Happy Thursday Morning Post




/e barely moves sitting on her perch inside the building no sounds except the occasional purr from Neko. For the longest time all is quiet in the dim predawn grey of morning.

Then suddenly horns blare!
Lights flash in a myriad of colors! Reds! Oranges! Purples! All Flashing randomly!
Metallic confetti is exploded from hidden locations to flutter wildly around the room while two robotic clowns in motley tumble throughout the room crashing cymbals!
Then Jeeves, the robobutler, comes out and does the Cossack sword dance with a chainsaw!

All all the colors and sounds and lights...

all spinning faster and faster....

Jeeves crashing into the clowns sending them sprawling into the confetti pots sending even more metallic glints everywhere...

And now the butler and the clowns all entangled roaring and cymbals crashing!



And ...


Silence......the confetti floating silently, the lights dimming and the butler and the clowns their instruments quietly put away, slink back to their little part of the building...

The odd bird takes her hand off a small button on the end of the perch and nestles back down.

"Last time I tell the building to wake me when it's morning."

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



*runs from the bedroom wearing her Bon Jovi T Shirt with her swords to kill the bad noises this early* Good Morning Rookery



/e barely moves sitting on her perch inside the building no sounds except the occasional purr from Neko. For the longest time all is quiet in the dim predawn grey of morning.

Then suddenly horns blare!
Lights flash in a myriad of colors! Reds! Oranges! Purples! All Flashing randomly!
Metallic confetti is exploded from hidden locations to flutter wildly around the room while two robotic clowns in motley tumble throughout the room crashing cymbals!
Then Jeeves, the robobutler, comes out and does the Cossack sword dance with a chainsaw!

All all the colors and sounds and lights...

all spinning faster and faster....

Jeeves crashing into the clowns sending them sprawling into the confetti pots sending even more metallic glints everywhere...

And now the butler and the clowns all entangled roaring and cymbals crashing!



And ...


Silence......the confetti floating silently, the lights dimming and the butler and the clowns their instruments quietly put away, slink back to their little part of the building...

The odd bird takes her hand off a small button on the end of the perch and nestles back down.

"Last time I tell the building to wake me when it's morning."

[/ QUOTE ]

blah blah blah... "i'm a dirty RP'r"

Go get me some moar bakon!!!



Morning Mystic Blade and Everstryke!

/e sets a plate down in front of Everstryke with pamcakes, eggs and bacon.

The pamcakes are made with enriched obscure plotting and the syrup has a nutty emo maple taste. Of course the bacon is pure ham acting.


/e cuts self

/e cuts self


Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



It's someone's birthday today... -whistles softly to no tune in particular while rolling his eyes about left to right, up and down and in slow circles-


New Linkin Park, for the next Transformer's movie. I heard it on the radio.

I just hope Disturbed adds one too >: )



*barrels through door to find the source of the noise.*

*gets distracted by the breakfast machine*



*opens one eye at all the noise, then closes it and yawns mightily, stretching out*

You gotta get a new alarm clock, Rooky.. Morning everybody.

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



Morning Mr. Playskool and Neko.

Maybe but it is kinda nice to see what a semi-sentient structure can come up with on its own.

I was half expecting explosions so this was tame in comparison.Hope no one minds a little bit of glitter in their pamcakes.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



*meanders in, a bit subdued and down, has her car's emblem on her keychain, sniffs, hugs rooky* morning.



Good morning peoples.



Want some whine to go with that emo sauce? lets see, so far this week.

Doc's droped the word "non" from the phrase "its probably non malignant"
Medical insurer is trying to claim that the golf ball sized blob that is snuggling up to my femoral artery is a "pre existing condition" and not coverable.
Red neck hick from heck is trying to get me fired again
Red neck hick from heck has made another round of thinly veiled references to his gun collection and having access to my home address
Pointy haired gimpoid from head office is playing the random job re-shuffle game in an attempt to get people to quit and thus save the severance fees.
My moderatly non insane boss got re-shuffled sideways to make room for a glove pupet from head office.

But rather than go emo, I am just playing a slightly modified version of the old Chris Rock Classic in my head.

Dont go to <offices> with metal detectors.
Sure, It may feel safe inside,
But what about all those (BEEP) waitin outside
They Know You Aint Got One!

The evil smile on my face is causing a nice level of fear verging on terror throughout the office. :P



*hugs Ghost Lotus and Emmi and The Hawkes.

Morning you too... seem kinda subdued.

That is no good Hawkes...hopefully the docs can do something?

And just hire yourself a nasty lawyer and threaten to sue the pants AND the pantyhose off the medical insurer and red neck hick too while you are at it.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Subdued? Me?

Yeah, well the kids (can I still call them kids, now that they're all teenagers?) were acting up last night and they drive me so crazy that it just stays with me for a while before it dissipates. I'll be fine after a while at the office, with no kids around. How are you Rooky baby? *hugs*



*walks in wearily, looking around at the left over...er, party favors*

What on earth happened here???

*wanders over to the table and serves herself a couple pamcakes*

Howdy, Rook and everyone else.

What happened, Ghost?



*Uses a giant magnet to deal with the mess, and recycles it into another infinite cookie machineĀ™*



I have been told by Mama Rook that she still sees me as her 'kid' even though I have some grayig around the wings, so I suspect they'll always be so.

You could always pick up a bat then pretend to call 911 and tell em to send an officer over cause there's about to be a domestic all the while glaring at them.

Usually this won't scare them but while they are laughing so hard you can steal all their meth which is probably what is making them crazy to begin with.

Darn kids! All we had in my day was mescale and black tar heroin and we had to cook it ourselves! Darn kids!


I'm fine by the way...watching life change... as always.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



*falls out of a chute over Brou's head*




Hiya Viv and Stompy and Korith!

Ooh Korith has an arc about kobolds.....

*jots down arc id...

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Kobolds are evil. As are murlocs. Murlocs are worse though. All of the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I hear the murloc noise.



Kobolds are evil. As are murlocs. Murlocs are worse though. All of the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I hear the murloc noise.

[/ QUOTE ]

*makes Murloc noises*



Kobolds are evil. As are murlocs. Murlocs are worse though. All of the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I hear the murloc noise.

[/ QUOTE ]

*makes Murloc noises*

[/ QUOTE ]

*hairs stand on end*

I feel like the hyena on the Lion King.





Hiya Viv and Stompy and Korith!

Ooh Korith has an arc about kobolds.....

*jots down arc id...

[/ QUOTE ]

I should warn you...they use very cheap tactics. The unprepared can easily fail the first mission.



They wouldn't be kobolds (or murlocs for that matter) if they didn't use cheap tactics...

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



*runs down from the Attic Lab and jumps into the cockpit of Iron Rook*

Don't worry folks!! Whatever them noises were me and the Iron Rook will save us all!!
Powering up the engines! Weapon systems ONLINE! Defensive sytems ONLINE!
*looks out of the cockpit w/ brass-like goggles on*
Yep, we're ready for 'em! Oh, and could someone pass up some coffee, pamcakes and bacons please?

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



I like the noise Murky makes.

Baby murlocs are cute.

Agreed. Kobolds and cheap tactics go together like Tenspeed and Brown Shoe!

/e hands up Pogo's order and thinks about letting him know it was just the alarm clock but then sees how much fun he seems to be having and just noms a piece of bacon instead.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall