Black Market is wonky? (virtue server)
I've gotten the same thing. I go into the Black Market, after about 10-20 secs it drops me to desktop.
Also on Virtue
I have the same problem, the second I try bidding on something (typing in numbers) I get the "City of Heroes has encountered a problem and needs to close".
On Virtue in Black Market.
ok as long as i'm not the only one!
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Same here. Three times and on Virtue also.
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
Yes, 3rd time in a row, had another person verify and they got the same. Neither of us got the CoH encountering a problem message, just looping sound bug and crash.
My Characters
Page is long, and there are lots, scroll down to see them all!
Just went and checked Wentworth's hero side, was able to pull everything up fine, so it looks to be Black Market only.
My Characters
Page is long, and there are lots, scroll down to see them all!
Same here, Virtue Black Market makes the game crash if i put a new item here. Worked for a few items then crashed the game every time i put something new.

Beware what lurks in the Shadows
Yes, on Virtue i get nothing but crashes with the Black Market, regardless of what i'm trying to do.. be it trying to put in a bid for some salvage or trying to get the inf for something that's been sold, it's crash, crash, crash, one after another.
Yep, i'm getting the same annoying thing too.
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same problem for me anybody turned in a ticket yet?
Same here. Three times. At least one person who was standing beside me crashed out once while I was trying to put/take things from the BM in Cap (virtue). There's a guy there with his blazing aura pulsing (I could hear it even after the game froze), but I have no idea whether it's a sound loop or something purely BM-related.
Very annoying. Very.
I'm not logging back into the game so can't file a formal ticket, but they got three of the pop-up box reports from me.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Same here, using Virtue black market in St. Martial crashes the game and drops me to desktop.
Same problem here, Virtue, Port Oaks black market.
Tried again in Safe Mode, but no luck, still crashes.
Me too, i keep crashing as soon as i try placing a bid on black market ( virtue ).
I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Add me to the list on Virtue with the same Black Market issue. Seems to crash as soon as I attempt to purchase Salvage.
Huh, I was on this morning and had this problem, thought it was just me. Bully, guess that means I won't be selling anything for awhile.
Virtue, cap, st. martial, whatever - doesn't seem to matter what I do, whether it's buy, sell, put stuff up. Every 5-10 minutes I'm crashing.
Same. I just noticed this as of this afternoon. Only in my case, the game pretty much instantly dies as soon as the window opens, never mind 5 to 10 minutes. I'm also on Virtue. I'm off to test it on Justice, as soon as the launcher gets done checking all the files. Again.
I just checked on the Justice server, and can't duplicate it. I switched back to Virtue, and once again, the game instantly died when I opened the market window. I don't have characters on any other server that are high level enough to have anything to sell. But it seems to only do this to me on Virtue.
To add to the discussion, I logged a character on Victory and was able to use the BM just fine. I logged back into Virtue and had about 30 seconds of usage of the BM before I got the pop-up "tell us about your error" box and the game hard-crashed.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Having the same problem. Virtue. Black Market. Crashed 5 times so far. It happens when I click on an item to make a bid.
sam thing the chat bug was bad enough
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Yes same thing here, tried three times in a row in Cap and I was able to get my sold items but as soon as I tried to sell items the game client crashed.
Same thing here, happening in Cap au Diable black market. I just have time to sell one salvage before the game crashes. I was starting to worry about something on my 'puter, but it looks like it's something with the game, and/or Virtue server.
Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.
Its about 9:10am EST and this is the 4th time that I've gotten the "cty of heroes has encountered a problem and needs to close" message every time I try to put something into the market
All my "toggle" powers are off just as a precaution after the 2nd crash....
anyone else running into this?
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.