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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Galactic_Blaze View Post
    Or that ABC Guy
    Or this guy
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    What the heck does that rep thing do anyhow? I'm hoarding mine like TF merits until I can cash them in for my LotG +7.5%.
    It gets you women.
  3. TehVyze

    JFA Redux

    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    Ur face is a Nemesis Plot!
    your mom is a nemesis plot!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roachinator View Post
    Due to this sad affliction they are prone to take taking time from there own playtime when they see a hero with his cape tucked in his pants and help the poor soul out when it's obvious he should be berated and pelted with rocks. :P
    my cape is part of my underwear =/

    And yes, I try to help out inexperienced players as long as they ask for it. I don't dole out advice anymore unless people ask for it, I've learned all too often (in RL and in game) that if you correct someone who is doing something wrong, you're more likely to offend them than anything else. My only problem with my policy is that sometimes people won't ask for advice, even if they want it.
  5. dubya bee Hells! I don't know if it was a typ-o with "Going Rouge" (the play on words describing i16 that some people have adopted), but welcome back regardless!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
    It's not my birthday.
    Happy Birthday Missy! *snickers*

    We used to celebrate our coaches birthday at every regatta (rowing competition), it came to the point where we were pretty sure he was 200 years old by the time my senior year rolled around. Also, the few times it was actually his birthday we didn't celebrate it
  7. TehVyze


    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    I think she meant stalk.
    you have a weird fetish there, mac. Corn stalking has too little challenge, unless the farmer notices you.....
  8. TehVyze

    JFA Redux

    I'll say I don't know how far we've discussed this with the devs, but is there a way we can just delete the channel and have everyone resubscribe? I know that the devs have got to be busy, but I'd think that community-chat support would be something they'd be willing to work with us on.

    Otherwise, I'm fine with "JFA2009," as long as we get word out there to the non-forum playerbase, perhaps by putting a MoTD in Chrome Support and some of the other larger chat channels.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
    It all depended on how you set up your original NCSoft account, I think. When I set up my original account, there was an option to choose a different password for the forum than for the game. Until now, my account has always had forum a passwords that was different from my game password. I'm with Mac on this one; I preferred having separate passwords. Off to the official suggestions posts!
    Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
    Looks to me like you're a master at Be an Dumb Azz

    Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
    Apparently not. I tried to use the multi-quote feature on your last post, in which you had quoted Katfood, but it only got the quote from you. That's the second time I tried the feature and it did the same thing both times: left out all but the last quote.
    the default behaviour on the forums is to only quote the most "outside" message. Multi-quote allows you to select multiple quotes from the same page, and then hit "quote" and it will generate the correct format for each of those (like I did in this post).

    Unfortunately you have to manually nest your quotes in order to quote them as they appear (like the following):

    Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
    Originally Posted by Kauket View Post
    I'm still hunting for this one myself. Any one figure it out, other than directly quoting a snippet?
    Apparently not. I tried to use the multi-quote feature on your last post, in which you had quoted Katfood, but it only got the quote from you. That's the second time I tried the feature and it did the same thing both times: left out all but the last quote.
    The devs can probably change this, but I don't know if this behaviour was intentional or just the default.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    Super Boo never bug me for some Reason,She a good Cat.
    So would you say the cat girl's on Justice are well behaved...and the Cat Girls on Virtue are naughty?
  11. until Dell comes out with the "button that downloads illegal materials" feature, I hope that defense never works.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Toxa_ View Post
    Sometimes spice it up with Abba or Madonna

    I'm guessing your mood changes fairly wildly in between these 2 music choices? I think it'd be fun to live in your brain for a day.
  13. TehVyze

    Social Skill's

    full comic

    I enjoy joking around on the forums, as well as coding. I like coding so much it almost makes my pants explode. I enjoy rowing and software development, as well as thinking abstractly about issues within mathematics. I also like bringing my own sense of adventure/daring into the game, even if it gets me killed more often than not
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blpup View Post
    Sanctuary - Kingdom Hearts
    BAM! I thought I was the only Utada Hikaru fan

    let's see..... I listen to the following while gaming

    anything by Apoptygma Berzerk

    anything by Evanescence

    anything by Linkin park

    anything by E.S. Posthumus

    the Lord of the Rings soundtrack.

    The Kingdom Hearts (I and II) soundtracks

    ...and if I'm not chatting with anyone, I'm usually listening to the Harry Potter series annotated

    ...and, of course

    Black Betty!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    It's a trap!
    all craft pull up!
  16. hahaha, the better question is why did he keep the pr0n after he noticed it?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    I am a guy who want to do something different every day and not the same thing everyday by doing AE Farming over and over again.
    Start forming teams then. I haven't been in game a ton lately, but I hardly ever find a time when nobody's willing to so regular story arcs (villain or hero side). If you can put together a decent team (i.e. don't have 8 ice/ff trollers), and can keep missions rolling, you can keep people interested and generally have a good time.

    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
    -- Mahatma Gandhi
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blpup View Post
    Lvl 40-50 i forgot

    Him:Where do i get Capes?
    Don't get capes. You won't want them when you fight villains that have super-powered fans. Trust me.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thornster View Post
    Am I the only one [/id10t] that didn't spend the weekend in a MA farm? It was hard getting normal teams going ... and this was on a double XP weekend. (well not on Justice obviously because I know peeps here but I ventured elsewhere and yeah ... they would leave my team when I told them I wasn't doing MA missions)
    The majority of my time was spent running teams in RWZ. It took a little bit of time to get a solid team going, but after that we had several good hours of teaming together doing non-MA mishes.
  20. I got my Stone/Willpower brute from 40-44. Nothing to brag about, but still quite fun
  21. I like that we can choose between Hero and Villain outlines (User CP -> Edit Options -> Forum Skin (under "Miscellaneous Options"). I'm hoping they'll put in more options there
  22. TehVyze

    Main Event?

    I would vote for an STF, it's probably the biggest challenge heroes can get. Also, running it with enemies buffed / we're debuffed would provide for quite a fun challenge. I'd probably be around for this.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I blame TehVyze for coming in here being all cheerful and helpful.

    Oh wait, this isn't the blame thread is it.

    NM. Carry on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    haha, the Justice Insanity could lend itself towards being cheery! After all, aren't the most eccentric people generally the happiest when nobody's bothering them? *Continues talking to self*
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Heck, you could even get a job at Mcdonalds for 2 weeks and have enough money to suscribe for a full year!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    heh, I worked at Mcdonald's for 8 months when I was 16. When they stopped letting me do homework when there weren't customers around, I quit

    Plus, when you get a job you realize how much free time you actually have
  25. [ QUOTE ]

    Encountered any giant spiders yet?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    hehe, I lived in Australia when I was younger, and the big spiders are the ones you WANT to be around, since they eat the dangerous ones