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  1. Sixth_Element

    Another AR/Dev

    Well, even if I can't see it, I've probably got plent of slots left to toss one into it. I mean it takes accuracy, so it could probably use one right? lol I'll toss one in there and call it good :P Now if I could just get off work so I could get home and burn some more things!
  2. Sixth_Element


    Well buffing it all would be just fine too They've already coded it into TD to give snipe extra damage if TD is active. I just think it should cover all of AR's lethal because it's so resisted plus the fact if you're AR/devices you lack aim/buildup. So the only incentive beyond concept to play this combo is an extra bit of damage on snipe? I think at 36 I get about 50 extra damage. All of the other primaries get at least AIM or buildup depending on which one you pair with AR/devices, and they are pretty strong. It's just kinda sad that the 2 mated primary and secondary would be weaker if actually played together.

    If they never change it it's no big deal to me. I think it's still a lot of fun even though it's lower damage than pretty much everything else out there. I don't even know how far behind other blasters we are, but it's hard to believe we'd be too far. I still feel like I do a lot of damage. Maybe I'll see things differently the higher level I get though. Only 14 more levels to go
  3. Sixth_Element

    Another AR/Dev

    oh ok, I've gotcha now. Ya know I never really thought about it having an accuracy check. I knew it could take accuracy, but that's about as far as I've looked into it hehe. I guess I don't pay enough attention to my combat log I'm usually happy enough with the numbers floating on my screen
  4. Sixth_Element

    Another AR/Dev

    I just read something interesting in this thread that I had no idea about. Putting accuracy into ignite increases it's damage? I had no idea. I always figured it was a big patch of fire and I'd spray it and the numbers started scrolling. Right now mine is just slotted for damage. If this is true, well I'll have to do some thinking cause I use it to kill bosses/lt's all the time.
  5. That's really easy to do, especially in this game where it's easy to play them all Just a note, I was in the same boat as you were. I couldn't get a blaster past lvl 10-15. I finally tried AR/devices though and it ended up being my favorite. I'm not saying it will be yours, but it's the one that clicked for me. I have no desire really to try any of the others out, mainly because I already have hehe. Now as for any of the other AT's, that's a different story

    Edit : I just noticed my that's old lol -- updating that as we speak :P
  6. Sixth_Element


    I would like to see them give TD a small damage buff, maybe 10%, but only when paired with AR though. If it's mixed with anything of the other primaries it's already getting AIM at least. What I'd like to see is TD give a small damage buff, say 10-15%, but only to AR's lethal damage abilities and just to pull AR up a little closer in damage to the other primaries.

    Also the cast time of TM/TB/GD I think all need to be lowered but that's not even a big deal to me. It would definitely make them more group friendly though.

    I love the set personally. It could use some small tweaks but I'd hate to see it change too much though. AR/Devices may not be the most powerful set out there, but it's still my favorite.
  7. All I can say is to hang in there. I love my AR/Devices blaster. I don't really remember having problems leveling him up but I can tell you at 35 now, I feel like a machine when it comes to taking out mobs. I've got so many ways to survive and take care of anything thrown at me it's just plain fun Stick with it!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I agree that exemplars need to retain their full powerset.
    If they don't, that's just plain retarded, because they don't get experience either.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    They are already more powerful than everyone else because those fewer powers have more slots in them than a "normal" hero of that level. If they still had access to all of their powers then that would grossly overbalance the low-level game.

    "Having trouble with your 10th level Vahz mission? No problem, I'll just turn on my Cloaking Device, Super Speed over to the boss, place a few Trip Mines, go Full Auto on them, and then Flame Thrower anyone that is left over. Why don't all six of you grab a sandwich and watch me. I'll be done in a minute."


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lol, yeah I'd love to be able to use Oppresive Gloom on some low level Vahz just so they could get a taste of how annoying their bosses really are

    Edited so I sound like I actually speak English as my only language
  9. I just wish they'd fix it so you could do the TF's you missed already. That's the only thing I wanted this system for in the first place. Oh, well, I'm patient, it'll come soon I hope.
  10. Heya, figured I'd update on my lvl 9 Fire/Stone tank trying to do the first mission in the hollows after not being able to do it at level 8 and leveling up to lvl 9.

