Happy Thursday Morning Post




I was <.< >.> Scary In High school Dark Sunglasses and Denim jacket every day Had friends wasn't messed with

Being rich and power full means I don't have to say I'm sorry
Virtue:Too many at fifty



*Brings his aircraft to a hover to await developments in the massive Mecha Neko v Iron Rook conflict.*

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Inside or outside?

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Inside I think. It is a sackperson sized Thunderbird 2 afterall.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Yuri: F'in epic. ^_^

I think once or twice someone threatened me, but nothing too serious. I played the foolsball for 3 years, started on varsity my last one. I got along well with the meatheads, but could never really connect.

I never dated in high school. Not enough time and.... uh.... I couldn't "pay attention" to just one person.

Now, I am looking at engagement rings! (for the second time in my life. >.&gt



I wore shades myself, my attire was... well best explained snooping through my myspace. I liked dark pants, usually dark under shirt if the over shirt was bright or otherwise I had this snazzy blue dress shirt I'd put over a gray/white t-shirt. Awesome sauce.



Bah no cowboy hat?



*groans a little and climbs out of Iron Rook's open chest-plate, covered in grease and metal shavings* Good morning people. *winces a bit, popping her back, then smiles, shutting the Rook's chest and sliding down the ladder with her hands on either side*

I'll be in the shower if anyone needs me. *puts her tools away and drops her toolbelt on a workbench*

Oh... And Happy Birthday, Stryph. Many more much happier days to you. *sashays off to go get cleaned up after a long hard -messy- night*


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Um..what were you doing in the Iron Rook? maintenance I hope??.....

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Bah no cowboy hat?

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One from yesterday for ya, if you missed it. Or was it the day before?



I knew it! it was bound to happen when I heard this song.

The most powerful fued ever to take place.



You look like you are having a TON of fun in the second one there, Rad.



Sadly enough, that IS my fun face.

I'm an utter curmudgeon.



I tended to dress in what has become known as 'geek chic'.

T-shirt, usually plain, expressing some opinion, or other sphere of interest (right now, it's my Nirvana T-shirt - I'm a sucker for music), pants or shorts (or if you can find one, a skirt!) with excess numbers of pockets (current pair of pants: 7) for storing of equipment (usually my Quadfecta: Watch, Phone, Wallet [What? Purses are so inefficient], DSlite), sensible shoes (usually tennis shoes or sneakers; I still prefer flat-bottomed 'skating' shoes over anything else. Old habits die hard, and I can't balance right in other shoes). Occasionally hat or light jewelry, maybe a jacket or coat.

>> All of which helped me blend in with various crowds. I fit right in at Computer Club (I was an 'unofficial' member, as I tended to just hang out with everyone in it rather then actually be in it), drama (lighting assistant, when sports didn't conflict), the 'punk/goth' crowd...

Added to the fact I'm not memorable, honestly.



Sadly enough, that IS my fun face.

I'm an utter curmudgeon.

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Tons of pics here. Most are from when I was 17, but there's some newer pics in there too.

I smile so much that I already have smile lines. Happiness is a good mask.



I dressed exceedingly preppy. I lived in FL at the time, and had an utter dislike for the crazy gothic kids dressed in all black that sat outside.

You are in black.


In Florida.

You now smell.

It wasn't an ideological dislike or because of philosophical differences, theres just a subtle truth to the whole matter:

If you dress in all, long sleeve black in Florida... you stink.



MHmmm... Fell asleep while trying to reset the aetheric disperser. *sighs a bit, finishing up her hair, then dons her goggles to keep it out of her face* How do I look, Rookery.? Everyone like the new Avatar? I plan to look like that in 1 year's time.




Strangely enough I found goth-chicks appealing. xD Something about their witch-like nature as I saw it... mrow.



Hot stuff, Steam.

Stryph - You can be gothic and sit inside the lunch room, for goodness sake.



Right now I'm in a purple cami tank, and kind of pinkish reddish satin pj pants. I'm not going anywhere for a while, so why be anything other than comfy and unmatched?



I'm in my undies.


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*snicker* Undies? What are those?

Back on topic (kind of), I wore whatever I wanted in high school. Was mainly a jeans and whatever shirt I happened to grab that morning type though. Low cut everything, of course.



I'm in work clothes, and I'm wearing my call center face.



I'm in work clothes, and I'm wearing my call center face.

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Is that teh sexy face?



I really can't say for sure. There's no way for me to get pics off my phone's SD card at work either.