Questions from an ebil Marketeer

Ad Astra



May we please have our limit on the salvage racks increased?

May we please have better editing tools?<stand alone editor?>

May we please have a better inf to prestige conversion rate?

May we please have a base builder Liason?


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Thanks for the olive branch.

Some of the base Building community has the impression that there are are some long-requested items that we can't have in bases because there would be an adverse impact on The Market - mostly around increased storage and storage items for recipes. The speculation (I've never actually seen a red name post with this answer) is that to give bases that would encourage hoarding rather than moving items on the market.

Now as I said, I have never seen an actual red name post on this topic, because other than a small flurry of posts from LH and then Sunstorm when he was first allowed to post, Base Construction does not see red names. The market impact reasoning is just what we have come up with as our "best guess".

We also have a couple of posters who are rabidly anti-market, and this best guess has not made the situation any better.

I like to think that I build bases that are much like what you are seeking COTCaveHater. Perhaps I should write up a guide. I will say that the cost of making a base that is maxed on storage (mainly enhancements and to a lesser extent salvage) with full teleporters blueside will cost you at least a million prestige or so, once you pay for the energy & control upgrades, required rooms, etc. Under the current conversion, that's a lot of Inf*, even for an ebil marketeer.

The other disconnect between the market/nf* and bases/prestige is that other than the really crappy conversion, there isn't any other way to generate prestige other than playing a character in SG mode. There isn't some way to generate prestige by buying/selling on the market, there isn't even a way to flip a switch to earn only prestige (no inf* or recipe/salvage drops, which can generate additional inf*).

The devs even got rid of one "currency" base builders alones used (base salvage) in favor of using the currency of invention salvage for base items and empowerments. The Devs gave us some cockamamie reason that "base salvage is too confusing" for doing so. But when they did that, that meant that SG members no longer got drops of something that can only be used in a base, so then they had to start making the chioce of whether to share Inv Salvage drops with the SG or keep them to improve their own characters.

I think that you are right to some extent. The market and Base Building are both communities that have not gotten lots of Dev attention over the years once each was implemented. We get tweaks in some issues - I noticed that they are finally correcting some spelling errors in names of IO sets that have been wrong since introduction, about time. Bases got a major tweak when raid pathing was removed, but we are now waiting for the other shoe to drop - what will happen when it comes back?

I'm a big fan of communities looking out for each other's backs and I like the idea of at a minimum getting an answer to the question of whether there are some types of storage in bases that are as they are to encourage the market. That could maybe remve some of the poisonois atmosphere (although people who at best regard the market as a "necessary evil" will still be unlikely to change their opinions, but ebul marketeers should already know that).

DISCLAIMER: I use the market every time I play. I read the market forum for tips & pointers. I do not marketeer to any great extent, although I do have a couple of characters with healthy bank balances and the aggregate total for all my alts (60+) is over 100 million, which is a drop in the bucket for marketeering. At the same time, I consider myself very much a part of the Base Building community, in the subgroup of small/solo base building.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Now as I said, I have never seen an actual red name post on this topic, because other than a small flurry of posts from LH and then Sunstorm when he was first allowed to post, Base Construction does not see red names. The market impact reasoning is just what we have come up with as our "best guess".

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually that information was given to players during (mainly) closed betas. Some was repeated with open betas, but even those sections get eliminated with an Issue going live.

So the "paper trail" doesn't exist.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Now as I said, I have never seen an actual red name post on this topic, because other than a small flurry of posts from LH and then Sunstorm when he was first allowed to post, Base Construction does not see red names. The market impact reasoning is just what we have come up with as our "best guess".

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Actually that information was given to players during (mainly) closed betas. Some was repeated with open betas, but even those sections get eliminated with an Issue going live.

So the "paper trail" doesn't exist.

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Well, that's unfortunate.

