Forget AE! A 1-50 AEless blog!




Okay, so maybe I'm crazy but CoH has never really up and grabbed me before. It's always been a really casual, chill, fun, game that I play for 2-3 weeks at a time when I get burned out of WoW raiding. However, a real life friend, Orbius really got me into it this time. I'm hooked.

The highest I'd ever gotten before this recent return (aprox 1 month ago) was 31. I promptly found a team for AE missions since that seemed to be the latest and greatest thing and lo and behold I did bubbles. Quickly going from 31-50 I played around with end game content and noticed... all people do is AEs. I wanted a change so it was time for another character!

I made a Dark/Dark Defender and starting looking for a group. I'd be very impressed with Dark/Dark when one came to a Jurrasik group (Thanks CHROME SUPPORT). No one wanted me. I was too low and not Empathy for AE, and no one did anything else. I eventually got up to 21 before I said forget it.

So, in the spirit of the old game I decided to level a character WITHOUT AE. The only exception will be Dev Choices. I've made Blast Thickneck the SD/SS Tanker and this will be a blog about leveling him to 50.


- Only AE allowed is Dev Choices
- No transfering Inf from my main



Good luck, pending on server your bound to hit atleast one AE team, but if you refuse to even play on said team, its still easy, people still run TF's and PI Freakshow farms. Hell , I'll run you myself if you're on Guardian.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Day 1 Pt1: I got together a Sewers team while street sweeping with much effort. There were 5 of us between 1-4 and 1 level 8 Blaster who was exemplared down. We head to the entrence to the sewers and the blaster continues to sit in AE. "Hey (Hisname) you know that Sewers isn't an AE mission right? Look on the map and come to us". "Oh sorry I wanted AE" He left the team. Now, I've been playing on and off since release pretty much, more off then on honestly, but how in the hell do you not know what a sewers team is? COME ON! He had in his bio no vet badges and 2 level 50s listed in his info. Sad.

Anyways, the team was a success! We got off to a rough start but people quickly starting gaining levels and the Baddies started dying left and right. G E N from Chrome Support came on his 50 and babysat us out of group for nostaglica sake. I got up to level 6 and had to call it for awhile.

I'm gonna log in and try to get at least 10 tonight, possibly run a Positron TF if I can get together a group. I'll update Pt before bed.



Wait, you're making a blog about playing the game the way it has been played for the last 4 years and some change before AE...


In Before the Epic Fail!



Too late.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



You want to see toons leveled to 50 before AE, I have 4 I can introduce to you.

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



I know they are out there, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that I'm sure some people have never experienced the content that the game has to offer. Hell I've not even experienced half of it. I just thought this would be interesting.



Bah, 1-50 on the normal content isn't all that tough. You want tough, see all the content with one character. I did that before we had the option to turn off xp gain. Of course, it was my villain, so it was easier... my hero had to wait for Oro to finally see everything.



Well, I'm glad someone that subscribed this year is doing the 1-50 AELess. I have to say, AE isn't that fun for grinding. Then again, I don't find grinding XP very fun anyway.

I applaud you, Arrgy, and if you ever need a team, don't hesitate to ask! I wish you luck on your quest to 50



I blame TehVyze for coming in here being all cheerful and helpful.

Oh wait, this isn't the blame thread is it.

NM. Carry on.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I blame TehVyze for coming in here being all cheerful and helpful.

Oh wait, this isn't the blame thread is it.

NM. Carry on.

[/ QUOTE ]

haha, the Justice Insanity could lend itself towards being cheery! After all, aren't the most eccentric people generally the happiest when nobody's bothering them? *Continues talking to self*




haha, the Justice Insanity could lend itself towards being cheery! After all, aren't the most eccentric people generally the happiest when nobody's bothering them? *Continues talking to self*

[/ QUOTE ]

The Justice forums were made to promote people posting anything related to Justice. If Arrgy wanted to make a blog about him creating a new costume every day more power to him... as long as he's making them on Justice . So I'm not trying to be a downer on him making a blog at all.

..And no I have no idea why I quoted TehVyze lol.

I'm just saying, has this game really come to the point that leveling outside of MA as a new/returning player is such a noteworthy accomplishment that it needs it's own blog? And yes I'm actually asking that as a question of the non-rhetorical variety.

-If- it's true I hope Praetoria/Any future content is accessible through the AE buildings. Because they will have officially trumped themselves in the whole Winter Lord fiasco and created a generation of fail players (in reference to the guy/guys like that guy who left the Sewer Team, not the poster) that won't know anything outside of Atlas Plaza/AE building.



