs. Only the GM's/devs can do that.
[/ QUOTE ] Problem is, I strongly suspect that not very much evaluation occurs. It seems that if a mish crosses a complaint threshold, it is auto-banned. Combined with the fact that some players think that everything beyond ERP is exploitative, and this is a fairly problematic solution. I have an idea, how about if you think a mission is exploitative, you don't play it!
Why is the first instinct of so many on this forum to go running to mommy?
After reading this thread up to Phillygirl's response, I felt there was something that needed to be said...
If you feel a mission is exploitive, report it. If a GM feels the arc is exploitive they'll pull it. IF it isn't they won't. Pretty simple.
We as players cannot ban arcs. Only the GM's/devs can do that.
[/ QUOTE ] Problem is, I strongly suspect that not very much evaluation occurs. It seems that if a mish crosses a complaint threshold, it is auto-banned. Combined with the fact that some players think that everything beyond ERP is exploitative, and this is a fairly problematic solution. I have an idea, how about if you think a mission is exploitative, you don't play it!
Why is the first instinct of so many on this forum to go running to mommy?
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Seems to me like someone has a mad-on against the devs. If a mish crosses a complaint threshold, it's generally a safe bet that it IS exploitive.
I'm guessing you've had an arc pulled due to complaints or being exploitive yourself and you're telling people to not complain about it so you can keep your exploits.
Pretty transparent really.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
The complaint button is there for a good reason. Somepeople may put foul language or offensive material (sex/race bashing etc) that should truely get reported. It does have the potential for griefing but i believe they made some changes in i15 to help with the auto complaint ban.
Well that was more the reason i saw the complaint button put in for anyway.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
The complaint button is there for a good reason. Somepeople may put fowl language or offensive material (sex/race bashing etc) that should truely get reported.
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We're not allowed to talk about birds now?
Somepeople may put fowl language
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That kind of fowl language?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
lmao i had to think about that been on vicodins for a dental work and have been in a haze all week....fixing it now
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Awww, but it was so much funnier the other way!
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I have one spelling error become a 9 page thread joke i don't need two.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Ok, so I am a long time follower of the game but have had to cancel subscription a few times for numerous reasons. Recently I returned after a long absence and have experienced the new Mission Architect stuff, which I beleive is revolutionary and certainly innovative to MMO's.
Luckily for me, I am one of those players that likes to be superinformed about stuff, so I read threads about AT's/builds before I start one, etc. I like to be knowledgeable about what I am doing.
However, I have yet to experience anything IN_GAME that would tell me whether I am doing something wrong or not when it comes to AE content and farming. Most players never touch the forums, so I am wondering what the criteria is for farming/banning??
FOr example, I'd been leveling a scrapper and had gotten a bit bored of the usual mission/questing so I decided to try out some of the lowbie AE content. I found an arc that once you rescue an ally, they cast Accelerate Metanolism on you. For a low level character, this is a huge benefit, especially for a scrapper that has longer recharge times like mine does ( BS/SD ). This arc, while semi-boring, definitely upped the pace of lowbie leveling. by having an ally that buffs and helps a bit.
So, i enjoyed this arc because it's helping me tolerate some of those painful dull early levels where half of your time is spent smacking someone with a single slotted brawl... I enjoyed it so much that I played it several times.
Now I finally get to my question: is this farming? Is it any worse than farming a sewer mission over and over? And is this the sort of thing that will get you banned?
I didn't find anything blatantly wrong with the arc, there was always the risk of me dying if I pulled to many, etc. ( low risk, but still a risk). It was just much more convenient that lowbie leveling normally is. Is that wrong?