I've never been in any of the closed betas, so I've never had a chance to read through what was posted then.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I can confirm that the devs cited "market impacts" as the rationale for salvage rack limitations (Incidently, the whole base salvage conversion thing was an "ugly" forum scene during I13 beta... perhaps overshadowed somewhat in scale by the ugliness of PvP changes but still there. I know. I still have the scars [all for naught] from arguing against that one lol).

It's funny you mention bases vis a vis the market. My personal view is that bases are a necessary "good" and that the market is a necessary "ebil" (with no offense towards any particular marketeer and what he/she does).

Bases do (and have SO much more potential if given the attention they deserve to) bring whole groups of players together. It's a pleasure and fun and a means of both utility and self expression.

My market play is an individual cause to get what I need for either myself or now salvage for my base. I'm not out (my choice I fully understand) to make mounds of inf... or make a "killing" off another player. My visits to the market are a "chore" and sometimes a test of patience (not a test in an "anger" sense but a test of my willingness to actually wait for favorable pricing... whether buying or selling).

Anyway, I draw no major conclusions from the above... but it most certainly describes my state of mind.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



However, Prestige is very valuable to me, because I have barely any. If I could convert, say, 300 or 400M to have the base I want, I'd probably do it. But would I get the base I want for that?

[/ QUOTE ]

PM sent.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Thanks for the olive branch.

Some of the base Building community has the impression that there are are some long-requested items that we can't have in bases because there would be an adverse impact on The Market - mostly around increased storage and storage items for recipes. The speculation (I've never actually seen a red name post with this answer) is that to give bases that would encourage hoarding rather than moving items on the market.

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Well, a lot depends on what a marketeer is. If it is the ones we call the "ebil marketeers" (price manipulators, flippers, etc.) then:

Hoarding leads to shortages which benefits the "ebil marketeer" types.

Dev actions to help the market are to the detriment of that group of players. The more quickly stuff flows through the market the less the flippers and company can do to it.

So, I'd suggest if you see a dev say something is for the market to bear in mind it is likely against the "ebil marketeers".

Now if by marketeers you just mean pro-market people, well yes I would like to be able to buy and sell stuff there so I can move what I don't need and buy what I do from other players and not look at a vast wasteland and not be able to buy things because people are hoarding them in their bases.

But you can bet that group of "ebil marketeers" would hoard far more than anyone else if we could put more in our bases.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Ad-Astra (I think it was in your post); I hate to say this but to get a fully fuctional blueside base is closer to 4-6 mill. I know because I am in the middle of building my blue side base. This is taking into account the plot size and rooms for everything, placing all telliporters and becons, the power and control. Unless someone else has a better way for power I am having to save for the next step up in a generator and after I craft the darn thing it will cost me 1 mill prestege. Having a small SG this can be hard to get your hands on.

I have been paying atttention to this thread though and I have to agree with SwellGuy, I can see the devs trying to control the "ebil marketeers" as he defined and my quesiton would be how many of those "ebil marketeers" would build a base just for themselves to hoard there would seem that they are more interested in getting money at the market than taking time to learn how to putiing together a functional storage base.

Your thoughts?



Ad-Astra (I think it was in your post); I hate to say this but to get a fully fuctional blueside base is closer to 4-6 mill. I know because I am in the middle of building my blue side base. This is taking into account the plot size and rooms for everything, placing all telliporters and becons, the power and control. Unless someone else has a better way for power I am having to save for the next step up in a generator and after I craft the darn thing it will cost me 1 mill prestege. Having a small SG this can be hard to get your hands on.

I have been paying atttention to this thread though and I have to agree with SwellGuy, I can see the devs trying to control the "ebil marketeers" as he defined and my quesiton would be how many of those "ebil marketeers" would build a base just for themselves to hoard there would seem that they are more interested in getting money at the market than taking time to learn how to putiing together a functional storage base.

Your thoughts?

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I think some of us have different meanings for fully functional bases too.

I have one on Triumph I made a few months ago I consider fully functional.

I have my Pillar of Flame and Ice, 2 teleporters, 1 med bay, 2 Salvage bins, 3 or 4 enhancement bins, 3rd level empowerment station, crafting table and the personal salavage vault.