Too late.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. I got 10 of them "the old fashioned way" and then kind of stopped playing.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



hmmmm thats weird........

Do you open that content before or after the freak mission? I just hit level 38 and that seems to be the only content for this stupid game...You people have actually played this silly mission for 5 years? suckers!

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



I'm just saying, has this game really come to the point that leveling outside of MA as a new/returning player is such a noteworthy accomplishment that it needs it's own blog? And yes I'm actually asking that as a question of the non-rhetorical variety.

-If- it's true I hope Praetoria/Any future content is accessible through the AE buildings. Because they will have officially trumped themselves in the whole Winter Lord fiasco and created a generation of fail players (in reference to the guy/guys like that guy who left the Sewer Team, not the poster) that won't know anything outside of Atlas Plaza/AE building.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and judging from the antics of some of the 50s on a ship raid last night, who didn't have a single vet badge, I'm thinking AE is the only safe place for vets to be.

Support the Mentor Project -
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



my hope is that AE is churning out some characters created for pvp. hopefully if someone doesnt invest emotionally in a character they wont have a problem dieing alot to other players or getting frustrated that their powers arent well suited to pvping.

ive run(well, sat technically) 0-32 in 2 hours; run straight to sirens call slotted with 35 SOs; happily pvp'd until i got the 5 hour badge; leveled to 40 for recluse's victory in a 2nd AE session and plan to finish out my build sometime over the weekend or later if AE isnt doubled xp.

i used to spend this much time getting to 20 or 30 just to see if i liked a build, often ending in deletion. if new players get a chance to skip that step i cant see that as wrong. but then again, as a pvper, beating up pled noobs is entertaining.



Dammit Solo, why must you be so reasonable?

To the OP: I think it's a great idea. Even before AE many, many players weren't leveling toons through content. I recently rolled a tank strictly for PvE content and have been playing on normal, non-AE PUGs. This has included all Hollows arcs so far (He's only level 11) and will possibly include the TFs as he reaches their level range. I may skip the lower level TFs so I don't out level normal content for those ranges, since You tend to get 10 - 15 in one Positron and 15 - 20 in one Synapse. Sister, as I recall, doesn't quite get you 5 levels, but I may skip her until later as well--especially if the Faultline content is in that range.

I wouldn't waste to much time worrying about how much "epic fail" your ideas represent--ever, really; Do what you do and toss us a link.* GL, HF


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler



Originally Posted by Baalat View Post
Even before AE many, many players weren't leveling toons through content.
This. I think if you do your 1-50 blog without any Power Leveling, it could be pretty neat. I wish you luck with that. That said, please don't demonize AE and the story arcs there. Playing AE arcs does not automatifcally PL anyone. You have to go in there with that as your intent.

There is a lot of good content there, much of it not on the Dev Choice lists, and I think it's a shame that so many people seem to assume ANYTHING in the AE equates power leveling. You can get from 1-50 playing only AE arcs and learn how to play and level at a normal pace.

To borrow an old slogan: AE doesn't level characters, players level characters. How they choose to do that has little to do with the MA feature itself.


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I think as my tank levels, I'll not be dogmatic about avoiding AE. My intention with this character was to play it, not PL it, and Actual AE content would be fair game. My aim is to play at natural level or SKed up slightly (like from 11 to 14), but still doing content avbailable at my natural level.

And for me, it's not some sort of anti-AE or even anti-PL protest action, but an effort to rediscover part of the game and part of my player motivation. I have plenty of at least partially PLed toons and will almost certainly continue to quickly level things that I know how to play/build and how I want to play/build already. I play on a few servers now, and if what I want is yet another fire/x blaster or rad/x defender to PvP, a fire/kin to farm, or even a scrapper to play level 50 PvE content, there's no way I'm grinding through content for weeks or longer to get it to 50. That said, actually playing a toon from time to time is, well, "fun."

Again, I look forward to ,ore of your blog. The link in your sig needs to be updated to the new forums' address for your thread.


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler



Ratz:Good for you,Stay away form AE,It's make a slave out of us all and it like a drug that keep you doing it over and over again.There are other ways to lvl up,hate to say this but i like to see Pi Farms like Freaks and Demons again,TF are way to lvl up and form you own team base on people you no and stuff.I do Belive once !16 comes there be more team formation and less people doing AE Farms,but then i also heard Some change with AE also so there might be less people Doing less AE farms because of it.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus