Bad levels a Fire/kin Controller
Dotn't take Fulcrum Shift whatever you do, it draws more aggro than Darkest Night does.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Poor impulse control is a sad thing....
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...but a great badge title, especially for a Kinetic.
As for Speed Boost, if you plan on soloing the only thing it does anymore is let the Fire Imps keep up with you while you're using Siphon Speed (and run off to drag back unwanted aggro faster than ever before). I'd still recommend it if you team, though.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Dotn't take Fulcrum Shift whatever you do, it draws more aggro than Darkest Night does.
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So do the AoE immobilize and Hot Feet.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Dotn't take Fulcrum Shift whatever you do, it draws more aggro than Darkest Night does.
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My impression was that FS is a foundation power of the /kinetics set...?
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use. Also an auto-skip: Inertial Reduction. STUPIDEST. POWER. EVER. Especially if you'll be taking a real travel power, which I will be.
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use.
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Hot Feet does indeed require you to be on the ground to activate, but once the toggle is on there's nothing preventing you from using it while flying.
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use.
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Hot Feet does indeed require you to be on the ground to activate, but once the toggle is on there's nothing preventing you from using it while flying.
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And it benefits from Containment. Which is just tasty.
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use.
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Hot Feet does indeed require you to be on the ground to activate, but once the toggle is on there's nothing preventing you from using it while flying.
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And it benefits from Containment. Which is just tasty.
[/ QUOTE ]Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I'm reading the Controller boards right, isn't it a large part of what MAKES Fire/Kin the powerhouse it is?
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Dotn't take Fulcrum Shift whatever you do, it draws more aggro than Darkest Night does.
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My impression was that FS is a foundation power of the /kinetics set...?
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Cat was kidding. There's no point in rolling a Kin without FS.
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use. Also an auto-skip: Inertial Reduction. STUPIDEST. POWER. EVER. Especially if you'll be taking a real travel power, which I will be.
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First, Hotfeet does require you to be on the ground to turn it on, although you don't have to be on the ground to leave it on. It is an End hog and an aggro generator. It's also a HUGE source of damage, especially with containment. Take it early, but don't even bother running it until you get it double or even triple slotted for EndReduction. But it's well worth 6 slotting, 3 dam, 3 EndReduc. If you can't stand the thought of running that power, I'd seriously rethink your goal of playing a Fire/Kin since that power is a cornerstone of Fire.
Keep in mind that containment is the reason controllers can do decent damage now. In the early game your AOE immob is mainly useful for getting you killed, since it just gets mobs angry but you don't have the tools to mitigate the aggro. But importantly, it sets up containment. So later when you have Flashfire slotted up you can Flashfire a group to stun it, hit them with Fire Cages, then go stand right in their midst (where you want to be to use your Kin powers anyway) and fry 'em with Hotfeet. Fire Cages recharges fast and costs little End, so you can get away with very few slots in that power.
Flashfire is the most important mez you have. It's up far more often than Cinders, which I mainly use as an "Oh Crap!" power. Six slot Flashfire, get Hasten, use Siphon Speed as often as possible and slot for Recharge set bonuses. The result is Flashfire will be up for every group your team encounters.
IR is very skippable, I agree.
Re: your question upthread about when to take SB, I make it a habit to take it at 20 and add 1 or even 2 slots to it at 21. At that level all of your teammates have End issues. With the added +Recharge from SB they'll have even worse issues. Slotting multiple EndMods in SB really helps the overall team's speed through a mission tremendously. Later on use a vetspec or freespec to remove the extra slots since by the early 30s virtually all your teammates will be able to go full speed with just a single-slotted SB.
Note that by taking SB at 20 and forgoing Stamina till 22 you'll be sucking wind badly. But you'll be the only one on your team doing that, and you can tell them that in exchange for their nice full blue bars they should drop their blue insps on you. It works well.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use.
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Hot Feet does indeed require you to be on the ground to activate, but once the toggle is on there's nothing preventing you from using it while flying.
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And it benefits from Containment. Which is just tasty.
[/ QUOTE ]Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I'm reading the Controller boards right, isn't it a large part of what MAKES Fire/Kin the powerhouse it is?
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Darn all those pesky aggro-drawing AoEs anyway! Skip 'em all!
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Well yeah, but BI refuses to take darkest night on a dark defender (due to the aggro it draws), so skipping the AOE immbo and/or hotfeet and/or fulcrum shift seems about par for the course.
All of which are of course huge aggro magnets.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Ok Bad_Influence...
Do not, I repeat, Do not skip Hot feet/Fulcrum Shift/Siphon Speed/Power.
You can skip the single target Immob. But Please don't skip the powerhouse that is Hot Feet! 3 Endredux IO's and 3 Damage IO's and you are golden. Everything is icing.
"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"
Well yeah, but BI refuses to take darkest night on a dark defender (due to the aggro it draws), so skipping the AOE immbo and/or hotfeet and/or fulcrum shift seems about par for the course.
All of which are of course huge aggro magnets.
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Darkest Night is one of the biggest powerhouses of a Dark/Dark though! So it draws aggro, look at the huge debuff it does! Though... HT is the biggest, but DN?? Wow!
"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"
Hm, that's probably enough dogpiling on; a little bit of poking is fun, a lot of it becomes harassment fairly quickly.
In any case, I'm sure that the advice about the build is plainly evident in the sarcasm of the replies, and it serves no function to continue to badger someone over a build for an entirely different character.
So now let's get back to the business at hand: SB plz!
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Fire Kin is love hate. All I can say is accuracy and end reduction are your friends, especially on the KIN side.
Also If you dont want to draw aggro its the wrong combo. You are going to draw endless amounts of aggro to make it work.
One last thing get used to the loons going speedboost please every few seconds. Its a pain but liveable.
Fire Kin is love hate. All I can say is accuracy and end reduction are your friends, especially on the KIN side.
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Although once you ding 35 and get Transference (well, really 36 when you can add slots to id) your End woes are over. Yes, it's a long wait but it is soooo worth it.
I might as well through in a bit more general bits of Kin advice. First, your Kin side is a VERY late bloomer. Yes you get SB at 20 and that's a biggie for your teammates but your second and third big powers come at 35 and 38. Once you get to 39 with FS slotted up you're a radically different character than you were a few levels before in terms of what you bring to a team but it's a long journey to 39.
Next, SB is a short-lived buff but it's a really tremendous one. I know some Kins skip it but my belief is that if you can't cope with the idea of keeping a team of 8 SB'd then roll another set. Personally I hate being on teams with Kins that don't SB. A good time to do it is at the end of a battle when folks are mopping up stragglers. Go through the team and SB everyone, then when they zoom off to the next group everyone is fully buffed. A lot of Kin players like to try to SB at the start of a fight (if they think of it at all) but that's the time when you'll be very busy throwing out controls, healing, FS'ing, etc.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I'll be skipping Hot Feet though, I can promise you that. If that's the one I'm thinking it is.... requires you to be on the ground to use.
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Hot Feet does indeed require you to be on the ground to activate, but once the toggle is on there's nothing preventing you from using it while flying.
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Ha hmmm. Ok, I'll pick it up then. Thought you had to be on the ground at all times.... to which all of my non-melee people say, "ugh."
As far as the Darkest Night/FS debate, I am willing to give FS a shot but DN is staying off of my Dark builds. I have tried it and I do not like it; I've never noticed a lack in what I can do - to the contrary, I am alive to do other things to help the team, without it. With it I am instantly dead.
If FS does the same, I doubt I will keep it. The set has many other tools however, so I am open to experimentation. However this decision is a ways off, and I will need actual experience with it to make an informed decision.
