Show off your setup!





Okay. I remember seeing a thread like this a few years ago. I can't find it anymore, nor do there seem to be any recent ones, so I was hoping to get to see the setups of others again.

But it wouldn't be right for me to ask without posting any of my own set up, now would it. So here goes:

Original setup: Taken back in 2007. I made a bit of a mess that day looking for something....I forget what. The yellow car you see is the transformer Bumblebee. (I got him for a christmas present that year.)

Recent view 1 I got that set of swords as an anniversary present when I was still in the USAF.

Recent view 2

Recent view 3 The larger Ipod belongs to my wife......

Sorry for the lower quality of the pictures.....I had to use an older camera.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Post deleted by Bayani



Does it count if I don't have a desk?



Gaming laptops FTW!



once I gety digita camer working...sure

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



current setup - literally. You might notice a familiar thread on the monitor.

My computer went kablooie sometime in mid-January, thus why my desk on the left (technically a table thingy that goes behind a sofa) is full of non-computery stuff. We'll be ordering a new computer sometime in the next week, hopefully to arrive before the end of the month, so I've really got to clean it all up.

Please note the awesome Tigger clock. I have had that thing for like 15-18 years or so. I am amazed that it still works...even more impressive is that I haven't LOST IT. It has seen ten or more moves since I got it!

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Does it count if I don't have a desk?



Gaming laptops FTW!

[/ QUOTE ]

I started off with no desk
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I'm feeling better and better about my setup.

...I'll try and get a camera to put-up-or-shut-up.



I have no real setup, just my laptop, a wireless mouse, and wherever I happen to be. the comp is not very good, but that's why I am getting a desktop at the end of the summer, CUSTOM BABY!



Nice, M_B XD

Here's mine =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)






Muh! I can get behind this thread!

Just bought a new desk back in April ^_^

Out with the old.

In with the new!

I have a lot of open space now, and I am thinking of moving the desk to another room now. I need to fit a scanner in there, and dig my tablet out of whatever moving box it is still in. Might get a printer, just because that seems like something that should be on a desk >_>

I can see forever 0.0



Muh! I can get behind this thread!

Just bought a new desk back in April ^_^

Out with the old.

In with the new!

I have a lot of open space now, and I am thinking of moving the desk to another room now. I need to fit a scanner in there, and dig my tablet out of whatever moving box it is still in. Might get a printer, just because that seems like something that should be on a desk >_>

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice! I might borrow that layout. though I prefer to be facing the door. I don't like having my back to the entrance of a room. >.> Hrm. The walls look a bit bare too. Needs m0ar art!




Nice! I might borrow that layout. though I prefer to be facing the door. I don't like having my back to the entrance of a room. >.> Hrm. The walls look a bit bare too. Needs m0ar art!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hah, you sound a little paranoid there. Must have people after your arts ; )

Holy crap, I can has ur stuff? Oh wait, you weren't quitting.

[/ QUOTE ]

>_> Wait, now I am a little paranoid myself...Hmm, well any which way, moving this desk in to the other room will take care of that. When I get the AC set up in that room, I won't have to worry so much about the ungodly amount of heat my machine puts out in the summer >_<

I can see forever 0.0




Nice! I might borrow that layout. though I prefer to be facing the door. I don't like having my back to the entrance of a room. >.> Hrm. The walls look a bit bare too. Needs m0ar art!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hah, you sound a little paranoid there. Must have people after your arts ; )

Holy crap, I can has ur stuff? Oh wait, you weren't quitting.

[/ QUOTE ]

>_> Wait, now I am a little paranoid myself...Hmm, well any which way, moving this desk in to the other room will take care of that. When I get the AC set up in that room, I won't have to worry so much about the ungodly amount of heat my machine puts out in the summer >_<

[/ QUOTE ]

Well it's more of a feng shui sort of thing. I do wear headphones though so yeah, I don't like people sneaking up on me. And the only way people would make money off my art is to ransom it back to me. It's not worth all that much on the open market. Who wants art of a character no one knows about?

Bayani's Desk

Over the desk is a picture of Black Cat/Spider-Man reproduced by Charlie Vess and signed by Stan Lee and a frame of 9x12 photos signed by 6 members of the cast of Farscape. (D'Argo, Chiana, Xhaan, Chricton, Aeryn Sun and Scorpius if anyone's curious).



This is mine pretty plains. wireless headphones, mouse and keyboard. it's s small-ish setup but it works good for me

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Hm. another person who has a mouse on the desktop but the keyboard stowed underneath. I get uncomfortable if my hands aren't on even levels when i'm working at the computer.




Well it's more of a feng shui sort of thing. I do wear headphones though so yeah, I don't like people sneaking up on me. And the only way people would make money off my art is to ransom it back to me. It's not worth all that much on the open market. Who wants art of a character no one knows about?

Bayani's Desk

Over the desk is a picture of Black Cat & Spider-Man reproduced by Charlie Vess and signed by Stan Lee and a frame of 9x12 photos signed by 6 members of the cast of Farscape. (D'Argo, Chiana, Xhaan, Chricton, Aeryn Sun and Scorpius if anyone's curious).

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooh, wall swag! Yeah, my walls are a little nekkid : p I have a nice framed H.R. Geiger poster I should get around to hanging, I mean, I've only lived here for a year now >_< Oh yeah, your second link is the same as the first one.

And oooooh, Farscape ^_^ I did not get back to her booth to get it signed, but I did get a picture with "Chiana".

Fanboy! Or troll, or wookiee, whichever you prefer >_>

I should have it framed, I am sure there is room for it on my new desk ; )

I can see forever 0.0



Recent view 1 I got that set of swords as an anniversary present when I was still in the USAF.

[/ QUOTE ]
And you're displaying them wrong. The order is right, but the blade is supposed to be facing up.