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  1. Swift + Quickness + Sprint all with + ren speed anhances it quite fast and very suitable for most travel. Make sure to do your levcel 7 and level 12 bank jobs to get the Atlas and Kings row temp powers. If you are stingy with their use they will last you till you can get into the shadow shard to buy replacement raptor pack for when they are exhausted.
  2. Fire_Childe

    Gauntlet 2.0

    The pulling off the kid gloves and going all out argument is useless. All of these example tankers such as Superman, Hulk, and The Thing who are displaying this are super strength. Super Strength already has it built into its set, its called rage. If you want that ability either Make a Super Strength tank and dont use rage all the time or make a brute.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I bet they're going to replace Jacob's Latter with something else. I hope

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    If the hold true to what they did with fire melee power proliferation they will be giving it a single target attack ala creamate in place of the one of the AOE's, most likely Jacobs Ladder(Hopefullly) or Thunderstrike. Even Spines gets enough single target attacks to form a attack string.
  4. 1) All 3 are good, SR is my favorite scrapper secondary partly due to the very quick combat mobility. Swift + Quickness + Sprint = running circles around the enemies. Both SR and WP, and for the most part Invuln(Except Dull Pain) are fire and forget secondaries. Just Toggle them on and go have fun attacking. I personally prefer SR and WP as well as Shield Defence due to the fact that I prefer a secondary set that does not require me to pay attension to timing clicky powers or having to devote attension to active defence outside of using my mobility to best position myself. I prefer to toggle up, wade in , and generaly have fun with the offensive side of the character.

    2) All scrapper power sets are good in PvE, its just a matter of personal playstyle. My playstyle lends itself best to SR fire and forget sets like /SR.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    I presented my reasons. Farming was never something the devs meant to happen. They've done what they can to stop it, and it means they must spend time on that instead of expanding on the game.
    I can't figure how you mean "only the results are bad". It's like saying jumping of a cliff isn't bad, it's only the resulting impact that's bad. If the results are bad, you don't do it.

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    Farming has happened in every MMO and it will happen in every future MMO. Farming is something that should be done at 50 when the game content is exhausted, not when leveling up. Some people like the grind of farming and some do not. But know that the devs have put a lot of tools in the game for what they consider acceptable farming. Tools Such as the flashback system, the Newspapers still working at 50, being able to repeat the TF's even after you outlevel them and still get rewards, etc.

    Farming for rescources is actualy a good thing from the developers point of view as it keep people playing the game who otherwise would have quit long ago. The main thing the developers have been going through great pains to stop is Power-Leveling and wholesale abuses of the Risk vs Reward Balance. Most farming I have seen recently involves an 8 Man Team with everyone participating with the goal of getting the Influence to get better IO recipies or the drops for them. Thats an acceptable farm as everyone is taking the risks for the reward.

    Powerleveling is something the developers dont want, and when it gets stomped on is when it becomes so noticable that it disrupts the gameplay of other players. An example of Unacceptable farms is the Comm Officer/MEOW farms, they were nurfed due to a combination of Risk vs Reward being unbalanced and the fact that it was the most rapid Powerleveling in the game ever.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I16: Taste The Rainbow!!!

    Green Stone Armors!
    Black Invincibility
    Anything-But-Pink Energy Melee!!!

    It's coming it's all coming!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Posi is using his new temp power [Chain Yank]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who said it was only a Temp power?
  7. Fire_Childe


    Psychic Blast seems to be intended to pair with Mental Manipulation. They put Psychic Scream in the secondary when I feel it should have been in the primary.

    They also gave the Blasters a Nurfed Version of Will Domination. It does less damage , has a longer recharge and the same sleep ability as the defender version. Scaling up the damage on will domination to scale properly in relation to the defender version would have been a good diffrance maker in the set. Will Domination should do more damage for blasters than defenders, not less.
  8. the very next best thing to Fire/ is Archery/. I would recomend archery/MM its a fun blaster to play. Assault Rifle is quite good also, its only drawback is no Aim power.
  9. Fire_Childe

    TF Controller

    Given your criteria I would say:

    Primaries: Earth or Ice or Mind(Of the 3 I prefer Ice or Mind but earth is good also if you dont mind being a Poo slinger.).

    All three offer excellent control.

    Secondaries: Kinetics(Excellent for supporting Tankers and Scrappers) or a set that buffs your allies resist or defence(Sonic, Thermal, Force Field)

    THose Sets would fit your stated criteria best
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    "~=" is Matlab notation for inequality, though most people are familiar with the notation "!=". ~= is also sometimes used to denote similarity, though : /

    I think he meant !=

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It also means approximatly Equal.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So yeah, I'm gonna say those accolades make a big difference for Will Power.

    [/ QUOTE ] I make it a point to do this on every WP toon when I can. Its just hell getting folks together for Positron though. What I usually do is level pact a toon on my friends account to slow down the xp gain enough to do all the content to get the merits then use the TFs to level to the next level range.

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    You do know that you can turn off your XP in the options till you want to level and dont have to level pact to do it.
  12. My favorite is my Fire/Energy Blaster.
    The overall set of attacks it has is great for my playstyle.

