Would-be Celebrities on Justice
Anyone know Ra (hotty RA, etc). I've also teamed on occasion with Katfood. This may just turn into whoever posts the most number of times is the biggest celebrity, but I would like to call those two out.
Ultra cool? or Uber nerds?
Probably one of the best fixtures on Justice says "Fire it up!" lots.
Yo Yo.
This has absolutely no chance of becoming a flame war.
*gets popcorn and soda*
First one that comes to mind is Thor's Assassin. He started one of the healthier SGs on Justice way back when, and it is one of the strongest SGs still today. He has really bolstered the art community here as well, and that is crucial with a game that is fashioned after Comic Books.
I would like to throw a nod at Tic Toc as well with all the guides he has put out regarding this game. It is something that he did not have to do, but knew it was the best for the community.
Sass for putting me in my place and putting up with TA.
Cassanra Storm, Sin, Gads and many of the LOJ crew, constantly doing events and TFs and maintaining that standard of excellence, Al Davis is a sissy compared to them.
Zappalina, Velara, Megumi and the Stockton Group, if you need them, they are there.
Nursette really works hard at this game and has run a lot of events, she is Aces in my book.
Unique Dragon for possibly having the biggest thread on Earth, yet never hitting 50 if I am correct, I may be wrong.
Dethwing for tearing through PVP like a man on a mission (which he is) and still towing that line even though PVP appears to be a dying animal is this game.
Manoa for just being an epic class sweetheart to everyone.
Roxstar, M2A1 Abrams, and Ice Ox, wherever you are, you three are awesome tankers that I aspire to be half as good as.
Bleyzen Lord, he has done more TFs than the Devs QA team.
Doug the Troll (McDougall) for great comedy!!
And of course, any member of the Honor Guards. We have taken a huge hit lately with RL schedules, so we usually don't "en masse" until the weekends anymore, but when we go, just hang on as long as you can, we will get you there.
This is a loaded question LOL Since not many post on the forums.. there plenty of popular players old and new for different reasons.
Giggles, Nursette, Con, lucas, Q, Hery, Mari, Bleys, Galaxy Tanker, Philly Girl, Zap, Mermoine, Gad, Omega-001, Guil, Flea, Kat, etc.. pleanty more..

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
I'm looking for POSITIVE vibes here. I sincerely hope it doesn't become a flame war, myself. It'd be a shame.
For my part on this thread, Puncher, Peregrinus Prius, and MarineOfTheHood always seem to be hanging around Atlas, doing. . . a whole lotta nothin'. They're good peeps, though.
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
I didn't suggest that you were trolling or anything, don't get me wrong. But it's only so long before the clash of egos that is the Justice forums gets the better of the thread.
Clash of Justice Egos? Sounds like a mission arc coming to YOU soon.
But let's stay focused. Who is AWESOME on Justice?
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
uou talking in-game, forums or both?
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
Define "celebrity" - write on one side of the paper only.
(I'm only well-known for two reasons - one as "that chick who makes videos" and the other as "the player no one can believe levelled a grav/kin to 50 without taking SB, IR, and DI".)
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
someone who argues in AP broadcast a lot?
Preferably in-game, Volt_Sentinel, but if you know someone who needs a shout-out on here, ok
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
ingame I'd have to say....Danman..he's more notoriously well known for running ITF all the time though it looks like he may have gradutaed to STFs
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
First one that comes to mind is Thor's Assassin. He started one of the healthier SGs on Justice way back when, and it is one of the strongest SGs still today. He has really bolstered the art community here as well, and that is crucial with a game that is fashioned after Comic Books.
I would like to throw a nod at Tic Toc as well with all the guides he has put out regarding this game. It is something that he did not have to do, but knew it was the best for the community.
Sass for putting me in my place and putting up with TA.
Cassanra Storm, Sin, Gads and many of the LOJ crew, constantly doing events and TFs and maintaining that standard of excellence, Al Davis is a sissy compared to them.
Zappalina, Velara, Megumi and the Stockton Group, if you need them, they are there.
Nursette really works hard at this game and has run a lot of events, she is Aces in my book.
Unique Dragon for possibly having the biggest thread on Earth, yet never hitting 50 if I am correct, I may be wrong.
Dethwing for tearing through PVP like a man on a mission (which he is) and still towing that line even though PVP appears to be a dying animal is this game.
Manoa for just being an epic class sweetheart to everyone.
Roxstar, M2A1 Abrams, and Ice Ox, wherever you are, you three are awesome tankers that I aspire to be half as good as.
Bleyzen Lord, he has done more TFs than the Devs QA team.
Doug the Troll (McDougall) for great comedy!!
And of course, any member of the Honor Guards. We have taken a huge hit lately with RL schedules, so we usually don't "en masse" until the weekends anymore, but when we go, just hang on as long as you can, we will get you there.
[/ QUOTE ]
pretty much sums it up...
Reference Pics
The Legend Continues
My Deviant
Pum. (You have no idea how many times "We're not doing a PumRun" has been said in my vent server.)
Philly !
Umm... Plenty more. And Con... I only remember talking to him when someone made an account just to flame Con, oh the lulz. Haha.
Pum. (You have no idea how many times "We're not doing a PumRun" has been said in my vent server.)
Philly !
Umm... Plenty more. And Con... I only remember talking to him when someone made an account just to flame Con, oh the lulz. Haha.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would presume that PumRun is more akin to a form of dysentery rather than an individual.
Clash of Justice Egos? Sounds like a mission arc coming to YOU soon.
But let's stay focused. Who is AWESOME on Justice?
[/ QUOTE ]
Tic Toc
Black Mute
I miss Doug the Troll
Doug the Troll was freaking excellent. I agree with Chyll's sentiment.
Any other spectacularly awesome people out there on Justice?
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
Any other spectacularly awesome people out there on Justice?
[/ QUOTE ]
Everybody...'nuff said!
Any other spectacularly awesome people out there on Justice?
[/ QUOTE ]
Everybody...'nuff said!
[/ QUOTE ]
this. Evryone ive teamed with on justice is awosme in my book. I truly love this community and everyone on it. Everybody brings some unique quality to the table.
Thx everyone for a awesome community.
This has absolutely no chance of becoming a flame war.
*gets popcorn and soda*
[/ QUOTE ]
so far no flame war, but i did LOL when i read this
The Marshmallow spectrum
Gud � Peeps
| Rice Krispy Treats
| Smores
Ebil - Circus Peanuts
So, on a whim, I present the following question out of just wondering about it. Who out there, excluding your own toons, would you hold as being iconic and highly recognizable of all the players on Justice? When you think of "ultra cool people" whom everyone seems to know or who are apparently always hanging around or who always have that one thing they do that sets them apart. . . what characters and what players come to mind?

I'm not looking to mine these names for bugging purposes or any such. I just think it'd be cool to see who are the "celebrities" on the server, if there are such.
Just wondering what you guys and gals of Justice think. Let's recognize awesome where awesome exists.
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177