I consider it fully funtional but I know there was no way I had 4 million prestige to build it. It is padded with my alts for the 300k base plus they have earned just slightly over 1M combined.

I even have a villain base which has only earned 62k and only has 9 members (so only 180k from that) and it has 5 enhancement tables, 1 salvage bin, 3rd level empowerment station, 1 inspiration bin, the storage vault and crafting table.

So don't underestimate how little a motivated marketeer would need and they might be willing to do the horrible conversion especially the ones I've seen post who have many billions of inf.

Edit: Oh the reason my little villain has so many bins is Field Crafter. I've been storing all the IOs for the possibility I might play the alts on that server someday. I'd hate to delete them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Ad-Astra (I think it was in your post); I hate to say this but to get a fully fuctional blueside base is closer to 4-6 mill. I know because I am in the middle of building my blue side base. This is taking into account the plot size and rooms for everything, placing all telliporters and becons, the power and control. Unless someone else has a better way for power I am having to save for the next step up in a generator and after I craft the darn thing it will cost me 1 mill prestege. Having a small SG this can be hard to get your hands on.

I have been paying atttention to this thread though and I have to agree with SwellGuy, I can see the devs trying to control the "ebil marketeers" as he defined and my quesiton would be how many of those "ebil marketeers" would build a base just for themselves to hoard there would seem that they are more interested in getting money at the market than taking time to learn how to putiing together a functional storage base.

Your thoughts?

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I think some of us have different meanings for fully functional bases too.

I have one on Triumph I made a few months ago I consider fully functional.

I have my Pillar of Flame and Ice, 2 teleporters, 1 med bay, 2 Salvage bins, 3 or 4 enhancement bins, 3rd level empowerment station, crafting table and the personal salavage vault.

I consider it fully funtional but I know there was no way I had 4 million prestige to build it. It is padded with my alts for the 300k base plus they have earned just slightly over 1M combined.

I even have a villain base which has only earned 62k and only has 9 members (so only 180k from that) and it has 5 enhancement tables, 1 salvage bin, 3rd level empowerment station, 1 inspiration bin, the storage vault and crafting table.

So don't underestimate how little a motivated marketeer would need and they might be willing to do the horrible conversion especially the ones I've seen post who have many billions of inf.

Edit: Oh the reason my little villain has so many bins is Field Crafter. I've been storing all the IOs for the possibility I might play the alts on that server someday. I'd hate to delete them.

[/ QUOTE ]

My definition of a fully functional base is closer to SwellGuy's.

My number was an estimate because I know that my groups got the prestige grant, but have certainly not earned lots of prestige since then (split up among servers as they are) and I looked at how much prestige was left.

From a Marketeer's viewpoint (and taking into account the use of Ouro, etc.) my definition of functional had fewer teleporters and much more storage.

Upgrading past the first level of energy & control provided by the Combo Unit is a big jump, and then another big jump to the next level of control if you want 'porters to every zone blueside. That's the 2 big hurdles for a solo/small SG.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Hoarding leads to shortages which benefits the "ebil marketeer" types.


But you can bet that group of "ebil marketeers" would hoard far more than anyone else if we could put more in our bases.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a note on this; redside is generally acknowledged to have more hoarding and shortages then blueside. Most "ebil marketeers" prefer working blueside, because things turn over faster, I've even seen people say they prefer playing villians but stick to heros because the market is more fun. With the exception of anticipating changes in market dynamics (for example the addition of merits to the game), marketeers generally aren't hoarding things, they are buying things, possibly crafting things, and reselling things as fast as possible.

And Snow_Globe, I'm a little puzzled that you took it as condescending for someone from the market forum to come here and give advice on techniques they thought might solve a problem some base builders face.

If someone here said they were struggling to float a storage bin, and a base builder gave advice on how to rotate the desks to stack them, would it be condescending? Not everyone here would need that advice, and some might argue strenuously that the devs need to change the system so you can float whatever you want but it is advice someone might find useful for their particular problem *as the game exists right now*.