    Well, it went a little better this time. I actually made it to Electric Eel. Unfortunately, I was still unable to beat him. Actually, I barely scratched him hehe. That's after having saved up some inspirations just for him. My first attempt I lasted about 10 seconds before I had to run away. The second attempt, after having used all my inspirations, was even quicker, as expected, and I was unable to complete the mission. After asking for help outside to finish off the boss for about 15 minutes, I gave up and logged onto my little blaster.

    Ok, my blaster made it through that first mission fairly easily, but then the second contact, Flux, is way back in the zone. I reached him after dodging purples for awhile and completed the 2 kill X missions after running back to the front of the zone dodging purples and finding some low levels to arrest. Then, my first door mission sends me even further back into even deeper purple groups of mobs that seem to be stacked on top of each other. I died the next 3 attempts to reach this door mission before I gave up, either from groups spawning right in from of me and getting one shotted, or from just not seeing the groups in time and getting one shotted, or from not ever even seeing the mobs, and getting one shotted.

    After having given up there, I decided to play my lvl 18 MA/SR scrapper, but the only missions available were Tsoo. So I tried this out, but after being slowed to a crawl with caltrops, then chained stunned to death by 2 ink men, even having a discipline inspiration on, I logged off that character too.

    Finally, I logged on my lvl 32 scrapper, ran a DE mission, all lvl 32's 33's, and completed the mission in about 15 minutes, completing all 5 floors of the mission. For some reason, even while running DE, and never using a discipline, I only got stunned once for a brief time.

    If the purpose of this patch was to make the higher lvl content harder, it's failed miserably IMO. It has made the lower lvl content much tougher though. I don't care if people want to do the hollows, whatever you like, but I would request to be able to keep my contacts in KR instead of having them send me over to the hollows to die. I'll take it upon myself just to avoid Tsoo missions from now on, as I know the caltrops just make so many people so much happier.
  11. Just to point out a couple of difference in AT's here, I played up to new toons for fun. Both were forced to enter the hollows to do missions. One was a Fire/Stone Melee tank, the other an Ice/Energy blaster. The results with the 2 were far different.

    Blaster- soloing the character, be it missions, street hunting, whatever, was just way easier than the tank. Not a big suprise for me, I figured it would be. The ranged attacks just make it easy for me. I soloed Eel fairly easily also, attacking, retreating a little bit, finished him off. Same with the other boss, Brick or something like that, in the next mission. All the mobs were +1 and the bosses were red.

    Tank- Playing up until lvl 8 was pretty fun. I didn't even try the missions with this toon until lvl 8 because I wanted to try out a new toon in the Hollows. My first stab at the Eel mission with this toon was with 2 friends from my SG who had made new alts also. To make a short story of this one, we couldn't even make it past the first group of mobs without the scrapper biting it. I barely made it back out the door, along with the defender. Scrapper said screw that (don't blame him), and the defender decided we should restart scaled to 2. This time I died (quickly) and he barely got away. That was enough for him. And me. I logged off for the night. Came back the next day and tried to solo this mission with my tanker. I ran from the hospital and grabbed some inspirations along the way. 1st group of 3 mobs in the mission, shocker kept putting me to sleep while the others kept beating me senseless. I didn't have access to any disciplines yet, and they don't seem to drop very often for me, so didn't have any to protect myself. To make it short, I died again, when trying to run I was chained to sleep and beaten to death. Totally different experience than my blaster.

    I know they said a fix was coming for this already, just thought I'd post the differences that some AT's may be having doing the same mission with the +1 mobs. Everyone's opinion may be valid. I leveled my tank up to lvl 9 last night and I'll try the same mission now that I lvled past it. I don't find it very enjoyable I had to level up to stand a chance at this mission with my tank though.

    Edit: Won't give some posters the satisfaction of a response, 1 added to ignore now though.
  12. As a melee toon, you should have access to a taunt power. I think most people skip it. This however is looking more like a power that would make soloing easier for those that can't handle it. Personally I like the harder content, I just wished the majority of it wasn't in the way of stuns/holds.