Base Raids and Cathedral of Pain
yea what he said. It would be nice to have it the way it was intended to b ;-)
Totally correct... not the right place to post this. Try Player Questions.
Oh, and agreed on the Cathedral of Pain. Would be nice to have that back and running.
El Furioso - Inv/SS Tanker .:. Chlorostorm - Plant/Thorn Dominator {Virtue}
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Yea that does worry me too, you say you will fix base raiding, but you also said you would fix the Cathedral of Pain, and it has never been fixed. Please fix it. =;(
Never even got to try the Cathedral, and my only experience with base raiding was a halloween event on Triumph, but I'd like them back just so there are more things to do.
As a new player to the COH community it really sucks that parts of the game that appear to be functional are not. The base raiding idea maybe better suited as part of Rogue or limited for Rogues and Villains vs. Heroes and visa versa. The CoP or mission computer arc should have many different almost unbeatable missions within almost like AE. Honestly, after a certain time to save time and ideas you could take the best and most popular AE mishs and reconstruct them into CoP trials for new IoP's.
Really, it's retarded to have gaping holes in any game.
I am in a debate with Moderator 8 on this issue. They want to keep charging ahead with new content (to a point that makes perfect sense!), but i am in the opinion that they should fix all the broken parts to show us they back up their work.
I do not want Going Rogue, all the items they have given us is broken, why should we expect i16 to be anything but broken? MA still has problems, Mission TP from Mac pack doesnt work, Raids and IoP's are gone, so if they want to stay in competition with Champions Online, they need to make the game more stable and fun.
As i said in another thread and to Mod 8, due to pressure from customer demand, they will have to fix things and with that i hope that includes IoP's, if not there is only one alternative - NCSoft will lose thier business!
They will argue numbers are up - that is an illusion, mac users have just arrived and when they see this product is inferior to most others they will leave as fast as they came.
I want to see this (my favorite game) streamlined and working! No other game has the kind of great community feel that i have found on Champion server. I intend to stay here and fight for the return of IoP's, Base Raids, and the removal of game glitches such as the lag and dc'ing caused by MA.
I think bases are a much under used portion of the game. They need to be set as more of a staging area for missions as well as raiding. The mission computer needs an overhaul. It should act like the newspaper / police scanner for each zone. Bases need to be an event in themselves: more interactive components.
As for the CoP trial being turned off, it was broken in certain aspects and it needs to be fixed. Many improvements have been made to the Auto SK code so I could forsee it returning.
Base versus base raiding varied on the base designer. Some bases looked like bases and were fun to raid against while others were nothing more than objects squashed together that bordered on exploiting (jails / genwrapping /anchor blocking).
ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec
With the new base building rules they put in place, the old raiding system just would not work anymore. It would be possible to hide the IoP behind a wall. Base raiding will require a total overhaul. The only other option would be for them to have two different types of bases. One under the new way and one that can be raided. With how few people PvP, I wouldn't see very many people building the raid type.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
Maybe this thread should be moved to another forum where it more properly belongs, since it isn't a posting of a player event?
Good discussion, but I would not have looked for it here in this forum and I bet it is not found by many others as well.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Where's the Event?
I believe "Player Questions" or maybe even "Dev's Corner" would be the proper forum for this subject.
They want to keep charging ahead with new content (to a point that makes perfect sense!), but i am in the opinion that they should fix all the broken parts to show us they back up their work.
[/ QUOTE ]
I totally agree! I am all for new content, but fixing the broken parts of the game should be a key concern for them. Especially things like the CoP & Raids, as there seems to be alot of people interested in these things (from what I've seen in the many threads about this subject anyway) and the amount of time they have been down. I understand that Base Raiding may be back soon. (or is that just another rumor?) But, the CoP being down for 4+ years without a hint of when/if it will actually be back is just rediculous.
Mission TP from Mac pack doesnt work
[/ QUOTE ]
My mission TP from the MAC pack works just fine. I use it all the time.
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
CoP went offline October 2006, unless my math is borked it's not been 4 years.
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
CoP went offline October 2006, unless my math is borked it's not been 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
You must be using old math. You have to use the new internet math.
Maybe this thread should be moved to another forum where it more properly belongs, since it isn't a posting of a player event?
Good discussion, but I would not have looked for it here in this forum and I bet it is not found by many others as well.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was thinking similar but Base raiding and cop, are both events that players can play... that and it fits no where else.
I Have the most awsome travel powers in the game, and it's all thanks to lag! They are :
- (SSS) Super Slow Speed
- (RBTP) Rubberbanding TP
- Instant Death while Server D/C's
Don't you wish you were me? Well now you can with LAG POWER! -Phoenix
One of the main reasons the CoP trial was yanked was because of a hideously easily exploited issue with one of the missions. I vaguely recall developers stating that it'd be easier to start from scratch than fix the existing mess.
No, I've never done it, and I'd love to see SG-sized content, but I recommend people who want the CoP trial 'to be turned back on' not hold their breath.
My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.
I hope they never bring back base raids. The system was nowhere near balanced, and under the new pathing, things would be impossible...I know I'm not about to make my base path compliant for raids after all the work I've put into it.
I prefer another solution to SG PVP.
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
CoP went offline October 2006, unless my math is borked it's not been 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's broked.. its been down since before I came, and I came in i3 to 4 ish gotta be longer then that, and I agree with the devs corner thing XD I need a dev to post to do that though.
I Have the most awsome travel powers in the game, and it's all thanks to lag! They are :
- (SSS) Super Slow Speed
- (RBTP) Rubberbanding TP
- Instant Death while Server D/C's
Don't you wish you were me? Well now you can with LAG POWER! -Phoenix
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
CoP went offline October 2006, unless my math is borked it's not been 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's broked.. its been down since before I came, and I came in i3 to 4 ish gotta be longer then that, and I agree with the devs corner thing XD I need a dev to post to do that though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Per the Wiki - the Trial came out in September 2006 and was taken down about a month later in October 2006. October 2006 to June 2009 isn't even 3 years.
September 2006 was between Issues 7 & 8, so if you starting playing in I3 or I4, it wasn't in the game at that time.
Doesn't the Cathedral require some base items? We didn't get bases until Issue 6, with the release of CoV, October 2005.
I agree that three years is a bit much, but apparently CoP was horribly, horriby broken and must be rebuilt from the bottom up, including changing how base raiding works, which means finishing the changes to PvP.
But OP, your math is off as suggested by OmegaS2.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
which means finishing the changes to PvP
[/ QUOTE ]
Which means can't polish a turd.
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
CoP went offline October 2006, unless my math is borked it's not been 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's broked.. its been down since before I came, and I came in i3 to 4 ish gotta be longer then that, and I agree with the devs corner thing XD I need a dev to post to do that though.
[/ QUOTE ]Huh, CoP, which requires bases, was broken since Issue 3, when we didn't have bases until Issue 6? Interesting how that math just doesn't work.
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
CoP went offline October 2006, unless my math is borked it's not been 4 years.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's broked.. its been down since before I came, and I came in i3 to 4 ish gotta be longer then that, and I agree with the devs corner thing XD I need a dev to post to do that though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Started with issue 3 here, as well.
PVP introduced (Arenas) in Issue 4.
Bases introduced with COV, issue 6.
It was online briefly, but so exploitable (and generally broken) it was taken down and has not returned. The PVP and base changes we've seen recently are the groundwork for bringing back a new base raiding system, which is needed before a COP-like raid is introduced. The CoP itself needed to be rewritten from the ground up, we were told.
its been down since before I came, and I came
[/ QUOTE ] ^_^
What is the base raid timeline? (not CoP), but when was base raiding permitted, and when shut down?
Base raiding was active from Issue 6/COV launch through to Issue 13.
31st October 2005 to December 2nd 2008.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Ok Sorry if this is not the best thread, I could not think of better area.
Ok I know you say you will fix both of these but the CoP has been down 4 years.. You want more pvp but then you take away Raids... >.< Raiding is the best form of PvP... So me and a few friends decided to post our oppinions on here.. We don't care if it's not the way it was intended, we like it the way it was so if you could just place it back on live servers and only fix it on test until it is the way you want it that would be appreciated. Also CoP Not as much care for that as I have never done it, but I hear thats how you get IoPs.. Would help. Anyways, If you guys could just take this into consideration please, I would realy liek to start raiding again =)
I Have the most awsome travel powers in the game, and it's all thanks to lag! They are :
- (SSS) Super Slow Speed
- (RBTP) Rubberbanding TP
- Instant Death while Server D/C's
Don't you wish you were me? Well now you can with LAG POWER! -Phoenix