It seems to me that advice on how to afford base items is just as relevant here as advice on how to use the base editor. At least one person who has already posted in this thread may be using it, they have a lot of Inf but very little prestige, and hopefully they will come out of this with a better base thanks to this very helpful community.



And Snow_Globe, I'm a little puzzled that you took it as condescending for someone from the market forum to come here and give advice on techniques they thought might solve a problem some base builders face.

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I used the word "condescending" once this thread, directed at a specific section of a specific post. A little bit of reading comprehension goes a long way.

For an example of a fully functional PVE base:

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Oh god! He enjoys a different portion of the game than me, and suggests I try something he finds enjoyable! He must be trying to mindrape me!!

Evil Evil Evil!

Snowglobe, and especially Demon-Hunter, you both would be glad to teach him how to build bases, yet you are so arrogant as to be isnulted that he wants to help you enjoy the market instead of hating it. To take your frustration and turn it into enjoyment.

I don't build bases or play the markets, but I am ashamed of this thread as a part of the CoH community.



Oh god! He enjoys a different portion of the game than me, and suggests I try something he finds enjoyable! He must be trying to mindrape me!!

Evil Evil Evil!

Snowglobe, and especially Demon-Hunter, you both would be glad to teach him how to build bases, yet you are so arrogant as to be isnulted that he wants to help you enjoy the market instead of hating it. To take your frustration and turn it into enjoyment.

I don't build bases or play the markets, but I am ashamed of this thread as a part of the CoH community.

[/ QUOTE ]

You were going pretty good until you hit that last bit of hyperbole. You had a problem with the posts of 2 posters and now you condemn the entire discussion - did you read anything from anybody else? If you think this thread was "bad" never go into PWNZ or Suggestions & Ideas.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."




Snowglobe, and especially Demon-Hunter, you both would be glad to teach him how to build bases, yet you are so arrogant as to be isnulted that he wants to help you enjoy the market instead of hating it. To take your frustration and turn it into enjoyment.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm. So I guess it would be okay for someone to go into the Market forum asking about the markets only to turn it around into a discussion about how it violates some unspoken RP rule or saying that Marketeers need to see it their way because they're having a hard time getting purples for your "uber l33t build." Put simply, why would you do that? It's out of place.

The way I see it, and its purely my personal view of course, is that if someone wants Base help, you go to the Base board. If you want Market help, you go to the Market board. I wouldn't go to the Market forum and expect anyone to want to listen to how what the way they do something is wrong because of something base-related. Anytime someone goes into the Market forums with an opposing view they're usually laughed out of the room, so to speak.

By entering the Market forums though, its understood that this is the topic of conversation that the majority of people want to hear about. Entering the Base forum with one line of questions and then essentially asking "What do I have to do to convince you to use the Markets?" just seemed condescending to me.

Fulmens stated that wasn't what he intended and I took him at his word on that. Far as I was concerned the issue was over at that point.

If you'd bother reading farther down before calling me out, you would have seen that unlike Snow Globe, I'm not against using the Market. I do use it. So I'm not sure what your deal in calling me out by name is other than to be the creature living under the bridge...

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))




Snowglobe, and especially Demon-Hunter, you both would be glad to teach him how to build bases, yet you are so arrogant as to be isnulted that he wants to help you enjoy the market instead of hating it. To take your frustration and turn it into enjoyment.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm. So I guess it would be okay for someone to go into the Market forum asking about the markets only to turn it around into a discussion about how it violates some unspoken RP rule or saying that Marketeers need to see it their way because they're having a hard time getting purples for your "uber l33t build." Put simply, why would you do that? It's out of place.

The way I see it, and its purely my personal view of course, is that if someone wants Base help, you go to the Base board. If you want Market help, you go to the Market board. I wouldn't go to the Market forum and expect anyone to want to listen to how what the way they do something is wrong because of something base-related. Anytime someone goes into the Market forums with an opposing view they're usually laughed out of the room, so to speak.

By entering the Market forums though, its understood that this is the topic of conversation that the majority of people want to hear about. Entering the Base forum with one line of questions and then essentially asking "What do I have to do to convince you to use the Markets?" just seemed condescending to me.

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I pretty much agree with the above statement.

Fulmens stated that wasn't what he intended and I took him at his word on that. Far as I was concerned the issue was over at that point.

[/ QUOTE ]
I hold no ill-will towards Fulmens or others in this thread.

My responses have little to do with blaming marketers for ruining the game. I have a problem with people trying to convince me that their play style is for me.

If you'd bother reading farther down before calling me out, you would have seen that unlike Snow Globe, I'm not against using the Market. I do use it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually I use the market as well, but only when I need to.

However the market is as flawed as much as the Architect (or worse).

My suggestion to the market forum if they want fixes is to do the following:
<ul type="square">[*]Identify the problems and make a concise point about each.[*]Prepare yourself to be ignored while the developers do the exact opposite of what you suggest.[/list]This has "worked" for the PVPers, base builders, and badge section for the last couple of years.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This thread was very confusing! Why do people hate the market? I don't understand why there is a huge division between base builders and people who use the market. Is using the market a playstyle now? I just throw things on there, buy things as I need them, you know, use it as intended. Over time I've gotten a sense of what things are worth; does that make me a marketer? I also built my SG base and these two aspects of play did not negatively impact each other. In fact, having a base lets me use the market better (storage of stuff like enhancements and salvage) and having the market lets me build stuff in my base easier (all the crap that you need to build like teleporters). The two parts of the game work great together!



actually it only seems that there is a great divide between some folks .

I've made billions off the market and i've happily learned the ins and outs of building a base .

I think I already have a pretty good handle on how to make inf and build a base but I see no reason to be horribly offended by either topic &lt;shrugs&gt; and i'll likely read threads about all my intrests espescially when they crossover .

now if someone would write a comprehensive article on how to earn inf for fanart , or how to increase my inf production during rp sessions i'll happily subscribe to that newsletter as well



This thread was very confusing! Why do people hate the market? I don't understand why there is a huge division between base builders and people who use the market. Is using the market a playstyle now? I just throw things on there, buy things as I need them, you know, use it as intended. Over time I've gotten a sense of what things are worth; does that make me a marketer? I also built my SG base and these two aspects of play did not negatively impact each other. In fact, having a base lets me use the market better (storage of stuff like enhancements and salvage) and having the market lets me build stuff in my base easier (all the crap that you need to build like teleporters). The two parts of the game work great together!

[/ QUOTE ]

Please allow me to present a different perspective (and like I've stated before I consider the market to be a necessity).

For every "winner" making billions in the market there is a "loser"... directly or indirectly. And in some cases, the "loser" is all of us. Here's a thought: Do you enjoy the whole inf farmer spam e-mail deluge? Why do these guys exist? Where's all that inf they are selling going? So who gets bothered by what farmers do and who rings up the inf cash register in the end? [Edit add: And this, if I read it right, is what was being touted here: "Despite the exchange rate, make billions in the market to convert to prestige to improve your base."]

The whole market thing is a game within a game. The extent you play it and enjoy it is up to you. I bear no malice toward those that do [edit add: legitimately that is]

But I certainly understand why others choose to use the market for "necessities" only (how you define necessity is really up to you). With I13, the base builder may be forced to play the market for salvage purposes...but that doesn't mean he or she likes the activity.

It's a small step FROM "Yuck, We gotta play the market now for salvage for our base." and "Yuck, a 30 item limit on base salvage storage because of the market." TO "I hate the market". Not everyone takes that step because they rather enjoy the market and market play... but some do.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.




Please allow me to present a different perspective (and like I've stated before I consider the market to be a necessity).

