Questions from an ebil Marketeer

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Fire_Away, I don't think marketers accumulate their inf from single transactions for billions of inf. They get it from many smaller transactions. Some of those transactions might be in the hundreds of millions, sure, but that doesn't require anyone to buy inf to pay for them. I don't think the market has much to do with RMT.

I am pretty sure that a lot of folks just hate the market and nothing will ever change their minds. I would love to know why this is. What did the market ever do to harm anyone? It changed things, but harm? I can only see it being harmful if people refuse to use it, but that's about it.

Worse, in my opinion, many proponents of the market system actively block some fixes to other aspects of the game that would greatly improve player's enjoyment of the game. There are also adverse design decisions that are pretty much dictated by market considerations. The mentioned base salvage removal and being forced to compete with other uses of invention salvage being one of the most notable.

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What fixes and how are they being blocked? What's this business about base salvage disappearing being bad, and how did that come about from the market? Were some items rendered uncraftable with the removal of base salvage? What's adverse about simplifying the crafting system? This is what I mean by change, it seems like the means of making stuff has changed and people just don't want to accept it.

What would anti-market folks like to see instead?

edit: I know that this is off-topic. It's just that asking these questions in the market forum seems to get responses that are coloured by all kinds of perceptions, and I am interested in other angles.



Were some items rendered uncraftable with the removal of base salvage?

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Nope. But items, because they now require invention salvage to create, can cost Inf. This is on top of their Prestige cost. For anyone not familiar enough with the market to know what's usually cheap and what isn't, the Inf cost could end up being a notable expenditure.

So a base builder can either do some market research (kind of a drag if you don't like the market to begin with) or just take a chance on one of the available recipes (each item has multiple recipe options), and hope that the one picked has an inexpensive combination of salvage.

Either way, it's going to require a trundle to the market, and a possible run-in with supply shortages: more annoyance.

I know the market, I enjoy the market, and I still find this process to be a pain in the patooty. For someone who, as a matter of course, tries to avoid the market, I can see where it'd be even more aggravating.

It's just not a very elegant system.

What's adverse about simplifying the crafting system?

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While I was all for streamlining salvage, I find the reworked system to be cumbersome, inconvenient, and confusing. Which is kinda funny, given part of the reason why base salvage was removed. I would've handled it all much differently.

What would anti-market folks like to see instead?

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I'm not anti-market, but I really don't like the changes that were made. They negatively impacted both my "basing" (building and usage) and my marketing.

As for what I'd like to see, I listed that up thread.

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actually it only seems that there is a great divide between some folks .

I've made billions off the market and i've happily learned the ins and outs of building a base .

I think I already have a pretty good handle on how to make inf and build a base but I see no reason to be horribly offended by either topic <shrugs> and i'll likely read threads about all my intrests especially when they crossover .

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I'd like to echo this, because, honestly, I think the whole Us vs. Them thing is gettin' a little silly.

I'm a marketeer, a badge hunter, a base architect, an MA author, a roleplayer, and even a PVPer.

There is no way Deebs and I are the only two players like this. Maybe us "universalists" should all get together and form our own camp for equal representation. We could call ourselves Sweden.

Anyway, point is, I'm interested in every aspect of the game. Sometimes those aspects intersect, and the areas of crossover are valid topics for discussion. Discussion is what these forums are for.

So I, for one, would appreciate it if we could tone down the Sharks and Jets routine. These forums aren't gang territories, y'know.

To get back on track: converting Inf to Prestige could be a serious Inf sink, if the rate were changed to something more tolerable.

But this would mean a lot of base expansion, and I have to wonder if that'd be too much of a strain. Big bases cause lag as it is.

Also, when (and if) raiding ever returns, SGs with proficient marketeers in their ranks would have a significant advantage. Maybe too much of one?

I'm not sure having it be a bigger Inf sink is, from a dev standpoint, worth all the potential trouble it'd cause.

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I dont know tech stuff, I dont know what they are useing to store all of our sg's on or what the capabilities/limits of such equipment is.

I think a Stand alone base editor would solve alot of problems and speed construction up.

I would love to see a prestige to inf revamp- does anyone see that as a possibility for i15?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



One last run at this one by me.

How about all you carpetbagging ebil marketeers out there go back to where you belong? This is the base construction forum lol.

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Hope ppl realize I was jk here and great follow up Emberly in both tone and sincerity.

I think Hydrophidian described the base building aspect of market dynamics well.

I am not anti-market. The market is needed. You say you play the market. I say: great. You say you have billions in inf that you are looking to sink into prestige. I say: Wow, how did that happen? and What does creating more and more billionarie marketeers do for the rest of us?

The "high end" of the market has an unseemly underbelly. I am not a "casual" player. I've played CoX for a couple of hours nearly every day for over four years (no RL). I get good drops and I get bad drops. I buy (including say purple recipes) I need and I sell (including say purple recipes) I don't need. I'm not an ebil marketeer... but I'm not a fool on the value of stuff in the market either.

Know what? I've never come close to having a billion inf. And ppl are talking about throwing huge chunks of inf down a prestige rat hole (cause let's face it, given the exchange rate, there are much better avenues to gain prestige)? Wow. Seems everyone admires the ebil marketeer billionarie but nobody wants to talk about where these mind boggling amounts of inf are coming from (or built upon).

