Star Wars: The Old Republic, Cinematic Trailer
From the trailer I wonder if the attacks of the bounty hunter class will be composed of AoEs.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
From the trailer I wonder if the attacks of the bounty hunter class will be composed of AoEs.
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I can sure as heck dream.
Man, that twi'lek is useless! Talk about an xp leech.
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
and Bioware is making it!! Can't wait for it!!
-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now

This MMO has my interest.
I just don't like how they feel microtransaction are the key. The game is going to be free to play supposedly but you'll be able to buy equipment for real money.
But I have a concept for Stryph going. He'll definitely be the Sith but the kind of Sith that was semi good. Because in the KOTOR lore one side was ferocious and competitive while Raven's type or something or rather had a Jedi-like order going.
OMG that was like the koolest thing!!! Reminded me alot of this my head! lolz
That looks totally awesome!
If there has ever been an MMO to steal me away from heroes this might be it, but I know me, I'll buy it, play it for awhile, miss all you guys and come back, so I would have to keep both accounts open so I don't have to pick, and I can keep playing with you guys.
The biggest Green Lantern fanboy on the Forums
This MMO has my interest.
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This MMO has my interest.
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i agree
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
This'll be Darth Strife's theme :3
Dammit! Too many good games! Gah!
Interesting but it's just cinematics. I'm curious to see what the actual gameplay will look like and how compelling the non-Force wielding classes will be to play.
They've had some gameplay vids for a while I think. Since Prax. For the most part it's style of art is quite similar to Champions Online but not identical.
Short but examples of gameplay but meh, gets the point across sort of.
hm. Looks interesting. The last bioware games I played were...Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire. I wonder how they'll balance an action-oriented system with MMO aspects. Daunting task that's for sure. I'd be a bit worried about the class balance personally...I'm sure many folks would really prefer to be a Jedi or Sith and the impression I'm getting is that it's very Force-centric as a game. Hopefully the other archetypes will have plenty of carrot to draw interest, without becoming/pidgeon-holed into a support flunky for lightsaber-wielding monkeys. (No offense, Styph. =P)
If I recalled they did sort of say Jade Empire was what they were following for combat. But yes I'm just as skeptical. You really aren't going to have as good enough quality in real time combat as you would in a single player action RPG, but for the most part it still sounds sweet. I'm just iffy, I like Bioware but this is their first time at an MMO so it's not going without saying, "What if..." etc.
I may make a Bounty Hunter but Darth Strife would definitely be my main whose story I keep editing and adding to
The major bummer for me is it's just another prequel though, kind of a let down knowing that your ending is seemingly fixed by even Episode 1. Sometimes it makes me aggitated when I know how it ends and yet given freedom to whom I wish to create, fixed endings can be a downer but then again maybe I'll come up with some plot to make Darth Strife immortal >: )
Really? Jade Empire's combat was fun buuuuuut kinda easy. I beat the game fairly quickly and didn't have a whole lot of trouble with any of the enemies.
As for the canon thing, well I don't think it's too bad set centuries before Episode 1. I think that's plenty of time to make an impact and become a legend that future generations will tell stories about.
Let's just hope that you don't have to play a Jedi if you don't want to. Isn't that what caused the first SW MMO to fail? Not everyone was chosen to be a Jedi? Cause honestly, not everyone's a Jedi in the movies. I mean, you should be able to choose be one, but I'd really prefer to be "chosen" rather than just roll a Jedi whenever I feel.
Well I'm sure Jedi wont be the only playable but as far as I can tell it's a roll you choose. So there's no being "chosen" as far as videos go. The problem is those who wish to be Jedi far out weigh those who don't. That's why the game probably follows KOTOR instead of down the road like SWG, during KOTOR Jedi and Sith were dime a dozen.
Dammit! Too many good games! Gah!
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This. So many games, so little time...
Odd I never thought you all'd be interested in it o_o
My guild's (primairly the ones that came with me from SWG, about..20 of us?) have been waiting for this for a while now, since the Horrors of the NGE. :/ I watched it and of course, hold reservations.
SWTOR is currently our fall back position once Positron IF goes mad with power. o.o
Its nice to see we're not the only ones who are loooking at it from here! We used to have such a blast RPing and grouping and making fun of each other :3
In fact, I may have to re-envision my SWG character a bit, I mean he's built right now so he could exist back then know I'm rambling...o.0
Man, that twi'lek is useless! Talk about an xp leech.
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That Twi'lek is no leech, she's a part of the main sith's (in the video) party. So, in gameplay terms, the bounty hunter, twi'lek and that sith are all one player. From a gameplay standpoint, the Twi'lek appears to be Smuggler class, meaning she probably has alot more 'out of combat' skills that she uses like computer and security-based stuff.
@Mazzo Grave

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@Mazzo Grave
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