82 -
I wasn't expecting you guys back on Triumph any time soon; good to hear I was mistaken.
I'm tentatively interested, but I've got a Halloween / farewell party to go to that night; what kind of timetable are you on?
I've got a sonic/rad defender, earth / fire dominator (who has a habit of dying, so might be a bad fit) and an Elec / WP brute I could bring one of. -
Quote:Speaking as a Shield Defense / Ice Melee tanker in your SG I feel overlooked now. :PI ran a Fire/Ice Tank on GR Test... with the changes to FE and Burn, the combination of Ice Patch + FE + Burn + FA is just... ridiculous. If you can get over some of Fire's holes (which admittedly Shield has a lot less of), it also makes for an impressive damage tank.
Fantastic Foe is exactly right about how to handle AoE with that particular combo. I'd like to add that Ice Storm on top of that will make sure that whatever does survive the Freezing Aura / Shield Charge combo doesn't stay up long unless it's a Boss or tougher.
I sort of want to defend Greater Ice Sword on the basis of your comments regarding burst damage under Freezing Touch, but I've come off it in a big way in the process of fooling with the aforementioned Tanker in preparation for i19. I'll probably drop it altogether. -
There's a Baron coat option for an embroidered dragon on the back which seems only to be available during CC, too. Put it on my DP / Dark pirate but lost the damn thing when I went to tweak colors. No idea where that came from.
Quote:I like Triumph quite a bit and am glad it's the server I landed on when I took CoH up again last year, but the people griping have a bit of a point. There are social and mechanical hurdles to be jumped to "make it" here. You have to discover Triumph Watch, be polite and at least semi-competent (unless you're Phoenix of Syrinx), and then have a high tolerance for verbal elbow-jabbing... and that's without stepping into the dark, dark world that is TW2.1.I enjoyed the experience today of having somebody say in TW how dead the server was while there was a Posi, Numina, Manticore, and Renault all running at the same time, at freaking Noon on mf'n Christmas. I don't find that dead, do you? ;D
Also it helps to be drunk and belligerent on at least one Skype call, but that's not entry-level Triumph socialization. That's post-graduate work. -
Quote:Judging from the rigamarole I had to go through to get some multiplayer going yesterday night, figure out Sage's Gamespy ID and then remake the game until your attempts to join work. Good times once they do, though.Teach me how to be in ur gamez, stealin' ur lewtz! I've even bound the "snatch items from Sage" button to Mouse 3 for easy access.
I'm playing Roland as well, but not specced as a medic (Haven't had a chance to do co-op yet). I do have the ammo regen class mod though, and could easily spec into healing bullets.
I cannot believe they used Gamespy for multiplayer matching. What is this, 2003? -
Quote:Currently extremely bitter about the game's default-to-Roland sensibilities - was more interested in Mordecai or Brick - but once my turret gets beefier, skags beware.Holy Cow, I had no idea so many other people are playing Borderlands.
SentaiYellow (FullAuto88mm), Sentai Kickblast (Kickblast), and I (U2RaTOMATO) are ripping through that game. Well, Yellow and I are ripping through the game, and the 3 of us are hating KB's internet connection.
BEFORE Borderlands became my one and only true love, I was playing WoWcraft. RAIDING END GAME CONTENT LIKE A BOSS!
And there's always Team Fortress 2 (Sentai_Sage) for some quick mindless backstabb'n. And I'll tell you what, I love me some quick mindless backstabb'n
I'd love to talk longer, but I need to go back to Borderlands and find a sniper rifle that shoots LIGHTNING. -
Quote:Downloaded Borderlands today, due to the news that several college buddies were trying it. Looking forward to trying it out later, though I have a suspicion I'll be playing on low detail with a rotten frame-rate.I've always been a PC gamer...I don't find the consoles versatile enough.
I just started Borderlands for the PC yesterday, and I'm loving it! I haven't enjoyed cell-shading until now, and the gameplay is addicting. I'm one level away from being able to use a shotgun that shoots rockets.
Aside from that, I'm really enjoying the new Tales of Monkey Island series from Telltale. They've taken what was so fun from the original point-and-click and turned it into a monthly episodic release.
When I'm not playing those, I'm on CoH.