For every "winner" making billions in the market there is a "loser"... directly or indirectly. And in some cases, the "loser" is all of us. Here's a thought: Do you enjoy the whole inf farmer spam e-mail deluge? Why do these guys exist? Where's all that inf they are selling going? So who gets bothered by what farmers do and who rings up the inf cash register in the end? [Edit add: And this, if I read it right, is what was being touted here: "Despite the exchange rate, make billions in the market to convert to prestige to improve your base."]

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Okay wait, you just jumped from gold-spammers to this thread?? I'm not following that logic at all.

And just to be clear, you read it wrong. The intent of this thread was to discern if people actually used the exchange so we could determine if it was an effective money sink. Someone in ONE post mentioned how he could help people earn more money if they wanted and the whole thread blew up.

The whole market thing is a game within a game. The extent you play it and enjoy it is up to you. I bear no malice toward those that do [edit add: legitimately that is]

[/ QUOTE ]
You could equally say that the whole running missions thing is a game within a game. I could log on every day and run no missions, just street-sweep or market or pvp or MA etc etc.

Sorry, I just wanted to clarify some points because I think you're being a bit unfair to the original intent of this thread.



My goal was to provide some insight on why there may be some disparity between being a "marketeer" and being a "base builder". The two are not necessiarily mutually exclusive activities by any means. However, the truth is: (1) The base building community was forced, with I13, to make concessions to the market and (2) The exchange rate is such that individuals would have to undertake massive amounts of market play for this to be beneficial from a prestige standpoint (With select individuals making billions in inf with all that entails and does to the community at large. If you do not see how gold spammers' sales impact this equation that's ok. I'd rather not muddy the waters with that discussion anymore anyway.)

And I did not see anything "blow up"... at least in what I said.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



For every "winner" making billions in the market there is a "loser"... directly or indirectly. And in some cases, the "loser" is all of us.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is quite a wrong assertion. It is impossible to have a monopoly in the game, as there are no barriers to entry for production. Any toon can earn any drop. It is impossible to control supply. The best you can do is buy up the existing stock, which causes a temporary spike in prices. With very few exceptions, doing so will cost you inf, not make you inf. Sure, you may have some profitable trades but you'll find yourself stockpiling the item. At some point you become full and cannot hoard any more. At that point you are forced to sell at a massive overall loss.

To anyone that thinks manipulating salvage prices is easy I suggest this: go try it.

Here's a thought: Do you enjoy the whole inf farmer spam e-mail deluge? Why do these guys exist? Where's all that inf they are selling going? So who gets bothered by what farmers do and who rings up the inf cash register in the end? [Edit add: And this, if I read it right, is what was being touted here: "Despite the exchange rate, make billions in the market to convert to prestige to improve your base."]

[/ QUOTE ]
I can tell you now, "Ebil Marketeers" aren't the ones buying inf from inf farmers. They don't need to. I highly doubt inf farmers use price gouging to make their inf, because farming for valuable drops and selling them on the market is a much more profitable activity than trading (and profitable trading requires offline time).

I'll stop now. I'm definitely off-topic.



For an example of a fully functional PVE base:;gid=1

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I've fiddled Snow_Globe's spreadsheet and come up with this base which might be a starting point for me.

It comes in at 396M inf, which I suppose is reasonable. I have no idea if it is legal, I'm afraid, as I'm not quite ready to fork out 400M inf yet! I had to give up base rezzing, but IMO that's not a great loss because I think it is hard to have a base rez where you come back with full health. Plus for a pure marketing character they won't be getting defeated anyway.

Only one teleporter, which can go to Steel Canyon or Cap Au Diable for trading plus one other beacon for another zone of your choice. Perhaps a salvage rack would be better than a Personal Storage Vault. That would increase your salvage capacity, and save some prestige/inf.

One thing that would be nice would be to add an Insp collector. These are really handy during the annual Winter Event.

Suggestions from the more knowledgeable would be very appreciated. Also, how do I get around the lack of base item crafting benches?



For an example of a fully functional PVE base:;gid=1

[/ QUOTE ]
I've fiddled Snow_Globe's spreadsheet and come up with this base which might be a starting point for me.