In the high end market of today we are rapidly reaching the point where ppl are forced to be an ebil marketeer on the one hand and a farmer (or to buy from a farmer) on the other hand to participate. What does this do to the "health" of the game?

I speculate that the devs have already seen this problem developing and one of their early answers has been "alternate currencies" (thus merits, Vanguard merits, tickets, etc.). Perhaps other measures are forthcoming. I hope so.

You can shrug all this off as me "not understanding supply and demand" or "being just envious of ebil marketeer success" or whatever you like. But that is not the case. Anyway, I gave this issue one last shot. Hope it helped some to some. Enough from me on this topic.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



And ppl are talking about throwing huge chunks of inf down a prestige rat hole (cause let's face it, given the exchange rate, there are much better avenues to gain prestige)?

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No, really, for me, there are no better avenues. I can earn Inf on the market very quickly, especially blueside. Even with the horrible exchange rate, I can gain Prestige much faster by buying it than I could by running missions.

The drawback is that I have to be in "market mode", checking things frequently, keeping all my transaction slots busy, and doing the crafting routine a lot. I get burnt on that after a while.

Wow. Seems everyone admires the ebil marketeer billionarie but nobody wants to talk about where these mind boggling amounts of inf are coming from (or built upon).

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There are multiple marketing guides. There really isn't any super secret marketing technique. Nor is anything nefarious going on. It's just a matter of learning the market, making efficient use of your transaction slots, and being patient.

In the high end market of today we are rapidly reaching the point where ppl are forced to be an ebil marketeer on the one hand and a farmer (or to buy from a farmer) on the other hand to participate. What does this do to the "health" of the game?

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I might share your concern if the "high end" were required... but it's not. I have 1 purple IO on 1 character, and that was from a recipe drop. My main is all IOs, but very little of it is "high end". I bought all the sets over a period of months, on the cheap, putting in low bids and waiting for them to fill. Everyone else in my roster gets by just fine with SOs and common IOs.

Further, MA brought about a serious market crash on recipes. I mean a serious crash on just about every recipe that could be bought with tickets. Many of them haven't recovered yet. So, outside of purples, it's now cheaper to outfit a character than ever before.

So, I think the game's pretty healthy, overall.

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For an example of a fully functional PVE base:

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I've fiddled Snow_Globe's spreadsheet and come up with this base which might be a starting point for me.

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See below for revisions and suggestions.

I have no idea if it is legal, I'm afraid, as I'm not quite ready to fork out 400M inf yet!

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Not quite legal, as the 1x2 teleport room can only hold 1 beacon, not 2.

I had to give up base rezzing, but IMO that's not a great loss because I think it is hard to have a base rez where you come back with full health.

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No base allows full rezzes.

Suggestions from the more knowledgeable would be very appreciated. Also, how do I get around the lack of base item crafting benches?

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For this kind of base, you don't need to touch a base item crafting table other than the one teleporter.

See this for a stripped down (and legal) version of what you seem to want (with prestige and Inf costs);output=html

Each character in the group up until the 15th character gives a 20k prestige / 10 million Inf bonus to the group.

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Wow. Seems everyone admires the ebil marketeer billionarie but nobody wants to talk about where these mind boggling amounts of inf are coming from (or built upon).

There are multiple marketing guides. There really isn't any super secret marketing technique. Nor is anything nefarious going on. It's just a matter of learning the market, making efficient use of your transaction slots, and being patient.

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Grrr.... misunderstood again. This forum 'xplaining is hard. (1) Got no issue with marketing guides. Nothing nefarious going on there. The market is just buying and selling. (2) What about the inf currency supply side that generates the profits that are the rewards of following these guides in the first place? Anything nefarious going on there? [Hint: Check your in game e-mail].

And thanks for the revelation on viability of inf to prestige conversion.

And now, I promise, I really am done.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



What about the inf currency supply side that generates the profits that are the rewards of following these guides in the first place? Anything nefarious going on there? [Hint: Check your in game e-mail].

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I personally don't think Inf supplied by RMT services is having all that much impact on market prices. Piles and piles of Inf are generated every day by players who're just playing. And the vast majority of items are affordable for anyone engaged in that practice. On top of that, there are now Merits and Tickets with which almost everything can be purchased.

It's the small list of things that can't be gained by those means that're the potential issue. But that can always be addressed by adjusting drop rates.

Costume piece recipes were one of the things significantly impacted when people just stopped doing regular content. When everyone was in MA, the prices for those recipes shot up tremendously.

Then, when people started returning to the regular content, the prices came back down.

If Purples get out of hand (and I think they're bordering on that territory now), drop rates can just be adjusted to knock them down a peg or two.

In any event, it's not on these high end items that marketeers are making billions. Not usually, anyway. More typically, it's a high volume on smaller transactions.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
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I am pretty sure that a lot of folks just hate the market and nothing will ever change their minds. I would love to know why this is.

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The market is complicated and confusing. People mistrust things they don't understand. Marketeers don't help this impression when they go around telling people they can rake in billions with no risk or effort. Makes the whole thing sound like some big Ponzi scheme.

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