Show off your setup!




Needs m0ar art!

[/ QUOTE ]I like this kind of talk.



Heh, I honestly did not know that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, the blade's always suppose to be facing opposite of gravity so it's not biting into the scabbard.


Well it's more of a feng shui sort of thing. I do wear headphones though so yeah, I don't like people sneaking up on me. And the only way people would make money off my art is to ransom it back to me. It's not worth all that much on the open market. Who wants art of a character no one knows about?

Bayani's Desk

Over the desk is a picture of Black Cat/Spider-Man reproduced by Charlie Vess and signed by Stan Lee and a frame of 9x12 photos signed by 6 members of the cast of Farscape. (D'Argo, Chiana, Xhaan, Chricton, Aeryn Sun and Scorpius if anyone's curious).

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Ooooh, wall swag! Yeah, my walls are a little nekkid : p I have a nice framed H.R. Geiger poster I should get around to hanging, I mean, I've only lived here for a year now >_< Oh yeah, your second link is the same as the first one.

And oooooh, Farscape ^_^ I did not get back to her booth to get it signed, but I did get a picture with "Chiana".

Fanboy! Or troll, or wookiee, whichever you prefer >_>

I should have it framed, I am sure there is room for it on my new desk ; )

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My arts office is still a work in progress.... even through we moved in a couple months ago ^.^;;

Mostly its just lacking in personality, but I've got plans for it.

I actually don't have a computer set-up because I have a MacBook and I like to move around.



I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?



I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?

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At work I keep my e-mail up on the second monitor, or use it for stashing things that i want to reference easy, like some data that I'm using to compare or notes on what I'm supposed to be doing.

Kicking off something that'll take a while and shoving it over to the second monitor to continue working on the primary display.

I would imagine in an artistic type setting, a second monitor would be useful for having references up for easy access while doing you're drawing stuff on the main display.

Basically, it's one of those things you will absolutely find a use for if you have it available to you.



I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?

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That about sums it up!

Like Frost said, it may seem redundant but once it is available to you, you'll definitely find uses for it. I'd run Photoshop and CoX in separate screens simultaneously, or just about anything really. Had a second screen available for a short period that I ran movies in while I worked on other things; kept firefox open behind it while running CoX, etc.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?

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I use it primarily for work. It's super-helpful with spreadsheets and writing; using one window for internet-browsing or source material and the other for your work. It saves so much time when you have to cycle through windows less. I can also play games in windowed mode and chat with someone on AIM or look up ParagonWiki when I'm stuck in CoH.

Also...multiple pr0n streams running.



I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

That about sums it up!

Like Frost said, it may seem redundant but once it is available to you, you'll definitely find uses for it. I'd run Photoshop and CoX in separate screens simultaneously, or just about anything really. Had a second screen available for a short period that I ran movies in while I worked on other things; kept firefox open behind it while running CoX, etc.

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It isn't in the pictures above, but I pulled out another screen to dual view with after seeing some of the sick setups on the internet. I'd use my LCD tv as the primary and my widescreen monitor as the secondary, but my wife got attached to the TV and would flip if I tried to move it into my throne room (What I call the PC room; the computer chair is my throne)

Slightly Updated Setup

The red dragon "miniature" piece asked to make an

EDIT: My thanks to perilX for the katana display info.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I should get around to snapping a shot of "table" just so I can say I have swords too, heh. Although, granted, they're only letter-opener sized versions but I still find it amusing they just so happen to be sitting next to my computer currently.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?

[/ QUOTE ]

My second computer. >.>

That said, had I more desk space (and money,) I'd be running multiple monitors as well. I NEVER have enough "desktop space," even on a widescreen, and like having references next to each other, or something like mail/stuff to monitor and whatever I need fullscreen -

It's actually exceptionally useful. I got rather used to it at one of my last jobs. A single, normal (4:3) monitor feels cramped. Plus, some programs really take advantage of it. It was MUCH harder to pull off back when I did CAD (early 90s,) but AutoCAD would have its command window in one monitor and leave you a nice, fullscreen workspace in the other. First time I saw the setup, I was in love... but couldn't afford to do it (or haul around both monitors - no LCDs then!)



What with the thousand computers some people have . Would show you mine but to lazy right now.



New addition to my setup!

Molly and Olly!

[/ QUOTE ]

I have that router. Sometimes that wallpaper too. >.<


What with the thousand computers some people have . Would show you mine but to lazy right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Built one. Upgraded it. Built a second one. No reason to get rid of the first. (And having it has saved my butt once or twice - "backup" computer to download drivers, troubleshoot, etc. ) When I get the new one built later this year, the second one becomes the "backup," and the first will likely be used as a TV/DVR, or for file storage or some such thing until it finally breaks. (Or I upgrade the mainboard, and put the second system's old CPU, video card and RAM in it...)



Hey Bill, mind building me one too while you're at it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Hey Bill, mind building me one too while you're at it

[/ QUOTE ]

And me too



Where'd you get the Cloud/Sephiroth poster?

At a county fair from some Asian lady selling bootlegs and cheap knock-offs like 10 years ago. =D

I have a question. What is the point of having more than one monitor? Seems to be a common theme here. What do you use it for?

Looking up stuff online while i play a game, or when i need extra canvas space in photoshop, or if i wanna play a movie and websurf at the same time (multi tasking ftw)... i never thought I'd want or need two monitors, but once i actually had two usable ones.. well, ok, i don't use the second monitor like 80% of the time, but it's NICE when i do require it.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Taken on my Nintendo DSi :3

It's a little blurry, but my PC is somewhat visible. It's the monstrous black tower behind my 360.

Rezz - 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Brute

My one and only character and all I'll ever need.



Taken on my Nintendo DSi :3

It's a little blurry, but my PC is somewhat visible. It's the monstrous black tower behind my 360.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you must be confused, that's your Television, where's your PC?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Some of us like them heroes on TV.
For bonus geek points, I'll point out the stack of comics nearby. (Yay Top 10!)

Violence has its own economy. Therefore, be thoughtful and precise in your investment.



here's mine:

My Work Bench

Okay, that might be a bit confussing for you to look at, so I'll issolate the systems:

My Work Bench (Highlighted)

The Red box on the wall is where my 15" LCD media monitor used to hand, right up until it burned out about a month ago (Oh well can't complain I bought it for $5 and it lasted 3 years.)
The Red high lighted system in the corner is my media server... basically useless right now with out the monitor.

The Purple system is my Media production system, where I've got Adobe Premier, Sony Vegas pro, Office, Audacity, Adobe Photoshop and the rest of my media producing mumbo-jumbo loaded.

The Teal system is my gaming rig. That's what I've Got CoH loaded on.

The Keyboard is a Logitech G15 Gaming keyboard (LOVE IT btw), the mouse is Logitech G5 gaming mouse.

And just to answer any question that may be raised about it, no. I do NOT have one monitor per system. I have 1 monitor (The LCD on the left) hooked up for my gaming system, and I use both for my media production system:

Yup, I have a Split screen for one system.



Why do I still think of this when people use that word?

Violence has its own economy. Therefore, be thoughtful and precise in your investment.