Outside of CoH I am mostly playing League of Legends, with side ventures into Team Fortress 2 and time-killing with the most recent DS Castlevania and Spelunky (http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=4017.0), the latter of which is basically a cross between Pitfall, Bomberman, and Nethack, and downright brilliant.
I have dabbled a little in D&D Online and was thwarted in my attempts to make a shooty cleric by the regrettable lack of longbows in the tutorial area. -
Quote:I'll be bringing the Embroiler Experience to the post-apocalyptic future if there's a free weekend on Steam, perhaps, but not any time soon.Kickblast!
Once again, you have been requested to post here!
Borderlands...I'm Pre-Loading it on Steam now...will you be playing co-op anytime soon?
Anyone else pick this game up for PC? The post-apocalypse is a lonely place and I want some friends.
Kickblast, do not make me drink you into a stupor. Hurry up and post. -
Theoretically, yes, but Power Sink doesn't arrive until level 35 and you're going to be making really slow progress until then without Stamina, based on my experience with it thus far. With IO support after level 35, you might be able to pull it off, though.
Quote:It was pretty busy throughout Double XP. Ought to work.Depends on what kinds of teams you're looking for. If you're wanting TF/SF teams, it's faster to go through the channels. For general teams, I suspect search& tell is easiest. There's also Triumph LFT channel, but I don't know how much activity it gets (although I suppose the more it gets advertised, the more it'll get used).
Imagine TW 2.1 as a bad neighborhood, or Detroit. That should give you some idea what it's like there.
Of course, some of us enjoy it that way. -
Only if someone's willing to trade you, and two of the guys who usually make our playoffs are in bad shape due to injuries or poor draft choices. I appear to be fairly well off despite some discontent with my roster and your ominous drug charge / ACL injury prognostications.
Hopefully I can dodge the trouble you foresee! -
Quote:As a side note, Schaub and Frank Gore went off this weekend and I absolutely buried the guy I was up against head to head. Good call, Karl!You may at first, but one of your picks will get a drug charge halfway through the season. Things are still foggy though, I'd give it one more week.
Now I am wondering about that drug charge. -
What if I stock up on that bitter don't-bite-your-nails product before the crash? Can I successfully ward off the hordes of communist hand-eating wastelanders with the bitter, bitter taste of my flesh?
I didn't realize nerds were the main consumers of novelty soda. Hell, I don't even DRINK soda. Do you guys know something I don't? I ask because the very idea really messes with my head. -
I didn't pick anyone from the Bengals. I am starting to doubt your accuracy, sir, but the one more week thing is a good call.
I have no idea what you guys are up to but I enjoy playing meme mix 'n match, so here's the Ha Ha guy. -
Quote:Blue Monday is a New Order song, though the Orgy cover is pretty good. For an act whose only other vaguely-notable contribution was Stitches, this is something of a mixed blessing.Also, anyone got a tune name or AT suggestion for a toon whose insperation is Blue Monday, by Orgy? I've been wanting a toon whose theme was this for ages.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e_nJRzCpBE -
Quote:So I should be moving my uniques on my brute into Rise to the Challenge?The +regen component of the Numina and Regen Tissue uniques are also enhanceable. (I presume it's a bug, but it's lasted since I9...) You'll get the biggest bang for your buck if you slot those two in the power with the highest heal enhancement. In other words, if you have 95% heal in Health and 33% in Physical Perfection, place the two uniques in Health. In fact, the two uniques combined offer more +regen than PP does, so you'd be better off even 5 slotting Health and 1 slotting PP than trying to split it 3 / 3.
Or, if you'd like to math it up yourself:
Code:Health: (40 + X + Y) * (1 + EnhancementValue) = RegenFromHealth PP: (20 + X + Y) * (1 + EnhancementValue) = RegenFromPP X = 25 (If the Regen Tissue is slotted in the power.) Y = 20 (If the Numina is slotted in the power.)
Code:Health: 40 * 1.95 = 78% PP: (20 + 25 + 20) * 1.333 = 65 * 1.333 = 86.645% TOTAL: 164.645% Regen
Code:Health: (40 + 25 + 20) * 1.95 = 85 * 1.95 = 165.75% PP: 20 * 1.333 = 26.66% TOTAL: 192.41% Regen
Oh yeah, don't forget to add any set bonuses you may have acquired, such as Numina's +12% for two slots.