    2nd Favorite is my Energy/Energy
    Energy/Energy is a very good combo for soloing. Offers up very good damage if pllayed right and use of knockbacks means it can solo bosses safer than almost any other blaster( Ice can be safer if it lands 2 holds on a boss).

    Honerable Mension: Ice / Energy
    Good Single target damage. Its AOE's are lacking, but are god enough for what it needs. Between Ice's Slows and Holds its a very safe combo to solo.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    2) Disagreed.

    As pointed out low-level Blasters bloom very early. As in, you create it and hit the Tutorial and you've bloomed. Early-game Blasters are the easy street going up to the rocky road of the end-game content.

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    Bloom early then they wither quickly

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    No they dont wither quickly, its all about building them right and playing them right. My first blaster was a Fire/Fire when CoH was released and I never had a problem soloing at any level.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    First off, character concept:
    Definately a blaster, definately all range, and technology. Think sexy cybergirl meets Seven of Nine meets Data meets Iron Man.

    After reading up and asking around, I settled on a prim/sec powerset. In hindsight, maybe I should have tried them for myself but instead, I burned myself out on the following:

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    If one of the set comboes fits the concept use that. Fulmens advice just above this post for Energy/Energy is sound I would start their. Aim, Buildup, Stamina, Travel Power, Attacks is the the best early template for blasters all around.

    [ QUOTE ]

    At first Energy/Energy would suit her, but considering the lack of damage output, slow attack animations (lots of scrappers) coupled with the already mouth-foaming hate I was recieving from groups because of my knockback (lots of scrappers), I decided I'd try something else

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I find energy's damage output just fine(I have a very high level one myself). The real key is to get SO's or level 25+ IO's in your key attacks. Also get Aim and Buildup ASAP and 3 slot them with recharge. Get either speed or flight as your first travel power, i reccomend eventualy getting both.

    For the knockback, get hover and flight, if you hover above your target(s) you knockdown instread of back as they are knocked back into the floor.

    That asside Ice/Energy would be a good alternate as that would give mitigation VIA slows and holds as well as Power Thrust from your secondary. Ice can be frozen Moistier from the Air around her propelled at an enemy.

    I personally think Ice/ and Energy/ are the best for you since you like and mesh well with using damage mitigation for your defence. And Ice can provide some without the knockback if ya dont wanna play with figuing out how to make knockback work for your team to lesses any frustration for them.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I then went electric/Energy. I ended up dying a ton more because I've gotten used to using Energy's knockback mechanics to buy myself time and keep them at range. The endurance drain was nice, but not enough for my rather hefty endurance consumption.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Electric / is not a good choice for a new blaster. It lacks that 3rd single target attack. But instead gets Tesla Cage.
  15. It depends on what your personal definition of Fun is. I suggest you try it and find out for yourself.
  16. Ice and devices have good damage mitigation as secondaries. Either would be good when paired with Energy Blast or Ice Blast.
  17. it can really depend on the combination of sets and your play style. I rerely die myself. I find that most defender are just as much of an aggro magnet if poorly played and can drop just as fast. It really Boils down to which sets are good for your instincitive playstyle. If you wanna kill enemies then play a blaster, if you wanna make the others have a better time killing without killing nearly as much yourself play a defender.

    If you dont like Dying then I would say you may wanna try Either Energy Blast or Ice Blast weather blaster or defender. Be careful of the Melee Attacks in most blaster secondary sets, They Do more damage than many of the corrsponding ranged attacks but you are also taking a risk at allowing enemies into melee range of you. Moreoften than not ranged combat is safer, work on knowing when its safe to throw that melee attack if you wanna melee.

    Energy has a bunch of Knockbacks in the set and Ice has 2 Holds in the set and minor slowing side effect. These can Help Survivability a lot.

    The other Key as others have stated is to know when to hammer and when to not. I suggest Energy myself due to the early Single target attacks ( all 3 Key attacks available by 6 for blaster and 10 for defender) and all the knockbacks in the set. Ice does not give you your 3rd Basic Blast till 18 for blaster or 28 for defender.

    Blapping (A Blaster attacking melee as if they were a scrapper) and Using AOE's in poor ways are the usual causes for Dying Alot. Sets Like Energy/ and Ice/ can offer Good single target attacking. Those single target focuses can be verry good at controling aggro. Both also Have AOE's for when ya wanna play with them.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    We're sitting in a meeting and our Development Director said "We've contracted some Type R programmers".

    I had never heard this term before, so I jotted it down on my notepad, so I could inquire about it later.

    Just then our Lead Engineer asks "What is Type R?"

    Our Dev Director looked stumped. "What do you mean?"

    "You said 'Type R Programmers'" said the Lead Engineer.

    "No, I said 'High Powered'." said the Dev Director.

    "No you didn't. You said 'Type R.' See I wrote it down." I said, and showed him my notepad that said "Type R?".

    So now, everything high powered and awesome in the office is "Type R".

    I am now on a crusade to get it used outside our offices. I should add it to urban dictionary or something.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    R is a programming language with built in statistical components. Maybe he is looking at hiring someone who has R Programming Experience.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, I played around on the Dell website for a bit and this is what I have come up with...what do you think?

