Blasters in general...
Can't do anything about powerset choices.
But if you are finding yourself in the red after every fight at low levels you are definitely doing something wrong. Blasters peak early.
Maybe if you described your usual tactics for a fight it might help? Also if you could post a typical build?
I find that I generally have no trouble rocketing through most fights on my lowbie blasters unless I have the difficulty ratcheted way, way up; even then, I can usually deal so long as I am aware of what I'm doing.
1) Disagreed.
Out of the total 12 ATs, Blasters have more power set combinations than 8 of them (Scrappers, PBs, WSs, Stalkers, Masterminds, Dominators, Soldiers and Widows). If we ignore the Epic ATs, Blasters still beat out 4 of 10. This is not the low end. It's right smack in the middle of the pack.
Would it be nice to get more sets? Sure. But that's neither here nor there.
2) Disagreed.
As pointed out low-level Blasters bloom very early. As in, you create it and hit the Tutorial and you've bloomed. Early-game Blasters are the easy street going up to the rocky road of the end-game content.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

I agree with DestineeFable, what are your normal tactics when playing a Blaster? Also, what Primary/Secondary combinations have you tried and what issues did you have with them? And were you having difficulties versus specific enemy groups? And was this during Defiance 1.0 or after Defiance 2.0 was introduced?
I ask these questions because your power set combination on Blasters can really dictate how you approach different battles. Certain enemy groups start to get quite annoying starting in the teens, like CoT and Tsoo. Many enemy groups also start getting mezes in the late teens early twenties, CoT and Lost, so Defiance 2.0 might make a difference for you there as well.
Blasters can be a challenge, but they are very rewarding once you get the hang of things.
-= idspispopd =-
[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]
Usually I don't start having troubles until after lvl 10, maybe even 15+. That's when a blaster's squishyness really becomes obvious to me. Mezzes and debuffs make life hell, especially in a blaster's case. The only way around this that I know of are to use inspirations, but I have a pet peeve about relying too heavily on them (maybe for the occasional boss fight).
Currently I have a lvl 20 AR/devices and a lvl 18 Energy/Energy. I'm finding that the KB from energy really helps mitigate damage and help survivability, but AR still has a way to go before it picks up, as I understand it.
My Virtue Projects
AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm
An Energy/Energy should never have problems surviving, they have some of the best mitigation in the game. Blasters do take some time getting used to, if you've played other ATs mostly you may have to get your head around how to play them. All your mitigation is active. Break Frees are also a huge boon, as well as KB protection IO's.
The general blaster rule is: play like a [censored]. If you can find weaknesses in enemies, you SHOULD exploit them. You should not treat a fight fairly because the enemy will not be at a disadvantage. Your only chance for survival is to be sneakier, more clever, and more powerful, than your opponent.
The blaster winning formula:
Your DPS minus his hp better be faster than the enemy group's DPS minus your hp.
Do the math, limit an enemy's ability to damage you, and maximize your damage to them, and you can win
Also, I think there are PLENTY of fun combos of blasters you can play, there's not really a primary or secondary that mirrors some other set.
1) The archetype has some of the lowest build possibilities in the game, having among the least number of power sets to choose from. I'm used to playing the other non-epic AT's, and thusly used to seeing a screen full of power sets to choose from when creating my toons.... this is not the case with blasters.
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Actually, Masterminds and Dominators have significantly fewer power set combinations than Blasters. Blasters have 48, Masterminds have 35, and Dominators have 36. To illustrate the magnitude of this, Scrappers have 52 (though they only had 48 before Shield Defense was added) and Defenders have 72.
If you actually include APPs though, Blasters are actually pretty customizable. Blasters get 240 combinations, Scrappers get 156, Masterminds get 140, Dominators get 144, and Defenders get 288.