It comes in at 396M inf, which I suppose is reasonable. I have no idea if it is legal, I'm afraid, as I'm not quite ready to fork out 400M inf yet! I had to give up base rezzing, but IMO that's not a great loss because I think it is hard to have a base rez where you come back with full health. Plus for a pure marketing character they won't be getting defeated anyway.

Only one teleporter, which can go to Steel Canyon or Cap Au Diable for trading plus one other beacon for another zone of your choice. Perhaps a salvage rack would be better than a Personal Storage Vault. That would increase your salvage capacity, and save some prestige/inf.

One thing that would be nice would be to add an Insp collector. These are really handy during the annual Winter Event.

Suggestions from the more knowledgeable would be very appreciated. Also, how do I get around the lack of base item crafting benches?

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't really need an 8X12 plot to get the rooms you want. So that's a savings of 84,500 there. (NOTE: all numbers are prestige costs - you will have to do your own conversion).

For one thing, you don't need to have the separate Energy &amp; Control Rooms because you aren't running the items that are placed in them (and you dn't need that much energy &amp; control). An Oversight Room (which is where you must place the Combo Energy/Control Unit) takes the place of both of those (and will also hold an additional workshop item. That room costs 50,000, so getting rid of the separate rooms and placing the Oversight Room instead saves you an additional 150,000.

Why do you have 2 workshops but only 2 storage items listed? Each of those 2X2 workshops will hild up to 9 storage items (and you can stack them on top of each other BTW).

Having 1 Workshop will get you 9 storage items (in any configuration) plus another in the Oversight Room for a total of 10. If you want the other 8 (max per base is 18) then build the second Workshop, otherwise it's not needed. That would be another 100,000.

Regarding the Personal Vault - 100,000 is a bit pricey if you want to cut costs - remember you are placing teleporters to have access to the markets for maximum convenience. The Vault Reserve will always be just as convenient as the market from those drop points. Another potential 100,000 savings.

Spend what we have saved buying yourself additional storage units BTW.

The Teleport Room you have selected holds a single teleporter - that will only take 1 beacon (a limitation of the room). If all SG members have base editing privileges, you can run your Cap or Talos/Kings Row beacon until you want a different one - at which point you sell the existing beacon to place the new one anyway. Only 1 beaconat a time - saves another 10,000. BTW - the Steel Canyon beacon is not the most convenient for crafting purposes - it drops you at the north end of the zone, far away from WW. The Talos and KR beacons drop you much closer to the market in those zones.

Finally, regarding the base item crafting benches - you only need them while you are crafting. Put up the basic one to make your single teleporter, then sell it back and buy storage instead.

Just a few thoughts I had about what a marketeer really needs. You don't need the teleporters (really, though they are nice to have when you can afford to upgrade). That cuts a huge amount of the costs for running a lot of control &amp; energy, especially since storage items cost neither to keep around - they just cost you rent.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I can tell you now, "Ebil Marketeers" aren't the ones buying inf from inf farmers. They don't need to. I highly doubt inf farmers use price gouging to make their inf, because farming for valuable drops and selling them on the market is a much more profitable activity than trading (and profitable trading requires offline time).

I'll stop now. I'm definitely off-topic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh my gosh... you are right about one thing....we are are off topic. How about all you carpetbagging ebil marketeers out there go back to where you belong? This is the base construction forum lol.

Otherwise my friend... you misunderstand. Why of course the ebil marketeer doesn't "buy" from the inf farmer. do you think the ebil marketeer gets to be ebil rich? Where does the billions in inf (which is needed if we are talking meaningful inf to prestige conversion) come from to pay the ebil marketeer? Do you think that some of it might be from City of Farming perhaps? (RL money transfers from inf gold spammers and other exploitive and non exploitive farming perhaps... some stuff that really doesn't benefit the gaming community as a whole? Does that kinda explain when I talk about for "winners"...individual ebil marketeers, to make billions there has to be "losers"?) Geez. I'm no econ wiz and again, this isn't the place for it, but... I guess my points are not coming across very clearly are they?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.