    Inspiron 530.........$569
    Intel® Pentium® dual-core processor E5200 (2MB L2, 2.5GHz, 800FSB)
    Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium Service Pack 1
    Microsoft Works 9.0
    1Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, InHome Service after Remote Diagnosis
    3GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz - 4 DIMMs
    320GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™
    16X DVD+/-RW Drive
    No Monitor
    ATI RADEON HD 4670 512MB
    Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    No speakers (Speakers are required to hear audio from your system)
    Dell USB Keyboard and Dell Optical USB Mouse
    No Floppy Drive Included
    No Modem Option
    Dell 1505 Wireless-N PCIe Card

    Inspiron 530.........$669
    Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor E7400 (3MB L2 Cache,2.80GHz,1066 FSB)
    Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium Edition SP1, 64-Bit
    Microsoft Works 9.0
    1Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, InHome Service after Remote Diagnosis
    4GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz- 4DIMMs
    500GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™
    16X DVD+/-RW Drive
    Dell S1709W 17" Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor
    ATI Radeon HD3650 256MB
    Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    No speakers (Speakers are required to hear audio from your system)
    Dell USB Keyboard and Dell Optical USB Mouse
    No Floppy Drive Included

    Studio Desktop.............$759
    Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E7400 (3MB L2, 2.8GHz, 1066FSB)
    Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium Edition SP1, 64-Bit
    Microsoft Works 9.0
    1Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, InHome Service after Remote Diagnosis
    Dell S1909WX 19 inch Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor
    2GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz- 2DIMMs
    500GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache™
    16X DVD+/-RW Drive
    nVidia GeForce 9800GT
    Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    Dell Consumer Multimedia Keyboard and Laser Mouse
    Integrated 16-in-1 Media Card Reader
    Dell 1505 Wireless-N PCIe Card

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would suggest 4 gig ram for vista, 3 is good for XP
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    As for the percent chance for +Recharge from the FF proc, from 1 target to 10 targets, the probabilities for +Recharge should be 10%, 19%, 27%, 34%, 41%, 47%, 52%, 57%, 61%, and max 65%.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm confused again, I thought procs only had a chance to go off once?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    THey do only have 1 chance to go off. On each target you hit with the power.
  21. Fire_Childe


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    And it gets a 13.9% To Hit Continuously to compensate for it not adding Damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Apparently you haven't read about the recent nerf to targeting drone?

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    What they nerfed my targeting drone ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, its still 13.9, they nurfed the Epic version. THe Devices version is still the one you know and love.
  22. Fire_Childe


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have a strong opinion on the topic. I have deleted one character over level 20, I think, ever. It was a L29 fire/dev blaster.

    My other fire/* blasters are fire/ice at 35 and 19, fire/elec at 50, fire/en at 50 . So it's not the primary.

    A blaster generally does about 50% more damage (when free to go postal at any time for no reason) than a scrapper using their primary and secondary combined. This is based on almost 150 levels of Force Field defender.

    A blaster using their primary ONLY can do, maybe, 10% more damage than a Scrapper. The rest comes from melee attacks, Build Up, etc. - none of which Devices has.

    Devices mostly has Trip Mines and Time Bombs, for damage. These take a high-damage-per-second class and add a lot of seconds sitting around doing no damage.

    It is possible that two /Dev blasters can get good results by setting one Time Bomb each, in the same way that two Elec/ Blasters can get good results by both using Short Circuit at the same time.

    But I didn't stick around to try it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /devices is a lot there for fun. I would never do a toon blaster who didn't get at least aim or build up. AR is a nice set, its best paired IMO with ice manipulation.

    As far as Fulmen's argument, they REALLY need, and about time, they gave targetting drone a 40% damage buff to it. Would end a ton of complaints about the set, especially in the later levels.

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    A permanant Damage boost to targeting drone would lead to endless complaints of how OP it is. And 40% is jsut to much of a damage boost to give perma also. About 25% would be more balanced. Also its to hit would have to be reduced to about 4% also as the power would have to provide the same overall over time effectiveness as Buildup. And it gets a 13.9% To Hit Continuously to compensate for it not adding Damage.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    What's with all the ranged defense? You should prioritize Melee>AoE>>Ranged.

    Personally, I would fit Spin in there too. It's nice to have the extra AoE. Other than those two quibbles, it looks like a decent build.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its rather simple, Widows can cap Melee Defence with what they have without set bonuses, but ranged and AOE is a diffrent Animal. Their are far more ranged attacks than AOE so Ranged makes sense.
  24. I think Fire and Illusion are FIne as is. But I think the others can use a good look at. One of the reasons some controller sets are not chosen is cause they have powers whitch can be broken out of if attacked. THat means any team with a Blaster or any AOE Scrapper/Tanker or a Storrm Defender will sabotage their Efforts. THis Applies to Ice, Earth, and Mind Controllers. Gravity is in my opinion Misunderstood. Having teamed with several I can say it is a good set. Although I think Dimension shift can use some love as can Lift and Propell since their pets dont do mutch damage, but overall I would play it as is.