2) Hands down the squishiest AT in the game. Understandable for balancing, but annoying when you can barely survive each mob encounter. IME, this slows things down to a near standstill, as mitigation is almost non-existent in many blaster sets and each fight leaves you in the red and forces you to have a tray full of greens to get through a single mission (soloing).
I understand that blasters in the end game are fairly survivable if built decently, but the journey to that level seems insanely difficult by comparison to the other AT's. I love challenges, and I could see myself getting a blaster to 50 if the pace wasn't so sluggish.... maybe I'm doing something wrong?
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As to the survivability issue, keep in mind that blasters have more hit points than Defenders or Controllers along with more damage than either. This means that they have more hitpoints to allow them to survive within a smaller time frame (because enemies are alive for less time). Blasters can also operate exclusively at range, which means that they'll be taking 80% less damage on average because critter ranged attacks are almost universally weaker than melee attacks.
Honestly, if you're having survivability issues on a Blaster, you're obviously not using every tool at your disposal. Every Blaster primary except for Fire and every Blaster secondary has control in it along with the melee attacks. If you're having problems with enemies ganging up on you solo, try using some of the controls you've got available. Most people don't take them because they're not that useful on teams, but that's why you have 2 builds. One for teaming, one for solo.
I'm a big fan of more powersets for everyone, but blasters only really lag behind in terms of secondary powersets. For primaries, they're right up there with everyone else.
For every blaster Ive ever played: Get Aim and BU as soon as offered, slot them up for recharge. Get some form of stealth. Slot attacks with accuracy and end reduction, they have enough base damage to do the job in the early game.
Thats the down and dirty win formula for me.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
Am I sleep posting as someone else ?
2) Disagreed.
As pointed out low-level Blasters bloom very early. As in, you create it and hit the Tutorial and you've bloomed. Early-game Blasters are the easy street going up to the rocky road of the end-game content.
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Bloom early then they wither quickly
You do know that blasters can use three attacks while mezzed (first 2 in primary and first in secondary).
I have no problems with any of my blasters, they either can't hit me or don't live long enough to hit me.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
All I can say is to hang in there. I love my AR/Devices blaster. I don't really remember having problems leveling him up but I can tell you at 35 now, I feel like a machine when it comes to taking out mobs. I've got so many ways to survive and take care of anything thrown at me it's just plain fun Stick with it!
Thanks for the replies, this thread gave me kind of a morale boost so I guess I'll give blasters another shot. Like I said, I haven't played any past 20 so I guess I haven't given them a fair shot, just keep getting sidetracked by other AT's.
My Virtue Projects
AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm
That's really easy to do, especially in this game where it's easy to play them all Just a note, I was in the same boat as you were. I couldn't get a blaster past lvl 10-15. I finally tried AR/devices though and it ended up being my favorite. I'm not saying it will be yours, but it's the one that clicked for me. I have no desire really to try any of the others out, mainly because I already have hehe. Now as for any of the other AT's, that's a different story
Edit : I just noticed my that's old lol -- updating that as we speak :P
Largo seems to have come up with roughly the same diagnosis I did. It's hard to tell without seeing you play, but my guess is insufficient Build Up and Aim to me.
Let's look at a typical fight vs. say one lieut and three minions, both +1 to you, and let's do it on the Energy blaster.
Second 0: Build Up.
Second 2: Start Sniper Blast. One minion disappears.
Second 6: Energy torrent. One minion falls over [conservatively], all are somewhat injured.
Second 7: Power bolt.
Second 8: Power blast. Second minion down.
Second 10: Power burst. Third minion is down or close to it.
Second 12: No more Build Up. Another Power bolt and it's now you against the lieutenant.
Alternative approach: Jump in and fire off a bonesmasher/energy punch combo. That does almost as much damage as the sniper burst/power burst combo and it does it in about two and a half seconds. Under damage boost conditions, that will ruin some people's days in a hurry.