Day 2: Level 11 so far, due to one abortive AE run [killed by half the team dying and refusing to hosp. This is a literal epidemic on AE teams, i have NO IDEA why everyone thinks it is ok to do this.] and a teamed mission in the Hollows. My gawd these sets are as horrible on my end as /dark armor. It is truly amazing.... *goes to buy END stuff*
I remember when I first rolled a Kinetics, there was one thing I quickly learned. I thought Siphon Speed was a way to get Speed Boosts effects on the Kin himself. I was only partly right. The power increases movement and recharge, but it doesn't increase Recovery. Essentially, where Speed Boost will fill a team's End bars, Siphon Speed will drain you quicker.
As far as FS/DN, it should be interesting to see how it works for you, Bad. Where DN grants almost SR like levels of defense to everything*. All Fulcrum Shift does is grant a huge damage boost to those in melee. (To the other folks here; Yes, I realize how odd it is to say it 'just' let's you kit damage cap) On the other hand, DN is a toggle, which means the minor agro caused by it would be constant, while FS will just fire and be done, leaving the mob more interested in the highly buffed people now in their midst.
*OK, 'SR like' may be a bit of an exageration, but I'm not really sure how -30% ToHit to everything compares to +45% defense with a few holes.
EDIT: Crud, just remembered that ToHit are on a different Enhancement schedule, so it's not even 30%. Sorry.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
I suck at playing a fire/kin. And my fire kin is so old that nobody realized a fire/kin was a good set, nobody had heard of vet attack powers to help you deal damage at level 3 yet, and I only got to level 32 with a big boost from winter lords, who were far less stingy with exp the first year they appeared.
And I've managed to get to 33 or 34 since then. I should get to 50 someday I suppose... just seems like fire/kin is not my favorite set, not one I'm very good at. Although I've been playing a kin defender recently and I just have to say, I love speedboost but not when I'm the one doing the speed boosting. Excessive buffing every other spawn is annoying.
I think that's why I like dark as a defender set. I'm not big on too much buffing, too many debuff toggles (although I did play an illusion/rad to 50) or dealing with other people's expectations of an empathy defender. My arrow/dark defender is now 36 (yay! Highest defender ever for me and climbing!) and my 43 MM is bots/dark. Dark is a fun set. All the bad guys cower when they see me.
I probably need to roll a trick arrow defender, then.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Well yeah, but BI refuses to take darkest night on a dark defender (due to the aggro it draws), so skipping the AOE immbo and/or hotfeet and/or fulcrum shift seems about par for the course.
All of which are of course huge aggro magnets.
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No Darkest Night?
That's how a Dark Defender (with SuperSpeed) herds a room onto a corner Tar Patch. Fluffy jumps out yelling "who's on mah tar patch, [censored]!" adding his Darkest Night and tentacles. Now that the there's about 70% -ToHit on the crowd, the Defender appears around the corner, Fears them for another -25% ToHit and stacks Tar Patch for -60% Damage Resistance and whittles their hp ways with whatever AoE attacks they have cycling in the single target attacks for the bosses.
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Well yeah, but BI refuses to take darkest night on a dark defender (due to the aggro it draws), so skipping the AOE immbo and/or hotfeet and/or fulcrum shift seems about par for the course.
All of which are of course huge aggro magnets.
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No Darkest Night?
That's how a Dark Defender (with SuperSpeed) herds a room onto a corner Tar Patch. Fluffy jumps out yelling "who's on mah tar patch, [censored]!" adding his Darkest Night and tentacles. Now that the there's about 70% -ToHit on the crowd, the Defender appears around the corner, Fears them for another -25% ToHit and stacks Tar Patch for -60% Damage Resistance and whittles their hp ways with whatever AoE attacks they have cycling in the single target attacks for the bosses.
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See, but with all that stuff going on, who even notices that I DON'T have DN....? Nobody, really. But if I die, Servant dies too. And he's important. Bummer.
/dark is an awesome set whether redside or blueside. I loves me some fears, Tar Patches and all the other lovely things it can do. At present I have five /dark people pf varying levels, that is how much I like the set.
But DN...? Has always seemed as akin to "horrid suicide" as anything you'd ever want to see. I think the toggle nature of the beast is the real problem.
I have somewhat softened my stance on SB lately and usually keep my mouth shut about it when on an outdoor map, on a non-melee character. Melee people still hate it as much as they ever did.
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Which melee people are these? Most melee types i team with love SB. All my Scrappers, Brutes and Tankers find SB perfect for going from being killing machines to turbocharged killing machines.
Tabbing through enemies until i locate my first victim and then hitting "f" is how i usually start fights when on a Speed Boost rush. Love that +end recovery and recharge time reduction. i love SB on my melee alts, but won't complain either if i don't get it.
Okay, there are people who have difficulty controlling their characters who ask to not receive it, especially among newer, low level melee players, but most players i know find it easy enough to compensate for with a bit of practice.
Still, feel free to skip Speed Boost, especially if you're going for a solo farming build. Even if i end up teamed with a high level Kin who skipped or won't use SB i still do fine without it, i just do it a bit slower than with SB.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
But DN...? Has always seemed as akin to "horrid suicide" as anything you'd ever want to see. I think the toggle nature of the beast is the real problem.
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Still, if you find a power difficult to use effectively it's a reasonable approach to not take it.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I have somewhat softened my stance on SB lately and usually keep my mouth shut about it when on an outdoor map, on a non-melee character. Melee people still hate it as much as they ever did.
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Which melee people are these?
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Ones with junky computers and ones that don't know how to play.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Having gone 1-50 with a fire/dark, I honestly don't understand how anyone would skip Darkest Night. That's just pure, unadulterated lunacy. Who cares if it draws aggro when nobody can hit you.
Good to know my recent string of agreement with B_I has come to an end, I was starting to get a little worried.
I have a high level mind/kin controller, and kin is a super fun, if busy, secondary.
I'm more partial to fire/rad than fire/kin for some reason. Hit 50 with my fire/rad, never got a fire/kin out of Kings.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
..... So, having heard about the awesome godliness of Fire/kin Controllers one too many times, Bad decides to level one up, not least because Sunday was last day for 5th anniversary badge... so lets roll one now.

[To date all attempts to level a Controller have met with defeat, since I have my Mind Dom's experiences late-game ever before my mind's-eye, and its not a pretty picture as purple triangles dance hither, thither and yon in my head. Plus I like to actually do some damage now and then.]
I have somewhat softened my stance on SB lately and usually keep my mouth shut about it when on an outdoor map, on a non-melee character. Melee people still hate it as much as they ever did.
Day 1: No sooner do I pop out into Atlas and type "fire/kin LFsewer team" than I instantly have an invite. I have decided to hit the sewers because I have yet to hear of people being deleted due to a sewer-run.
Off to the sewers we go, followed by some moronic level 35+ /kinetics who thinks she's doing us all a favor by making us badly overshoot our targets and/or run headlong into another spawn. Don't you have anything better to do....? Go get on an AE team and harrass THEM, why don't you.
During this experience we had two upper-level /kins haunting the sewers evidently for the sole purpose of buffing "nooblettes," as we were so charmingly referred to.
Bad [grumpily]: "Check my badge-sheet, I am hardly 'new.' Thanks."
Get a life, level 35+'s haunting the sewer. And don't stack the SBs, kthanxbi.
End of sewer-run at level 6, standing there leveling up: *WHAM!* I am SBed yet again by some passing /kin. Good gravy, you people are worse than the plagues of Egypt! Poor impulse control is a sad thing.... Off we go to KR in order to score the jet-pack.
Mission accomplished. The Fire/kin in question: now level 9. This is a powerful alt, although end-hoggy on the level of my Dark Armor Scrapper. Aiiieeee!
What will happen next? How will Bad handle whiny requests for buffs? Exactly how complicated IS it to fire off a buff? Will bad pick up Stamina or SB at level 20? Or will Bad skip SB, just for the fun of watching the heads of Build-Nazis explode? Should be interesting.... lol