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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
    It's me. I did this.
    Damnit PL I told you something horrible would happen to you. You leave those poor nemesis alone.
  2. Thank you, lately I've been pondering rerolling my dark/dark scrapper from the olden days as a brute and this is a handy reference.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
    I laugh at people who say stuff like this, because obviously everyone is a team forming genius who enjoys forming their own teams all the time regardless of what level they are and never, ever want to join people who already have a team going.
    I laugh at people who say stuff like this because they seem incapable of using /search to find a team in progress and asking if they can join. It also boggles my mind that people act like forming a team is rocket science, invite people run missions, adjust difficulty accordingly, look for specific ATs if you feel you are lacking in something.

    If you're entire tactic for finding a team is twiddling your thumbs and waiting for someone to say something in broadcast or blind invite you, unsurprisingly it's going to seem "dead." If you aren't willing to put forth the slightest of effort to find a team I have no sympathy.
  4. Shoot, now I have to choose between the awesome Ghoul costume or of equally awesome Meat Doctor costume
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghostveil View Post
    Redside is deader than a doorknob. Was hoping that 2XP weekend would get some more people active on redside while I leveled my VEAT, but Port Oakes and Cap Au were empty wastelands. Damn shame, because I really like Redside.

    Guess I'm running tips to change alignment to Rogue the second I hit level 20...
    I laugh at people who say stuff like this, everyday of 2xp I logged on and either assembled an 8 man team of kill everything awesome or got picked up for one in about 5 minutes and I'm not even on the west coast.
    Ran my Soldier from 18-48 and a brute from 1-36 and still took time to run two of hami raids on Sunday and an ITF on a lvl 50 MM

    /search is your friend
  6. Not that happy with the price but this pack is to cool for me to pass up.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    We need those in the Origin, Alignment and AT symbols!

    I'd totally put a Brute one on my wall.
    I'd put a Brute Fist in my office, right next to the Cobra Commander poster ;p
  8. Which is weird because they were on monday when I was grinding them out.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    You will continue to see tip mission drops, you just can't investigate them until the cooldown period is up.
    That's the thing, I'm NOT getting ANY tip drops. I've killed hundreds of dudes and nothing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    The 5 ' Fame bubbles' under the bar.

    Each takes 20 hours to deflate.

    No tips will drop if all 5 are full
    But after I did my first 5 tip missions I still got more tips and the "fame bubbles" were inflated.
  11. I complete my first morality missions this morning and than after the server roll back again this evening. Since than I have run 5 missions, 2 set at +0 x6 two at +0*8 and 1 that was +0 *1 I have received 0 tip drops after killing hundreds of mobs.

    Is there some sort of timer after doing a morality missions that prevents you from gaining more tips?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by necropsie View Post
    LOL the two most popular servers down for the count. Sounds like cryptic should be searching for some technical assistance
    Why did champions and STO go down?

    I just got into Virtue but it took about a full minute to get to character selection after selecting virtue.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
    sooo your asking people to help with your ebil marketing tactics .... umm yah
    Sounds more like he wants us to stop him and his ebil racketeering by listing EoEs for less than he is.

    I think we've got 50some in the base, might drop a score on the market.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
    Do you not have a global name? Thats should have one.

    Nothing can cross from hero to villain or vice-versa. It would get dirty.
    So what you are saying is that in a database somewhere every enhancement, every inspiration, every recipe exists twice. Once as a heroic version once as a villainous version. This means that Vigilantes and Rogues can't trade between each other and their opposite number even if they are running missions with them.

    So now that factions don't really matter because we can switch sides we still can't trade inspirations to revive a fallen teammate.
  15. Bad news is my friday plans got scraged, good news is that means I can make the raid. Now I just need to get soem Shivs and I'll be good to go.
  16. Oh man, I know The Prestidigitator, he's going to be upset when he reads that his name it stupid.
  17. Holy... a redname with a Red name I never thought I'd see the day
  18. opens up new boards, enters in user name & password, checks off "remember me" get's thank you for logging in we will take you back to the page you where viewing discovers did not actually get logged in

    repeat above stepsx5 on different sections of the boards

    goes to post this, is asked to log in again, now apparently I'm logged in?

    What am I doing wrong, are we not supposed to be able to be logged in while just viewing the boards? Are we only allowed to log in after we post a reply to something?

    Ahhh I see, we aren't allowed to log into the site, only the site. So if we aren't allowed to log into the CoV boards why even bother keeping the link up?
  19. Huh, I was on this morning and had this problem, thought it was just me. Bully, guess that means I won't be selling anything for awhile.
  20. Virtue:

    Heroes spawning in Cap and Giant Monsters
  21. Virtue

    Redside is bleeding people because literally nothing is happening

    I heard the Jade Spider got spawned in PI and AP
  22. Virtue:
    We got Sister Psyche, Caleb and a DE Lattice in Cap nothing since

    I'm hearing multiple spawns of redside AVs and Kronos titans on blueside
  23. For Virtue
    Zombie and Rikti attacks in various zones

    Lord Recluse, Mako, Ghost Widow, Winter Lord, Jack have all spawned in AP1 and been defeated

    Nothing Redside that anyone has said
  24. All drop pools have been assigned with a 95% certainty, if I wasn't sick with pneumonia and possibly hallucinating I'd say it was 100% accurate. ^_^

    If anyone finds an error please let me know and I'll fix it.