Two IO's that make a serious difference in playing Blasters:
1. Anti-knockback IO. Pick your poison- I tend to go with a Karma in either combat jump or hover. It's expensive, but the reason it's expensive is that it increases your firepower by about 50%. Getting knocked down is the #1 cause of Blaster frustration.
2. Stealth IO in a movement power, preferable Sprint. This is LESS important, but with a Blaster you have to get the first shot and you have to make it count. Stealth good.
EDITED: My wife [the better blaster] points out that I didn't give the "how to play on a team" advice. Which is "let someone with mitigation lead the charge. Kill what you shoot." That's really about it.
EDITED AGAIN: I said two minions at the start and then I shot three. Continuity error!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
2) Disagreed.
As pointed out low-level Blasters bloom very early. As in, you create it and hit the Tutorial and you've bloomed. Early-game Blasters are the easy street going up to the rocky road of the end-game content.
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Bloom early then they wither quickly
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No they dont wither quickly, its all about building them right and playing them right. My first blaster was a Fire/Fire when CoH was released and I never had a problem soloing at any level.
Bloom early then they wither quickly
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Speak for yourself, AF. The real game pretty much started for my Blaster at lvl 50. That's when I finished slotting up my main build and grabbing all the helpful accolade powers. Then I graduated from kicking heiny to seriously kicking heiny.
Usually I don't start having troubles until after lvl 10, maybe even 15+. That's when a blaster's squishyness really becomes obvious to me. Mezzes and debuffs make life hell, especially in a blaster's case. The only way around this that I know of are to use inspirations, but I have a pet peeve about relying too heavily on them (maybe for the occasional boss fight).
Currently I have a lvl 20 AR/devices and a lvl 18 Energy/Energy. I'm finding that the KB from energy really helps mitigate damage and help survivability, but AR still has a way to go before it picks up, as I understand it.
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Blasters have three attacks they can continue to use ALWAYS. Mezzes don't affect them. So what if you're mezzed? Just keep on attacking.
The latest toggle changes were a blessing to blasters with Hover. Hover above the mobs and fire down. Even if you're mezzed, you'll still keep hovering and can keep attacking, but you're out of range of brutal melee attacks. And if you don't have Hover, keep in mind most blasters have access to an immobilize. The hardest-hitting melee mobs can be easily kept at bay, even if they're bosses.
Like others have said, if you're having trouble, you should try different tactics. Blasters are lightyears ahead of where they used to be, and I think are one of the best-balanced archetypes in the game.
Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break
The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens
Thanks for the replies, this thread gave me kind of a morale boost so I guess I'll give blasters another shot. Like I said, I haven't played any past 20 so I guess I haven't given them a fair shot, just keep getting sidetracked by other AT's.
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What powersets do you have in mind? Many people can offer suggestions as to good survival strat3egies with the available powers you have at any level. Here's some examples....
If you have the /ice secondary, you have a lot of mitigation. Open up with an AoE, chillblain the boss or lieutenant, switch to minions and hit them with an attack or two, chillblain the boss or lieutenant again (it takes two to keep a boss immobilized), finish off the minions, finish off the boss.
If you are Energy, do a buildup and the AoE knockback. You'll open up with damage, send them all flying (giving you a few moments to put more attacks in while they get up), use the remainder of the Buildup on the hardest-hitting enemy, take out the minions, finish up on the big guy.
If you have Ice, you have holds and such. Spread your attacks around, use AoE's as they're recharged. Your attacks slow down the enemies' attack rates, which mitigates damage.
If you took Stamina, you probably took Health too, so take advantage of it and gradually slot it up. It doesn't seem like it does much, but when slotted, it does help recover your hitpoints and reduce downtime
If you are a flier, then Hover when fighting. The ability to remain hovering even when mezzed is a huge boon.
Slot up your first two primary powers, and your first secondary power. These are the ones you can use when mezzed. Web Grenade is just a short-range immobilize, but it does add a -recharge and probably only needs slotting for accuracy and range. Other immobilizes that do damage though should be slotted for some additional damage. if you're going to be immobilizing mobs, get some damage out of it too.
Some power sets have "keep away" powers which are useful. Caltrops, Rain of Fire.... things like that. Powers that keep mobs away from you. They can make a big difference.
I really like the /ice set. If you've ever played controllers and like that archetype, you may consider taking that set. It has a good variety of tools that are very controllery. Root/damage/-recharge/slow/-fly via Chillblain, AoE slow/-recharge, knockdown via ice patch, hold, AoE sleep, melee damage shield, melee damage. It's a good set.
I've not tried it, but I've heard /energy has a lot of tools you can use for mitigation. Stuns, self-boosts, knockbacks. /mental mastery also has its own mitigation, as does /devices (an acquired taste though) and, well, most of the secondaries. Except /fire. /fire is mainly more damage, but does have some tools that could be useful like an immobilize.
This makes me want to log on my blaster right now and play for a bit.
Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break
The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens
Bloom early then they wither quickly
[/ QUOTE ]
Speak for yourself, AF. The real game pretty much started for my Blaster at lvl 50. That's when I finished slotting up my main build and grabbing all the helpful accolade powers. Then I graduated from kicking heiny to seriously kicking heiny.
[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't say they weren't perenials. IOs really do wonders for blasters after brutes I think they get the most benefit from them
Blasters work great in and out of teams. You are required for almost any hero-side Task Force to get off the ground.
Early game is usually trivial for blasters, with 25 or 30 being where I expect difficulties to start (and end at 32). At 50, you've finally earned the ability to slot yourself hardcore and solve any problems you had on the way up.
Blasters have the best pick of the Inventions, since any blaster can slot almost every purple there is. Regeneration and recovery set bonuses are slottable without trouble. Procs get you over the damage cap you've been sitting at. With the best accuracy of any AT in the game, you can attack +5s easier.
Aim + Build Up + Sniper Attack is my favorite openner on a difficult enemy, since it is also an ender. If an enemy is stubborn enough to survive, the Defiance damage bonus on Sniper attacks is particularly high.
I make Stalkers feel bad, because they Build Up and Assassin Strike to critically wound the Boss. I use Build Up and Nova to Critically wound the entire spawn, and then Consume puts me back at full endurance.
Dominators and Controllers don't like me because they don't have time to lay down their holds or anchors before the mob is destroyed.
Brutes, Tanks and some Scrappers love me because we work beautifully together.
Blasters in general are required for the hero-side game to function.
My namesake and first lvl 50 was an Energy/Energy blaster. I played him almost exclusively solo until around lvl 44 or so. The knockback/stun combo from the powers was great for keeping the bad guys off of me and on their backs.
I'm also having a great time right now with an Elec/Fire blaster. Very nice combo there.
Not really a question, more intended to be an open discussion thread.
Let me start by saying I've never leveled a blaster higher than level 20. Meanwhile, I have multiples of all other AT's higher than 20. My playing style is such that I'm open to anything and constantly in the mood for something new. I keep making alts of everything but blasters, and everytime I start to make a blaster I end up rejecting it, for various reasons:
1) The archetype has some of the lowest build possibilities in the game, having among the least number of power sets to choose from. I'm used to playing the other non-epic AT's, and thusly used to seeing a screen full of power sets to choose from when creating my toons.... this is not the case with blasters.
2) Hands down the squishiest AT in the game. Understandable for balancing, but annoying when you can barely survive each mob encounter. IME, this slows things down to a near standstill, as mitigation is almost non-existent in many blaster sets and each fight leaves you in the red and forces you to have a tray full of greens to get through a single mission (soloing).
I understand that blasters in the end game are fairly survivable if built decently, but the journey to that level seems insanely difficult by comparison to the other AT's. I love challenges, and I could see myself getting a blaster to 50 if the pace wasn't so sluggish.... maybe I'm doing something wrong?
My Virtue Projects
AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm